Vampire Knight!


Ten Thousand Club
The sun was barley starting to rise over the horizon and Yuki slowly woke up for the day. She let out a yawn and sighed. She didn't feel like doing anything and lately her dreams have been very weird. She got dressed and walked to class. She had to patrol after class and this was very tiring. They had room inspections today as well. Oh the joy today would be.

Yuki sat down in class and looked at Zeros chair that was empty. She looked back at the bored and sighed. Zero better show up today. Yuki wasn't going to do all of this by herself today.

(Okay guys. It is up. We are going to start where Yuki is still human. Remember the timeline and all the events don't have to be what happens in this rp. Let's create our own story!~ Feel free to us the sign up sheet for oc talk!~)
Ruka was alone in her dorm room. While she shared a room with Rima Toya, she found that the other girl didn't spend quite as much time in this room as she did. It didn't bother her. They were on good terms with each other, but Ruka preferred being alone. She stared at herself in the mirror. Pale brown hair and hazel eyes. Fair skin. Lips pressed together in a straight line. She was so used to seeing her reflection that what she saw in the mirror was average. She didn't see the aristocratic beauty that others saw in her. This was just what she looked like. It was normal. And apparently not enough, her subconscious muttered. She shifted her eyes away from the mirror, lifting a glass of water stained red from a blood tablet to her lips. It did nothing to quench her thirst, but that was to be expected. Ruka watched the sun go down and heard the crowd of screaming teenage girls at the gates.

It was pathetic how they acted around the Night Class. Did any of them have even an ounce of self-restraint? Simply pathetic. Hypocrite, her subconscious said again, you are the same. She ignored it again. Her loyalty to Kaname was something different. She wasn't a teenager lusting after eye-candy. She was a loyal follower who admired and respected him. Keep telling yourself that, Souen. maybe you'll believe it one day. She bit her lip, drawing a droplet of blood and licked it up without realizing it. It was about time to leave. She made her way out of the dorm room and started down the hall, dreading the night like she always did.
"Hnngh." The vampire yawned quietly, putting his hand on his mouth and covering it, tears welling up in his eyes. He almost woke up late.... Kain eyed the orange hue of the sunset. In a small crack out of the darkened curtain, he saw several groups of girls converging in front of their gates. Sometimes, their excited feel got to him. He, himself took a few glances towards Aido and beckoned him to get up. He didn't like waking up in the morning.... Yet Aido hated it even more. What a bother. It was a miracle that he even got up in time. "C'mon, get up, Aido." Nudging him one last time before leaving him alone. He threw on his uniform, not even trying to take care of his appearance. Taking his book up in his hand, he groaned a second time, though this one was much more beast-like. The sensation was familiar enough. He forgot to eat.

The orange haired vampire strolled in the dorm's hall. The lamps flickered at his passing, giving him a eerie look. He took a finely sculpted water glass and put two pills in the liquid. He then sat down on one of the chairs, with a big thump. The white complexion of the pills soon dissolved into a red wave, turning all the water crimson. Kain sipped it, slowly, until the glass was emptied of all its contents, with only a red sheen in the bottom of the glass. He put the glass back at it's original place and got up. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Ruka, descending the stairs slowly, with an air of annoyance already surrounding her. "Ruka." He said in his mellow voice, scratching his neck out of boredom. He wondered if she began to notice the times when he stands in the hallway, leaning against her dorm door...Probably not.
Ruka surveyed the room quickly before her eyes fell on Akatsuki. They were the first ones there, but that wasn't anything new. The others were either too lazy to get up on time or just liked to show up a second before they left. She nodded her head at Akatsuki when she heard his greeting. "Akatsuki," Ruka mumbled after grabbing another glass of water. She dropped two blood tablets in and watched the color spread. The red liquid in the glass was just so...weak. This was her second one within the hour, and although it wasn't bad to have more than one, she didn't want to look like she was too dependent on it. Whatever. Akatsuki doesn't know about the first one. She gave in and plopped herself down in the chair across from Akatsuki with the glass in hand. She tried to sip it slowly, but it was fairly obvious how tense she was, especially to Akatsuki, who knew her better than anyone.

Ruka rubbed her temple with her free hand as the screams from the gates got louder. Classes for the Day Class were officially over and every teenage girl who wasn't deathly ill was gathered around the gates. "Do they ever shut up?" she grumbled more to herself than to Akatsuki. She felt bad for him...having to deal with them. Two 'guardians' weren't really enough to hold off the crowd, especially since Yuki was one of them. Ruka scowled a little at the thought of her, but took a sip of her 'blood' to conceal it.
Kaname opened his eys slowly, thought he kept his body stock still on the chaise, one hand casually pushing his long, brown locks of hair out of his eyes. As he was now, he would be unrecognizable to most of the Academy's students, although he'd be, nevertheless, entirely desirable by all the girls of the Day Class. 'Only one that matters...' he mused. Sitting up, he slowly buttoned up the dress shirt he'd simply thrown on in the morning. Within minutes, he'd transformed himself into the Kaname Kuran known by all: a hauntingly handsom -- no, beautiful -- creature whose crisp, white unifrom was never creased or crinkled. He stepped out of his room and into the hallway at a leisurely pace, noting that it seemed that both Ruka and Akatsuki had made their way to the Night Class Dorm's foyer.

Regally, he descended the steps slowly, his hand ghosting over the railing in a delicate touch. Once he'd stepped down onto the foyer, he acknowledged his two fellow vampires with a light smile and a nod. "Akatsuki, Ruka. Good afternoon to both of you." he spoke amicably. Just then, he noticed the glasses that both of them had, traces of the blood table and water solutions still visible to his vampiric eyes. Kaname's eyes flashed red for the briefest of moments, but he quelled his thirst with a practiced ease. He would be using neither blood tablets, nor random students' blood to quench his thirst. Rather, there was only one whose blood he seeked. Having stopped his hunger, Kaname sat down elegantly on one of the plush chairs in the foyer, waiting for the rest of the class to appear so they could depart. It was not generally a characteristic of his, but it seemed that recently, whenever the Night Class students were late to leaving the dorms together, Kaname became slightly irritated. Most likely, it had to do with a certain member of the Disciplinary Committee...
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When Takuma woke up to screaming out side, he shot up out of bed realizing that he had slept in. Whishing he had not stayed up so late reading, he quickly got ready for todays classes and work as the dorms vis-president.

Takuma was finally done getting ready, he grabbed one of his many books and started to head downstairs, athough when he left the room he felt like he was forgetting something. Shrugging it off he headed downstairs

When Takuma came downstairs he saw that Akatsuki, Ruka, and his long time friend Kaname were already up.

"Good afternoon everyone! Its a beautiful day is it not?" Takuma said cheerfuly, trying to start a conversation with someone.
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Yuki blew her whistle. As being apart of the Disciplinary Committee she needed to make sure the day class students and the night class didn't mix. "Alright! All of you know you aren't supposed to be so crowded. Its almost past curfew! Please go back to your dorms!" Yuki exclaimed out to the girls as she was trying to blockthem off from blocking the gate. She looked around as her brown hair was tossed around from the wind. The leaves dancing around everyone. Zero was late. He had been late a lot this week and it wasn't like she needed him okay we maybe she did, she just knew her job was important.

Yuki herself was rather impatience. The night class was running late again. Usually she isn't still there by now but she was the only Disciplinary Committee member that was there. Yuki wanted to see Kaname at least just once today. If it wasn't for Kaname, Yuki wouldn't be alive. That was the first memory she ever had at age 5. A snowy day, an older man with fangs that were razor sharp and his eyes dark red just like blood. Blood. That's what he wanted. My blood. Luckily a handsome boy was there to save me. He brought me here. He would visit me every other weekend. I never get tired of seeing his face. The handsome face of Kaname Kuran.
"Oy, Ruka." He sighed, looking at her with pity. "They didn't do anything bad didn't they?" Kain knew she was feeling tense, he could feel it in the tip of his fingers and the air. She knew that he could feel her, after all.. While his mind was elsewhere, something in between of worrying about Aido and daydreaming, his forehead lightly knitted together in a frown. He put his hand on her shoulder, as a sign of reassurance. "You drank one already." He noticed that her lips were already stained with red before she had drunk the contents of the translucent cup. Why he was looking at her special reason. "You could drink from me, you know." He knew that she would never drink the blood of the students, because of the rules, and because she hated the Day Class students, especially the Disciplinary Committee girl. Actually, he didn't think anything bad of her, she seemed like a nice human. Kaname's affection for her was a bit strange, but it wasn't of his affairs.

Once he heard small creaks upstairs yet again, he looked up, like a snap. "Oh, Gang Leader's here." He simmered, while knowing that Ruka eyes would sparkle the moment he saw him. The ashy haired man remembered why he was following Kaname and bowed, slightly putting his head down to demonstrate respect. When he straightened up, he saw Takuma's blond hair peeking out of a corner, already seeing his cheeky smile from his distance. Wondering were the other aristocrats were, with an big exhale, he let his mind wander around for a bit.
"No, but they swarm you guys like hungry wolves." She tried to keep her voice neutral, like she so often did, but there was a bite to her words. It didn't matter. It was only Akatsuki in the room and she always found that she let her guard down around him. That relief was short-lived. Her entire body tensed and her eyes widened fractionally when he offered her his blood. Regaining her composure, Ruka shrugged his hand off of her shoulder and quickly finished her drink. She licked the last drop from her lips and placed the glass down. Having a few extra blood tablets was one thing. Caving in and drinking from him was something else. Drinking from another vampire wasn't frowned upon unless it was a pureblood, but it was a sign of weakness. Ruka didn't do weak. "I'm fine."

Ruka's head snapped up when she heard footsteps coming towards them. She stood and bowed her head slightly as a form of respect. "Good afternoon, Kaname-sama." She raised her head just in time to catch the flicker of thirst in his eyes. She'd offered him her blood several times before, but he just didn't show an interest. Ruka didn't want to let her disappointment show, so she was relieved that Takuma decided to make his entrance, effectively distracting all three of them. She nodded her head in his direction. "Takuma."
Several tablets disintegrated in Zero's palm while he convinced himself that he didn't have to take them right now. The pills dinged as Zero dropped them back in the capsule the headmaster gave him. Laying low and pretending still seemed like a viable option. He brushed silver hair from his line of sight and noticed for the first time how late it had gotten. Zero grabbed his pistol and peered out the window of the boys dorm. Figures in white uniforms had already began appearing outside. He wasted enough time sulking. The day students flocked to the vampires and took pictures without any idea of how much danger they were in. Zero couldn't leave Yuki alone with the night class. Not with Kaname Kuran around. It wouldn't take long to find her. The crowd made it easy to know where the trouble was.

Zero strode toward the ruckus. He debated on whether to cite or threaten after-school dentition to the ladies who couldn't control their enthusiasm over the night class. The girls backed away from Zero with sheepish smiles without him having to say anything. Mostly only Freshman still bothered to give him and Yuki trouble. Zero headed toward Yuki's small, though authoritative, figure. He smiled despite himself. " Sorry." Zero said and moved to stand beside her. "I guess I'm a little late."
Yuki was still trying to keep back a few of the new Freshman when a familiar male voice apologized. Yuki looked to her side, her brown short hair being blown away from the wind revealing her neck. She looked at the Silver haired boy and punched him on the arm. "You're late. Again." she stated and shook her head. "I swear Zero, What on earth am I going to do with you?" she added and sighed. She wondered what was taking the night class so long to leave the dorms. Yuki sighed mentally. She was really looking forward to seeing Kaname today. Guess that was out of her schedule.

Yuki continued to hold off the girls until the gate opened and all those beautiful and handsome night class members stepped out. The crowd of girl seemed to be a bit more excited then usual and it was far to much for Yuki to handle. The girl continued pushing and pushing Yuki and Yuki finally gave in a fell forward. She let out a soft sigh and just stayed sitting on her knees. She really needed to learn how to calm these girls down better. Yuki looked at all the female night class students and let out a soft sigh. They were all so beautiful and such the perfect girls for Kaname. Yuki didn't stand a chance against any of them.

Yuki shook her head softly and focused once more. "As a member of the Disciplinary, I need to keep the day class students safe from the night class students." she reminded herself in a hushed tone since she was mainly talking to herself.

Seiran had overslept. A rare occurrence that was still causing the girl to stare at the wall in shock, lips parted as narrowed eyes were widened slightly. Normally, she would have awoke earlier but today seemed to twist her usual schedule. She stood up, sighing slightly before she headed over to the dresser, grabbing her uniform before she got changed.

A few moments later she was pulling at the thin red ribbon around her neck, making sure it was settled perfectly under the shirts collar before she sighed. To be honest, the vampire was curious to her current dilemma but she had more important things to be concerned about. It was and had been her duty to stick by a certain purebloods sides, her loyalty unquestioned. Why? The reasons to why the silver haired girl held such loyalty and respect was a mystery to nearly everyone.

Having changed and sorted out the uniform set for the moon dorm she exited her room, making sure to hear the gentle 'click' of her lock as she left. As her fingers drifted from the knob she headed to the staircase, her steps quiet as the silent girl made her way down each step with her eyes switching to some of the other vampires she currently joined the presence of. With a gentle and quiet hum she made her way over to the seats, perching herself behind them as she awaited the time they would depart to class. Her eyes staring at the door hauntingly as the image of the male vampires fan girls caused her to purse her lips. "Kaname-sama." She greeted, otherwise saying nothing else as her thoughts were returned to the dangerous and possibly rabid creatures outside.

'Crazy humans...'

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