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Vampire Academy (tamaracorine & goldcat)

Nick hopped in the front seat beside Anna. He smiled at her then relaxed in the seat. "Are we stopping at a hotel tonight?" He asked Anna, and watching as she started to drive.

Serene ginned back at Lukas. "I'm glad you aren't cause now I can do this..." She cuddled up closer against him and kissed him softly, and smiled looking into his eyes.
"Sleeping in the bus tonight." Anna replied, "but tomorrow night we'll use a hotel." She smiled, pulling into the highway and grinning as she increased their speed. "But I'm sure we can sneak away and have some fun later..."

Lukas laughed and held her close, returning the kiss. "Oh, we can kiss now?" She asked.
Nick chuckled and grinned from Anna's words. "Okay sounds like a plan to me!" He smirked softly and her free hand and squeezed it gently. "I can't wait." He told her winking.

Serene blushed softly and kissed him again, "Mmm... Kiss, cuddle, hug, however you want to look at it." She giggled softly at looked at him.
Anna rolled her eyes as he winked. "Classy." she laughed, making sure she was driving at the speed limit. "We can make a stop for lunch in a few hours. Then maybe consider dinner later. Sleeping in the van means we don't have to worry about finding another place to sleep. More time to drive. Sorry. Am I getting too serious again?"

Lukas took a slow breath. Serene was beautiful. He kissed the top of her head and then pulled her to kiss his lips once more. "We can do all of that, all day... but I do tend to sleep a lot with Anna drives..."
Nick smiled listening to Anna's words. He chuckled reassuringly, "No, you're okay Anna. Serious, playful, bashful, flirty, all of it. Any side of you is perfect. I love every side of you." He told her genuinely and smiled more.

Serene watched him, taking in his features then giggled softly from his words, "That's okay. You can sleep if you want." She kissed him passionately then grinned in the kiss, "But I might draw a mustache on you..." She joked.
"Okay." Anna mumbled, leaning over to turn the radio on. She couldn't help but keep smiling. "Do you know how to drive?" she asked curiously. "Most Moroi I've met don't know how to... They just assume that their Dhampir will do it. Is that all we are? Servants and guards? I always thought it was such a noble thing but now... I just don't know. I feel so angry."

Lukas' arms tightened around her. "Careful, Serene." he whispered. "Can't get too excited back here. And I've had facial hair before, for real. I can grow a great beard, babe."
Nick smiled watching her, then listened as she spoke. "First of all, yes. I do know how to drive, so if you need another person to drive..." Nick pointed to himself, "Right here. And second... I don't know. Some Moroi treat you guys like that and it's not right..." He turned to look out the window, "I'm glad we got pulled into this mission. It's for a good cause."

Serene grinned slightly from his warning. She wasn't too worried. She wouldn't do anything over the top with the other two in the front seat. She then laughed from Lukas's words, "I'm sure you can. But if you don't want me to draw a mustache, I'll draw a uni brow." She giggled.
Anna's hands gripped the wheel tightly as she thought about it. "But what if that's what we were made to be, Nick? What if all we Dhampir are is glorified servants? What if our role in society is part of what holds it together and freedom is pointless because... because without us being damn glorified servants, the Moroi are open to attack..?"

"Really now?" Lukas held onto her delicate wrists in one of his hands. "And with what hands will you draw?" he asked, reaching his other hand out to tickle her.
Nick scowled, "Moroi can't take advantage of you guys! Even if you guys are our bodyguards, we can't just make you servants. You guys need to have more of a say. Guardians deserve a choice on how to live too. If it really comes to it, if a Moroi is so scared, then they can learn how to fight too...@" Nick rambled on slightly.

Serene struggled against his grip and laughed, slightly kicking the seat in front of her. "No! Lukas stop!" She laughed hard and shook her head. "Please!"
Anna laughed quietly. "Sorry. I shouldn't rant. It only makes others rant too." she let go of the wheel with one hand and held onto his for a moment, "Thank you, though. You're kind." she moved his hand, joined with hers, over to her lap, squeezing it gently.

Lukas pulled her into another kiss, not letting go of her hands. "Say you wont draw on me." he whispered. "Say it, or I tickle you again."
Nick smiled, "Sometimes it's good to rant Anna. It gets it off your chest. Besides, I completely understand where you are coming from." He leaned across and gently kissed her cheek, then squeezed her hand back.

Serene smirked and looked into Lukas's eyes. She waited a moment before replying, "... Fine. I won't draw on you." She laughed and and shook her head, "Blackmail!"
"You're awfully distracting." She chuckled as he kissed her cheek, keeping her eyes on the road. "Lucky I think you're cute."

Lukas laughed and pulled her into a hug. He kissed her for a While and then fell asleep, only waking up when Anna pulled the van into the parking lot of a small diner.

"Lunch time, kids." She called out.
Nick had smiled from Anna's words. He kept the playful banter going along the way until they pulled up to the diner. He got out of the car and stretched. The afternoon sun was beating hard and he felt tiny beads of sweat build up on his face. It was uncomfortable but he could handle it for a while. Nick knew he would have to get used to it by being on the human schedule. He grabbed Anna's hand and started walking with her inside.

Serene had fallen asleep against Lukas as well, and Anna's voice woke her up. Her eyes opened, and she smiled at Lukas, then got out of the car and began to make her way inside. The switched schedule was taking a slight toll on her, but she knew she could handle it.
Anna led him into the diner, smiling. "Sorry. I know it's hot." She whispered, kissing him lightly. "Are you doing okay?" She asked, playing with his hair.

Lukas picked Serene up and ran inside with her, laughing happily as he put her down inside. "You snore a bit, babe."
Nick chuckled as she played with his hair, then kissed her nose, "I'll be fine. I can handle it." He told Anna. They walked to a table and sat down, waiting for a waiter to come.

Serene laughed then grinned at him, "Not as much as you though." She smirked and turned away from him, walking to the table and sitting down.
Anna sat beside Nick, happily cuddling close to him with her head on his shoulder. "I'm sure you can handle it. But tell me if you need to be out of the sun and we can park the van somewhere shady and kiss for a while." She smirked.

"True." Lukas placed her in a seat and slid in next to her. "Good driving, Anna. I forgot how good you were at that."
Nick smirked back at Anna from her suggestion, "Oh, that sounds tempting... I might have to tell you I need out of the sun whether it is true or not." He winked at her and kissed her softly, then smiled from Lukas's words.

Serene smiled and grabbed Lukas's hand and looked at Anna, "We've been asleep for a while. What state are we in now...?" She laughed softly.
Anna rolled her eyes and blushed, pressing against his side a little more. "Uh, not sure." She laughed. "I lost track a little while ago... I was talking too much..."

Lukas smirked. "Oh, Anna. You're hilarious."
Serene and Nick both laughed, and Nick wrapped an arm around Anna, kissing the top of her head. "I lost track too Anna. Don't worry." He chuckled again, then the waiter approached. Nick and Serene both took their orders.
Anna grumbled quietly and buried her head against his chest before ordering herself a salad and a cup of coffee.

Lukas ordered a burger, fries and a milkshake. "You can eat some of my fries, Anna."
Nick stroked Anna's hair and thought about her order. He smiled softly at Lukas from his suggestion, then looked at Anna to see what she would say.

Serene smiled at tapped her fingers on the table as she waited for their meals to arrive.
Anna shook her head, "it's fine. I'm not super hungry. Please don't push it, Lukas." She requested quietly. "I don't want to argue with you."

Lukas wrapped his arms around Serene, frowning. "Anna... Don't do this."
Serene watched the others, her narrowing her eyebrows. She didn't understand what was wrong.

Nick sighed and looked down, trying to recall how much Anna had eaten the past couple days. It wasn't a lot, but it was enough. In order to lighten the mood he said, "You sure love coffee." Nick chuckled.
"I do." Anna smiled faintly, closing her eyes as she rested her head on his chest. "I've got to stay awake somehow, right?" She forced a small laugh.

Lukas watched her, then let out a small sigh, hugging Serene tighter for a second. "Sorry." He whispered. "It's a long story."
Nick smiled softly, still feeling concerned and held his arms around her, hugging her. "That is true... Flipping schedules sure is weird." He told her.

Serene looked at Lukas and frowned feeling concerned, "Oh?" She whispered, "Will you explain it to me later?"

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