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Vampire Academy (tamaracorine & goldcat)

"I've always thought that about myself. I'm brilliant, really." Lukas grinned down at her, pulling her into a tight hug. "Brilliant, handsome, insightful... Good at kissing, and hugging, and driving, and cooking." he smirked and ruffled her hair. "And humble, too." he pulled away and put the ready pancakes on a plate, putting more batter in the hot pan. "Wouldn't you agree?"

Anna blushed and pulled a sheet over herself. "Hey..." she objected. "Stop looking at me like that..." she mumbled. "There's nothing much to look at, Nick. I mean..." she poked her stomach. "See that little bulge right there? Not good. I need to get rid of that."
Serene started laughing, halfway though his short speech. She grinned and helped him with the pancakes, and shook her head. "Oh yeah, Lukas. So humble." She said sarcastically, joking with him. She laughed again and kissed his cheek, "But for the record, I agree with all of those things." Serene smiled.

Nick laughed softly and shook his head, grabbing Anna's hand, and pulling it to his lips and kissing it, "Are you kidding Anna? Stop it. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." He looked into her eyes, "I'm serious... You're perfect." He turned to hover over her, and kissed her, then smiled.
"Especially the humble thing." he picked her up and swung her around for a few seconds, then placed her back on the ground. "Tell me, Serene... What do you like about yourself most? We just worked out that I love myself a little too much. Let's talk about whether or not you love yourself."

Anna gulped as he took her hand, her cheeks turning pink as he hovered above her. "Okay." she whispered, biting her lip. "But there's that bit of my thighs... they rub against each other... and my arms wobble a little bit sometimes..." she murmured. "You're just biased. You're on some sort of high because we just slept together. I'm not perfect..."
Serene giggled as he swung her around, and smiled at him thinking, "Well, I don't know." She watched the pancake batter sizzle on the hot pan as she thought, "I like that I'm adventurous, and determined. Also the fact I'm fighting for a good cause." She smiled at Lukas and kissed him softly.

Nick smiled softly, and shook his head, slightly amused from her stubborness. He kissed her then looked at her serious, "No it's not just some sort of high Anna. You're perfect to me. And I am so lucky to have you. You are so, so, so beautiful." He stroked her cheek and kissed her again.
Lukas nodded, "And you're good at kissing too." he whispered against her lips as he pulled away from the kiss. He finished the last of the pancakes and walked to the bedroom door, knocking lightly. "Hey, you two, pancakes are ready... come out whenever you're ready, yeah?" he walked away from the door and took the plate of pancakes to the coffee table, sitting on the couch with his arm around Serene. "How can we make this most awkward for them?"

Anna sighed and closed her eyes as he stroked her cheek, eagerly returning the kiss. Lukas' knock interrupted their kiss. She pulled away and laughed, "Okay, we'll be out soon!" he called to him, then pulled Nick back into the kiss. "We should do this again sometime very soon... Not the debate about my imperfections... the other stuff..."
Serene smiled from his words then grabbed some pancakes of her own. She sat on the couch, and rested into Lukas's arm. She giggled from his words and thought, "I would suggest teasing them about what they may have been doing in there, but I don't know... I don't want to make them extremely uncomfortable!" She laughed softly.

Nick chuckled softly and rested his forehead against Anna's, "I agree." He gave her one last passionate kiss, before pulling away. "And for the record, your imperfections are perfect. Now come on, we better get out there." He smiled at her then got dressed. He waited for Anna to be done dressing then opened the door and headed out to get pancakes.
Anna walked out of the bedroom with Nick, collapsing on the couch after getting her own food. She smiled at Lukas, "Thanks for this, guys." she said quietly as she ate her food. "You make a good team. You're like... superheroes, except with breakfast foods." she grinned.
Serene laughed in amusement from Anna's words and she smiled at the girl, "You're welcome! And thank you!" She grinned at Lukas, "We should come up with superhero names for ourselves." She laughed again.

Nick chuckled from the others banter and sat beside Anna on the couch. He kissed her cheek, and began to eat his food. He studied Anna ever so slightly as she ate the pancakes.
Anna looked at Nick for a moment, "It's okay." she whispered. "Stop worrying..." she requested, picking at the food nervously as he watched her. "Can't you just be Batman and Robin? I mean, it's classic and it works. Except Lukas has to be Robin because I don't think he needs the ego inflation that being Batman would give."

"Hey, I'd be a great Batman!" Lukas objected. "Admit it. Come on, Serene. I'm totally cool enough to be Batman, right?"
Nick bit his lip then nodded, and stopped watching, understanding that it would only make her more nervous. She was eating, and that's what was important.

Serene giggled and looked between Lukas and Anna, "Well... You are cool enough... But Anna might be right that it would only boost your already big ego..." She teased him, recalling their conversation earlier, and what he liked about himself. She cast a grin at Anna.
Lukas wrapped his arms around Serene, "Don't make me tickle you, girlie." he teased, poking her ribs lightly. "I don't have a big ego! I'm humble as." he grinned down at her. "I will tickle you if you disagree. I will do it."

Anna put her plate down and looked at Nick. "What do you think? Is he Batman? I think you'd make a good Robin to my Batman. Oh! No! You can be Catwoman!"
Serene laughed and struggled against his arms, "No! No, don't it!" She looked at him, smirking, "You have a big ego!" She declared, as her smirk grew more.

Nick looked at Anna and chuckled, "How in the world am I Catwoman!?" He laughed and kissed Anna's nose, "Explain that to me..." He said amused.
"Nick, stop kissing my sister and hold my girlfriend down while I tickle her!" Lukas exclaimed, waiting for Nick and then tickling Serene mercilessly. He laughed and eventually had Nick let her go. He pulled her back up and wrapped his arms around her. "You're beautiful when you laugh." he whispered, kissing her cheek.

Anna finished one of her pancakes and put the rest on the table. "You're Catwoman because I say you are. Is that a problem, dear?" she smirked.
Nick glanced over at at Lukas and Serene and rolled his eyes amused then helped hold Serene down. Serene burst out in laughter, and shouted endless pleas for them to stop. Once Lukas was done with his tickling torture, Nick chuckled and let go then sat back beside Anna. He smirked at her amused, then pretended to pout, "I think you'd make a better Catwomen!" He declared and poked her nose. Then laughed and kissed her.

Serene, still recovering from the tickling, relaxed in Lukas's arms. She blushed and laughed from his sweet words and looked at him, then kissed him softly on the lips while smiling.
(Sorry. Was busy all day.)

Lukas wrapped his arms a little tighter around her and smiled back, stroking her hair gently. "You're so damn beautiful." he whispered, pulling her into his lap. He sighed and settled in for the night, flicking the television on and putting the news channel on. "And now we're watching the news,because I want to know what's happening in the world."

"Oh, shut it." Anna rolled her eyes and rested her head on his shoulder. It was pleasant and calm, with occasional breaks for conversations. They separated to go to bed a few hours later, and Anna lay contently beside Nick all night.

"Go, go, go!" Lukas called in the morning. "We've got a road to get on. Heading towards Florida! Stopping in the middle of nowhere to sleep tonight. Let's go!" he peeked into Nick and Anna's room, laughing as Anna pulled a pillow over her head. "She's all yours, Nick."

(I'm struggling to keep hold of this plot with such rare replies. I know you said you'd be around more, so I'm trying, but I'm feeling like you're bored because even when you're online you don't reply?)
Serene woke up when Lukas did and quickly got ready in morning. She prepared a quick breakfast for everyone while Lukas tried waking the others up. She laughed softly from his excitement, and shook her head. Serene was nervous that they were getting looked for already. She didn't know what was going to come out of the little quest of theirs, but the thrill of it was enough to keep her motivated.

Nick kept his arm's wrapped around Serene as they slept, and the sudden loud voice of Lukas made his eyes snap open. Nick groaned and hugged Anna tighter. "Noo... I'm too comfortable..." He muttered sleepily, closing his eyes again. When Lukas left them alone, Nick opened his eyes slightly. "Good morning beautiful..." He kissed her cheek.
Lukas walked into the kitchen and found Serene, kissing the top of her head and smiling. "You're a good cook. I've never know Moroi who knew how to cook... I'm impressed."

Anna grumbled and opened her eyes. "Morning." She pressed back against him, "I dreamed about you last night... About what we did yesterday..."
Serene giggled softly, and turned to face him. "What? Do you just have this assumption that Moroi don't know how to do anything for themselves?" She said it completely jokingly, and grinned kissing his nose. "Just kidding. Thank you." She smiled, and handed him a plate.

Nick smiled from Anna's words, and raised his eyebrows curiously. "Oh really...?" He grinned, "Was it a pleasant dream?" He asked her while kissing her softly, and brushing a hair out of her face.
"Well, yeah." Lukas teased, poking her rib gently. "Thank you." he took the plate and sat down on the couch. "Get out of bed, you two!" he called out. "Breakfast is ready, we've got to go!" He turned to Serene again. "And you see why I'm protective of her? I act like her father sometimes..." he laughed.

Anna nodded, "Yeah, it was nice." she smiled and nuzzled against his hand. "I liked it. I like you. But we should consider getting out of bed before Lukas comes in here and drags us out."
Serene giggled and sat beside Lukas on the couch. "Yeah... But it's sweet. It's nice to know that you have people protecting her. So I'm sure it bugs Anna at times, but it's got to still be nice to know that you care." She smiled.

Nick smiled from her words, and kissed her passionately, then whispered, "You're probably right." He sighed happily looking into her eyes, then started to get up, and get ready. "He's very loud, ya know?" Nick joked about Lukas.
"Yeah." Lukas smiled at her. "I love her to death. She looks after me as well, but normally it's her trying to stop me from being reckless and me trying to make her lighten up. This is a new relationship." He chuckled.

"Very." Anna laughed, looking up at him and smiling as she watched him get dressed. "You're pretty attractive... For a Moroi." She teased.
Serene laughed softly, "Now look at whose being reckless." She joked. Anna wasn't being that reckless, but it was understandable for Lukas to think that with her dating Nick. Serene smiled, "But I think it's healthy for her."

Nick chuckled and raised an eyebrow, "Well, thank you." He went over to her after getting dressed and leaned down to kiss her nose, "You're very attractive. For a dhampir." He teased her back, then smiled. "But really Anna. You are beautiful." He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her.
"It is." Lukas nodded, "it's good for her to let go a little bit but I'm not used to it." He pulled Serene into a long hug. "I'll adjust. I'm sure you can help me adjust."

Anna giggled, returning the embrace. "Thank you." She whispered, reaching up to stroke his cheek. "You're wonderful."
Serene smiled and hugged him back. She looked into his eyes, "I certainly will try." She told him and gave him a gentle kiss.

Nick smiled and leaned slightly into her touch, then caught her hand and kissed it, "Thank you." He smiled more and then stood up. "Alright... Come on, we should go out there." Nick held out a hand for Anna.
They ate breakfast and packed the house up, setting out again. Anna took the driver's seat, making sure she knew exactly where she was going before she started the van. "We should get about half way today." She said to no one in particular.

Lukas grinned as he settled into the back with Serene. "Told you I wouldn't drive the whole time. Anna is as serious about driving as she is everything else."

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