Vampires and Humans


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Vampire or Human:




Name: Aiden Holmes

Age: Looks 17 (actually 122)

Gender: Male

Vampire or Human: Vampire

Personality: Aiden is pretty chill and laid back. He always goes out of his way to help others and likes to make people laugh. Sometimes he can be a bit of a goofball in serious situations, but for the most part, he's pretty lovable.

Bio: Aiden was turned a while ago, but when he was still a human he had a mother and a father who he looked up to a lot. He lived a middle class lifestyle and was content.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/images.jpg.3c65eafa50d5807dee1756b187bde538.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15922" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/images.jpg.3c65eafa50d5807dee1756b187bde538.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Name: Lily Enders

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Vampire or Human: Human

Personality: Lily is very headstrong and confident in herself. She has an outgoing personality and she's quite loud. She is very much the extrovert and likes to put herself out there. She's very quick to help people in need and she has a very strong sense of loyalty and justice.

Bio: Her mother was killed by a vampire in a freak accident when Lily was 12 and ever since then Lily has harbored some resentment towards vampires although she tries not to show it. She and her father get along very well and Lily also gets along with her younger brother Carter.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/light-blonde-hair-color-rmbdmawx.jpg.888fb69abade0930aa0d8176f8e378db.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15923" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/light-blonde-hair-color-rmbdmawx.jpg.888fb69abade0930aa0d8176f8e378db.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Summer Kesel

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Vampire or Human: Human

Personality: Summer is a quiet girl until you get to know her but once you do she’ll open up. She is incredibly loyal to people close to her but can have trust issues even if she’s incredibly naïve.

Bio: Growing up she had a happy family as an only child even if she only had a few friends. However a month or so ago her parents disappeared and haven’t been found. Now being taken in by her aunt she’s being sent to a new school and has no clue what she’s in for.

Other: X

Picture:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf05229fb_SummerKesel.jpg.7ffcab9351305fa7d376f73e3c8efb08.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15932" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf05229fb_SummerKesel.jpg.7ffcab9351305fa7d376f73e3c8efb08.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Vanessa Eide

Age: Looks 17, is 100 years old really.

Gender: Female

Vampire or Human: Vampire

Personality: Vanessa is the friendlier, more outgoing of the two twins. She is a happy-go bubbly girl usually, and doesn't mind if you're human or vampire. She is confident, though she can be quite emotional though it is not expected usually. When placed in situations she doesn't like, she usually just hold onto her brother.

Bio: When they were humans, they came from a family which worked as servants/bloodbags for a group of vampires. Their parents had worked as the same, though when the twins were born, they were taken from their parents and raised as vampires. As they were raised together, they got very close bonds, and with these bonds, a special friendship took place, which made it so that they did not need to speak to know what the other needed.

When they reached 17, they were turned into vampires together, and never have since then been seen far apart.

Other: Shares everything with her brother.



Name: James Eide

Age: Looks 17, is 100

Gender: Male

Vampire or Human: Vampire

Personality: Unlike his sister which is very outgoing, he is more quiet. He is more academic than her, though he enjoys the occasional party just like his sister. He is a gentleman, though he can turn quite rough should he find that necessary.


When they were humans, they came from a family which worked as servants/bloodbags for a group of vampires. Their parents had worked as the same, though when the twins were born, they were taken from their parents and raised as vampires. As they were raised together, they got very close bonds, and with these bonds, a special friendship took place, which made it so that they did not need to speak to know what the other needed.

When they reached 17, they were turned into vampires together, and never have since then been seen far apart.

Other: Shares everything with his sister.


Name: Iris

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Vampire or Human: Human

Personality: Iris loves drawing and reading, she isfriendly and nice to those who are nice back, she does enjoy the occasional person with attitude because Iris is quite stubborn when she needs to be, she also hates bullys. Other than that, she lives with her single mum in a small apartment, but the two get along fine. she enjoys school aswell, but gets sietracked alot with drawing.

Bio: Her father passed away when she was two, her mother and her just moved to this place as her mum got offered a job here and she is new to the school. Her mum and her are very close, pretty much talk to eachother about everything.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/meow.jpg.51afbc674a2e08d88c0c7f48997f86f8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15969" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/meow.jpg.51afbc674a2e08d88c0c7f48997f86f8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(hope thats alright, i thought, since im on holidays, maybe ill be able to keep up :) )



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Name:Drake Kuran

Age:200(looks 25)


Vampire or Human: Vampire

Personality:Hes usually calm and collected with quite a domanating persona which comes from his nobility.

Bio:He is the son of pureblooded vampires(vampires who have imbred) named Kaname and Yuki Kuran. His Family is one of the noble vampire clans.

Other:im really bad at this also if my pic needs to not be anime I'll find another one

-he can be teacher if need be :)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Drake.jpg.bb318f8de3b8db8b5c801705c0efbb78.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15976" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Drake.jpg.bb318f8de3b8db8b5c801705c0efbb78.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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It has begun! But I'll still be accepting new people, so feel free to make more characters!
Name: Tristan

Age: 16

Gender: M

Vampire or Human: Vampire

Personality: He is outgoing and sociable but has an extreme dislike toward Humans. He is loyal and protective. Is secretive about his past and sensitive when on the subject of family. Other than that, he is carefree and lives life to the full.

Bio: When he was 5, he moved to a city full of vicious criminals. He was forbidden to leave the house too much. He had to make do with hardly any valuables in case they got stolen. Just as they were about to move away, his mother was brutally murdered and his father cut badly. Tristan's father died in hospital because of a loss of blood. He and his sister, Esme, ran away from the town into a nearby woods. When Tristan woke in the night, his sister had been kidnapped. He saw something out of the corner of his eye and then a sudden pain erupted in his neck. He woke the next day as a vampire, alone and lost.

Other: Crushes Vanessa


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