

A professional writer is a amateur that never quit
Name: Valer (Lavrador)

Age: 22 Years

Appearance: 6'1 and 180 LBS .

Clothing: View attachment 13640

Appearance: View attachment 13641View attachment 13642

Valer has pure white hair, his right eye is a beautiful aqua blue/green while is left is blood red, accented by a tattoo that seems linked to his vampire-ism He constantly wears a large scarf around over his head draping it low to hide is appearance. Being a high level vampire his eye and hair give away his species.

Personality: Valer is a very quite person. The dark look in his eyes scares off most people. He doesn't trust many people, vampire or not. Though he hold's up a tough exterior, he shows time of weakness, protecting fellow vampires or even innocent mortals. While Valer may save a mortal child from death, he wouldn't hesitate to kill any humans who threaten his life. Incredibly smart, Valer seems to be able to solve any problem within seconds. Whether its calculating a escape route or solving a difficult equation. Valer envy's humans, who live their life's in the daylight, he has a strong sense of justice and often get's angry at vampires who turn humans.


Unknown to Valer his father was the Vampire King chased from his throne. Valer was born a human. He has no idea that his mother and father were the rulers of this kingdom and that the blood in his veins is sacred and can in-power any vampire. King Ark after taking over the Kingdom ordered the royal family be killed for helping his father. A servant snuck Valer out just in time to save him. Valer had his memorys wiped by the servant and ended up separated from her soon after. Valer grow up on the streets, stealing and avoiding the law. Seven years after his memory was lost, Valer decided to wonder around the city. The night sky always calmed Valer. It was then that he was turned by a vampire named Mark Helser. Mark showed a unusual interest in Valer, though the reason for his obsession is still unknown. After being turned, Mark taught Valer combat and weapon skills. These skills quickly developed, as his sharp mind found ways to strengthen his training. Mark was a very cruel vampire, having no regard for human or Vampirace life. Marks goal is to take out the human race, that rules the surface and enslave them forever. Valer could never embrace these views still caring for the race in which he was born. Because of this it didn't take long for Valer to leave Mark's side. Valer traveled from kingdom to kingdom, his only goal in mind, survive. Valer constantly searched for a city that possessed only vampires, but no such place exists. He quickly came to the realization that humans dominate the surface world. It's been 12 years since he lost his memory.
Name: Lunatra

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Occupation(best thing i could come up with lol): Vampire Huntress

Personality: She is a woman of few words, and when those few words are spoken, they may be harsh or critical, but ring very much true. For she does not lie, nor does she give compliments, unless she believes they are well deserved. Not only is she blunt, but she is also loyal and courageous. She would do anything for those she cares about, no matter how much danger it puts her own life in. Along with that, she's daring enough to try new things, but not stupid enough to pull foolish stunts. All in all, she is the strong and silent type, remaining loyal to her friends and anyone else she happens to make a connection with.

History: (can i do an edit later? bout to pass out over here lol)


Name: Kanin


AppearenceView attachment 13650

She has white hair, red eyes, and a glowing tattoo that runs up her arm and shoulder blade that runs up to her cheek. It is called the Wings of the Devil.

Gender: Female

Personailty: She is nothing but a mystery. After leaving her famliy behind, that once happy talkitive child became silent. Living in the forest, she gerw independent and became friends with the ones living within the forest. Because she moved into the forest, she has more of a savage type nature. ONly tursting those whos shes been with the longest, like the animals that live there. She shares no love for the army, nor for her king that had fled leaving them to defend for themselves. She can be negative, and only the positive comes out toward the animals though.

Background: One of the children who was taken in by the family. She was just one of the many children that belonged to the pure-bloods. Hearing that he king has fled and the army began to take out her kind one by one. The family tride to hide her even more. She wasn't allowed to leave the house, and if she needed to eat they would get her food fo her. The family was sweet and careing, but seeing them killed pain her more. Leaving the family within the late hours of the night, she moved deeper into the forest away from them to keep them safe. From then on she has lived her life in the forest, never retuning to her caring family's side.
Look at page one on this thread. U can wing it with skelly 
And sure. Go ahead :)
Name: Cry

Age: Nearly 17

Gender: Female



Bio: I'll discuss this in the convo. I don't like spilling things out to everyone. ;u;~ But basically;

Cry is a slave. She is owned by a bunch of humans who use her for circus-like entertainment on account of her monstrous strength.

Personality: Cry has a very animalistic behavior. Being treated like one for several years of her life, she has slowly taught herself that she is superior to humans. As of current, she is unaware of other species. If she wants something, she will take it, and lack the regular empathy/sympathy others may have.

Cry will often speak in short phrases with mixed grammar.

Abilities/Explanation: Cry, unlike most people, has superhuman strength that rivals that of the dragon and the vampire. She can jump great lengths and punch/kick things to cause great damage, Despite her having a very slender body as shown in the picture. As she is like this, though, she is greatly susceptible to all types of magic, and she cannot perform it herself.

Again, I cut this short, 'cuz I didn't want to spill everything. o3o
Name: Lucis Damnatio

Age: Old enough

Appearance: 5'11 and 210 LBS .


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd944127c_ScreenShot2013-04-13at12.54.08AM.png.a7dc698a081548e57cc4f46c055745f0.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="354" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd944127c_ScreenShot2013-04-13at12.54.08AM.png.a7dc698a081548e57cc4f46c055745f0.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/569103505.png.cc723290db988cc30081e108a5e76934.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="355" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/569103505.png.cc723290db988cc30081e108a5e76934.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: He tends to ramble, for he usually has nothing to talk about. He can begin to trail off elsewhere or burrow down on one topic, or he can do the complete opposite and stay quiet. His opinions are insightful, but unique and blasphemous and thus he rarely speaks of his own opinions. With nothing to honestly drive him, he seeks the pleasure of woman and the fun of experience. He only draws his blade to kill, but on occasion he uses it as a common cutting tool.

Background: Born from two nobles, his father a great warrior and his mother a wondrous mage and a younger sister training to be a priestess. What was he though, he is actually the adopted son, found within a cave by the mother who heard the cries of child, and the roars of demons. A baby born in utter darkness, but as soon as he was exposed to the light, he gained a quick and an amazing affinity with the warmth of fire. He was quickly raised up to be a warrior, by the father who graciously took him in. He was happy where he was, but when time came for him to leave his parents and go out upon the world, he found things that would dampen the greatest of spirits. He experienced the loss of a sister, then a loss of a friend, in desperation he hunted down those who did him wrong, too the point of near madness. He was finally struck down, but only to be rejuvenated by the the bite of a vampire. He made a covenant with the vampress and thus became a warrior of hers, in return she would keep the wounds of his past from haunting him. He was happy and he even found a wife. Though his luck seemed to be bad, for she one day decided to dig into his memory and bring up his pain. He came close to ending her, but could not let himself do such a thing, instead he searched out the one who defeated him. This time he succeeded, but at a cost. Once again, the vampress kept him alive. From there, he went about as a hunter and a sell sword, but that was during the times of war. At this point, his mind is barely keeping together.

Recently, using his new found vampiric powers, he has refined his body and skills. He aims to keep a virtuous aura, and aims that virtue into an artistic format of fighting, allowing his body to move fluently with every movement of his body. Thanks to his enhance senses, he has become the ultimate sword, he peaked his senses to the point where he could fight only using one, which he can do with each. He can choose and control his senses at practically a mere whim. Using his senses, he know how to kill.

*Ahem* Rule Statement. Be on Daily. If you are not gonna be, make your Character wonder off so RP can continue. 2 Paragraph minimum. More detail the better.

Note as a vampire you have every known weakness EXCEPT holy ground or asking to enter. Each vampire bloodline posses ONE power. Choose carefully. Also your character will not know about the Dragons existence. As far as he knows its a war between humans and vampires.

And if you dont have any questions. Please sign here............

And here...........


and the date here...........

and here

And finally ......... here
Darktanion said:
Note as a vampire you have every known weakness EXCEPT holy ground or asking to enter. Each vampire bloodline posses ONE power.
What do you mean here? I know Bram Stoker's original vampire's only weakness was that his head needed to be severed and then he had to be pierced through the heart by any type of stake to actually be killed.

And for powers, he had many.

So could you clarify the weaknesses and powers please ^.^
Powers Abilities:

Superhuman Strength

A vampire possesses a strength no mere mortal can match up with. They essentially have the strength of ten men. This makes them extremely hard to deal with in physical combat.

Superhuman Speed

As vampires live beyond mortal time, they can phase through a small period of time, enabling them to move faster than what the human eye can perceive. This is also why vampires are said to be able to "teleport".

Enhanced Senses

As a predator, the vampire is equipped with enhanced senses of hearing, smell and sight. The vampire can see as well in total darkness as humans can see in broad daylight. There are even rumours that vampires possess infrared vision allowing them to track living beings.


Probably their most useful weapon, vampires can plant suggestions into anyone meeting their hypnotic gaze. The strength of the suggestions depend on the difference between the vampire's will and that of the victim's. Using this power, vampires can also force victims to forget about the attack.

Damage Resistence

Vampires are extremely resistant to physical damage.


Wall Climbing

Vampires can climb walls without the aid of any equipment. They can climb up or down the steepest walls the way insects do (much like Spiderman), enabling them to seek refuge in places where no mere mortal can reach.

Magical Abilities

Creating new vampires


Blood bond

They can temp. gain control of a human by giving them their blood. This also temp. gives the human all of there powers. Strength, healing abilities. Last depends on how much blood given.

Special Abilties such as bloodline traits would be something like this-

Shape Shifting

Vampires can shape-shift into the shape of a bat or a wolf. They can also disperse into elemental vapours, thus allowing them to skip in through door slits or narrow cracks.

Animal Control

Vampires can control the minds of bats, rats and wolves found in their vicinity. These animals will obey every command of their newfound master's, even if it brings death.

My vampires ability is to create illusions.

They only have one of these powers :P
Name: Zel Seigheart

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Occupation: Knight, Ghoul

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Zael.jpg.7f1bf83505a564f10eecf45a9eb5781b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="521" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Zael.jpg.7f1bf83505a564f10eecf45a9eb5781b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>, <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd9957532_Zael2.jpg.1157cddf448a148d7d94c4b94b62433f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="522" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd9957532_Zael2.jpg.1157cddf448a148d7d94c4b94b62433f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Sword of the damned- A regular sword that cuts and slashes all that stands in it's way. When activated Curses and defiles the target that has been hit with it. It is said to eat the flesh of the user when activated to full power.

Chains of fate- Chains that strike and lash at the opponent. Controlled

Personality: A man of a strong devotion to his own honor code. A man who usually acts before thinking. he means well in all interest whether saying what is needed to protect someone or acting in order to keep to his code. He wears his heart on his sleeve.

History: Once a young apprentice who was a hopeful for knighthood in the human kingdoms. While on a mission he and his mentors were tasked with to kill A royal Vampire the whole garrison of 200 troops were slaughtered. A whole in his stomach the young Zel was gasping and bleeding in the court room of the countess. She fell in love with Zel as she looked at him. She had told him as he was bleeding out that she loved him and wanted to spend eternity with him. letting him drink from her wrist as she slashed them open and creating a Ghoul human. Zel now a ghoul was left with a choice by her to stay with her forever or walk the world once more. She had given him free will and choice in the matter fearing that it would be a forsaken love. He stayed and their love stood the test of time as it even became legend.

One day his beloved was killed while he was sent away on an errand. She wrote a note and left a necklace that told him she did it so he could live the life that she had stolen from him as a free ghoul in the world.

Ghoul abilities:

Enhanced strength

Enhanced speed

Enhanced regeneration

Limb reattachment

(and you didn't think I would do it. Ball is in your court)

I check you. :P I doubt you are going to read all 30 pages of story. So short synap. War between Dragons and Vamps. Dragons are winning. Lavrador is the prince of vamps. Had evil uncle trying to use him to kill Dragons (Has blood that kills dragons and empowers Vamps. ) Currently is "Captured" and on his way to see the Dragon King. Human are unaware that dragons exist, only Vamps. Vamps are almost exstinct, and anyone aiding vampires will be killed. King Ark, (Dragon King) Has 7 generals who are also dragons. They are on this journey. As well as LAvrador's two guardians. Lunatra, whos mind was erased then returned, she keeps a secret that she remembers who she is. And Archer. Cry is a half breed Vamp/Dragon, more like a lost child. She is currently travelling with the generals who were ordered to stop her from acting supicously. Her actual heritage is not known.... >.> I think that is all.

Oh and Lavrador is a mute, his "words" can only be heard by Archer.
<.<' >.>" but your closed aren't you?

I love dragons. My character would love dragons, who doesn't love dragons? Vampires would love ME I would like to think lol. Remember, I play kind of an evil leaning character, would that work? Skimming the storyline. ( 2 paragraph minimums.. oooooh you're mean. I'll try though. It might be good for me to learn how to be more descriptive. Well, actually 2 paragraphs wouldn't be that hard now that I considered it. I mean I usually had at least a double paragraph I think.)

I also noticed that everyone has white hair.. So.. I mean.. I love white hair, ever since Japan introduced me to Sesshomaru, and his sexy long hair. I can't stop loving the idea of shiny silvery white hair. BUT! Since everyone has white hair. I am willing to compromise! And.. Erm.. Change it to.. I'm thinking about this as I go along lets see.. ... I wish there were more colours to choose from in life.. Red hair, like dark blood red hair! With black highlights! Like um.. Black stripes throughout the Blood red hair.. Yes! Everywhere it says something about white hair, it is now red, with streaks of black. Yes.. ^.^

Note: I'm kinda new to Forum roleplay, very experienced in mmorpgs. For like PVP , ( , ( Which usually was like pokemon in.. Our Guild leader was like " HOW DARE YOU SIR, YOU INSULT MEH HONOR! Saltra! ( Me ) I choose you! Kill this fool! )though lol. So be nice?

I also LOVE playing the villain, but I HATE ABSOLUTELY HATE, Being the center of attention. I do like to be that semi evil- but we love to see them back character. ( Like Inuyashas brother lol. Sesshomaru. ) She can work with the good guys in the right circumstances. She can work for organizations as well. But she won't tolerate being low class within the organization. So thats me, enjoy my weird character sheet <.<.

Name: Solace ( Nothing, just Solace, there is nothing else to her name. )

Class: Spellcaster/Waterbender, graceful command of water, without a water source it will become steadily exhausting, but can be used by absorbing particles in the air. Near a large water source, such as the middle of a lake, or especially in the middle of the ocean. She becomes very powerful. ( Her spells are enhanced to a very formidable level, exhaustion is much harder, and new ways to expel water.

Race: Human.

Gender: Female.

Age: 21

Height: 5.6

Weight: 112

Eyes: Piercing Amber. ( Piercing into your soul, attempting to feel, what you feel. )

Hair: Shoulder Length, and white. Messy not straightened, but not dirty, or greasy. It's

gorgeous hair, but not orderly by any means.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral-Chaotic Evil. ( Very situational, She wouldn't randomly kill children without cause, but if their father were to anger her, she may take great pleasure in torturing/killing his children first, simply to watch his emotional response. She is very freelance, the world is her playground, and she occassionally needs to feed on Agony. ( Not a REAL need, just a crazy need ^.^ )

Clothing: Well, it's all the same as my profile picture, it is all very much the same. Except for the hair of course, and the colour scheme, imagine the gray as more Black.

A red Tabard like outfit, red and black dominating. She carries a Rapier, a very thin, very sharp sword, with no hand guard ( Whatever you call it :o , the thingie near the handle to protect your hand. It's just made for very fast slashes/stabbies.

Securely fastened to her side.

Personality: Confusing, and always ready for something new. When she isn't

trying to kill you, she seems to be in her own little world. She loves to occassionally

tease, and annoy what she considers " Lesser humanoids. " Everyone around her are simple

play-things for her own amusement as far as she is concerned. Once in a blue moon, she can be

found in a very tender mindset.. Sad, and tortured. Usually after awakening

from a bad dream. She can be if need be manipulative in the blink of an eye, and

When Angered, Frightened, or overly joyful, Her eyes dramatically change into

a widened insane eyed.. Obviously needing professional help kind of state.

With an obsession for torturing those who are unlucky enough

to lose to her, after the battle is won she chooses to kill them....

By drowning them slowly ^^, It is close to impossible for her to lose

an encounter, very few things can make her stop. She isn't stupid.. But she

is stubborn. She will simply continue fighting until killed in most losing

situations. ( Overwhelming numbers, or obvious advantages, or major power differences

will snap her out of this. ) Losing to Solace is very unwise. She will most certainly show no mercy.

Being captured, held down, etc is the only way to end the fight without killing her.

History: As a child ( Insert YOUR shaly/evil Government, gods, etc here. Has to be shady or evil,

her childhood is very dark, and menally traumatic.. ) attempted to weaponize her unique water-bending

abilities, and her above average intelligence. ( Not a genius, but above the majority. )

Her powers are enhanced to mindblowing levels when presented with large bodies of water.

Which would be useful for naval dominance for example. At roughly 16 in a nutshell she didn't like

the idea of working for... Well ANYONE! They were all beneath her.. If anyone was to serve it would

be them serving HER! Now she travels the world looking for new life experiences mostly, as sadistic

as she is, she surprisingly enjoys knowledge.

Spells, abilities:

Proficient with a longsword. ( But nowhere close to a master, but very fast with the lightweight blade. )

Mobile: She is very quick, and athletic, her grace and speed are pushing supernatural for a human, but maybe not fast

in comparison to a god, or a speed focused character for example..

Water ball: A globe sized ball of water shoots off from the palm, hitting a target before exploding into many bullet droplets. It would be like getting hit by a bunch of very high powered bb's after the impact of the globe.. Push back, and good for wrapping around shields.

Water Whip: Lashes a whip of water gracefully at opponents, mostly annoying doing minor damage out to 30 ft.

Pressure: A focused stream of powerful water ( Like a hose. That pushes opponents very effectively. Usually into objects for physical damage. ) Can be used for flight, but only to a very limited height, and must be maintained which will be exhausing after extended use. She uses this more for jumps, to increase speed or to leap at opponents, or quickly dodge an attack.

Water twister: Creates a barrier of twirling, high pressured water around Solace.. Will repel most attacks, except for high velocity, or powerful attacks. ( Hits and is flung off immediately, or twirls upwards and ejected skyward.) This spell can be used very quickly, with a lag in creation.. It can be kept constant but requires a great deal of energy to maintain.

She can't cast within the Water Twister, except for Expel, which

when water twister is active, expels effects are increased X3.

Expel: A slight lag, and intense focus, and BOOM! Massive Water pressure to anyone, or any object within 10/30 ft in all directions, will be flung very far X D. Shockwave for anyone farther away, and a few/a tonzof bb droplets but other than a slight push, shouldn't be too dangerous/would be semi dangerous. ( Used when in close proximity, someone charging with a sword for example./= water twister and expel together. )

Water Dragon!: Her most powerful attack, after a charging period, she will expel a very large chinese style dragon. ( Snake like. ) But very large, and full! This attack will almost certainly knock anything unconcious that it hits directly, as well as destroy most basic walls, or barriers. It is a frightful display, but it's more fearsome looking, then actually deadly, easy to dodge for faster people..

Entangle: Two tentacles of water one from each hand wrap around the target, the pressure is very intense to make it very physical and unchanging, can hold someone in place or throw them, and.. The spell below this is commonly used with->

Bubble: After being entangled, she will transport more water through the tentacles, that will create, and stabalize a bubble around the opponent.. Which will fill and slowly drown them..

Basic water attacks: Different angles, and slashes, but nothing that is overly dangerous.
Lol. Actually only vampires of high level have white hair :P and if u wanna be evvviiiilllll l.. You could be a follower of Veloren, who is the evil guy in the rp. He wishes to destroy all dragons and currently seeks his nephew who has the to do it. :P
Veloren was the Vampire kings brother. He framed his brother for killing the dragon princess and was sabatoging every effort to protect the truth. A war broke out, the dragon exposures

D the vamp king to human and slaughtered him family, taking revenge and taking his throne. Veloren wanted the throne, but only wanted the dragon to kill his brother. Not take the throne. The dragon race then began to massacre all vamps. Human only kno of vamp unless they were tired to the royal families. So now 10 years later Veloren is building a army to take the throne back. He needs his nephew "Lavrador" because Lavrador is from a powerful bloodline that can kill dragons just with blood contact. Also if a vamp drinks his blood they become uber powerful. So he wants him to feul the army .. Currently Veloren is in a cave with his army. :P honestly u can come in however :P
Character Sheets Update:

For people to reference all new characters






















Veloren (Marcus)













Rohan (Vampire King)


Lavrador's (Wings)


BlackHawks (Ark's Generals)



This is what Velorens eyes look like. And also Lavrador (Valers) left eye looks like.

The whites are black and the pupils are crimson red.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/image.jpg.375b4e53553f83c7a71695dba57ab603.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="584" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/image.jpg.375b4e53553f83c7a71695dba57ab603.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

It seems no player character is a Dragon you mind if I remake Zel as a dragon I have a pretty interesting concept for him.
You can make him a dragon. But FYI Rei, Caster, Frau, Mikage, Kanin, Cain and Ark are all dragons. If fact you can be one of Ark's generals. He has 7 all together. I have already made 5 .. He would have to be a dragon thou 
You can bring in another, that's fine.
I am having the most difficult time keeping up with you all.

I may have to drop this RP. It really does go by way to fast for my RPing style.

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