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Vampire Academy (tamaracorine & goldcat)

Anna took a deep breath, beginning to eat her small amount of pasta. She fell silent, leaning back against the door of the van as she chewed. It tasted amazing, though she wouldn't admit it. A smile curved into her lips and she ate with a little less anxiety. "Thanks." she murmured eventually.

"I look forward to it." Lukas smirked, kissing the top of her head. "So, there's enough room back here for all four of us. I'm thinking that you and Anna sleep back to back, with a couple of pillows between you, and that way I get to cuddle with you?"
Nick watched Anna as she took her first hesitant bite. He smiled, relieved as she kept chewing. He was happy to see her continue eating. A large smile formed on his face when she thanked him, "You liked it! Yay! I'm so glad! I mean... You're welcome." He grinned sheepishly.

Serene giggled softly, and nodded in agreement. "I like the sound of that." She told Lukas in reply, and kissed his cheek. She continued to eat the rest of her meal.
Anna turned bright red and looked away from him, letting her hair fall in her face to hide some of her blush. "It's... it's just food." she murmured, then turned to look at Lukas. "I like the sound of that sleeping arrangement." she told him. "If we get to sleep early, we can get on the road nice and early too. I'll drive, we'll just need to stop for coffee. I think we'll make Florida in the next day or two if we keep up a good pace."
Nick smiled sheepishly, then kissed Anna's cheek. "Right. It is just food. But I'm glad you like it." He replied to her, then listened to the others talk. Both he and Serene nodded in reply to Anna's words. "Sounds like a plan." Serene said, then stretched, finishing her meal. "Should we head to bed now then? Or when?" She asked looking around at the others.
Lukas finished setting up the beds just as Anna finished eating. He patted the spot beside him and smiled at Serene. "Come here." He smirked. "It'll make room for Anna. And I mean, I like cuddling."

Anna climbed over the back seat and laid with her back against Serene's, looking up at Nick. When he had laid down, she sighed and whispered, "don't let me disappear to the bathroom tonight. I... I uh... Just... Tempted, you know?"
Serene looked over at Lukas and blushed softly, grinning at him. She nodded, "Cuddling is nice." She laughed then laid close beside. Serene looked into his eyes and smiled. "Thanks again for helping me earlier."

Nick wrapped his arms around Anna, and her words made him hold her tightly and protectively. He watched her sadly, then put on a soft reassuring smile for her. "Okay... You're staying right here in my arms tonight." He kissed Anna's forehead. "It's going to be okay."
Lukas played with her hair gently. "It is nice." He agreed, "we can do it all night if you like. But if those two get too heated, just kick them, okay?"

Anna couldn't help but smile as he tightened his arms. She let her head flop down onto the pillow. "Thank you."

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