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Realistic or Modern Vikings Vs Saxons! Group RP, interest check

Will you play? If so, which side will you choose?

  • Celts

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Saxons

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Roleplay baby!

Vikings Vs Saxons!

An accurate, historical RP!


This popular period in European history has been a source of inspiration and wonder for over a thousand years. I live in the North East of England which was to witness some of the most pivotal moments during this period. There are vivid reminders all around of the Northmen's influence on our history. Lindisfarne, the site of the first bloody raid by the Northmen launched the scourge of what has become known as the Viking period.

England, all but collapsed back into iron age peasantry with the departure of the Roman legions in the 4th Century, were now faced with a new, demonic threat from across the sea. The Vikings (Scandinavians who raided) not only wanted to claim riches and slaves (which they shipped to as far as Constantinople) they wanted land.

The Vikings would eventually come to conquer and settle large swathes of Northern England, Ireland, Wales and Normandy. The Normans were descended from these Viking settlers and we all know the impact they had on English history in 1066AD.

At the time, England was divided into kingdoms of Anglo Saxons each with their own ruler. The hit TV series Vikings is set during this time.

I think this would be an excellent setting for a roleplay. Your choices are as follows:

Viking raider:

Feel free to be as creative as you like with their personality and appearance. Contrary to popular belief, the majority of Vikings were indistinguishable to other Europeans at the time and weren't all hulking, blonde supermen from the fables.

The typical Viking would carry a spear, hand axe and wooden shield. They wore an iron helm (with no horns - that's a modern myth) with some degree of body armour. The more wealthy amongst them would own a sword with some kind of scale armour. Again, feel free to be creative just don't go mad and have flintlocks.

You can of course choose to play as a Berserker. They were typically amped up on hallucinogenic mushrooms and went into battle fully naked.

Saxon Villager:

The Saxons were armed much like the Vikings with the preference of spears/shield combo over axe/shield. Again, feel free to be creative in your equipment descriptions. The Saxons were no strangers to battle as infighting between kingdoms was rife and not forgetting the Celts in the Scottish highlands which constantly harried the northern kingdoms.


Should you wish to, you could play as an Irish or Scottish Celt. These were pagan warriors of fame and fierce prowess in battle. For war, they would cover their bodies in elaborate patterns with woad (blue dye) and worshipped old and strange gods. This is the choice for the more experience roleplayer as you could play as a neutral or perhaps be a mercenary to one of the sides.

Here's the character template:

Character Name:
Character Age:
Character Gender: (Viking women were called shield-maidens and were welcomed into battle!)
Your allegiance: (Whom will you be fighting for?)
Character Appearance: (Insert a picture)
Your equipment: (Please keep to period items 600AD-900AD)
Profile Summary: (Please include back story, personality, family etc

I'm thinking the roleplay will start with the Vikings onboard a longship heading towards an unknown coast with the aim of getting booty, slaves and honour or even a place in Valhalla. That coast is home to a Saxon village which has been dealing with Celtic raids of late. Yes this stuff really happened back in the day. If you have any queries or suggestions please post!
Had three people vote, anyone want to put their name forward and give this a shot? It's sure to be super bloody and violent!
Viking/Saxon/Celt: Slave

Character Name: Emir "Nekor" Khalifa

Character Age: 21

Character Gender: Male

Your allegiance: "I will lend my sword to whomever frees me from my shackles..."

Character Appearance: Neko Khalifa 5'10" 175 pounds

Your equipment: His masters use him on slave fights so they bought him his requested weapons from Nekor.

Profile Summary: Please read this. At least the 2nd paragraph. Neko Khalifa's ancestry trails down to the Berber people, natives who inhabited Morocco. A Yemenese immigrant, and a great king rose and founded the Kingdom Of Nekor in 710, however he had a knack for converting people to Islam. Fast forward many years, Neko's family was struggling against the assimilation into Arab influenced culture, while trying to keep ties to their ancestors. They did this successfully for many years by sticking to the highlands and owning many crops and businesses. During these prosperous times Neko learned many languages including english, and learned how to farm, ranch, and fight from family members. His family was blessed enough to have the money and afford all their children a good education. Finally the monarchy of the time deemed the Khalifa family as a threat, calling them "infidels". They imprisoned the family for nearly a year. In order to keep them from starving Neko participated in underground prison fights, before vikings invaded the kingdom during a big fighting match one night. In the confusion, Neko made his way back to his families sell, stealing the keys and had them escape to the outside. Once free he saw nothing but the rages of war. He saw tall light skinned men, who fought furiously and without fear. He immediately lead his family the other direction and called them white demons. Leaving the capital and escaping to the hills of their ancestors, the Khalifa clan was safe for a while, living off the land. The memories of those wretched men increasingly piqued Neko's interest however and he told his family he was going to see if the kingdom had fallen. With his last goodbyes to his family, he ventured across the dry hills and back to the city. While sneaking around he saw the horrible work of the war. Many were killed, many raped, and many enslaved. From a distance he watched the vikings prepare to leave with their plunder before he heard one of them yell. It was obvious. He had been caught. They soon surrounded him, and he quickly became a slave. After his birthday passed that year he was sold to a bunch of Saxons and ended up in some town where his master was a blacksmith. He learned the trade of black smithing quickly, and also learned carpenting on the side as well. His master worked him hard however and was often whipped. He was also used in many gladiator styled fights.... he now waits for his chance of freedom to come at last....
Thank you i will add his weapons asap. Also I think the title may throw people off. People loooove the show vikings and i think they dont want to be anything else but x))))) but this sounds like a good test run for an RP everybody can be together on 
but honestly if this doesnt get hyped we should private it lolol
I'm definitely interested in being a celt, but I'm going to need some time to a) create my character and b) spend pretty much my entire night reading about celtic history.

In the meantime though, I have a few questions.

Does he have to be a warrior?

Will this roleplay follow history? (Am I allowed to make up a tribe, can he be different from the generic celtic mold etc. etc.)

Do you have a plot in mind for this to follow? (Just curious)
Mooalally said:
Does he have to be a warrior?
Will this roleplay follow history? (Am I allowed to make up a tribe, can he be different from the generic celtic mold etc. etc.)

Do you have a plot in mind for this to follow? (Just curious)
Thanks for your interest. To answer your questions:

He doesn't have to be a warrior. You can make up a tribe and have him act however you like. For the plot, I was thinking there's going to have to be some sort of introduction as the Vikings make land fall. They have come as a raiding party so there's going to be demands and threats made then there's the Celts and how they react to the invaders.

I'm open to ideas. It really depends on the characters reactions as to which direction the story follows.
Still looking for a few more members. If you want to be a Viking and raid then sign up!
I am very interested in this roleplay, as I feel like there are not enough historical roleplays (At least not on this site.) I would prefer to be a Saxon but if you need vikings I can totally do that. I will have to do some research before I write my application though.

This sounds really interesting, Siro. Problem is that I'm not well-immersed in these cultures, so I'll need to read up and get a good idea. I might do that tonight if I can't get any sleep.
Fexonocks said:
I am very interested in this roleplay, as I feel like there are not enough historical roleplays (At least not on this site.) I would prefer to be a Saxon but if you need vikings I can totally do that. I will have to do some research before I write my application though.
Feel free to play team Saxon, thanks for your interest.

Raneth said:
This sounds really interesting, Siro. Problem is that I'm not well-immersed in these cultures, so I'll need to read up and get a good idea. I might do that tonight if I can't get any sleep.
I've put Wikipedia links in the first post which may help. If you played as a Saxon you could roleplay that you've never seen a Viking before and had no idea they existed. Since that's what would have actually happened as their strange longboats were spotted off the shores of England. That way it don' matter if you're not familiar it.
Two Characters confirmed so far. Would like a couple more. If you need some Viking bloodshed in your life come post your interest here!
Welp, You had me laughing for good 10 minutes with "Contrary to popular belief, the majority of Vikings were indistinguishable to other Europeans at the time and weren't all hulking, blonde supermen from the fables."

And interested already before, I am personally quite good with the history behind it.

So I can without doubt say I am hooked.

Do I create a character here or do you make a roleplay thread for that?
Sigismund said:
Welp, You had me laughing for good 10 minutes with "Contrary to popular belief, the majority of Vikings were indistinguishable to other Europeans at the time and weren't all hulking, blonde supermen from the fables."
And interested already before, I am personally quite good with the history behind it.

So I can without doubt say I am hooked.

Do I create a character here or do you make a roleplay thread for that?
Thanks for your interest. You can post your character here, waiting for a few more before we begin.
Viking/Saxon/Celt: Viking

Character Name: Fridgeir Sigurdarson

Character Age: 30

Character Gender: Male

Your allegiance: (Whom will you be fighting for?) Himself, his fellow vikings and the one that defeats him in a Holmgang.

Character Appearance:

(Insert a picture)

Weights 220 pounds and stands at 6'1 feet (Don't mind the iron shoulderplate, not there.)

Your equipment: Favoring brute strength and close combat, Fridgeir carries a sword and round shield as standard weaponry, he also carries on his back a Dane axe. For protection other than his shield, Fridgeir would wear leather armor with a thin mail shirt (Brynja) behind it. and iron helmet.

Profile Summary:

Fridgeir is a sleeping giant, he is calm and collected, friendly and cheerful even with a good joke or story on his mind, But on raids or if someone were to provoke him he would not deny the fight, his size and strength makes him a fearsome man, He is never seen with throwing spears or any other type of weaponry to use from afar, Fridgeir would rather be close enough to stare his foe in the eyes as they fought.

Fridgeir family is somewhat wealthy, and have always been a raiding family, his father a skilled blacksmith made his own weaponry and joined the raids of his time, brining riches and glory back home, growing older he now lets Fridgeir and his siblings a brother and sister to do as their wish. Fridgeir without giving a second thought asked for his father to make him weapons and armor and let him join the raiding parties, his father happy for the choice agreed and soon enough was Fridgeir armed with his trusty sword, a shield and his brynja. He joined the raiding parties from an early age and have continued to join the next ones ever since, having survived and lucky to to get enough gold, Fridgeir upgraded his arsenal, to what it is today.

Growing older and stronger, Fridgeir have changed much since his first raid, then he would use speed and tactic to win his fights now he uses his strength and experience to survive, well-known and wealthy enough to keep his family fed during winter periods, Fridgeir now mostly joins the raiding parties for personal reasons, his parents long since passed away, Fridgeir have been giving thoughts of finally settling down, and take up blacksmithing like his father, then again it was but a thought that crossed Fridgeir's mind as he stepped onboard the ship for this new raid. His brother and sister had done what they wanted, whether they settled down or joined the raids. Now he awaits for landing, he had already lost count how many times he had landed on the beaches of these different lands, and the language they spoke was still somewhat hard to understand for Fridgeir, but then again, all he needed was their silence or a scream to tell him he didn't have to continue beating them down.

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