

Rests Chin In Hands
Limit: One character per player.

Please read the rules before posting a character sheet.

Approved sheets will be liked.

Character sheets that go against the rules will automatically be rejected.

This roleplay takes place in modern times, but in a made-up city so as to preserve the fiction. All current events world wide are still applicable, and technology is just the same as ours. New Eden is located somewhere along the Southeastern coast of the United States.

Due to the nature of the roleplay, there are only 5 slots available. First come, first serve.

  1. Kawashima Thunder
  2. Tripodric
  3. Linkman496
  4. ---
  5. ---



[imagefloat=right]imagehere NO ANIME[/imagefloat]


[b]Pseudonym:[/b]  (Vigilante/superhero name)

[b]Age:[/b]  (Between 17 and 45)

[b]Appearance:[/b]  (Please write out your character's appearance here)

[b]Vigilante Appearance:[/b]  (Please describe how your character will alter their appearance for the purpose of hiding their identity.  Please be realistic.)

[b]Personality:[/b]  (1+ paragraphs)

[b]Vigilante Skill:[/b]  (name one realistic skill that your character could use to fight crime.  Back it up with a description as to how and why they have the skill.  NO SUPERPOWERS.  Examples:  archery, jujutsu, military training, engineering degree, robot hobbyist, etc.)

[b]Strengths:[/b]  (list at least 3)

[b]Weaknesses:[/b]  (list at least 3)



(Anything relevant about their history.  How they grew up, social status, why they would resort to vigilantism willingly.  Please state the event that changed their views on the ineffectiveness of the police or judicial system and why this is a factor in them wanting to change how things are done in the city. 3+ paragraphs.  Your character does not have to already be a vigilante, and is preferred that they are not just yet!)



(Any other information that needs to be said is placed here.  For instance, you could list their day job or family members.  Anything you think would be relevant in defining your character further.)


[tab=Writing Sample]

(Writing prompt:  Write out the event that changed the character’s views on the corrupt justice in New Eden.  Please be realistic.  3+ paragraphs)


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  • Name: Larry Thorne

    Pseudonym: Carolus Rex

    Age: 23

    Appearance: Larry stands at about 5'8 with a slightly thinner than average build, his skin is noticeably pale and tends to be an indication as to how much time he spends indoors. His dark brown hair is messy and unkempt, though he seems to have made an effort to keep it at least relatively short as his bangs have yet to reach his eyebrows, and the back has yet to stand away from his head. Most of the time Larry has a few traces of facial hair beginning to sprout, an indication that he does shave regularly, but most of the time can't be bothered to do a perfect job. The man's light blue eyes usually hold a look of apathy inside them with a set of thick rings beginning to show under his eyes, a result of the sleepless nights he's been experiencing.

    In regards to clothes Larry's choice of attire tends to be focused solely around his job as a lackey at some big name organization, seeing as he rarely goes out anymore so he doesn't exactly need any other clothes. Usually his attire consists of some kind of button up shirt that's been tucked into his probably black slacks, a tie coordinated with his shirt color, and more likely than not a set of black leather shoes. He does own other clothes, however, and although he may not usually have a need to wear them if an occasion does arise then he does have something other to wear.

    Vigilante Appearance: Larry's attire in regards to his vigilante appearance will be solely combat-based, as it ought to be with a city full of thugs and a corrupt police force like the one running things around here. Choosing to wear a black hoodie he’s got the hood up with a black mesh mask over his face, although it was designed for protection when playing with airsoft guns it still serves its purpose to protect his identity and provide some degree of protection. Underneath the hood of his hoodie he also wears a black bobby hat in case his hood ends up falling back, his focus being to keep others from seeing the color of his hair. Over the top of the hoodie Larry wears tactical assault webbing that look like it had been picked up at some kind of military surplus store. Over his joints he wears elbow and knee pads and on his hands he’s wearing a set of RDT18 leather shooting gloves to keep his prints from showing up anywhere as well as to provide a sure grip on his weapon. For pants his choice is a pair of standard blue jeans since everyone’s got a pair, and finally a set of black Nike tennis shoes.

    Personality: Larry is a rather irritable individual, stressed with the ins and outs of daily life he’s turned to drinking on a regular basis which has a tendency of inhibiting his ability to reason when under the influence, which is almost any time he’s outside of work. A bit of a killjoy when it comes to things like having fun, even though he mostly ruins people’s good time by worrying over negative repercussions, which is unintentional but a seemingly natural occurrence. Has an excessive hatred for the police force, one that he tries his hardest to hide, even going so far as to asking others not to talk about the topic in front of him, he also seems to have an almost irresistible desire to injure a police officer. Though he tries to be a happy individual it’s impossible for Larry, he’s had everything he loved stripped away from him, so he’s little more than a depressed man who drowns himself in alcohol at this point. Deep within him the need to do something burns, however, and if he can be given the means to do so, then he will most definitely fix that which needs fixing.

    Vigilante Skill: Larry is a rather skilled shot, the reasons for this being quite simple. He was scared. Like anyone that lives in the city he knew full and well what could occur at any given moment, a crook sees a house he likes, scopes it out, and makes the hit. So, he started taking up shooting as a hobby in an attempt to find a means to defend himself, and his reasoning was his physique was too small to take up a martial art so this was the next best thing.

    Strengths: Larry is unnaturally good at adapting to new situations, the reasons for this are probably that his family immigrated to the city when he was still young, so the ability to change his situation ended up coming naturally to him.

    When it comes to running away, metaphorically or literally, Larry is unrivaled in this regard. Though it may be considered an unfavorable trait by many, being able to get away from a bad situation to rethink one’s options is a rather valuable strength.

    He’s a quick thinker, excuses having been perfect for training him in such. Nothing gets a person’s mind racing quite like their boss asking “Why do you smell like vodka?” at work.

    Weaknesses: Larry is a hopeless drunk, and will almost always be under the influence of alcohol when outside of his job environment, and even sometimes while on the job. This tends to be his coping mechanism, and though he’s built up quite a tolerance on occasion he still gets drunk at the worst possible time.

    He gets irritated far too easily, this tends to make human interaction a chore for Larry, things like cooperating with others is something he’s always had difficulty with and something he likely will continue to have difficulties with.

    Larry can’t take a hit to save his life, his build being smaller than average doesn’t help his cause any, adding a glass jaw into the equation only further indicates how useless he is when it comes to taking a hit.


  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/MV5BMjE3MzMxMjE2MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODgwMTMyOA@@__V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg.ecc659489832491aa668e5faa1ae394d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43667" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/MV5BMjE3MzMxMjE2MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODgwMTMyOA@@__V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg.ecc659489832491aa668e5faa1ae394d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Name: Emma Crystal Miller

    Pseudonym: Dark Angel

    Age: 27

    Appearance: Emma stands five feet seven inches tall and has an Athletic Build and has average skin tone. She has long brown hair with dark blond highlights which she keeps untied and let rest on her shoulders. She has Brown Eyes and seems to have a habit of donning make-up, though without it her skin is average and it is apparent that she knows how to take care of herself, with little to acne scars or any of the sort. Not even signs of surgery.

    As to her appearance, she is usually seen wearing Blue Jeans, Jordans, a Hot Pink T-Shirt or a Sports Jersey and a Leather Jacket. Other times, she'd be wearing a Dress that goes down to her knees.

    Vigilante Appearance: Per her Vigilante outfit, it is based around Tactical Combat. She likes to wear a Battle-Dress Uniform, otherwise known as a BDU, which is popular within the Military and the Special Weapons And Tactics team on the Police Force. Her Battle-Dress Uniform is usually Black. In addition, she has a Tactical Bullet-Proof Vest that is ready for use. Other Tactical Combat Equipment would include Knee Pads, Elbow Pads and Shooting Gloves, all of which are Black. To keep her neck protected, she also wears a Neck Protector to keep her throat from being slashed or shot. In order to conceal her identity, she uses a Ball Cap, Sunglasses and a Shemagh. Lastly, for Footwear, she uses a pair of Combat Boots that is commonly seen in SWAT or the Military.

    Personality: Emma is a Battle-Hardened Combat Veteran who has seen a lot. As a result, she is a warrior at heart. She has a strict code of honor like most who are or were in the Service. Emma is in fact used to making split-second decisions because she has done so due to being on the Battlefield. In spite of this, she is able to negotiate effectively and is not very quick to resorting to the use of lethal force. For a Warrior, Emma is not without a soft side, but it is often overshadowed by the darkness in her heart. For her, it is never about vengeance, but punishment.

    Vigilante Skill: Former Special Forces Sniper: Prior to reintegrating into society, Emma enlisted into the United States Navy at the age of eighteen, immediately after graduating from High School. Like those who join the Service, Emma learned basic combat techniques (i.e Takedowns, Punches, Kicks, etc.). Afterwards, she immediately signed up to become a member of the Navy SEALs, where the training was very rigorous. After earning her Trident, Emma signed up for Sniper School, which she passed in flying colors.

    Strengths: As a Soldier, Emma is no stranger to Combat. Whether it is fighting in a Jungle, Forest, Desert or even a City, she is always prepared to take on the enemy no matter the terrain and is quick to adapt to terrain conditions. In any given Combat Scenario, Emma assesses and analyzes the Terrain, usually quick to know her advantages and disadvantages. Regardless of how well-prepared she is, Emma knows well that the element of surprise will always be her greatest enemy...or her best friend.

    When it comes to her problems, Emma doesn't run away. Instead, she faces it, takes responsibility and takes the necessary step to solve it. This usually results in her being very stubborn.

    Having been in the military for a decade, the key to getting through almost any given situation, is Teamwork. Emma always shows some form of Cooperation whenever the need arises, even if it is temporary.

    Weaknesses: Having been in the Military for a long time, Emma is not haunted by the lives she took, but by the ones that she couldn't save. Though she does not have any form of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, she often thinks about her past as a Navy SEAL, where she experienced the worst that life had to offer.

    If there are Children involved or getting hurt, Emma will begin to act irrationally and her thinking will often become impaired. Because of what she saw in Iraq and Afghanistan, if she sees any child getting hurt, attacked or anything, she will go out of her way to help. Or if pregnant women are involved, she will outright refuse to use Firearms, Explosives or anything that easily turn lethal, which will leave with limited options.

    Because she saw a lot death and bloodshed overseas during her six tours of combat, flashbacks are often triggered if someone dies or gets hurt in front of her. Being reminded of War is not really something she likes. Sometimes she will even overreact to fireworks and mistake them for gunshots and explosions.



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  • VSOx2aBFhWphwWkfjdqQpN-piAj7wepwHY9Kbmq0fLgjZCUz_sYeT0cyHxKjigPm5iZNmAyGQUTg95MynrEzrUvuD_kKGhbjaID6wCFGoerGtAg6zFDgIBRpwyk51e9lJZpEuNXqhvhJtnVRAnSq=w511-h288-nc

    Name: Gordon White

    Pseudonym: Inspector

    Age: 40

    Appearance: Tall with broad shoulders, Gordon is in average physical conditioning. He has a beard which he usually keeps tidy, but lately had been getting out of control. Gordon usually wears a regular shirt with a coat or jacket and black pants with leather shoes.

    Vigilante Appearance: Ski mask with sunglasses over the top to hide his face. Black long sleeved shirt and bullet proof vest under a jacket. Tough black pants with shin pads underneath. Lace up boots.

    Personality: Gordon has a strong sense of justice. Resilient and strong, he will do whatever it takes to bring justice to New Eden. However, Gordon can be secretive and suspicious of others. He is brutally honest and won't lie to anyone's face.

    Vigilante Skill: Police training and experience as an officer. He knows how to deal with crime and violence.

    Strengths: Access to police equipment and information, skills in investigation, strong and muscular, being able to take hits as well as deal them out.

    Weaknesses: Gordon is incredibly narrow minded and won't believe anything without evidence. As well as this he is extremely stubborn. Finally, while he can run fairly fast for short distances, his endurance running is less than great, easily running out of breath while sprinting. This isn't helped by all the equipment he carries.


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    Name: Alexander Rockbell

    Pseudonym: Oz, The Wizard (usually shortened to just Oz)

    Age: 24

    Appearance: A thin guy with scrawny proportions, you probably couldn't tell he was the crime fighting type. Alex usually doesn't bother with his hair leaving it haphazardly thrown to one side or another. He usually wears a t-shirt, jeans, and a light jacket.

    Vigilante Appearance: Oz wears a green bandanna face mask which covers the bottom portion of his face in addition to green tinted glasses. Oz also wears a large duster and black, loose fitting shoes.

    Personality: Alex can be deceitful, but at the end of the day he just wants whats right for those around him. He has no problem with lying, especially to crooks. Alex can be a bit of an egomaniac, wanting to show off how he 'saved the day' and whatnot.

    Vigilante Skill: Software Engineer: Alex works with computers giving him an edge when doing thinks like tracking calls, looking through CCTV cameras, etc.





    Weaknesses: (list at least 3)




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  • cc5bb1492c78c35b898faf972c4fe976.jpg


    Shirokui Aiyoku






    Aiyoku is a slender female of mixed Japanese and Romanian descent. She stands at about 5'5" and weigh 115lbs. Despite her small size she is leanly muscled. When around her parents and other members of her family she wears a medium length black wig. Small scars cross her back and chest as well as her arms and a large scar crosses the entire front of her throat.

    Her usual attire consists of primarily latex for some reason or another. However for work and school she usually wears a short cut kimono or shrine maiden garments.

    Vigilante Appearance:

    For Aiyoku hiding her identity is as simple as being herself. Removing the wig reveals waist length hair dyed dark red and streaked with black. When out and about she wears a simple outfit consisting of plain white bandages around her torso and neck, covered by a black latex jacket cropped below the bust with a high collar that covers her face from her nose down, and black latex pants and gloves.

    The wide sleeves of her jackets are lined with pockets for holding small gadgets and devices. She also wears a waist holster fitted to hold her katana and knives and thigh holsters for her handguns.


    Aiyoku is a shrewd individual andhighly intelligent. Every since she was a child she hashad an obsession with knowledge and strategy, so much so that her intrinsic desire for efficiency and perfection defines the majority of her personality.

    An INTJ personality type Aiyoku is shoddy at expressing emotion properly and often can come of as rude or distant even without intending to. She places little value in casual socialization if it benefits her little and is quick to judge the worth of those around her.






    -Hates rigid structure

    -Socially Inept

    -Slightly Narcissistic

    Vigilante Skill:

    Thanks to her aunt, a former Japanese government agent, Aiyoku has training that would make her a suitable covert tactical operations officer. She is a skilled hacker as well as being skilled in stealth, close quarters combat, and threat neutralization. Weapon wise she is most skilled with a sword but she also is an excellent marksman.


    +Tactical and inventive mindset

    +Bladed weapon specialist

    +Vast plethora or practical (and not so practical) knowledge

    Weaknesses: (list at least 3)

    -Easily becomes impatient with others

    -Doesn't like causal socialization much

    -Extremely photosensitive


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    Halle (Hal) Spencer

    Pseudonym: Silencer

    Age: 26


    Standing at a poised 5’10, Hal has a lean athletic build and a bit of a severe look about her. Jet black hair frames her porcelain face while bluntly cut bangs tickle the thick lashes of her dark hazel eyes -- every feature angular and pronounced, she has a strong jawline and large hooded eyes, framed by tastefully arched brows. Her voice is a deep, sort of husky almost velvety drawl. Though she looks a bit intimidating, her severe features are often softened by that wide glowing smile of hers. On the street, she often dresses quite comfortably, wearing jeans or cargo pants and combat boots, paired with plain fitted shirts. Her only accessory is a plain black digital watch on her left wrist. She doesn't like to stand out.

    Vigilante Appearance: Hal sticks to a simple style, black pants and shirt, complete with those reliable combat boots. She wears a bandana as a mask covering the lower half of her face just below her eyes.



    Raised in a home full of boys. Hal has a bit of a masculine demeanor in the way she walks, sits, and even speaks. She’s assertive and passionately loyal—sometimes almost too passionately. Her patience, and levelheadedness makes her a solid and reliable asset on the field. She is slow to judge and quite observant, not to mention a very warm nature--her friendly, though subtly mysterious allure draws others in, allowing her to comfortably and quite easily manipulate them, though she would be hard pressed to take advantage of people she likes. She often puts others' needs before her own. She keeps her personal life pretty private, and often gets a bit defensive when she’s prodded about it.


    Hal is quite the professional when it comes to first impressions, but once she is comfortable, she can be very dry and quite sarcastic—quite a fan of witty banter, in fact. Despite her gruesome past, she is a genuinely happy person, and easily compartmentalizes so as to keep the bad stuff at bay. She is a self-proclaimed music enthusiast, sometimes quoting lyrics from oldies when she deems them relevant. She comes off as quite intelligent, enjoying a good invigorating conversation, and is quite personable. Her ability to empathize with others allows her to relate to them and easily create bonds of friendship

    Vigilante Skill: While she's a decent shot, her real skill is her physical ability. She is trained in four different elemental types of martial arts, and working on a fifth, which she is able to draw from depending on in any given situation, each type offers a different tactical approach which she can bring to a fight.




    Master Manipulation



    Emotional Investment



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