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Vampire Academy (tamaracorine & goldcat)

Serene laughed from Lukas's first remark then nodded along to his suggestion. "That sounds great! Let's try it! But, uh, let me apologize in advance if I drive really badly..." She grinned, but the reality of learning to drive was dawning on her. Most had to go through weeks of classes. She hoped that she would pick up on it quickly.

Nick chuckled and grinned, shaking his head. He planted another kiss on Anna. "I love you too Anna. But I'm curious... How long will it take for you to eat a donut for me?" He asked her, amusement flashing in his eyes as he tucked a hair behind her ear.
"Don't apologise. You'll need to learn bit by bit, and it'll be hard sometimes, but you'll be okay. I'm a good teacher. I taught Anna." Lukas explained, "And guess what? She's fine. She only crashed our car once." he laughed. "And we stole this one, so uh, there's no real issue..."

Anna shrugged, "Maybe if we get married I'll eat a donut for you on the wedding day. But not before I put the dress on, because I wouldn't want to be bloated, you know?" she smirked, kissing his nose. "What do you think? Wedding day donut?"
"Oh geez..." Serene laughed, "Is that supposed to make me feel better!?" She questioned while grinning. "I don't want to crash the car... Ugh, that'd be so embarrassing!" She rolled her eyes and shook her head while visualizing the embarrassment likely coming for her.

Nick laughed, "Oh Anna..." He poked her nose in response to her kissing his, "First of all, let me just say. A donut here and there will not bloat you. Especially with your activeness! But anyway I don't know... If you eat the donut on our wedding day... You might not eat the cake!" He said, acting alarmed. He didn't know how he felt about that, but he was in a joking mood, and wasn't going to let this ruin it.
Anna giggled and wrapped her arms tighter around him. "Not that I'm really thinking about getting married...not for a long while... but while we're on the road it's really hard to stay active, you know? So I want to be super careful about how I eat and make sure that I don't start putting weight on and..." she gulped and shook her head. "Sorry. I sound insane again. I should learn to not say everything I think out loud when I'm with you, but you just... you do something weird to me."

"Don't worry." Lukas chuckled. "Anna freaked out and confused the accelerator with with brake and it all went wrong. So just... Relax and don't get all control freak-ish like Anna does sometimes and you'll be okay. Got it?"
Nick chuckled softly and held her tightly in return, "It's called love silly." He smiled. "But Anna don't be afraid to tell me things. I'm here for you, okay? And you don't sound insane at all. It's not you fault." He pursed his lips in thought for a moment, "But you got to trust the rest of us here. We all want you healthy. We would never make you do or eat something that would make you unhealthy. I promise." He kissed her cheek, then looked at her serious.

Serene smiled and looked down, with amusement. "Okay. Okay I got it. I'll try my best, and I'll try not to panic, and I won't mix up the brake and accelerator." She glanced over at Lukas, a soft smirk on her face then she watched the road.
"Okay." she nodded after a few long moments of silence. "I trust you. I'll make you a deal." she whispered nervously. "Because I love you and I trust you, you can choose my food for the next few days. I'll eat what you give me, when you give it to me... And we'll see how I go, okay? If I can do it, you owe me an hour long massage... Deal?"

Lukas pulled off the edge of the road and into an abandoned parking lot. "Alright... home for the night." he sighed, stopping the car. "Now, there's a walmart a short walk away so we can send those two to take care of dinner and some pillows and blankets for us... sound good?"
A smile grew upon Nick's face and he nodded, barely needing time to consider it. "Deal. But you can have a boundary. I don't want to push you to where it's unbearable, so if it's getting to be too much at a time you need to tell me. I'm not going to hurt you by pushing you too hard." He told her, squeezing her hand.

Serene stretched in her seat and nodded at Lukas, "Yeah, sounds good." She told him. "Are we going to start practicing right away?" She asked starting to unbuckle.
"Okay, yeah." she nodded and kissed him. "Come on... let's go." she wriggled out of the seat and got out of the van. "So you want us to go get supplies while you take Serene out for a drive?" she asked Lukas. "Blankets, pillows, food... Easy." she told him. "Hey, Serene? Don't total the van. We need it." she teased, grabbing Nick's hand and walking towards the path that would take them to Walmart.

Lukas laughed. "Be nice, Anna!" he called out. He patted his lap for Serene. "Come here. Sit on my lap. I'm not hitting on you, I promise. It'll just be easier to guide you at first if you sit here... Anna did it as well." he assured her.
Nick got out of the van with Anna and chuckled as she spoke to Serene and Lukas's response to it. He happily laced his fingers with hers and he walked with her to Walmart. "Speaking of food... What should we get for dinner?" He asked Anna and looked at her.

Serene had grinned from Anna then looked at Lukas, eyeing him and laughing softly, "I love your reassurances." She giggled softly, and went over to sit on his lap. She planted a kiss on him them poked his nose, and turned to face the steering wheel. "Okay... So what first? Just start it, and go?" She laughed softly.
Anna shrugged. "We can get whatever you want for dinner." she told him. "But let's do Walmart first. Blankets trump food, anyday." she grinned, twirling under his arm. "We can take the back, I think. We'll move the bags from the back to the front and we can lay on the floor for the night." she wrapped an arm around his waist and sighed. "So what's for dinner, boss?" she smirked.

Lukas began to talk her through the steps. Starting the car, then driving. He kept them in the parking lot, simply driving in slow circles around the large space. "See... You've got this, babe." he whispered.
Nick smiled from Anna's words, then thought for a moment. He kept an arm wrapped around her waist and held her close. "Well... We're going to want something either pre-made or something that won't spoil and doesn't need to be cooked." He eyed Anna, "Maybe we should go find an R.V." He chuckled, then sighed. "Would you be willing to eat a little pasta from the deli or something? Or else we can go find a subway? We can also buys some snacks for when we're on the road..."

Serene carefully started the car and very slowly started driving around the parking lot. She was grateful there were no cars in the abandoned parking lot. Lukas's words started to make her feel confident. She was doing well for several minutes, but then suddenly almost hit a light pole. She jerked the car to a stop and threw her hands up off the steering wheel. "Oh no no no! I'm done, we're good, that was enough!" She stumbled off of Lukas's lap in a panicked state, and curled up into the passenger seat. Serene kept her eyes looking out the window.
Anna was content to be held. She liked how his hand felt on her waist. It made her feel safe, even as he suggested things that made her uncomfortable. "Just a little pasta." she agreed, nodding. "Can you get some fruit to snack on, please? I... uh... Sorry." she laughed nervously. "I trust you. I'll eat what you give me. Sorry. I don't want to go back on our deal I just... Please. Some fruit?"

Lukas stopped the car completely and wrapped his arms around Serene. "Relax." he whispered, rubbing her back. "You did so well, Serene. Honestly. You did amazingly. You just need to not panic, babe."
Nick smiled softly, and bit his lip as Anna stumbled over her words slightly. He held back a small chuckle, then grinned at her. "Hey relax Anna. You are able to request things." He smiled reassuring. "Besides, fruit is a given. We're getting some fruit. What kind do you want?" He asked as they approached Walmart.

Serene took in a shaky breath and turned to face Lukas. She laughed nervously, "I almost hit us into a light pole... I'm sorry." She bit her lip, and looked away. Her cheeks began to turn a rosy shade as embarrassment flooded through her.
Anna blushed, knowing that he was amused by her behaviour. "Apples please." She mumbled, pausing as they got inside. She leaned back against the wall and pulled Nick close, both her arms around his waist. "Maybe oranges too." She decided quietly.

"And that's okay." Lukas told her. "You didn't hit it. You stopped. Relax." He whispered, kissing her forehead.
Nick smiled, and kissed Anna softly against the wall. "We'll get both." He told her. A young child pointed at them, "Mom look PDA..." He became aware that they were in a public, and flushed softly, pulling away from Anna, but keeping his hand laced with hers. "Er... Sorry." He apologized to the mother who was glaring at them. After she walked by, Nick let out a laugh, "Well then!" He cast an amused glance at Anna, "Let's go get the blankets first." He said starting to walk.

Lukas's words began to calm Serene down, and she sighed. She managed a small smile, "Okay... That scared me though." She was still a little shaky. It probably wouldn't have made much of a dent, considering they weren't even going that fast, but it still left her shaky. Serene tried to focus on the good things of her driving, "... How was I doing before that happened?" She asked him. "And be honest."
Anna laughed as the mother glared at her. She didn't care what that woman thought. She held tightly to Nick's hand and walked with him to the blankets, selecting two, along with pillows and covers for all of them. "You know, it's not illegal to kiss in public. No one who matters cares, as long as we keep our clothes on."

"You were doing well." Lukas assured her. "I promise. You were doing so well." he stroked her hair and sighed. "We'll try again later, but I'll drive us closer to Walmart so it's easier for Anna and Nick to find us."
While picking out the blankets, Nick laughed. "I know. I just forgot that we were in public. Plus... If it was just the mother I wouldn't have cared. The little kid is why I pulled away. I don't know... I don't want to be disrespectful to a child." He laughed, unsure of where he was going with this. "Ah, I don't know. Come on, let's go get your fruit and some other snacks."

Serene smiled, relieved. She believed Lukas was telling her the truth. "Thanks for taking the time to do this for me Lukas." She hugged him, then buckled up in the passenger seat, waiting while they drove to Walmart.
Anna laughed but nodded. "No, I get it. I'll behave." She pushed their trolley and smiled to herself. "This is fun, Nick. Shopping with you."

Lukas drove carefully and parked the van, "we'll do a bit of practice each day. You'll improve in no time."
Nick walked side by side with Anna. Her words made him smile. "I agree Anna. I'm enjoying this." They arrived by the fruit, and Nick grabbed a couple bags. He placed four oranges in one, and four apples in the other. "Is that enough? One for each of us? Or would you like some more fruit lady?" He teased her slightly.

Serene nodded, "Okay. That sounds good..." She grinned, "I'm excited." A thought made her purse her lips, "But it won't do much good until I actually get my license unfortunately." She sighed.
"Plenty." Anna nodded, watching him. "Thank you." she leaned over to kiss his cheek and then put the bags into the trolley, heading to the check out. She made easy small talk with the check out lady, and then headed back to the van. "Alright, Lukas. Let's go find somewhere to sleep." she told him, sitting down in the back seat once it was all loaded up. "How'd driving go, Serene?" she asked.
Nick smiled, and payed for the items at check-out, then walked with Anna back to the van. He helped get everything inside, and figured they'd eat once they found a place to stop. Serene smiled nervously at Anna, "Oh it was good... But I almost hit a pole." She stuck her tongue out, and quickly changed the subject, "How was shopping!?" She asked Anna. Nick held back a chuckle, and watched out the window.
"It was fine. We got a dirty look from a lady for kissing in public." Anna laughed, leaning against Nick as Lukas drove. "But it was fun. Especially the kissing bit." she smirked over at Nick, kissing his cheek.

Lukas drove them a few minutes to a quiet parking lot and parked the van. "Here should do for the night. Let's eat and then we'll sort out a way to sleep." he suggested.
Nick laughed from the mention of the mother. "Oh yeah... She was cranky." He smirked back at Anna, and wrapped an arm around her. "I enjoyed that a lot too." Serene laughed from Nick and Anna then waited for them to find a place to park. Once there Nick started handing out food. "We got pasta, some fruit, and chips." He gave everyone a paper plate that they bought as well. He cast a glance at Anna, thoughtfully. "Try to eat the pasta if you can, okay?"
Anna took her plate and crossed her legs underneath herself. She glanced up at Nick as he spoke to her, nodding slightly. "Yeah." she agreed, pushing it around the plate with her plastic fork. "I'll try." she agreed, eating the fruit first. She sighed quietly, glancing at the pasta again. "I haven't eaten pasta for two years, Nick..."

Lukas moved to sit in the back, dragging Serene with him so they could spread out a little more. "And you didn't hit the pole, Serene. That's what counts."
Nick piled his plate with food, and started eating. He looked over at Anna and smiled softly. Reassuringly, he said, "Don't worry Anna. It tastes good, and it's really not that unhealthy. You can eat it. It won't hurt you. I promise."

Serene sat beside Lukas and smiled softly at him, eating her pasta slowly. "Okay... Okay, you're right. I'm glad I didn't hit it. Next time, though, I plan on not even nearly hitting it." She grinned, suddenly feeling more motivated.

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