Totally a hero
Junior Member
the universe is composed of many different things,atoms. starts, galaxies, and...dreams. yes dreams,those very strange things that creep into the back of your head whenever you lay down and let your eyes roll around inside your head. you used to dream of mountains sunk below the sea, of fish in the sky, of every lover you could have had if you thought of something charming to say...but lately your dreams all takes place in a pure white room. its squared in. no doors,windows,ceiling fan,nothing. there is only a polished silver floor, and two velvet red chairs sitting across from one another...they stare each other down. thees no noise at all,only the small "click" of your footsteps. you touch the walls trying to find a way out but thees nothing at all. at first you tried very hard to get out of the room. you tried throwing the chairs at the wall,kicking at the floor, starting a fire by breaking the chairs, nothing would do. the only way for you to escape the room was by...waiting. after you learned this you simply began counting the seconds go by until you woke and left the room. this dream has been haunting you for almost a month now. but tonight, after your body lays still and your mind awakens in that white room, you begin to realize that someones there. out of all the decisions the universe could make, out of all the atoms. starts, and galaxies, the universe decided that you would start sharing your dream time with a complete stranger. what a strange world to live in.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/whiteroom.jpg.441b18cd29eeb0c5ec7be438f6fdc919.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44215" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/whiteroom.jpg.441b18cd29eeb0c5ec7be438f6fdc919.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>