Vampire House

Mikkelle Sting

One Thousand Club









Family and/or Friends:


Name: Evelon Cyprus

Age: 800(looks 17)

Gender: Female

Occupation: For awhile she was a famous rock star but eventually retired to The Vampire House.

Abilities/Powers: She has command over lights, sound, and explosions and used them in her

shows making the fans wild for more.

Personality: Back when she was a rockstar she was confident, arrogant, and snobbish. But when she settled down at The Vampire house she became like an insecure school girl; quiet, shy, blushing, and very clumsy. But she still likes dark things, as well as skulls.

Crush: Her boyfriend.

Dating: Lavi Zemmi

Family and/or Friends: Unknown.

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Name: Lavi Zemmi

Age: 805 (looks 16 - 19)

Gender: Male

Occupation:He was a famous DJ known as DJ Zem before he retired to the vampire house .

Abilities/Powers: He has the ability to control and create sodium and potassium which he can ignite to either create fires, or explosions

Personality: He displays many different moods that range from mischievous, laid-back, friendly, cold and bitter, and even sly or naive but Lavi is typically a very reserved person

Crush: His Girlfriend

Dating: Evelon Cyprus

Family and/or Friends: TBA

Name: Ran Lei Fang

Age: 923 (Appears 19-21)

Gender: Female

Occupation: She was a gang leader for some time, then she owned a flower shop, and then she became a hitman, and hasn't quite retired yet.

Abilities/Powers: Ran can use a sort of fire that isn't hot, infact it's actually fatally cold. It's color is blue, and she's unable to explain why it's cold, nor does she care. She just likes the fact that she has the cold fire. She also has the power to manipulate someone, depending on their willpower strength. Ran is also savvy with her katana.

Personality: She appears to be cold-hearted, but is rumored to have a soft side that has rarely ever been seen. Ran is very stubborn, and strong-willed, and is most definitely not afraid to speak up about something she doesn't like.

Crush: None, yet

Dating: None.

Family and/or Friends: Naturally, she outlived her family and most of her friends, so it's easy to say that only one or two of her friends haven't died off yet, but her whole family is long dead.
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Name: Lana Hempf ( lay-nu )

- long blonde hair (wavy)

-brown eyes

-skinny, little to no figure

- dresses casually.

(( I couldn't find any anime/drawn pics of the character, sorry.)

Age: 720 (16 (Just turned 16 recent))

Gender: Female

Occupation: She doesn't get payed much, but she loves her work. She sing soul music that she can connect to. Usually like Fleetwood Mac, Led Zeppelin, and The Temptations. She usually sings with her acoustic guitar at the local coffee house.

Abilities/Powers: She has the power of resurgence. Only in small living things. She can bring something back to life with just a blow of her breath. She also has the power of fire, right at her finger tips.

Personality: She grew up in a swampland where she learned for her love of animals and her true hatred of hunters and poachers. She truly connects with her music and if someone were to take that from her there would be major consequences. She's overall a sweet warmhearted girl, but when given the chance has a cute-naughty side (manipulative).

Crush: She was crushing on a Boy named Kyle until he figured out about her powers and he broke her heart. She has somewhat trust issues.

Dating: ^

Family and/or Friends: A single mom, only child.
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Amatis Harkwell


145 (Looks 17)




After being bitten, she finished school and dissipated from family. Traveling on the road for nearly most her life, before coming to the the Vampire Hour, she spend her time hictchiking rides and snagging the driver for a meal.


Able to shift into a raven, she has the ability to sense emotion (Auras) and injury.


Bitter and withdrawn. Stays out of others way, appearing shy, she lacks belief in justice and rules. She cares little for human life, thinking the hunt as a game.




None, but she is bi-sexual

Family and/or Friends:

All dead, she left them at age 18, not contacting any living kin since then.



Name: Ella Lancaster

Age: 193 years old, appears to be 10-13

Gender: Female

Occupation: None. She's roomed in the Vampire house her whole immortal life.

Abilities/Powers: Her necklace from The Before (that's what Ella calls the time before she was bitten) glows bright red before danger occurs, and on one occasion has teleported her away from a scene she doesn't like to talk about.

Personality: Ella is very shy and quiet. She doesn't like thinking about what she is so sometimes when she's alone she imagines what it's like to be human. She's younger than the other's she hasn't quite accepted what she is. Sometimes Ella would wander the streets at night silently begging for a human to fall into step beside her. She keeps this side of her hidden from her roommates, though, and acts like the others when she's supposed to. Ella insists she doesn't like the taste of human blood, and drinks from birds and other animals instead, so she's a bit malnourished and can be sick at times.

Crush: None

Dating: None

Family and/or Friends: She doesn't like to talk about what happened to them.


Name: Jesse Scales

Age: 21 (Appears to be 17-18)

Gender: Male

Occupation: Jesse has always been an on-and-off writer and musician, one day he could be

fiddling about with a double bass, the next day he could lock himself up and try to finish his never-ending story.

Abilities/Powers: Enhanced scent of blood, weak telekenisis (Light objects).

Personality: As a new-blooded vampire, Jesse is still afraid of some of the other residents of the house. He tends to keep to himself and stay quiet around most people, mainly because he's worried that he'll get mocked or bitten again because of his frequent nosebleeds and injuries. He has a passion for music and horror films, which he can rabble on about for days if he had the chance, and someone to talk to.

Crush: N/A

Dating: N/A

Family and/or Friends: A mourning mother and father, who believe Jesse was abducted and murdered at the age of 17.

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Name: Tess Ryder

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Occupation: Tess wants to eventually to be a musician in a band and become very wealthy one day but just one wrong slip she could end up in the wrong place

Abilities/Powers: Make People feel/see anything she wants them to feel/see

Personality: Funny, Sarcastic, Immature, Mean (slightly), Usually really loud & doesn't care what anyone thinks.

Crush: None

Dating: None

Family and/or Friends: Not really any... 0-0


Name | Honesty Matthias.

Age| One hundred and five years old, but has the appearance of a twenty-two year old.

Gender| One hundred percent male~

Occupation| Works as a stripper.

Abilities/Powers| Honesty has the power over water, ice and mainly just cold. His powers are stronger during the rain.

Personality| Honesty is not the nicest person you'll come to meet. Yeah, he's seductive, rough on the edges and messily charming. Very narcissistic, selfish, proud and loud. Also, Honesty is shallow, but once he has something that is his, it is his. He's manipulative when he needs to be, very possessive and highly clingy when he has a lover. But Honesty honestly cares only for himself and doesn't really give a damn about people he's not best buds with. He's humorous, brutally honest, ditzy, and perverse. Also hardheaded.

Crush| "Aaaahhhahaha! You're a funny one, eh?"

Dating| "Seriously, you're crackin' me the ???? up."

Family and/or Friends| "I'unno, don't know if any of these losers can handle my coolness? How cool you say? Ice cold. alright alright alright alright--"


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