Clue; A Murder In The Paradise Hotel?


what even is life

Ask before making a character, that way we don't have the same color twice.


Characters Accepted

[ Rachel Valencia/Indigo ] [ Ciaran Farindes/White] [ Kae Fiddick/Peacock]

[ Raymond Evelyn/Mustard ] [ Sage Dobson/Aero ] [ Blake Cannon/Grey ]

[ Katherine Ritters/Scarlet ]

Characters Available

bold = reserved

*maximum = 2 characters per person*

Green | Black

{ Characters can either be male or female. You don't have to stick to the original gender of the original characters. Don't stick to the personalities of the original ones either, this is your own view of the characters. All characters must be older than 20 and younger than 50. Ask for color that isn't on the list. I will only allow a maximum of twelve characters }

Reservation List

you have three days to make the oc or you loose your reservation

Plum - @CrimsonEclipse

Black - @pbtenchi

ask to be reserved

Character Sheet

[ link ]
Stick to this Sheet as much as possible.

Make sure to fill out all areas

as owner of this rp, I have the right to decline OC's


Real Name:



color; Peacock, Green, Mustard, Scarlet, Black, White...ect}





like oct 19th or August 5th




(picture and description is required. You can not use anime/manga/cartoon faceclaims)




( at least two paragraphs required )


( eh, about a paragraph required )

Love Interest:

( Keep this empty till rp starts )
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Rachel Valencia









attracted to any gender, but only through an emotional bond




April 6th




Rachel has long dark brown hair that reaches below her shoulder blades. She wears her hair down, allowing her smooth locks to fall freely around her shoulder. Her hair is parted in the center since that's the part she actually feels most comfortable with. Her eyes a dark green often have dark eye liner encasing them with black mascara as well. She is five-foot-six, and weighs about one hundred and thirty-two pounds.

|Face Claim|

Willa Holland


Rachel often wears dark purplish blue clothing when in more of a formal attire. And since she works as a lawyer, most of the time, she is wearing dresses rather than business attire.


The female is quite an outgoing individual, willing to talk to almost anyone...which really comes in handy with her job. Rachel isn't a mean person, but she's often strong willed and stubborn, believing that she shouldn't have to change her ways for anyone. This isn't a good thing, since people tend to get annoyed with her attitude. And when her ways are opposed, she'll hold a grudge against that person...and Rachel has a hard time letting go of that hatred. She doesn't mind speaking sassy or sarcastically to said person. But then again, Rachel is a sarcastic person.

She adores the thrill of the night life and will often be at clubs or parties when not working on her job. She isn't one to drink much alcohol, but she'll take a few swigs every once in a while. The girl is a great liar, and often tells amazing lies. However, one way to spot out that she is lying is when she covers her right wrist with her let hand and will softly rub it. It's not something she does purposely, hell, she doesn't even know she does it half of the time! She believes in gaining power through knowledge and wealth, and will do almost anything to get there.

She has a very patient temper, but that doesn't mean she won't get angry. Patience only goes so far. When upset, the girl will usually start arguing or more. When frightened or feels like she's been threatened, her adrenaline starts running, and most likely will take over her actions causing her to do things she most likely wouldn't do when calm.

She is rather intelligent, since as stated before, she values wisdom. It's not hard for Rachel to look between the lines. Being a lawyer also helps with this. She knows that things aren't always as they seem and people are far from what they seem.


Rachel grew up in a rather wealthy home. Her mother was a politician while her father ran some sort of business. She even had a younger sibling in the house, Maia. Though family life was okay for a little bit, their mother still pushed the children to do great things in their lives...things that they probably didn't even want to do. When growing up, they didn't have the dreams that most kids do who dream of being vets, fire fighters, teachers, and ect. No, Rachel and Maia were told that those jobs wouldn't amount to anything and they had to aim higher such as politician, actress, and any person like that.

Maia wasn't keen on that idea, where Rachel was more accepting of it. When in college, Maia departed from her family values and majored in education to become a teacher. Dismayed by their daughter's choice, Mrs Valencia wouldn't accept Rachel to do the same thing. Rachel would constantly argue with her mom about wanting to do other things but it seemed like her mother wouldn't listen. Eventually Rachel lost interest in fighting with her mom and became a lawyer...since her mom was sorta okay with that job.

|Love Interest|


will probably get one when the rp starts
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Real Name: Ciaran Farindas

Nickname: Icicle

Alias: White

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Age: 25

Birthday: November 17th

Nationality: Irish


Looks: Ciaran is known for his signature white hair, falling past his face on one side. He has very pale skin, which highlights his piercing green eyes. His hair is usually styled and neat, and he has a thin line of stubble around his chin. He is five foot nine and weighs a hundred and sixty two pounds.



Ciaran normally dresses fully in white with his shirt, blazer, slacks, tie and shoes all white. His fascination with the colour finds it's way into his fashion, and even the accessories he carries are white. Normally he dresses smartly, but when dressing casually he will again opt for a one colour outfit, with a shirt, chinos, boots and a scarf.


Ciaran is an enigma. He is cold and removed, and hates getting personal with anyone, even his family and friends. His colleagues don't know him well and he keeps up an air of mystery wherever he goes. He prefers to stay silent and let others do the talking, but when he does talk, he is strong and charming, and knows how to get his way. He has an obsession with the color white and all things derived from it, such as snow and paper. When angered he can be a bit of a psychopath, going against his calm exterior.

Ciaran is very intelligent and often knows how to manipulate people to get what he wants. He prefers to send people to do his work rather than do it himself, keeping things impersonal and professional. He can often become rude or aggressive if provoked but prefers to stay quiet and just walk away from his problems. When things go wrong he usually leaves it up to other people to solve, but when put into dangerous situations can make his way out.


Ciaran was born and raised in Dublin, used to the busy city life and the hustle and bustle of the streets. Born an only child into a relatively rich family, Ciaran was used to luxury and wealth. His father was always kind to him and treated him well, but his mother was constantly drunk and abused him behind his father's back. Ciaran stayed silent out of fear, and slowly grew into the quiet, removed person that he is today. When he was 14, his father died, and his mother, unable to keep up with bills and always drinking alcohol, became even more abusive, no longer having to do it in secret. Eventually Ciaran couldn't take anymore and he ran away from home, becoming homeless on the streets. He lived like this for 6 years until, at the age of 20, he was noticed selling stuff on the street to make money by a major business corporation. After a few interviews he was asked to work for them and gladly accepted, slowly easing his way back into a life of wealth. Now, 5 years later, he is one of the corporations most successful employees, and has sunken back into the luxuries and wealth he once knew.

Love Interest:

N/A (for now)


Real Name:

Kae Fiddick












July 1





She has chestnut hair that falls just past her shoulder blades when left alone. However, most days it is found in either a neat ponytail or bun. It is never left to cause trouble or irritate her in any way. She is often praised for her slim, healthy build, and sometimes, even, compared to a model. It doesn't help that she stands at a solid 5' 9" and can regularly be found wearing heels that help her stand at 6'. Such could make her ever so intimidating if not for her kind, constant smile and warm, brown eyes.


In any given public setting she is wearing situation she is wearing the aforementioned heels, black, close toed. She is either wearing pantyhose in the color of nude or black, along with a slick skirt suit complimented by a dark blue blouse. Or a black suit skirt topped with an elegant and seemingly simple sweater of a color which resembles the blouse. In the skirt suit, she accents it will a pure pearl necklace and earrings. However, no accessories are worn with the sweater.



Kae is like a mother to all who need it. She is willing to sacrifice and give in order to see others joy and success in the end. She is always there for the people who she knows, even if barely. She never stops encouraging those who she meets, always telling people that everything will be okay. And she is more than prepared to find a way to make it so. This type of personality often causes people to try to take advantage of her kindness. However, the second Kae notices the scheme, she is quick to end all care, abandon that person to the wrath of karma.

Kae is the type of individual who will not speak if she has nothing to say. She refuses to continue purposeless conversation. If it is not helping you nor her, such will cease. Although, when it happens neither remorse or disappointment can be found in her heart or face. She is dependable and rarely fails those who she helps. As one with so many likable qualities, those around her are often apt to forget her major flaw: she can not handle criticism. She sees it as a direct attack to herself and her way of living and will immediately toss her affections to that person away.


Her parents are the original "get rich quick" testimony. A police officer and lawyer duo, the are known for being extremely good at outing scams. Often praised for saving many British people. As Kae got older, it became more of an act. Her parents got credit where it wasn't deserved, the outed people who weren't actually scammers, by the time she was 23, they even had their own TV show. Two people, who had once been lovers in studying abroad in America, who both aimed for jobs which would bring justice, found themselves at the mercy of money and fame. Instead of following their tragic path, Kae became a buisnesswoman. And with her fortunate connections, she made her way up the totem pole rather quickly.

Love Interest:



Real Name: Raymond Evelynn

Nickname: N/A

Alias: Mustard

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 32

Birthday: January 17th

Nationality: American




Raymond has short brown hair with the style that you see in the picture (sorry don't know how to descrbe the hair style)

with dark blue eyes.

Clothing: Raymond wears this

with blue jeans and a pair of tennis shoes


Personality: Raymond is normally an outgoing due to him being an actor but not a famous one. He loves making jokes and having a good time sometimes he might even to pull off pranks to lighten up the mood.Since he likes to have a good time he also gets drunk often but not too much so he can't do his job as a actor.

Raymond does come off sometimes as a carefree type of person but he also knows when to get serious. Also since he is good at acting he is a pretty good liar but doesn't just lie all the time only when he needs to keep a secrect. He is also very loyal to his friends and tries to make new friends constantly.

History: Raymond was born into a normal family his family always knew was good at acting but he never really cared for acting.Til he did a play at his school and found out acting was a lot of fun. From then he started practicing more doing plays or anything that involved acting. Once he started his acting carrer he started to play pranks on his other acters or actresses that was acting in the same movie.

Love Interest: N/A
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Real name:

Sage Dobson












December 18





She has light brown hair, that, when undone falls to her hips, though it is rarely down. She wears it in a messy side braid, often on her left shoulder. She has icy blue eyes, and she is quite skinny, but not so skinny that you can see her ribs. She is of average height and is often praised for her beautiful smile.


In a public setting, she would be seen wearing simple skinny jeans and a light blue, baggy sweatshirt. For shoes she wears black, lace up combat boots. Everywhere, she wears a necklace with a skeleton key on the end, it is a black key, kind of rusted, no one knows what it's to, not even her.



Sage was a child whose mother died giving birth to her, she grew up a lonely child, her father neglected her, thinking it was her fault that her mother died. When she grew up she never planned to have any type of relationship, but she knew that it would all change, she started to date a man named Reed, but soon Reed broke her heart. It had turned out he was cheating on her with another woman, he said he loved the other so much that he was leaving Sage. Sage was devastated, to get her mind off of those dreadful days she works in detective work. She believes it helps to rid her mind of all the horrible, horrible memories.


Sage is the type of girl who keeps to herself, she is very insecure about her history and her looks she rarely talks to anyone unless it's on a mission. She feels that if she gets to involved with another, they will end up ripping her heart out of her chest and stomping on it, just as Reed did.

Love Interest:


Real Name: Blake Cannon

Nickname: N/A

Alias: Grey


Sexuality: Straight

Age: 27

Birthday: Sept 14

Nationality: British



Blondish- brown hair with green eyes

Has a muscular build of 6'1 with slightly tanned skin





Blake is an overly active guy. He is loyal to the people he trusts and care about; doing almost whatever they want to make them happy. Despite his age, Blake acts a bit childish now and then, teasing almost everyone he comes across. In most circumstances of importance, he will stand ready to back up in what he believes in, using the most convincing methods to do so. Also, even though he doesn't show it, Blake is actually a soft and caring guy. He just doesn't realize that yet; only thinking of himself as the bad guy.

One thing for sure he doesn't want anyone seeing is his 'other self'. This personality of his would only come out every once in a while when he is under immense pressure from his peers. With this in act, he would become as dominant as one can be and is highly dangerous to be around; acting all high and mighty around those he knows and will do something he knows he will regret one day. It is best to keep everyone away once this part of him is let out.


Blake was born from a wealthy high-class family in England where he was suppose to take over to be the rightful heir of the family business. Instead, he have the position to his twin sister, who he had always been fond of. She was the younger and much more educated one. And he was always the messy, adventure-loving child. They were polar opposites but no one minded them. His parents were almost always on the go, leaving them to care for themselves, so he barely got to see them. It was then when their plane crashed and his mother died did he start behaving like he should be. His father was in a coma for the past 3 years. If he were to die, the will was in Blake's hand.

Love Interest:

( Keep this empty till rp starts )


Real Name:

Prof. Anthony Pratt


Frequently called Two-Faced by both his colleagues and students, behind his back of course










August 31






Professor Pratt is deemed to be quite good looking not only to his fellow teachers but also to his students. He stands at 5'11 and weighs 170 lbs.





Saying that the Professor is complicated is an understatement, after all, he wouldn't be called Two-Faced for no reason. At times he is a kindly professor, enthusiastic and eager to help his students and fellow professors with their tasks. He can be quite pleasant in class as well, occasionally spouting jokes and telling stories in class. However, that is only one side of the coin. There are also times when he enters a fit of anger over the smallest things, usually demeaning his students and making them do hard tasks.

One thing that remains constant to him is his devotion to his chosen field, which means he will stop at nothing and will not hesitate to do anything to further himself in that field. There have been times where he shamelessly plagiarizes a work of his student and claims it as his own, after which the student drops out for no comprehensible reason. But despite his flaws, he still remains a professor in the university he is in because of his exceptional knowledge and his excellent recommendations and background.


( eh, about a paragraph required )

Love Interest:

( Keep this empty till rp starts )


Real Name:

Katherine Ritter


Kathy, Kat










January 20th






Katherine stands at about 5'5, and weighing about 120 pounds. She has a petite frame, and a porcelain complexion. Kat likes to keep herself fit, and looking well. Very rarely does she not wear makeup. Her prefered lipstick color is of course, Scarlett. Her hair falls just below her shoulder blades. Kat prefers to wear it either down and straightened or up in a nicely made bun.


Katherine has always thought that fashion is something that is crucial in a person's life. Therefore, she wears many elegant outfits such as dresses and suits that are of very expensive brands. She tends to wear dresses a lot more often as they help attract male business associates, and helps persuade them into business deals.



Kat has always been a very sassy young woman. She has a strong character that would tend to rub people the wrong way, but do to the circumstances and the fact that she's running an entire company by herself, her attitude is not questioned. She tends to be two faced when it comes to matters that will benefit her if another is hurt or taken out of the picture. Kat will do anything to get what she wants.

There is very rare situations in which someone will see the type of person she truly is inside. Truthfully she wishes she could be the party girl that all females at her age and with her wealth seem to be. She almost never cries, and when she does it's usually an episode in which she tries to be alone.


Katherine Ritter was born the only daughter of a very wealthy corporate leader. Her mother died shortly after her birth, and so her father became a widower. Because of this, he's never allowed her to leave his guidance and has molded her into the perfect business woman. She tends to be very persuasive towards her male partners, and very rarely fails to gets what she desires. Kat has been very successful mostly do to her good looks, and sense of confidence.

Love Interest:


@Valorie accepted! She's amazing!


CrimsonEclipse said:


Real Name:

Prof. Anthony Pratt


Frequently called Two-Faced by both his colleagues and students, behind his back of course










August 31






Professor Pratt is deemed to be quite good looking not only to his fellow teachers but also to his students. He stands at 5'11 and weighs 170 lbs.





Saying that the Professor is complicated is an understatement, after all, he wouldn't be called Two-Faced for no reason. At times he is a kindly professor, enthusiastic and eager to help his students and fellow professors with their tasks. He can be quite pleasant in class as well, occasionally spouting jokes and telling stories in class. However, that is only one side of the coin. There are also times when he enters a fit of anger over the smallest things, usually demeaning his students and making them do hard tasks.

One thing that remains constant to him is his devotion to his chosen field, which means he will stop at nothing and will not hesitate to do anything to further himself in that field. There have been times where he shamelessly plagiarizes a work of his student and claims it as his own, after which the student drops out for no comprehensible reason. But despite his flaws, he still remains a professor in the university he is in because of his exceptional knowledge and his excellent recommendations and background.


( eh, about a paragraph required )

Love Interest:

( Keep this empty till rp starts )

Accepted once you finish. ^^

Real Name:

peter mulligan



Alias: black

Gender: male

Sexuality: straight

Age: 22


july 15

Nationality: irish




Clothing: a blue shirt, black jeans



artistic, a slight romanticist, likes a good mystery.


he lived a somewhat normal life, divorced parents, bullied at school. passed with avarage grades. and one day he just started writing. the ideas flowed out. his book was an instant success, he went on to write several more.

Love Interest:

( Keep this empty till rp starts )

i approved?
@pbtenchi you're character is accepted. It would be great to get more detail on him though.

@pbtenchi you're character is accepted. It would be great to get more detail on him though.

Real Name:

James Night












October 31





(Huge image is huge? Sorry >_<;


James prefers to keep his black hair shaved off, but he sometimes let's it grow out a tiny bit. It really depends on his mood. He has blue/green eyes and stands at 6'1” tall. He looks to always have some sort of permanent scowl on his face, but sometimes you can catch him flashing a smile.


His attire is a tailor-made blue suit and tie complete with a blue trench coat. His clothing is pretty much pictured above.



James is an even tempered person most of the time. It takes quit a lot to make him act out of anger, but when does, he will typically win. James has a pretty crude sense of humor. He tends to make inappropriate jokes at just the wrong time—or right time if you are him.

Although he has his shortcomings of crudeness, narcissism, and gruffness, he is a very smart person. You will often find him just standing and listening to a conversation taking place, absorbing as many details as he can about the subject at hand.


(Nothing yet. I will post it here as soon as I have one!)

Love Interest:

(Leaving this blank as instructed.)

Name: Dallas,Melia,Grove

Age: 32

Nickname: Mafian

Alias: Green

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Uptight and secretive, Kind and brave, Very nosy, Strong, and Social. He is not afraid of many things, He is overprotective when it comes to women and children. He served 10 years in the Italian Marines corp.



He also wears boots and leather gloves when outside. And he has a pair of sunglasses and a hat.

History: He was born in Rome, Italy to a rich family. Instead of becoming a doctor or lawyer, ETC, he became a Soldier. After twelve years of service he returned and got a job from his family's Business and then he left to come to america and got a job as a social worker. He saved up enough money to come to this hotel. Before he came he got into a few fights but he was never drunk. He still has a concealed Weapon because he has a legal firearms license. (if it is not a paragraph then sorry i can't think of much more)

Love Interest: None (for now).
Morbuskid said:
Name: Dallas,Melia,Grove
Age: 32

Nickname: Mafian

Alias: Green

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Uptight and secretive, Kind and brave, Very nosy, Strong, and Social. He is not afraid of many things, He is overprotective when it comes to women and children. He served 10 years in the Italian Marines corp.



He also wears boots and leather gloves when outside. And he has a pair of sunglasses and a hat.

History: He was born in Rome, Italy to a rich family. Instead of becoming a doctor or lawyer, ETC, he became a Soldier. After twelve years of service he returned and got a job from his family's Business and then he left to come to america and got a job as a social worker. He saved up enough money to come to this hotel. Before he came he got into a few fights but he was never drunk. He still has a concealed Weapon because he has a legal firearms license. (if it is not a paragraph then sorry i can't think of much more)

Love Interest: None (for now).
declined cause he dead. xD No really, He's already dead sorry bout that.
Real Name: Amane Nishiki

Nickname: Lady of the Shadows

Alias: Rose Gold

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Age: 16

Birthday: November 29th

Nationality: Japanese



Clothing: Amane usually wears a fluffy pink button-up jacket with a hood that has rabbit ears on top of it. She wears a rose pink shirt with a purple rose in the middle of it, on her bottom half, she wears black lace tights and high heels.



Amane is a very level-headed and serious person. Her cold, calculating demeanor is demonstrated by her admonishing of those who are more casual and impulsive attitude when it comes to most things than her, calling them "egotistical fools". She shows little tolerance for recklessness and handles things in a cool, professional manner. This personality is also reflected in her dealings with most people, keeping silent and to the point. Amane doesn't trust most people, and is very quiet, rarely speaking. She investigates alone, and keeps her findings to herself.

History: Keeping that private for now, I will reveal it at some point.

Love Interest:
Apollogy8 said:
declined cause he dead. xD No really, He's already dead sorry bout that.

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