Valley of the Condemned


Lucky Number Seven
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
For the characters that have not seen the light of day, ever. I'll likely never return to them, at least in their current state.
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The main reason why I wanted to make this thread - I really liked his character but he ended up overlapping with other character concepts. I tend to tailor characters to the roleplay groups I join, so I don't expect to be playing him anytime soon.

Bruto lo Squallo


(Placeholder image)

10 years (around the equivalent of a young adult)


Smooth Hammerhead Shark

Element Witch's Familiar


Identifying features
He is a shark. There is a ring on his dorsal fin welded on by metal.

Personality overview

It's hard not to pick up habits from someone you spend day and night with.

His witch never gave any names or details when he'd talk about his personal life, not even his own. So Bruto simply called him Cap'n.

  • Initially meant as a bad joke, in their contract Cap'n granted him an enchanted ring of phasing that allowed Bruto to treat earthen material as liquid, letting him breathe and swim through soil and sand just like in the sea. However, it is much harder for the sun to shine through dirt, and therefore Bruto will have a hard time seeing, being left blind when he's completely submerged. The tougher the material is and the steeper the terrain was, the harder it will be to swim through. Eventually, both Bruto and Cap'n came to realize the hidden potential of this misstep (I'll come up with a better explanation later, for now, it needs to be)
  • Does whatever a sentient hammerhead can. You'd think a shark wouldn't be very useful to a swindle and a thief even if it could swim in soil, but you'd be impressed by how versatile a clever hammerhead is. A dorsal fin tall and strong enough to steal away any unattended packaging, or easily and stealthily brush the heels of those getting their pockets robbed, a head able to maneuver and if push comes to shove, he can always be the getaway diver before abjuration spells start getting thrown.
  • Sharks are masters of tracking, with enhanced senses that allow them to sense even the smallest fish. Which is a shame because most of them are suppressed underground. Now his most powerful tracking device is the Ampullae of Lorenzini, second only to his nose. It's the primary thing that lets him tell up from down in the vast void of earth and water, an extra sense with the extra benefit of an compass. These small pores on a shark's head actually allow them to sense electrical impulses from living beings, letting them sense muscle contractions and even heartbeats if they're close enough. Every shark has one of these and hammerheads are thought to have a wider range, though it only works about a few inches from anything living. Bruto himself can sense electrical signals from up to 12 inches.

A Brief Story

"Oye! You can leave now, you don't have to keep hanging around h're mate!"


"...I said you can
leave! It's been 28 hours already!!"

"You told me we'd be working together for 28 years Cap'n."

The look on his face. The brain fog on his half-slurred memories the night before finally cleared up to reveal his mistake. The moment he realized he just made a contract worth a fish's life over one too many bottles of unfiltered rum and a stupid pun. The daily quota of fish and stingrays didn't help ease the shock either.

Cap'n can still feel the side eyes, snickers, and judgment from the former familiars he'd come across, those who were only contracted for trial periods and dropped due to mere pettiness, now presented with a fish on land that managed to get twenty-eight years of bondage out of him. When he first got Bruto, it sent him into a bout of disturbance. Probably even anger. He had even promised never to drink again. But not to worry… He'd given up on that halfway through the first week with him.

It was for good reason though. During this particular night, the captain's eyes had caught hold of some luxurious wines, crates of it imported straight to Italy. The catch was a couple of merchants directly by it, about to load it all into a cart to be sold. As Cap'n went to distract the humans, Bruto took care to remain undetected, as least until he could get close enough to snag the crate. Bruto's fin slipped through the gap between the planks, latching onto the walls. He then, as well as he could, tried to move the crate quietly. However, it didn't take long for the clinks and clatter of glass to derive the merchant's attention from Cap'n efforts, and the vibration of feet pounding the ground was enough to startle the shark. Stealth didn't matter anymore. His head breached the earth's surface long enough to spook the merchants into running before Cap'n snagged the box from him and made a mad dash back to their boat. Bruto headbutts the shaft, making their getaway all the quicker.

Cap'n was a jolly sailor that night. Sure, half the bottles might've been broken but they were still the finest wine in all the land, and they gave him the finest night in all his years. He chatted up a storm with the fish, finally slipping some of his life stories to him. Apparently, Cap'n had been somewhat of an aristocratic scholar in Australia for nearly half of his life. Private tutoring for his formative years and placing well enough to study in the pompous institutes meant for brilliant students just like him. He was nearly at the point of becoming a professor, advancing in the arts of business management. Everything that going swell, until the girlfriend he had at the time pointed out how miserable he looked. That was when he realized how strenuous his life was. He had the wits and the tenacity, but the utter purposelessness he felt during those years far overshadowed his accomplished past. So, he dropped out and decided to search for something fulfilling. What he wasn't expecting though was for his parents to do the same with him. They completely disowned him in silence, forcing him to leave the family without so much as a warning. Paired with an unexpected breakup with his supposed lover forever cut the final string keeping him held to his old life. With no one to care for and nothing to lose, he'd disappear off the face of the Asphodel Isles and head out to Italy for a change.

He never did understand why his parents were so opposed to him quitting academia, not until months later when he was staring down a newspaper. Turns out his parents were getting obscenely rich off a long-running money-laundering ring throughout his education, and he was one of their best covers. His success in the school helped make the sums of money imported into their accounts seem like legitimate scholarships. He almost wanted to apologize to them for ruining such a successful scheme, maybe even help them start a new one and take a cut of the cash. But alas, he's not planning on throwing away his new life, especially when it granted him so much freedom. Nowadays he could go wherever he wanted to go and be whatever he wanted to be, all without worry!

However, his companion in grey disagreed. For Bruto, the taste of the open was a brutal and harsh living, a nonstop battle over nourishment. There have always been sharks in Italy. To many people, sharks were myths in themselves, mysteries shrouded in the rumors of the few that breached the surface and challenged humanity's tenacity. Struck down for their crimes against the human race, the fishermen then persecuted any others that would dare approach too closely. Upon surfacing the night he met Cap'n, Bruto's gambles with fate have landed him a better chance at life while millions of other sharks would have encountered death instead. This was his first taste of sentience, but it didn't feel much different than before. "We may have escaped from the clutches society expects us to wield, but life keeps us in a prison of our own blood."

The seafaring witch stared for a moment. Bruto expected he'd probably spoke too much, or that he said something wrong. But all the witch did was give out a hearty chuckle and shook his head in disbelief, "Then you've not been here long enou'pft mate. Well, We be leaving to Asphodel, Land of Myth and Magic! You come stick with me and you'll see our little pum'kin slice of paradise shall break apart your argument.``

Several months later, Bruto realized that his witch had a point, Asphodel felt much different from the rest of the world. Despite the troubles he witnessed other witches and their familiars encountered there, everything was strangely in harmony. During his time there, he had gotten used to his new life with the captain, especially with the daily bucket of fish. Cap'n and Bruto would spend their days trying all types of schemes just for the hell of it. Their latest one happened to be another lovely pun - loans. Every trip around an area or so, they'd look for a gullible tourist to loan something magical to them for a day for a small sum in return, sometimes loaning Bruto out if Cap'n figured that was the best choice. Then, every time Cap'n return to the location, if the tourist was satisfied he would reloaned that item again. Only this time he would slightly increase the price by an inconspicuous amount. It was a revenue-generating gig to say the least, but it was one that Bruto felt would get them discovered too quickly for them to get away.

One dreary night, his suspicions were reinforced. As Bruto was sleeping underneath the water, he could hear his witch's warbled screaming. And then silence... Half-asleep, he headed up to see his captain, but as his head breached the surface the boat was quiet. "Cap"n?"

No response. A building concern filled Bruto's head. "Cap'n!"

No response. His concerns slowly contorted into frustration. He headbutted the boat as hard as he could. It rocked so harshly that he knew Cap'n would have come out by then, but all Bruto was greeted with was a ringing headache instead. His anger quelled into anxiety. His deepest fears were being realized now.

No more free fish.



Probably around 200 years, though no one really bothered to check.

He/She/It/They don't mind


Tardigrade Drake

Conjuring Witch's Familiar


Identifying features
What isn't there to identify? A rare creature with the first known familiar being him, he is the one-of-a-kind Tardigrade Drake. His light blue body reflects that of a tardigrade; however, his body is the size of a sloth bear, and he has grown primitive eyes only able to detect blurry shapes, light, and color. His cells, however small they may be, are still visible, densely concentrated around his center while leaving his appendages semi-translucent. What seems to be black claws actually act more as fingers rather than weapons, incapable of piercing or slashing but are malleable and prehensile. His tail is somewhat similar, being two fused legs able to grip and help him maneuver while climbing. Hidden underneath his maw is the iconic tardigrade snout, his only weapon in the shape of a sharp proboscis hidden within.

Personality overview
lol no clue. He's probably a grandpa tho.


Big and Squishy - Their succulent, huggable form can deflect blunt physical attacks really well, however, they are more susceptible to magic.

Prehensile Cells - Another main reason for its survival in the ring is a special ability its cells have - to maneuver as if they were another extremity. However, Dubbie cannot control these cells themselves, rather the cells act on their own with the intent to survive. As such, it's an ability that only activates in tense situations. Their cells often react to piercing attacks, dodging what could be fatal blows. Both physical and magical projectiles are harder for them to dodge though, and they are slow to react to physical attacks charged with magic.

Cellular Regeneration - Out of combat, the magic in broken cells speeds up the process of recovery and mitosis, increasing the rate of recovery for wounds. For example, a gaping claw wound by a dragon can be healed in hours rather than months. Prehensile Cells cannot activate while this process is underway.

Brief history

Did you know that Tardigrades are the ultimate survivors, able to enter a suspended state called 'Tun' which allows them to revive decades after exposure to extreme conditions? Did you know there was one dormant in the earth of the isles, soaking in the residual magic and gradually metamorphosing into something completely unnatural? Because she sure didn't.

At age 14, She had hoped to summon something on earth for a bit of conjuring magic practice, like a ground worm or a mole. And yet she had summoned a beast unlike any she's seen before. It was still resting, cuddled up in a century-long hibernation. Perplexed and wary, and yet in awe of his stature, she prepared a familiar ritual and awoken him from his slumber.

In that moment, she dubbed him the Tardigrade Drake, and he became the familiar of the renowned Andrea Clemente - Recorder of the Unknown. One of the pivotal moments of her career as a zoologist, and further down the road a gladiator. Her life's work consisted of finding little-known beasts, intriguing monstrosities, and abominable fantasies and bringing their existences to light for thousands. At first, the Colosseum was meant as another outlet to reach the , but it slowly revealed itself not only as a place of entertainment but as an effective procedure of research. Not only were they able to observe how different beasts reacted to different environments, but how potentially aggressive they were in said environment. Many times, she'd open her shows with something harmless, showing off it's oddities without trying to fight it. Dubbie himself was paraded around to the audience like he was a prized trophy. He always seemed to take it in stride though, looking at it in a positive light, happy that his witch was proud of him for who he was. The second and last part of the show were where the actual fights laid at. He also acted as a barrier for any out lashes towards Alena, taking stray blows that would've hurted her.

Their Colosseum grew to be a grand hit with witches of all ages.



Probably around 100 years, though no one really bothered to check.

He/She/It/They don't mind


Tardigrade Leech

Conjuring Witch's Familiar


Identifying features
About one inch big, this little moss piglett has opted for a more condensed form rather than its drake counterpart. His two shining dark purple eyes and the pink and green that swirl in his blue body hint at the magic concentrated in its system, evolving its being. Its cells, however small they may be, are still visible to the naked eye, shivering with energy. The other two legs have been absorbed into its torso, making way for a denser collection of mana-holding cells.

Personality overview
lol no clue. He's probably a grandpa tho.


Magic Siphon - With its proboscis, ??? can siphon away the magic reserved in creatures and then act as a magical reservoir, holding until he can give this stolen mana to others. His siphoning can usually suppress an average creature's magical abilities for a few minutes or so, however, the duration will become shorter the more mana a target has, to the potential duration of 1 second. He's able to easily give his witch mana, however doing the same with other witches requires more effort, and stealing from any witch needs even more effort. When he's hit his limit or if mana has been stored for a day, the mana he's stolen will seep out of his cells and become residual magic.

  • Name: Darius Demone

    Gender: Male

    Age: 30

    - His face is obscured by a sleek mask that has been worn down by numerous factors. It is meant to be a respirator and a cast. A speaker is implemented on the left side and can be used manually or allow Chester to speak.
    - He's jacked and stands at 6'0".
    - He dresses light when off missions, often barring a tank top and a baggy pair of khakis.
    - Cybernetic braces line his frame.
    - If anyone were to compare his fingertips from 10 years ago to today, they'd noticed that they don't match up.

    - Probably won't come up much.

    • Obnoxiously difficult to pinpoint his past, thanks to the work of an organized crime syndicate.
    • The only info a basic search may find when searching was the fact that he was a miner in some of the hundreds of moons floating. If one were to locate a mine that bothered to retain his information locally, they could tell you that he walked out on it 5 years into his career.
    • After a violent confrontation left him disfigured, he paid a man to fix him. The way the doctor went about healing him was sort of crazed and unorthodox, but he couldn't care less about the cybernetics he attached to him as long as he could keep breathing.
    • Before the treatment was completed, the ship came into contact with a military vessel.
    • And then, he blacked out. He hasn't reawakened since.

    - Medical Mask
    - G901 Assault Rifle
    - PCS Device
    - Mag Boots
    - KE7


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