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Fantasy Victorian fantasy - looking for a main female character (Closed)


I'm looking for someone willing to play a female character in a fantasy RP I'll be DM/GMing.

Basically, I will lead the every NPC human or animal needed for the sake of the roleplay and control all the events. You will only control your character and while I might give you suggestions on what to do and where to explore, you will have all the freedom of your actions.


I need someone active, able to post a couple of times a day, or at least once every day.
Please write 1 or 2 paragraphs only as every word you say and action you make will cause something different to happen in the story.
Please don't take control of any character beside your own.
Romance is welcome.


You have just graduated college when you received bad news from home. You guardian had suddenly passed away and there's no one left to keep the family estate afloat. With no siblings and no parents, it now falls to you to take care of the house of your birth.

It's odd and nostalgic being back in your hometown, but weirder than that is that as soon as you reach your estate, a courier comes to inform you of the new law. Apparently, as soon as you step one foot inside the town's limits you automatically sign a contract that binds you to the town's ruling class - the demons. You'll be fine if you behave according to their new law, but misbehave enough and you get made into a mindless thrall. You can't leave and you can't get help from the outside, so the only thing left for you is to do something from the inside. Plan an uprising, learn magic to fight back, get on the demons' good side, or just live your days quietly and get married - it's your own adventure.

So, if you wish to apply for this, please send me a private message, with the following info about your character:

(20+ only)
(please send me a drawing/digital art picture, no real people)
Strengths: (a good shot, martial arts knowledge, people person, tech savvy, good coordination, etc, pick three)
Weaknesses: (not very charismatic, brash, weak constitution, etc, pick three)
Special: (is your character a smoker, are they especially attached to something, do they have a hobby)
Hey. I'm writing this first to show my interest. Once you see this and confirm it's alright, I'd love to play the main female character.

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