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Fantasy Vexpara -- Lore Guide



world's okayest lobotomite (they/them)

Hunter's Manual
Property of Vexpara. Do not distribute.

  • The Practice of Hunters
    The profession of the demon hunter has existed for well over 1,500 years, and has evolved into a subculture without borders. The work of hunters has changed very little since the first guilds of Byzantium formed after the Crossing of Justinian, where the first wave of demons descended upon Earth. The goal of hunters has remained simple: to protect mankind from demonkind through any means necessary -- including the use of the unpredictable infernal magic of demons. In places where integration rates are high, even demons are known to become demon hunters.

    Below is a list of hunter archetypes that have existed and persisted through history.

    Observers, scouts, and marksmen. Crane hunters prefer to keep the safety of distance between themselves and demons. Most of the magic in their arsenal focuses on deception and target tracking, which are spells nearly untraceable to the demons they stalk. Since the production of truesilver in quantities large enough to make expendable ammunition is still a feat for modern engineers, and even more so for historical quartermasters, Crane hunters have always been renowned for their exceptional accuracy and patience.

    Infernal exorcists and scholars of demonic lore. Augur hunters cast powerful anti-demon magics, or twist dangerous demonic energy to their bidding. Not all humans can stomach the warped power of demon energy, and even fewer can master it. This makes them a rare but powerful boon to fellow hunters when utilized properly. Because of the volatile and unpredictable nature of demon magic, guildmates of Augur hunters often carry powerful sedatives to quell sudden and uncontrollable outbursts of foul energy.

    Warrior-hunters who specialize in pitched combat with demons. Blooden are the most common among hunter guilds, forming the backbone of most anti-demon organizations. They often endure extensive physical and mental training, allowing them to, in theory, a myriad of different demon types. Some Blooden elect to train and hunt specific kinds of demons, and thus become specialists called upon when a particularly stubborn demon needs to be hunted.

    Abyssian apothecaries and stalwart adjutants to other hunters. An Ouro's trade is the application of rare healing magics, as well as the study of demonic behaviors and patterns. While not particularly potent in combat, Ouro hunters fill crucial supportive roles when a guild is on the hunt. Their abilities to weave wounds shut and protect fellow hunters from harm make them invaluable to the longevity of a guild. Unfortunately, the many years of strenuous study required to be an effective Ouro leave their numbers much to be desired. A guild is often lucky to have more than one Ouro.
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Basic History
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Prologue -- Beyond the Thread of Man
In a plane afar and unseen by man, the unspeakable demon realm of Hell writhed in turmoil. Strife, disease, and famine drove demonkind to desperation. Among the infighting and savagery, six powerful demons rose above the meek to deliver their kind to salvation. These demons would be known as the Hexarchy -- six demons of unimaginable strength, with legions of deprived demons groveling at their feet. With counsel of the Six, it was decided that their realm was unsustainable, and to survive would be to find a new realm. That new realm would be Earth.

  • The Crossing of Justinian
    It is very likely that demons had infiltrated Earth many times before in humankind’s short existence, but the first Great Crossing of demons took place in 555 A.D. during the Plague of Justinian. Never before had such loss of human life coincided with the alignment of the stars that allowed passage to Earth. The Hexarchy plotted an exodus to Earth, utilizing the death and despair of a suffering empire to their advantage.

    While it seemed the salvation of demonkind was just upon the horizon, a demonlord by the name of Ur'kain betrayed the Hexarchy. He strode across the gap between worlds alone, sacrificing himself to form a bridge for his legion to cross before the Hexarchy’s armies were ready.

    His legion, and scores of other ravenous demons defecting from the Hexarchy poured into Byzantium, expecting an effortless conquest of the suffering peoples. However, they would cross without their lord and without the support of the Hexarchy. Fearing retaliation and competition from their fellow demons, Urkain’s legion shattered the bridge to Earth that their master had created, causing a devastating Starstorm to reap the space between planes. The passage would be secure, but unbeknownst to them, Earth would be their tomb.

    Though the plague had crippled the empire, human resistance was mounted to cull the invading demons. It took several bloody decades, but the cataphracts of the Byzantine Empire finally stood triumphant over the depraved demons. The Crossing of Justinian was a failure, and a colossal setback for the Hexarchy who could only watch as their brethren were slain in the fields of battle.
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  • Infernal Magic
    Infernal magic is a demon art that is older than mankind itself, and mankind's first introduction to magic in general. When used by humans, the infernal energy is difficult to control, rendering the spells dangerous to both the caster and those nearby. Even when used by demons, the energy of the spells crackle with chaos that tempts the caster to bring harm to others. In many areas, the casting of infernal magic without a permit is prohibited by law. Augur hunters, demon and human alike, must file mountains of paperwork and sign several waivers before using infernal magic in their trade.

    All infernal spells are categorized under four distinct classifications, listed below.

    Spells that spread and afflict targets with miasmic poison. Plague spells would be the most criticized usage of infernal magic if not for the fact that demonic healing spells fall under the plague category.

    Gate spells very simply produce portals from one place or plane, to another. Gates can be used for transportation, but also have some practical combat uses as well. Only very skilled casters can sustain a gate for a long period of time.

    Spells that send forth bolts of crimson lightning and the summoning of great columns of hellfire are classified under wrath spells. Mostly used for combat. With practice, shields can be forged to protect the caster from harm.

    Deceit spells focus entirely on the deception of others. Simple techniques, such as glamour spells that hide demonic features are common for everyday use. Illusion spells of invisibility and decoys are more advanced techniques.
Vexpara, Explained
Property of Vexpara. Do not distribute.

Vexpara currently has: 56 registered active guild members, with a total of 641 individual hunters registered since its founding in 1972.

In terms of operational standards and ratings, Vexpara ranks #64 as the most effective active hunter guild in the world.

  • Internal Structure
    The current, sixth guildmaster of Vexpara is Kendra Marcel Lattimore, having served five years in this role and 17 years as a hunter with Vexpara. Ms. Lattimore, despite her young age, she has earned an impressive array of accolades and acknowledgements for her services and leadership of Vexpara. Her outstanding leadership skills and her exceptional abilities as an Augur hunter made her the clear choice as the successor to Vexpara once the former guildmaster, Janus Harte, resigned for medical reasons.

    Though Ms. Lattimore oversees Vexpara's general strategy and deployment, the fundamentals of running a guild the size of Vexpara fall to a handful of (five to seven) elected hunter-captains. The hunter-captains are usually veteran hunters, and must have served with Vexpara for at minimum five years before becoming elected. Their duties include, but are not limited to, micro-level leadership, discipline, recruitment, and negotiation. A hunter-captain may serve the role for life, or until he or she resigns from the post, or if he or she is terminated from Vexpara.

    Besides the position of guildmaster or a hunter-captain, all other guildmates of Vexpara are treated as equals.
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