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In 2063, the World Dynamics Initiative (WDI) is an assemblage of scientists, non-governmental organizations, and governments to create a geoengineering engine that reverses the effects of climate change and artificially cools the Earth. Within months, global temperatures plummet with the coldest places on Earth becoming completely uninhabitable. As a result of harsher winters and shortened growing seasons leading to massive crop failures, the global food supply diminishes. Ecosystems across the world collapse with mass exctinctions across the board. There are fragments of society sprinkled throughout the Earth, relying on controlled environments to produce food for smaller communities. The surface has become a warzone as competing groups vie for arable land and energy sources. Among the anthropocenic ruins, machinations from a forgotten time trod between skyscrapers and meander over abandoned cars. You are a survivor. Where will you live? What will you do?


Genetic modification has gone too far. In 2032, the Genome Directive Corporation is the first company that produces a genetically engineered beef cattle genotype that is able to synthesize more fat using less feed, dramatically reducing the cost of beef. In 2035, the Genome Directive Corporation partners with Lodge Trophée Africain, a Guinean safari agency, to produce a commercial package that gave exotic big game hunters a more thrilling experience. Experimenting with Pan troglodytes, or the chimpanzee, GDC and LTA created a new species - Pithecus sapiens. P. sapiens was characterized by rapid birth rates, incredible strength and intelligence, and a stronger digestive system allowing them to eat on a broader diet. With a single female P. sapiens being able to give birth up to four offspring at a time, they rapidly out-reproduced humans and began to form tribes across Northern Africa, then migrating across the world. 30 years later, the new dominant species is the ape.


Humanity never understood the consequences of its actions. Unable to get control of its runaway industrial pollution, society proliferated such a volume of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and volatile organic compounds that the air turned deadly. Now, plagued with persistent smogs across the world, acid rain, and heightened respiratory illness, humanity is largeled confined to underground living, "aerodomes," or walking the Earth with a gas mask strapped to their face. Widespread death and disease overburdening global healthcare systems and causing irreperable financial stress caused governments to collapse. Now all that's left in the Smog are city-states, raiders, and the Industrialists. Everyone else has to fend for themselves.


The Local Interstellar Cloud spans 30 lightyears. The Meller-Skoglund Engine crossed it in 20 years. In 2337, Cyryl Meller and Linus Skoglund, working out of the Advanced Kinetics and Propulsion Development Center at the Mars Polytechnique Université on Deimos, developed an engine that could produce enough negative energy to create the conditions necessary for the Walker Core to create a sustainable bubble around a spacecraft. With their invention, humanity was finally able to reach for the stars. Moving at 300% the speed of light, the stars nearest to Sol fell - Proxima Centauri, Barnard's Star, Wolf 359. Despite being able to move incredibly fast, it would still take months or years to reach some of these destinations. The year is 2462, the 125th birthday of the Meller-Skoglund Engine. Humanity is interstellar, having colonized eight systems outside of its own. There is largely no interstellar governance. Ross 128, locally known as the Andere system, is 7.4 years from Earth. You are just a lonely spacefarer in this big universe. What will you do? Where will you go?


A "reboot" to an old project, the premise of Edenfall is a cyberpunk/green anarchist dystopian apocalpyse. On October 11th, 2087, nuclear war broke out. Luna and Mars had been colonized at this point, with three major conglomerates holding the largest private stakes in solar affairs - the Kabusei Corporation, AurumGate Bancorp, and the NewStar Group - conglomerates so large they essentially acted as their own countries. Nearly a century after the "End Event," the corporations are looking to make profit once again. On the Earth's surface, there are several "New Nations" with thier own religions who have survived and prospered since the End Event so many moons ago. You are anywhere between a freighter pilot to a distant relative of the revered "Duradis" families.

If you're interested in one (or more) of these, please just reply with the titles. For example:
Frostburn, Localization, Edenfall

Thank you!
Tentatively interested in Localization- mostly because it gives me classic episodic sci-fi/space opera vibes, à la Star Trek, FarScape, or Firefly.
All of these sounds really fun. I think Smog, Localization and Edenfall are the ones I'm most interested in.
Bump 1.

Current Votes:
Frostburn: 1
Pithecus: 0
Smog: 2
Localization: 4
Edenfall: 3

Localization currently leads. Will be producing whichever one leads on 16 August.
Frostburn, Smog, Localization, and Edenfall all sound good to me!

or maybe I'm just a sci-fi/apocalypse nerd
Last bump before beginning production tomorrow.

Current Votes:
Frostburn: 2
Pithecus: 0
Smog: 3
Localization: 5
Edenfall: 4

Localization still leads.
Not that it probably needs another vote since it's already in the lead, but Localization sounds fun
Current Votes:
Frostburn: 4
Pithecus: 1
Smog: 3
Localization: 7
Edenfall: 6

In a close margin, Localization wins. Like this response directly if you plan on participating with Localization.
Development Marker
Will be creating a new thread (lore primer) soon and open character sheets. For the time being, here's the current (tentative) star chart. Please note that all systems are real but several have been renamed from their common catalog names, e.g., Gliese 673 is now the Arkoman System. For now, if you have any questions please message me directly. Thank you.

Localization Map.png
Interested in Frostburn. I have to ask where did you get the idea? because it sounds a lot like a group RP I tried to start multiple times over the years on different sites lol. Maybe just great minds think alike.

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