Vikings, Tigers, and Bears [Help me world-build?]

So I've had this idea for an RP for a really long time now, but I've met only a few people who are interested, any even fewer who are willing to help me build and create this world OOC to make it easier for us to play IC. I admit, it will take a lot of brainstorming, and maybe eve a little research, but I think it would be well worth it.

Here's the idea I have so far:

It is a norse/viking-esque fantasy RP (set in the 9th-11th centuries). If you’ve ever played Guild Wars/2, think the Norn… Fantastical humans with were-creature abilities, able to transform into their specific ‘spirit animal’. These norse folk have an anthro form (typical were creature, standing on two legs, massive/hulking), and a complete creature form, where they merely shift to appear as their animal. This viking-esque society has a plethora of deities that they worship, each deity being associated with both an animal and an element of nature (e.x. Snow leopard goddess is associated with ice/snow, raven god is associated with wind/sky), and depending on whom your character worships that is their animal form. Each deity also looks for certain traits in their followers, using the raven as an example, most followers of the raven god tend to be darker but more clever, while followers of the snow leopard goddess are more solitary but more aggressive when threatened.

Keep in mind, despite viking culture to be very patriarchal, women were still very powerful in viking society. Men were always to report back to their wives. Women had the ability to divorce men, leaving the men shamed. Women were also thought to have magical abilities and thought able to see into the future. For this RP however, I would like to work those values into a warrior-race with a sort of pack mentality (meaning the women were also warriors/leaders/etc).

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