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Realistic or Modern Vikings Story Reboot


Spark up, Rip it, Blast off, and JETS.
The original thread is two years old but I believe this has potential, and that we can create something with more a solid storyline. If anyone is interested in this time period and would wish collaborate please let me know. I am open to a fantasy setting as well.... 

I believe it would be easier to role play rival viking clans who perhaps need to ban together later on. I have never been fairly good at storytelling but I'd do my best. 

Please let me know if there is any interest in this. Thank you.
Very interested. Would love to play a Russian Viking Warlord.

Character Name:
Character Age:
Character Gender: (Viking women were called shield-maidens and were welcomed into battle!)
Your allegiance: (Whom will you be fighting for?)
Character Appearance: (Insert a picture)
Your equipment: (Please keep to period items 600AD-900AD)
Profile Summary: (Please include back story, personality, family etc

Ill put this here for ya, in case you want an early start on your character
Viking/Saxon/Celt: Viking-Celt combination

Character Name: Dmitryi Rascolov

Character Gender: Male

Your Allegiance: Himself and the Lands he rules.

Character Appearance: TBA

Your equipment: Masterfully forged Frank sword, inscribed with runes. A reinforced round shield with a raven on it. Full mail armor.

Profile Summary: TBA
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Berserker King will come soon.... If this is still open


Viking/Saxon/Celt: Viking (Berserker)

Character Name: Drathorn Guttenbur

Character Age: 46

Character Gender: Male

Your Allegiance: His tribe and people

Character Appearance:

Your Equipment:

Profile Summary

Viking Thane

Unbar Headsplitter



His fleet and his village

41/4 foot war ax made from Frankish steel and pinewood, 3/4 foot-long hunting knife, 5-foot blade with a pommel made from pinewood, leather and thors hammer that is engraved into the metal of the hilt. He also holds a round shield marked with a snarling wolf, a leather flask filled most times with mead or water, and a number of arm rings made of silver and iron.




Hey you guys! Sorry for not replying sooner, Im not always onsite. Anywho I like all your apps so far! If you guys have looked through the original thread of this then you'll know the big picture.

Since all of you guys are basically vikings, this will be focused on vikings. This narrows our picture, but we still got to decide what we're gonna do.

I notice all of you are leaders in your respective villages. Here are some cool links concerning social class and ranks in old norse societies:






Cool huh? I'm just learning about all this so bear with me! I don't know too much other than brief history and some of the shows I watch.

Lemme post my character app up, just in case ya'll are too lazy to look through the original thread:\

Viking/Saxon/Celt: Slave

Character Name: Emir "Nekor" Khalifa

Character Age: 21

Character Gender: Male

Your allegiance: "I will lend my sword to whomever frees me from my shackles..."

Character Appearance: Neko Khalifa 5'10" 175 pounds

Your equipment: His masters use him on slave fights so they bought him his requested weapons from Nekor.

Profile Summary: Please read this. At least the 2nd paragraph. Neko Khalifa's ancestry trails down to the Berber people, natives who inhabited Morocco. A Yemenese immigrant, and a great king rose and founded the Kingdom Of Nekor in 710, however he had a knack for converting people to Islam. Fast forward many years, Neko's family was struggling against the assimilation into Arab influenced culture, while trying to keep ties to their ancestors. They did this successfully for many years by sticking to the highlands and owning many crops and businesses. During these prosperous times Neko learned many languages including english, and learned how to farm, ranch, and fight from family members. His family was blessed enough to have the money and afford all their children a good education. Finally the monarchy of the time deemed the Khalifa family as a threat, calling them "infidels". They imprisoned the family for nearly a year. In order to keep them from starving Neko participated in underground prison fights, before vikings invaded the kingdom during a big fighting match one night. In the confusion, Neko made his way back to his families sell, stealing the keys and had them escape to the outside. Once free he saw nothing but the rages of war. He saw tall light skinned men, who fought furiously and without fear. He immediately lead his family the other direction and called them white demons. Leaving the capital and escaping to the hills of their ancestors, the Khalifa clan was safe for a while, living off the land. The memories of those wretched men increasingly piqued Neko's interest however and he told his family he was going to see if the kingdom had fallen. With his last goodbyes to his family, he ventured across the dry hills and back to the city. While sneaking around he saw the horrible work of the war. Many were killed, many raped, and many enslaved. From a distance he watched the vikings prepare to leave with their plunder before he heard one of them yell. It was obvious. He had been caught. They soon surrounded him, and he quickly became a slave. After his birthday passed that year he was sold to a bunch of Saxons and ended up in some town where his master was a blacksmith. He learned the trade of black smithing quickly, and also learned carpenting on the side as well. His master worked him hard however and was often whipped. He was also used in many gladiator styled fights.... he now waits for his chance of freedom to come at last....

SO THE BIG QUESTION!!! Where and how would you guys like to start off? Scandinavia? Sweden, Norway, Denmark? Are we invading a place?

Also if you have not noticed, my character is a slave! It would be hard and confusing to roleplay together in a village setting if your lands are all very far apart.

I'd be willing to RP a bad king that your villages ban together to overthrow.... throw me some ideas guys. Also! We gotta decide if there will be some fantasy in this. I like realistic or fantasy either way, but if we go fantasy I want to make sure it's very cool and Beowulf-ish. 
I would rather have a realistic RP set perhaps in Britian, with us maybe uniting to conquer Britian but slowly also being divided.
@BrownBear @MorgathosTheRussian I agree with Morgathos, a realistic RP idk where, us uniting to fight the other nation. Or we can have like we're all in a certain area and there's about 15-20 tribes including ours. One of them is the leader of all the tribes says we should conquer some other place. We disagree and split off making the other tribes attack us while we all defend together 

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