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Vampire Shadows [TMI]


Bronze Year Student

Partner: @Iskolde

After the end of the Shadowhunter war, things have changed at the Chicago Institute. Kids that never should have saw war have.

Now, a year later, the Shadowhunters are trying to recover from the war. As their dad gets more involved with the recovery efforts, the Wayland children are left basically on their own.

On top of that, Matthew Wayland, son of Warren Wayland, has been secretly looking for his mother. It was rumored that Josephine walked out on her family and died soon after she left. But Matthew thinks he remembers how his mother truly was like. He couldn't believe she would walk out on them.

Then suddenly, a vampire shows up on the institute steps soon after the arrival of Aisling Goldwright, a shadowhunter from Dublin Ireland. Vampires are disappearing, never to be found. Even though Matthew doesn't want to get involved, he and the other young members of the institute take up the Vampire's Mystery.

As they try to figure out the Mystery, the Wayland children and their new friend from Dublin must learn to trust each other as they try to help the local Downworlders. Something bad is rising and they could be in the middle of it all.​


One, two, three.

Matthew Wayland wiped his forehead. He walked toward the training dummy, pulled the knifes out of it, and then placed them at his side again. The dummy had several knife marks on it and the wall once did from when he trained as a young boy.

Everything about the institute felt wrong. It didn't feel like home anymore.

Another knife hit the dummy's upper chest.

It hadn't felt like home since his mother had left them and passed away. Thinking of her use to anger Matthew. Now it just made him sad.

His next knife missed where the dummy's heart should have been again, this time hitting the top of the stomach. He pulled out the last knife.

"Mattie!" As he threw it, he turned and smiled at his sibling. Ella Wayland walked in the room, a huge smile on her face.

"You're up early," She shrugged.

"The new girl is suppose to be here soon," She excused, "So everyone is up. Charlotte and Nathaniel are helping father prepare a room for her," She glanced at the dummy, "As accurate as always," Matthew's second knife had hit it's target: the place the heart would have been. He shrugged as he walked to pull the knifes out.

"Father need me?" Ella nodded.

"He got home really late last night. So he's a bit behind," Matthew placed his knifes back at his side.

"Okay. Then let's go help then," His sister gave him a weird look, "I'll shower after everything is done," Ella rolled her eyes and then turned toward the doorway. The two walked out of the practice room, stopping only to turn off the lights. Matthew followed Ella to a spare bedroom where their other siblings were. Their father was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's father?" Ella asked and the boy in the room answered without turning away from the bed he was making. The little girl, however, looked up and excitedly smiled.

"He went to his office. Some Clave bus-"

"Mattie!" Charlotte Wayland ran over to her brother and hugged him. Then she hugged her sister. Matthew smiled.

"What else needs to be prepared?" He asked. This time his brother, Nathaniel, looked up. He didn't look to happy.

"The kitchen needs to be cleaned. A couple staff members are working on that and the bathroom. I would hurry to see what you can do. She's suppose to be here any moment now," Matthew nodded as Ella knelled to Charlotte's height.

"Finish helping Nath. We'll see you soon," The ten year old nodded before running back into the bed room. Matthew and Ella headed down the hallway.

After everything was prepared, Matthew quickly head to the bathroom to shower as he heard the institute doors open. She was here.​


@Octavia Nightingale

Aisling Goldwright gripped at the necklace that hung from her neck and sighed slightly. This institute was different, much bigger than the one back home it made her feel rather small.​

The travel here had been less than pleasant, with a warlock who refused to make her spiral to travel by because of some "in the past your family dishonered me" nonsense, she'd been forced to ride a plane. On that plane was a kid who kept kicking at what he thought was an empty seat at it had annoyed the hell out of her, so much so that she'd contemplated yelling at him. That wouldn't have been very good considering everyone else would've thought it had come from thin air.

But, now she was here and all she wanted to do was sleep. Jet lag wasn't something she was used to experiencing. In fact, she's never really been out of Ireland before, being so far out of the way the Shadowhunter war and Sebastian hadn't really effected them. That is, except for her brother who'd disappeared as soon as word caught wind of Sebastian plans. He hadn't been seen since.

The sword strapped to her back clanked against the metal of her belt as she took a step forward, hand finally falling from the necklace depicting a gold "G" fashioned like a lock. She found herself remembering her fathers words before shed left, he'd lain in his bed pale as a ghost and said, just above a whisper,"Be careful, stór. Trust your gut, not your mind."

Taking in a small breath Aisling called out into the empty hallway, a thick Irish accent bouncing off the tall walls,"Hello?"

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After exiting the bathroom, Mattie headed down the hallway toward the main doors where his siblings and father should have been waiting. As he walked down the hallway, he didn't see any of his family members. It was unlikely they wouldn't be there though.

"Mattie!" He stopped and turned to see Ella running toward him, "Dad is still in the office. Nath stayed behind with Charlotte," Matthew frowned, knowing that Nath most likely didn't want to meet the new girl. Since their mother disappeared, he had been so distant to most people. Matthew would have been surprised if the boy had actually come. Ella seemed a bit worried as they hurried down the hall; they were definitely pretty late to meet the foreign Shadowhunter. They turned to go down a stairway that would lead to the area the girl would show up at. As they descended, Matthew heard a voice from down the hallway the stairs lead to. He turned toward her voice and then stopped when he saw her.

"Hello there," He called out to her before he walked in her direction, "You must be Aisling,"​

Aisling smiled as the boy and girl approached, he couldn't be Warren Wayland she knew, too young. Maybe the oldest, perhaps. The girl was one of the twins she'd heard about from her father. The Wayland family was rather large but in no way compared to that of the Blackthorns in Los Angeles, she'd seen them in Idris before and knew they were a big family.

She shook her head and offered a nod in the Wayland boys direction,"Yes, Aisling Goldwright. It's a pleasure." She smiled wide, her fingers subconsciously curling and uncurling around her seraph blade shoved into her belt.

It seemed that the rest of the family was either busy or couldn't bother with greeting her, she hoped it was the later. "And your Matthew and Ella Wayland. Am I correct?" Aisling questioned the both of them, her accent causing her to slur Matthew's name slightly.​

"Yes you are," Ella responded with a smile, "We're so excited to meet you!" Matthew slightly smiled.

"We apologize that the others have not shown yet. Nath can be shy and Charlotte refuses to leave his side. My father is busy with official Clave business from what we know. We can show you to your room, though," Matthew offered, "Ella can show you around to other places later. You're probably tired from your long trip," He guessed. Ella smiled at Aisling, still excited to be able to have another girl around her age at the institute. Matthew nervously waited for her response; he hoped they didn't come off as too friendly.​

Aisling nodded appreciatively,"Yes that would be wonderful, I am quite tired." It was the truth, she couldn't care less that the other tow Wayland siblings didn't bother to meet her, she was tired.

These two seemed nice enough, she'd been afraid they would all be stuck up snobs. Aisling had encountered those kinds of shadowhunters before and it was not pleasant.

To be honest she was excited at the fact to have another girl here, at home she was always stuck with her father and thirty year old Gratham Graymark, who was extremely cocky. When Matthew presented the prospect of Ella showing her around, Aisling grinned and nodded,"That would be wonderful as well. Thank you for being so kind to me."​
Ella smiled again and then turned to walk toward the stairs. She motioned to Aisling as she walked away. Matthew stepped to the side and smiled once more. Matthew glanced at his watch. With nothing much to do, he would go lock himself in his room for now and look into the disappearance of their mother again. He was losing sleep over this and he was staring to become tired. After the girls headed up stairs, he followed since his room was in that direction as well. All the institute's bedrooms were on one hallway, including all of the empty ones. They were on the opposite side of the hallway from the training room, but not far enough. Sometimes from the first two rooms [Ella's and Nath's] practice can be heard. When Nath got sick when he was younger, he use to trade rooms with Matthew. Matthew hadn't wanted to switch rooms. His mother had picked it for him. Matthew went into the room two down from Nath's [Charlotte's was between the rooms] and closed the door after he entered. He yawned as he picked up some papers he had on the floor and then he shoved them into a drawer nearby. Then he sat down and picked up a file to read for at least the fifth time.


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