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Realistic or Modern Vietnam Marauders

Trunk Monkey

In Gladii Veritas
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.c60bb2151b2756f3381dcb260beddd4f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54224" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.c60bb2151b2756f3381dcb260beddd4f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Welcome to Tiger Land. You have been selected to be apart of the '1st Infantry Marauders'. An Infantry unit specifically trained to hunt the VC in the deepest and dirtiest parts of Vietnam. You have been chosen completely by random, but it is without coincidence; since you have no say about the matter. You are either a drafted or volunteered soldier, just leaving basic training and heading to Fort Polk Louisiana to conduct your advanced Infantry training. You're not at war yet however, and will get two weeks of training; and weekends. Take these two weeks to familiarize yourself with your fellow squad mates, because 'shits about to go down'. Sfc Rico is your senior instructor and platoon sergeant, do not disappoint him; the punishments for being a fuckhead are severe.


If you have any questions about this RP, or how you should start; message either me or @SimplyCarnage on the OOC portion of this RP. Everyone's free to join, even women. Despite the Army still not allowing them in the Infantry; I will. Just remember that this RP is extremely graphic, and no punches will be held back. All RPnation rules still apply however, so I can't be held responsible for you getting banned for doing the wrong thing. This is a detailed RP by every sense of the word, and I'll expect two paragraphs minimum each post. If you have writers block, or feel you can't exactly keep up with the RP anymore; make your character quit training or go AWOL. When we get to Vietnam, your character has to die if you become inactive for more than 4 days without warning. Your character is in risk of being Godmodded by either me or @SimplyCarnage if unused for 2 days without warning; but this will ever only be used to move them to different locations to advance the RP. Remember; don't hesitate to message anything on the OOC, the more traffic the better; since I don't allow OOC comments on the IC without good reason.



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Carlos was feeling fucking pissed, he didn't want to go to Vietnam; much less Tiger Land. He's been to the stockade most of his army career, and he doesn't plan on changing his tone. Hell, why should he? This 'country' was forcing him to do something he didn't want to do, kill people. As he sat on the bus, he looked around and saw a lot of people he didn't recognize; some being women. There was a black haired chick sitting next to him, also sporting a guitar for whatever reason. She had to have been a volunteer if she was already a Pfc, there's just no way around it. One of the dudes sitting ahead of him noticed he was sitting behind him, and decided to open his trap about some bullshit. He talked to the guy sitting next to him, pretending Carlos wasn't sitting behind him.

" Rosé... I heard about a guy in Charlie company by that name. Guy's apparently the biggest shitbag in the Army! A guy that's tried to get out of the army as much as him has to be a fucking coward. "

Carlos was seconds from beating his ass, but restrained himself. Why would he want to go to war? He had a daughter at home with a good for nothing mom watching her, fuck that shit.


Sfc Rico stands with his fellow NCO's, arms crossed. He mutters a few words just loud enough for the rest to hear.

" When they get off that bus... Smoke the shit out of them. We aren't playing games today, I'm not going to have a bunch of kids get complacent on day one. "

His methods were cruel, but he means well. Complacency will get soldiers killed, there's no room for a punk bitch in the Marauders.

@SimplyCarnage @Stew @PicaPirate
Ken was slowly tapping his foot as he took in the Louisiana countryside. Besides the uncountable number of trees along the path as they bounced along, he took solace in the remoteness of the area, anything to remind him of home. He honestly did not know what to make of this advanced training taking place out here; he had heard all kinds of things regarding this advanced training, and Polk had a good reputation for being a prime training area, but all of that was second hand knowledge to him. He honestly could care less about where it was that he would train, only that it would bring him that much closer to that ever distant dream of his. He was sitting fairly close to a few interesting characters, and he figured that everyone was on this bus for a reason, so he figured they would be all picked for the same assignment. He was silently wondering how someone could have gotten a guitar past contraband inspections when he just happened to hear someone talk out behind him, and the tone of voice made him talk up enough that he hoped he was heard.

"Talking about someone who you don't even know AND calling him a coward, there's the pot calling the fuckin' kettle black."

He personally couldn't stand to hear something like that, especially so damn early on and everyone being an unknown. They were U.S. Army soldiers damn it, a little respect for your fellow G.I.'s should be a given.
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Dwayne had his sleeves rolled up and his arms crossed over his chest. Dwayne watched Rico, Dwayne had heard what he assumed were only rumors, but he didn't care. If Rico had been former Ranger he was fine in Dwayne's book. When Dwayne was a Corporal a couple of years back his squad was separated from the unit and if it hadn't been for the Rangers finding them and getting them back to safety.. well... Dwayne had heard stories about POW Camps in Vietnam.

He nodded when Rico told them to get ready to smoke the new soldiers who were fresh out of basic. He looked at Rico, "You mind if I take..." Dwayne had an awful memory now, so he grabbed the paper out of his pocket. "PFC Kaine?" He had heard of female's being allowed in the Army now, which that didn't bother Dwayne all that much, hell even their new LT was supposed to be a female. "I looked over the basic training records of the new 'cruits, and she scored high with the M60 appearently, Im gonna let her hang out with Rose." He nodded down toward the shining black M60 that was propped up on it's bipod next to Dwayne's feet. The beauty of American engineering had been Dwayne's baby for the last three years, and if there was going to be another person carrying, especially a female, they had to earn it in his opinion. "If she really wants to be a gunner, she'll know by the end of today."

Buck crosses his legs as he speaks, the soldier next to him listening with somewhat annoyance, "So then the ambassador says, 'I don't support Imperialist stooges.' The guy standing in front of him goes, 'Oh, so you only support Communist stooges?' Boy, I laughed so hard!" Buck begins to chuckle at his recalling of a certain movie. Buck's talking and laughing eventually causes the soldier to become disinterested in whatever he continues to blab on about. "I'm just wanting to come out here and see the burnt landscapes, the volatile locals, and the fucking mosquitoes. I would've just wanted to live my normal life as it was, but du-" Buck was suddenly caught by a certain couple of sentences that caught his attention.

Sounds like a racist statement to me; the kettle being the average African and the pot being the White. Can you believe how much racism has changed this country? Going as far as to change the meanings of common sayings." Buck says, keeping a straight face up until the end where a smile breaks out across his face upon the last sentence. "Hey, you from Texas?" He asks the person whom he was joking with, trying to keep a conversation going.

Ken regards the man in the glasses, not really feeling how he should respond to him at first, but he ends up nodding instead as he turns slightly to face the man.

"Yeah West Texas, Maclin family of Royalty and the name is Kenneth if you ever heard of of us, though few people I meet actually have. Southwest of Midland actually; why, you from Texas? I can hear a bit of an accent in that voice of yours.

Kenneth was not sure how to take this guy, since to him it seemed like he had been called a racist in a round about way. He hoped that he wasn't one of those folks he had heard of that got real angry whenever you said something they didn't like. In any case, the guy deserved some courtesy for now, he just hoped that he he didn't have to worry too much about what he said. Otherwise it would be a very long heat-ridden training period in the backwoods of Louisiana.
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Cara was getting irritated as hell, she hated long ass bus rides. It was mostly because they reminded her of being a groupie mostly... She heard a couple of assholes talkin shit about another soldier she heard of too. Yeah, he was a bit of a dirtbag; but who wasn't? There were plenty of assholes and dickheads in her basic rotation, what mad rosé so special? Cara slightly turned right and noticed a blonde dude sitting next to her. He saw the name tape; Rosé, huh. They were talking about him then. " Just ignore them... They're losers too. " She didn't mean to say 'too', but it just sort of slipped out.


Demi walked toward the group and stood with the other guys; they looked fucking scary. She wasn't used to being around brute types, but she didn't really mind it. She 'was' going to war after all. After hearing what Rico said though, she flipped out.

" What?! What's the meaning of this? Why would you just smoke soldiers for no reason? "
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Rico slightly grinned at the sgt, he had the M60 in mind for the female as well. She definitely needed to earn her spot in the infantry, he wanted to make sure the things he heard about her weren't all talk. 'The Most Motivated Draftee' Hah, the thought was palpable. He chose to completely ignore the idiotic Lt.

" Yeah, sgt, she's with you. You better make her earn that M60. I'm not gonna have a soldier who can't carry their load. "

He callously looked toward the Lt, furrowing his brow.

" Since when did you take over the outcome of enlisted? Last time I checked, it's the fucking NCO's job to oversee development in a soldiers career. You just make sure we have out fucking gear straight 'Lt'. "

Rico was always hard on the officers; mostly because he used to be one himself. Having to learn the NCO's creed and taking the warriors leadership course after losing his commission taught him a lot however: The newly appointed officers are as useful to the unit as a couple of sandbags tucked into a rucksack for more weight.


Carlos shrugged at the girl next to him.

" They aren't even on my level... "

One of them turned back and laughed, Carlos was indeed correct. One of them stood up an a violent gesture.

" Think a give a shit? A fucker like that's bound to get someone killed! Ain't gonna be me! "
Ken couldn't help but sighing again, taking a second to wipe some sweat off his head while wishing the loudmouth could find a bucket of cold water and cool himself down before his heart gave out. Because the heat, thought it was a dry one, was defiantly not helping in that matters with so many of them crammed into the unstable tin can. They haven't even gotten to the damn camp and people were already mouthing off. His dad hadn't told him any different, and that you didn't have to like someone to be able to fight with and look out for. He hadn't particularly cared for that mindset, but who was he to guess at this point. For the time being he seemed to try and keep the conversation with the one friendly personality he had found so far, the guy with the jokes.

"I wonder how much longer, and what's waiting for us..."
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" This is all fun and shit, but I'm gonna get some fresh air; somewhere away from this fucking guy... "

Carlos wasn't too happy at the dudes outburst; obviously. He stood up and slyly crept by the black haired girl. He made his way toward the back of the bus, skirting by everyone in the isles. Once he made his way toward the very back of the bus, he opened the emergency back door and sat down; his feel dangling out in the air. He lit a cigaret, and awaited the havoc that was sure to come from his actions. The bus driver immediately stopped the bus, it knocking Carlos back a little. He quickly shot up and started yelling at him. He was a sgt himself, and didn't exactly enjoy his new job. He walked to where Carlos fell back.

" What the fuck is wrong with you private?! Get the fuck up! Get up! "

He grabbed Carlos to his feet, then promptly shoved him back down on the floor; he didn't like Carlos at all, his reputation preceded him. He slammed the back emergency door shut and walked back toward the drivers seat, glaring back at Carlos.

" Don't thing your fucking command won't hear about this pvt, if you think I earned my stripes to drive your sorry ass around all day, you got another thing comin'! You better get your damn shit together, quick. Now get the hell back in your damn seat and stay there!!! "

The way he yelled put the fear of the devil in most privates, most of them staying silent instead of carrying out the conversations they previously held. Carlos casually got up and sat down next to the back haired girl again, head looking down at his lap.

" ... I hate this place so much... "

Carlos twirled his fingers and tried not to think about things too much. His buddies always said he was going to be drafted, but he never believed them. Guess they were right, even though it happened a lot later than they though it would. Nobody even knew his address, which stopped him from receiving mail in basic. He looked towards the black haired girl; guess now was the best time to ask, why not right?

" So... Were you drafted? Or did you volunteer like the rest of these guys...? "

The two soldiers sitting ahead of Carlos stayed silent now, they knew better than to keep pushing his buttons; least the sgt driving the bus doesn't just throw them out to the wolves. They occasionally whispered about different things, writing stuff down and laughing.
Sebastian smirked to himself as Rico instructed them to give all of the newcomers complete hell. It was something Sebastian did well, his harsh and domineering nature allowed him to do it with ease. Part of him almost enjoyed riding the asses of newbies, especially the weak ones. Towering over a weak, scared, trembling recruit got his rocks off. Sebastian had to deal with a lot of recruits in the past, but majority of his time spent with the Army was spent on tour, doing various missions with various squads. Because of his flexibility and adaptable nature, he was always a top candidate for missions.

Sebastian looked down at the clip board that contained all of the names of the recruits coming in on the bus - although they would be arriving at any moment, he hadn't taken the time to familiarize himself on the names or their backgrounds. Thank God for name tags, right? He smirked again at the thought. "Anyone I need to keep an eye on?" Sebastian spoke, his voice deep and his accent thick and heavy from 18 years in the countryside.

Sebastian usually didn't gather intel on the recruits coming, instead he just did as Rico suggested - most of the time that meant grilling some asses, reminding people not to fuck up and when they do fuck up, because they always do, tear them a new asshole and teach them to wear that new asshole proudly.
Dwayne looked over at the Lieutenant when she spoke, then grinned a little when Rico shot her down. He raised his right hand and saluted her, because thats what he was supposed to do. "Dont worry Ma'am, these idiots just finished basic. Its different than officer training, they've been getting yelled at for the last 13 weeks anyways." He shrugged, "Plus you're gonna want cold blooded killers when we're in country Ma'am. So we scuff'em up here, we don't risk someone talking when we're on patrol, or doing something as equally stupid." Dwayne looked up and down the street, getting impatient on the bus, then he looked back at Demi, "Plus, its fun... But you cant really partake Ma'am, you gotta be better than us grunts here."
Cara looked toward rosé and grinned a little, patting his back. " It's alright killer! Can't believe you just did that... You got a death wish or somethin'? " She said jokingly, trying to somewhat cheer him up. Fort Polk could finally be seen in the distance, it indeed looked like a shithole. Trees everywhere, and bugs getting on the bus from the open windows. She slapped her forehead, killing a bug and sighing. She hated bugs, she was a Cali girl. She asked to switch seats with Carlos momentarily so she could smoke out of the open window, which he agreed. As she lit her cigaret, she saw the 'welcome to Fort Polk' sign, her hissing at it. Sure, she loved the military, but only because it made her forget about home. She had at least 100+ letters from home, and she had yet to read a single one. As she looked toward everyone on the bus, she noticed the country looking boy that talked good on Carlos' behalf talking with a dude wearing glasses. They both looked cute in their own little ways, making Cara smile towards them slightly. She then started looking out the window again before looking back at Carlos, a small grin and a furrowed brow directed at him. " Where you from man? I'm from Cali... "


Demi saluted back quickly, her frown going to a small smile. This sgt was the first person in the marauders to salute her since she had gotten to this place. Sure, he had a point, but that didn't make it right. She sheepishly looked toward the respectful sgt and crossed her arms. " I hope you're right sgt, I'm always for letting the NCO command the troops. But if I see anyone go overboard, I'm 'going' to stop it... Roger? " She noticed Rico glaring at her, making her extremely uncomfortable. He was scary looking to be sure, and the story's she heard about him were definitely worse. She had just landed on Fort Polk yesterday, and almost died from the heat. She knew the soldiers probably weren't used to it, even though they probably did basic in Georgia. She was going to give them all a weekend pass before the two weeks started, they were going to need it, NCO's included.
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Rico stopped glaring at the Lt momentarily to answer the SSg's question, for it was a good one. He liked Ssg Sebastian, he got the job done.

" Pvt Rosé is a dirtbag... I don't expect much from him. Maclin however, he's our M14 guy... And personally my favorite as of right now. We have a couple of female joes coming as well, and they both seem... Off. "

Rico dropped his bag and took out a Sim-Popper, an item famous for being a simulated improvised explosive device created to scare the living shit out of anyone who set it off. He put it in plain sight, hoping whoever drove the bus would see it and run over it on purpose. This wasn't Disney Land, he wanted them to get off that bus with a purpose. He looked toward the Lt and shrugged, looking back towards where the bus was supposed to come from. If she thought he would let a newborn Lt direct training, she was dead wrong. He saw the bus in view, motioning everyone to get ready to get ready and cause havoc. He was going to have fun with this new assignment, this was his first platoon after all; the brass always put him in small teams before this.


Carlos noticed the Non comms standing outside in a distance, the bus creeping up toward the position ever so slowly. He rubbed his eyes with his hands and awaited the chaos that was sure to come next. He didn't really care about being smoked, shit, he'd probably been smoked more than anyone in the Army by now. Looking toward the chick again, he slightly chuckled and answered her question.

" Yeah... I'm from Oakland. It's not the best place in the world, but it's a hell of a lot better than here... Might wanna get ready, I see em... "

Carlos slightly gripped his rucksack that was now front loaded in his lap. It wasn't abnormal for these guys to start yelling and throwing shit around, and he didn't want to get too excited and forget his bag running out of the bus. So this was going to be his new unit, his orders said 1st Infantry Marauders. He heard rumors of them being some kind of 'special squad', but he laughed at the thought of him being chosen for something like that. There were probably a thousand other soldiers that could have been chosen besides him. What made him so special? It had to have been at random. He ran his hand through his sweaty blonde hair, sighing heavily. He turned his mental state into auto-pilot, it was better to drone off during moments like this. There was no point in stressing out and getting butthurt over pointless 'simulated hardship'.


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Kenneth tried to take notice of the instructors that were no doubt waiting for they as the bus started crawling to a stop. Seemed like the standard assortment, with a few notable exceptions of some hardcore looking sergeants, at least he assumed they were all sergeants. He also noticed the one that was smaller than the rest, but the gold officer's bars that gleamed in the sunlight said exactly what needed to be said. He had only heard about the Lieutenant Wilde as he was transitioning out of Fort Sill, and it still kind of surprised him. The way his father had told of life in the Army, he was gob-smacked with the change in doctrine. He tried to put that out of mind though, as long as she was an effective leader, then as far as he were concerned they were all here to do their part.

He allowed a hand to slip into the cord of his ruff sack and finished talking to Buck with a friendly nod as he waited for the order to haul ass off the bus. He allowed himself a deep breath as he stared at the seat in front of him. Today was the first day of the rest of his life. He thought about the frank discussion about what he could expect and ultimately find in his service, especially if he did get shipped into combat, but as of this moment, he couldn't be more anxious, to be out here and soon out there in the world he had only read about. He allows himself a slight grin before wiping it off quickly and muttering under his breath.

"Dreamer of the day Ken, dreamer of the day."
Cara gripped her ruck, and held her guitar close to her side on the outside isle. She was a nervous wreck, sweat dripping down her back. She noticed everyone's negative vibes, and desperately wanted to play her guitar, but knew she wouldn't have enough time. She rested her head back into her seat, quickly reflecting back on everything she had done during her life. It was almost like she was about to die, it was completely silly. She was just glad that they let her have her guitar, without it, she would have lost her mind a long time ago. She just wanted to travel the world, singing rock and roll wherever the wind took her. It was just a simple matter of the cruelness of the wind, it took her to hell before she got to have any fun. " My name's Cara... I hope we can help each other out. " She wasn't really smooth with introducing herself, but she figured she had to at some point. The guy Rosé seemed like the whole thing didn't phase him at all, well, at least he didn't show it in his face. The bus drew closer now, the NCO's faces now being in sight from outside the bus. The female Lt had a stern face even, she looked very pretty though. The one that scared her most was the staff sergeant, he looked like the type that could chew her up and eat her for breakfast. The sergeant first class also looked freaky, the dark circles around his eyes. The sergeant that was standing with them actually had a M60 with him, which kind of also gave her the creeps. She loved the weapon to death, always reading up on the statistics. She didn't want a pee-shooter, she wanted a machine built to destroy everything in front of it. She wasn't too skilled with shooting the M16 anyway, the buttstock was too big. She eagerly but nervously awaited what would happen when the bus finally came to a stop.

"Well, I'm from South-East, Texas. It's nice to meet a sort of Brother-In-Arms who came from the same state as me." Buck takes a moment to compose himself. "So were you drafted or did you volunteer?" Buck was suddenly interrupted by the bus driver who seemed to be yelling at a guy who was taking a smoke at the back of the bus with the emergency doot wide open. "I've heard about taking a smoke break but this is ridiculous." Buck says, imitating Groucho Marx and pretending to hold a cigar in his hand. He was about to go back to his conversation with Ken, but he soon discovered that Ken was preparing himself for something. "Aw, fuck, it's time already?" Buck asks as he realizes the bus is stopping, he then prepares himself for the stop.

He stands, rucksack slung over shoulder, and gaze directed towards the Ncos outside. Buck's gaze was caught by the M60 lying next to one of them. "
Woo-ee, that's a damn fine piece of American-made machinery right there! I'm actually kind of sad to say that I'm more of an M16 or M14 type of guy, but I wouldn#t mind giving a heavier machine gun a little lovin' once in a while." He says, a smile spreading across his face. And then, next thing he knows, people are being filed out of the bus, one after the other, into their next chapter in life, as Vietcong killing machines.

Sfc Rico saw the bus come to a slight stop, the sgt driving the bus thought it would be a good idea for one of the Joe's stepping out of the bus to set it off by stepping on it. Rico smiled at the thought, keeping his arms closed, ready to pounce at the Joe's after the explosion sound and smoke. The Sim-Popper wouldn't do any real harm, and it would only be like stepping on a harmless firecracker. But it set off a lot of smoke, and made a very loud noise.

In the bus, the driver opens the bus doors and stands up violently; yelling at the soldiers to get the fuck out. The first isles didn't hesitate in grabbing their rucks and running outside; only to set off the Sim. The private to set off the Sim was named Pvt Ecciles, and he was known to be a little bit of a slow-soft speaker. Once he set it off; Rico and the others started yelling, throwing dirt on the soldiers as they walked out. Rico throws Ecciles onto the ground and kicks dirt on him.

" See that private?! See what happens when you don't preform simple 60-1-20's after exiting a vehicle?! You're now fucking dead, congratulations! Everyone do push-ups until someone grabs enough balls to remember the CLS (combat life saver) that they were taught in basic fucking training!!! "

It was like Rico flipped a switch, becoming an entirely new person. He would make sure these privates never forgot to check the area before exiting a vehicle, even if it meant breaking some hearts in the process. Apparently, Ecciles' bowles weren't the strongest in the Army, the stench of excrement coming from him as he laid on the ground.


Carlos immediately stood up and tried his best not to drop his heavy ruck as he made his way through the tight isle of the bus. He almost pissed his pants when the Sim went off, making him drop his ruck down the bus steps. He heard the NCO's yelling and raving, throwing dirt on everyone, including Carlos. He started to lose his temper a bit, now walking instead of running like everyone else was. He couldn't see who; but he was quickly thrown to the ground and told to do push-ups, of course. Carlos was a push-up master at this point, having been smoked pretty much every single second of basic due to his attitude. When the call for a guy to preform combat life saver on poor little Ecciles was yelled out into the crowed, he frowned slightly. He tried to pay attention in CLS, but the drill sergeants took to smoking him outside the classroom for cracking a couple of wise crack jokes about the teachers speech impediment. He continued to do push-ups, awaiting someone to go and save the poor bastard from the platoon sergeants dirt kicking.
Kenneth's ears were still ringing as he stumbled his way off the bus and soon he could barely breath or see with all the damn dust getting thrown on him. These instructors had to be former drill sergeants, or just former grunts, because they all had a battlefield voice for the ages and he could barely process any information as his senses were assaulted. He barely heard the call for a CLS, but he could see another private on the ground and not moving, obviously the guy first off the bus and that took the 'hit' as it were. He was in the middle of anarchy, and he had to make it stop somehow as he almost fell forward off the first step the bus as his hands fumbled to open his ruff sack to get to anything that could help him. He had remembered his CLS a good bit, it seemed like one of their most important bits in basic, he hoped he knew enough to get under control for whoever the Sergeant that was screaming. He began thinking rapidly as he tried to recall his training.

"Care under fire, assess casualty, hemorrhage control, reassure... right reassure!"

" Your alright bud, your fine, talk to me if you can; what's your serial, got any family?"

Kenneth seemed to be blabbing and not really listening to a response as he pulled out an old rag he had brought from home while more and more dust filled his mouth and caused a nasty coughing fit. He applied the rag as a tourniquet to what he hoped was the injured leg when the guy stepped off the bus and tried to continue his assessment; he only hoped someone, anyone, else would jump in and help him or this might take a while with his hands fumbling like they were.
Cara quickly ran out of the bus, it's a damn good thing her guitar was in the case, because it would have been destroyed with all the dirt being thrown at her. She managed to get a shit ton of it in her eyes, rubbing them madly. The dirt combined with the sweat made it almost impossible however, and she was quickly thrown toward the ground shortly after. She took her canteen out if her bag and poured it over her eyes, desperately trying everything she could to clean her eyes. Her canteen was smacked out of her hand, while being told to do push-ups. She ended up doing snow angels on the ground a little before mustering her contained adrenaline enough to roll over and push her body off the ground. She wasn't the best push upper in the world, which is why she always tried to do the right thing to avoid doing them in the first place. Once her eyes watered enough to a point where she could see, she noticed the female Lt snatch her guitar up and sling the case over her back. " Wouldn't want to lose this, would ya... " She smiled and continued to do push-ups. Guess the Lt was okay in her book.

Demi, with the guitar case slung crossed her back walked slowly toward the fallen casualty and smiled at the private who took initiative to save him. She crouched down and started helping him with the 'patching up', her being a medically trained officer had it's perks. She wouldn't let anyone in her unit care for a casualty by themselves, ever. " Make sure you yell out what you could be doing... I know you don't have anything on you now, but best believe you will in country. You're doing a good job, just relax. " Yelling could still be heard over her voice, but maybe they had a point. She had never been in a firefight before, so maybe this is what basic was like for them. She was impressed, these men and women were tough. They had to be. She quickly took out a steel ballpoint pen from her uniform and used it to tighten the tourniquet. Making sure the private saw everything she was doing.
As Samuel stepped off of the bus, heavy rucksack carried in hand, he was assaulted by smoke. Keeping his mouth closed so as not to inhale it, he glanced around at his surroundings. It was more or less what he had expected. NCO's screaming their fucking heads off, someone pissing themselves, and someone shoving Sam to the ground and ordering him to do pushups. Without complaint, Sam did as he was told, banging them out like a pro. He was used to doing pushups. He'd been doing them since before he was drafted to stay in shape, and even before he had even thought about becoming a boxer. Sam liked to be in shape, and he made sure to stay that way. All of the dirt kicking and spit slinging was just an added bonus.

Buck was caught off-guard by everything, the private lying on the ground, Ken helping him, and that loud bang that scared the shit out of him. It took Buck a second to realize that this was a simulation of an actual firefight and quickly begins to search through his rucksack for something that represents a handset. After drawing a spare boot from his rucksack, he begins to try and coordinate a proper Medevac request over the fake radio.

Hotel Actual; this is Marauder Joker, I'm requesting an urgent Medevac, one severely wounded, I can't see shit, we are under fire so proceed with caution!" It was the best that Buck could do since he was slightly disorientated and didn't know what was really happening, so he simply cobbled together something like a run-down rather than an actual call-in. This would more or less likely catch multiple people's attention since he was yelling to try and capture the 'Realism' of the moment.
Rico stopped kicking dirt into the face of the wounded Pvt as another took the responsibility of performing first aid. It was his favorite, Pvt Maclin. He slightly grinned, but quickly rid himself of it as he went and quickly started lightly smacking the top of the privates head, his headgear falling off.

" Quickly soldier! Feel these?! These are fucking explosions knocking down danger close on your position! First aid isn't going to be a walk in the park with rose petals and macaroni! Stay focused! Your battle buddy is missing a fucking leg, he's in dire need of help! The medic is nowhere to be found! "

It wasn't long after he said those words; the Lt showing up fairly softly. He was seconds from telling her to leave the damn AO, but he quickly checked himself when she started mentoring the Pvt on correct procedures on an improvised tourniquet. The Lt earned minor brownie points in that regard, only after he kicked a small amount of dust into her face. Something 'High-Speed' then instantly caught his attention, him turning around sharply and screaming yet again. He wasn't too familiar with the private who was talking to his boot for a Medevac request; but he just earned himself a RTO position for sure. He quickly took out his leaders map of Fort Polk and threw it at the Pvt's face.

" They ain't gonna know your damn position without a grid! "

Rico quickly pointed to where they were on the map that was now laying on the ground.

" Send them a fucking grid of this position so they can get here! And add the fact that there's mortars hitting your position as we speak! That would be some useful fucking information for the poor bastards having to decipher what the fuck 'under fire' means!!! Small arms? Mortars? An actual fucking fire?! C'mon 'RTO'! You got it!!! "

Rico went back towards the Lt and the Pvt working on the casualty, they weren't done yet. Once the grid was called off properly, he would make Maclin 'battle buddy carry' the casualty back to the tents they were staying at.

Buck suddenly had a map hit him dead-center on his chest. "Sir, thank you, Sir!" Buck responds before correcting his previous message. "Hotel Actual; this is Marauder Joker; we are under heavy mortar fire! Our location is 0-1-fife-fife-niner-4-7-3! The WIA has severe burns and his right leg is torn to shit! Our location will be marked with red smoke!" Buck says, taking his glasses off to examine the "wounded" man. Buck remembers his training more and more with the Sgt's orders; although Buck payed attention during RTO training, he forgot some of it during the bus ride over to Fort Polk.

Sir, chopper can not land with heavy mortar fire, Sir!" Buck says, trying to simulate an actual event of being pinned-down under heavy mortar fire. "Sir, new orders, Sir?!" He says, still yelling.
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Kenneth's adrenaline was really pumping; leave to the U.S. Army on how to welcome someone properly. The whole medical procedure was going well...more or less, his stress level ratcheted up as soon as he felt someone literally knock his cap from his head and continue to hit with a fair amount of force. Had to be the senior instructor, no doubt, and that really only served to make things worse for himself as he tried to pantomime a proper medical procedure that was turning more and more blurry with each smack that rattled his brain. It was then he noticed the Lieutenant in front of him, gold bars still bright and reflective even in the dust who quickly went about correcting him in his hasty patch job. It was appreciated for sure, though he didn't know why the LT would step in when he figured she helped come up with this exercise. He watched her correct the tourniquet and offered a small nod he was sure she didn't even notice. (And why the hell did the LT have a guitar too?) Then he heard a loud voice call out for a medical evac that caught him surprised as he thought.

"Damn, they really bringing out a heli for this; these guys don't mess around."

He didn't bother to look for the voice, he just tried to finish this quickly with the help of the LT. It was then that same fist knocking his head around was now directly in his ear, pointing to a far off line of tents and, Kenneth assumed he heard something about cover It was then a noxious smell hit Kenneth's nostrils, and he knew that second that it was coming from the private that was playing the wounded.

His first thought at this was "You've gotta be fuckin' kidding me!"

The first words out his mouth were "ON THE MOVE!"

He grimaced, he couldn't stop that but he slung that buddy over his shoulders just like back in basic and made a sprint for the tent line. He was still somewhat oblivious to the world around him as he made his way, almost tripping over a rock sticking out of the ground and skidding on his knees into one of the tents while putting the man over his shoulders into one of the tent corners as he looked back out the opening toward the group around the bus, breathing heavily and eyes slightly wide.
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