Story Vampire: The Movie, Opening


Dialectical Hermeticist

The camera is fixed in place. We see the grimy walls of a badly kept apartment and the glow of a streetlight through the half-open curtains. We hear a faint buzzing that we realize is the sound of flies. An indistinct figure enters from the right, his back to us, and sits on the bed just visible at the bottom of the frame. The dim light of the streetlight reveals him as somewhat emaciated and pale. He's holding something, which he raises to his mouth. As his jaw distends, we realize it's a human hand.


Requiem: New Blood

FADE IN on asphalt as the titles fades away.

The camera pans up from the rainswept street to the sign above the doors of the club, MASQUERADE. We hear an edited version of

over this scene.

Slow pans across people dancing in the club, could be any time between '98 and '12. Credits in corner. Camera focuses on key characters at various points - SAUL, the Ventrue, in conversation with anonymous extras. DESMOND the Mekhet, behind the bar. Masked SERENA, the Nosferatu, sitting alone in a booth, a young man passed out beside her. JUSTINE, the Gangrel, staring down a patron who looks like he wants a fight. Final pan on ZII the androgynous DAEVA dancing with our protagonist, JULES.

FADE TO BLACK as ZII moves in to bite.


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