Vent #3 - I Give Up Edition


Senior Member
For those of you who tuned into my 2.5 edition, you'll know all about my troubles with my love life. For those of you who haven't, I had a few girlfriends, only 2 or 3 I think ever really loved me, but due to unfortunate circumstances, we couldn't be together.

To make this vent short, because I need to get this out, but I don't feel like drawing it out. I basically decided to give up on love. I don't think anybody could ever really love me, my only couple of chances are gone now. I just don't feel like trying anymore, because all it does is cause heartbreak. So yeah, I just needed to share this I guess, but without going on and on. Talk to you in the next vent, if I need to vent again.

First thing I thought of ^^

Nonetheless, give it time. If the information you're giving out is correct, you're only 18. Shit'll turn out fine, it always does :P
Oh, no, did I put in I was 18. I mistyped, I'm actually 16, although, I'm about to turn 17. And hopefully all does turn out fine.
Then you're my age :P And hey, it's not unusual for people to take breaks in looking for actual relationships. I'm sure you'll feel better.
Not that I'm interested in the affairs of a mortal, but don't worry. Life can go from good to shitty to fine to depressing to straight up euphoric... and the back down to a certain level of shitty that you've never though possible... Then right back up to euphoric in less than a week! Things get better, just give it a little time... Though, to be fair I'd just think of me as some random asshole who doesn't know anything if I was on your end of this post. Still. In my experience things get from shitty to amazing and everywhere in between all the time. Dwelling on the past only makes it worse, so just looks towards a bright future.
Multiple reasons.... It's hard to explain.

I hope I can enjoy a better future, but who knows.
Hiya again Agent,

Sorry to hear you're still having some struggles, but I think, only being sixteen, you'll have a lot of love left in your future. I'm twenty three, and didn't have my first true dating experience until I was eighteen. The fact of the matter is you're only sixteen-- and there is a reason sixteen year olds aren't (usually) getting married! You should be worrying about doing well in school, getting your driver's license, going to college (if you want to go that route), and exploring hobbies... not worrying about finding the "love of your life."

If everyone's chances at love were gone by the time they were sixteen, very, very, very few people would ever find love! You just gotta let go of worrying about when it'll happen. Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans.
I hope it's not too late for me to comment. I kind of understand where you're coming from, being someone who is completely socially incompetent and has the emotional capacity of a robot, so naturally developing relationships is complicated. Relationships can often seem pointless and needlessly stressful, but sometime or another you'll come into one that works out. Also, try not to let other people (i.e. a romantic interest) become the sole determinant of your self-worth. It will only end up making you upset and stressing you out. That said, even if you don't think so, I'm sure you're a wonderful person and there is certainly someone who will love you for who you are. Most everyone has something unique and impactful to contribute to the world. There isn't really a limited number of chances for it, and I know it may not seem like it right now, but you have a long time to find the right person. Just don't try to rush into anything too soon -- think carefully about who the person you ehh, attempt to court is and if they're really right for you. And the important thing there is to know, appreciate and respect yourself.
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