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Fantasy Vampire-Human CLOSED

Clark smirked. "Then lose control." She said and someone put a drink in her hand. She took a sip and made a face. "That tastes weird." She said and shoved it back into the guys hand. She danced with Peter and put a hand on the back of his head and brought him in for a kiss. The alcohol just made what she wanted to do from the beginning, happen.
Peter paused as he felt as if the breath was knocked from his lungs. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath...it was so tempting...another drink was forced into his hands and he didn't notice the lipstick mark on the glass till he had already thrown his head back...that drink definitely wasn't right...Peter choked slightly as the bitter taste of whatever had been added hit the back of his throat but it was too late, he'd already swallowed...hopefully whatever it had been wouldn't work on vampires

"Clark...you're very drunk...I...I shouldn't..."

Peter began to say, he was starting to get a headache...had he finally hit the limit of drinks he could hold as a vampire? No...he'd been drunk before...this wasn't the same...everything had begun to be simply too bright and loud and he closed his eyes tightly as he rested his forehead against Clarks...apparently whatever was in the drink did affect vampires...to a degree...He then bent lower and whispered in her ears, making sure the other guys heard nothing

"Don't accept any more drinks from them...somethings not......not right..."

He pressed the heel of one of his hands into his eye, why did the lights and music hurt so much suddenly...?
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Clark rolled her eyes. "Maybe just a little." She said and laughed. "But you are too mister." She said with a pout that quickly turned back into a smile. As Peter lean his forehead on her she said. "See, your drunkerer than me." She giggled and pecked and kiss on his lips. "You're cute." She said as her arms wrapped around his neck and her body pulled closer to him. The dance floor kept filling up and everyone was so close together.
Peter stumbled as she pulled him closer, ever since he'd become a vampire he would have never applied the feeling of being weak to himself, but that was how he was feeling at this moment. he grabbed her face with both hands gently as he got her to look into his eyes, his concern clear as he spoke lowly

"No...Clark...please listen...I know its hard right now...but try and understand...something truly isn't right!..."

Peter's vision had started to blur unnaturally quickly and he had begun to sweat lightly, something that should have been impossible for his body to do. His hands left her face as he held her hand in his own shaking one as He stood straight up and looked around, trying to see where Damon had gone, the concern he felt was evident and one of the guys wrapped an arm around his waist and tried to pull him gently away from Clark and deeper into the sea of people
Clark didn't really get what he was trying to say. She just thought he didn't like her like that. But as the guy started pulling him away she reached after the two "Hey!" She said then a guy grabbed her and started pulling her away. "Wait. I'm..Peter." She said and the guy leaned in to kiss her, but she shoved a hand in his face. "What? So you'll kiss him, but not me?" The guy got upset, and Clark sorta pushed passed him to get to Peter but she couldn't see him. The guy then pulled her back in his arms, and started kissing her neck. "Stop. I'm trying to find someone." She said trying to push him away.
Luckily for Peter, only a few people had gotten between Clark and him and he was able to get the guys hands off of him by snarling and giving his best preditor smile as adrenaline shot through his system and his mind cleared a little, the fog lifting enough for him to act somewhat normally


The guy let go of Peter like he had been burned, his eyes wide before Peter darted back to where Clark had been. He easily strode forward and pulled her back into his arms protectively, his eyes cold as they locked with the guys who had been touching her. It was amazing what the difference a simple look could make, Peter had the guy backing off without a word said by either of them.

"Come on Clark, I believe it's time to get off the dance floor and find the others..."

His voice was low and a growl, but because he had her so close, she would be able to hear him, his adrenaline was still pumping through him and so his mind stayed clear, but as soon as it started fading, the effects of the drug he'd been given would come back in full, if not worse
Clark nodded. "Okay, the. We can dance with them!" She said with a giggle. Too drunk to really understand what was going on. As they left the dance floor, Clark started to feel funny, from the one big sip she had of that drink. If she had the whole drink she would have been passed out in second. Her vision went blurry and she was seeing double. She started to stumble more than before. "I feel... weird." She said to herself and blinked a lot as she looked around disoriented.
Peter leaned down and kissed her temple gently before muttering quietly, an almost sad tone to his voice as he spoke

"I know Clark...I know...come on, let's find the others..."

It was only luck that let them find Damon so quickly, and with one look at the pair, Damon knew something was wrong...He disentangled himself from the small group he had been apart of and came straight over, face slightly stern as his voice was quiet

"Whats wrong?"

Peter was relieved when he saw Damon, the adrenaline starting to fade as his arms tightened around Clark's waist, his voice was slightly rough when he spoke next as the effects of the drug started to take control of his body again and he started feeling cold from the slight sheen of sweat covering his exposed skin

"Someone tried spiking Clark and my drinks..."

Damon's face darkened even more before a chuckle left his throat and he shook his head

"It's obvious she didn't drink all of it, she'd be out by now if she had...but you little brother, I can tell had almost all of it...you're gonna feel like hell by the time we get home...Come on, let's find Rebecca and let her know the situation..."
They searched around for Rebecca and ended up finding her at the bar. But once they found her and explained what was going on Clark's legs started to give out and she went and sat next to Rebecca at the bar and put her head down. "Its nap time." She said and groaned because she felt bad.
Peter wasn't in the best shape either as he leaned heavily into Damon, his breathing had started rattling in his chest and he was taking slow steady breaths as his vision swirled. Damon's voice was quiet as he spoke to Rebecca

"I need to get these two home...will you be alright getting yourself home?"

It was obvious that Damon was concerned about Rebecca, but Clark and Peter needed rest and to be safe inside of the walls of the mansion, Nicholas will know what to do...he'd taken care of Peter before when this had happened once before after all...
Rebecca nodded "I'll be fine, do you need help getting these two home?" She asked as she looked over at the now passed out Clark. "Because I can try to help." She said and stood up and stroked Clark's hair, and tried to wake her up.
"As long as this bag-o-bones can walk I can get them home, I should be fine, but give me your number just in case I get partly there and have an issue"

Damon shifted Peter slightly to see if Peter could actually stand on not, which he could, he just needed a hand to steady him and ground him. Damon the quickly gave Rebecca his phone to get her number, just n case before Damon then gently picked Clark up, careful to keep his arms and hands in respectful areas before he shifted to only cradling her in one arm and took a hold of Peters' elbow as he waited for Rebecca to return his phone
Rebecca put her number Into his phone, and then looked at how he was easily carrying Clark in one arm and looked at him weird. She placed his phone in his pocket. And just kept thinking 'How in the world?' Before she waved them off. "Good luck." She said before they left
Damon shot her a smile before taking Peter by the arm and started leading them out of the club and home. Halfway there Peter looked over and saw Damon carrying Clark, even though his rattling breath Peter growled at Damon for touching Clark, but it was an almost pathetic sound as his head lulled momentarily. Damon simply laughed as he shushed Peter and kept going. They were walking up the front steps when Peter's body finally succumbed to the drug and his legs gave out, the only thing keeping him from smashing his skill against the stairs was Damon holding onto his elbow

"Shit this just got more complicated..."

Damon shifted them for a moment before he was finally able to throw the now unconscious Peter over his other shoulder before opening the door.

((I'll leave it up to you if Nicholas and Lillianne are back yet or not))
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Nicholas and Lillianne had already gotten home and Lillianne was sound asleep in her room. Lillianne had a pile of prizes, mainly stuffed animals, all over the living room. Nicholas was also in his room but reading one of his many books with classical music playing through his earbuds. Clark was unconscious in Damon's arm, but started to wake up. She didnt have much control of her body. It was kinda like she was half asleep.
"Damn it all..."
Damon muttered under his breath as he hauled the two up to Peters room, he ungracefully plopped Peter down on his bed in a heap before gently putting Clark down by him. He then got to work removing their costumes...or at least the accessories before Peter stirred in his sleep and curled himself protectively around Clark with a growl in the back of his throat...Damon sighed, he was going to take Clark back to her rooms once he had gotten Peter settled...but that was out of the question now, he didn't want to lose a finger by trying to remove Clark from his arms...the only thing more dangerous than a Vampire, was a drugged and hypersensitive Vampire who felt the need to protect their mate...Damon left the room quietly to go and find Nicholas and alert him to what had happened. The Last time Peter had been drugged was almost a hundred years ago, and the stuff hehad been drugged with wasn't nearly as strong as it was nowadays...Peter had been out for over a day that time...who knew how long it would take for that stuff to leave his system this time...
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The drug had had a bad effect on Peter, and had left him fighting a fever and chills most of the rest of the night, yet neither Nicholas nor Damon dared get close to him...Peters conscious mind was so far gone into the drug-induced fever fog that instincts had taken over, a consistent purr was in his chest when Nicholas and Damon weren't trying to touch him to bring the fever down, but that purr turned to growls and blind snapping at fingers as iron-like arms tightened enough around Clark that they were sure she'd have bruises along her hips when they got too near. They didn't know what to do...The pair only hoped that either Peter would wake soon, or Clark so she could try and comfort their youngest brother into allowing them to help. Fever was dangerous for a Vampire, it could have lasting damage if they weren't careful and kept it under a certain degree...and they couldn't get close enough to check
Clatk finally woke up and was face to face with Peter. Her head throbbed and she felt like crap, too much so to be embarrassed. She looked over Peter's face and he looked bad. He was sweating and looked off. Could this really happen to a vampire. He was squeezing her so tightly, she reason she woke up. "Peter.. your hurting me sweetie." She said and brushed his hair out of his face with her hand.
Peter whined deeply in his throat, his eyebrows knitting together as his arms loosened slightly, enough at least so she wasn't in pain. His movements were jerky at best and his breathing hitched as he shifted his position, his hair was sticking to his forehead and his cheeks were pink with fever. Damon had fallen asleep as he sat on the piano bench watching over the two, it was late in the afternoon of the following day. and according to Nicholas' predictions, Peter would still be sleeping for a day or two, Damon had jumped when Clark had spoken and yawned hugely before he spoke.

"Hey Clark, you finally back in the land of the living?"

Damon called out, his voice was tired as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, Damon frowned when he saw Peter, he'd gotten worse in the little while that Damon had been sleeping. Damon came over in a blur and put his hand onto Peters' forehead, Even the growl that came from his throat was weaker than before

"Nicholas! Get in here!"
"Barely.. God.. What the hell what in that drink." She said and rubbed her temple. "Peter looks horrible. What do we do?" She said trying to move to sit up, but Peter wouldn't allow her to. She wiped all the hair out of his face, and used his blanket to blot off some sweat. She kissed his forehead. He was warm, unlike his usual cool skin. She kissed his forehead, warm against her lips, and she stroked his hair to comfort him.
"That's the problem, we're not sure...he won't let us close enough to even help him cool down...Nicholas thinks..."

Damon's words were low enough to be a growl as Nicholas came into the room, seeing Clark awake made him relax Maybe now that she was awake they'd be able to actually help their brother fight whatever was going on. Nicholas took off where Damon had stopped at his entrance, his voice calm as he studied the situation

"Clark, sometimes a vampire can be allergic to something that they had been allergic to in life, the only problem is we haven't been able to get close enough to tell if his reactions are that of an allergy or of simply the drug itself...can you keep him calm enough so we can check do you think?"
Clark continued to stroke his hair. "What should I do...?" Half asking them, half asking herself. She continued to stroke his hair as she thought, Then she began to hum. She hummed the tune of the song she helped Peter with writing the other day.
Peter sighed as he relaxed, the sounds of her humming calming him to the point of actual sleep as his arms loosened to simply hold her like one a teddy bear in their sleep as a child. Nicholas and Damon swept in and started trying to determin what was affecting Peter
Clark continued to hum and softly stroke his hair and his brothers gathered around, she slightly felt awkward being in his arms with others around and watching. It was weird for her, but she was more worried about Peter than that. She studied his face as this went on.

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