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Fantasy Vance Investigations


Archetype of Steel
Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group
  3. Off-site
My Interest Check
"Those were my fucking groceries, guy. Come on."

This morning was already shaping up to be a mess. It had been a while since he'd been mugged, so maybe he'd gotten a little complacent. Even still, Victor should've known better than to take any shortcuts in the way back to the shop. Now his bags were all over the ground, though it fortunately looked like there weren't any damages to the produce itself. Still, it'd be a hassle to clean up.

"Good thing you don't have to worry about that anymore, I'll be taking them off your hands." His assailant was a Steinkind, which meant he couldn't very well brute force this especially when shooting him dead-on meant he was at most chipping a tooth.

"I take it you want my wallet as well?" Victor's deadpan gave a disregard of the situation, as he flicked back the left flap of his coat to reach for it. "You mind if I take a minute to separate the coins? I still need my commission card and stuff."

"Whatever, man! Just give me your money!" The Steinkind was unarmed, but he kept himself at a distance for reasons Victor couldn't fathom.

"When you're built like a mountain face, I recommend taking advantage of that," Victor fished out a single Lon coin from his coin purse pinched between his forefinger and thumb. "I wouldn't try playing it so far, rush me down."

"Fine by me!" The mugger agreed with the sentiment. Perfect.

Victor chuckled internally, remembering how much he'd been kicked around the first time he was asked to deal with a Steinkind. Fortunately that experience lended him a bit of an anatomy lesson: Steinkind are hard as stone in most all places except core joints and most crucially—

"Back of the head." Victor whispered into the Lon coin before flicking it out with his thumb.

The coin soared past the mugger, who had been goaded into ignoring it in favor of blasting Victor in the teeth. Flicking back the other flap of his coat, Victor revealed the holster for his revolver. Taking it by the trigger guard, he rolled it up into his hand and cocked the hammer.

Oh the folly of being right-handed, but left-eye dominant. He mused as he closed his right eye to focus in on the coin. Even pull, don't anticipate. Victor recited as he pulled the trigger. The bullet ripped through and past the Steinkind, who had flinched from the gun being pulled but hadn't caught onto the idea that maybe he shouldn't be facing Victor anymore. The bullet bounced off the coin, and with a quick flash of light was redirected into the back of the mugger's head.

While the bullet had a clean entrance, with the rest of the Steinkind's skull being hard as stone it didn't have a very easy exit leaving the bullet to bounce around violently and tear his brain to shreds. Dropping to the floor immediately, and becoming effectively a pile of rocks on the street.

Victor could only sigh at the sight. With a quick whistle the Lon coin he'd sent away flying back into his left hand, and in the same motion he flipped the revolver back into its holster. Maybe there was a better way of handling that, but it most certainly would've been harder. What do I have to gain in that extra effort? Pavvjör isn't so forgiving as to reward that kind of behavior, and there was even more incentive for him to just snuff him out.

"Six hundred fifty Lon. He was hustling pretty hard out here, huh?" Victor mused on the money he fished out of the mugger's wallet.

Fortune smiled upon his triumph with enough money to give him the excuse to slack off today. Since he wouldn't have to take any commissions, he could probably just sit in the shop and pray he got a new job. 650L was nice, but he was still pretty far from the upcoming rent.

"Oh, but before I forget," Victor retrieved a small oblong disc from his wallet, clicking the button on its center. When it started flashing with green and white lights, he tossed it onto the carcass as he left to pick up his groceries. "Hold onto that, I'm sure someone will find you soon."

As for him, it was time to open up shop.

Juju Juju
Yakov011001 Yakov011001
discount god.pngA rich, fresh copper intermingled with the scent of her quarry, muddling the trail she had been following for some time. Face hidden within the shadow of her cloak, she peered from the alleyway at the grisly sight she had been led to. Milky eyes glinted in the muted glow of a far-off streetlight, fixated on the red that pooled between the dirty cobblestone. It would grow cold soon, the rich red fading to brown. The sight struck a chord of sadness within her breast; what an utter waste.

Just as Victor threw the device upon the body, the figure stepped out from the alley. Her steps were soft and deft, though it was not her intent to sneak up on the man. She made no effort to hide as she strode forward.

The woman was dressed in a monochrome scheme of black, greys and white, the very same palette that made up what was visible of her own body. White hair peeked out from beneath her hood, framing ashy skin and opaque eyes.

"Excuse me, are you Victor Vance, of the Vance Agency?" She asked in a quiet, curling voice, stained deeply in a particularly antique accent usually reserved for the elite and long-lived inhabitants of the city.

Stepping out into the light, she approached him. The rustling of her frilled dress was the only sound she made as she made careful steps around the splattered gore and offal. Despite the brutality of the scene, she did not seem bothered too much by it or the man who had orchestrated it.

She stared at him with those dead-fish eyes, wide and expectant.
Fuck. He didn't think anyone else would show up, not until well after he'd left anyhow. Victor looked her up and down, she was diminutive and likely not a physical threat. He wasn't either, though, his strength came from his words: his magic. Still, he simply made a point to casually pick up his groceries from off the ground.

"Excuse me, are you Victor Vance of the Vance Agency?"

Well, that might've tipped him off a bit to the whole friend or foe situation at least. If she knew his name, and wasn't a friend or otherwise prospective client, then conversation would've certainly been pretty far down on the list of opening interactions. Still, he narrowed his eyes at her, so reckless as to seek him out away from his office.

"Depends on who's asking," He gave. "And how much Lon they've got for me."

Having collected all of his foodstuffs, he started to walk away. Victor of course expected her to follow; he couldn't imagine what kind of job she might have for him, but he needed the work so—

Juju Juju
As he began to walk away, the girl picked up her pace. She skirted around the body and blood pool and trotted after him until she was just behind him, keeping pace as he walked off with his groceries. She spared the bag a curious glance, wondering just what sort of things he had to eat. Just looking at it made her realize her own hunger, and for a moment her only response was a gurgle from her empty stomach.

Trying to cover it up, she firmly crossed her arms across her stomach as she followed him, peering through the shadow of her hood. "As you say, Vance sir. It is funny that you say Lon, because I was hoping you would hire me! From what I hear, you take on your cases alone, and it seems that you could use an assistant of sorts."

Slowly, but surely, the regal poise of the girl seemed to wear away into a tone of eager anticipation. "I am skilled in tracking and I believe I'd be beneficial to your cases! In fact, I traced you all the way here from a mere rumour. If... if that proves anything..."
Yakov011001 Yakov011001
Wh—huh? You're fucking kidding. Not only did she not have any work for him, she wanted to work for him? Y'know, that thing you need to pay people for? With what money? He was broke. Still, she offered him some rather interesting points. Maybe having an assistant would be good for him. As for her efficacy towards the job in question, her finding him wasn't actually that much to go on; not in the way she thought it was.

"I don't know, kid. That's a hard sell, why don't we talk numbers back at my office." He brought a hand up to his mouth as he yawned through the sentence.

Where did he get all this patience this early in the morning?

Juju Juju

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