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Fandom valhalla rising - a 1x1 plot request

bad wolf

sweet somethings
Roleplay Availability
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This request is currently closed.

It is 1096 AD and the Scottish Highlands weep, crying out in a search for something long broken. The remnants of a dying age lay scattered about the grassy knolls, their stories like whispers and gray faces a memory. Crusaders pour over their lands like rising flood waters. Their power consumes and destroys the heathen way of life, leaving nothing behind but shadows and ghosts. The end of an era is nigh. The start of a new already upon the land and its people. Among the ruin lives a Norwegian chieftain and his men, biding their time till they can travel back home to the Sutherlands. Their time is spent making money by pitting two men against each other, thrall captives made to fight till one perishes. Among his best fighters is a one-eyed mute who may have known nothing but the fear of death and its many tribulations. He is visited by a boy, also thrall, who takes care of the fighters till they are ready to duel. After he is sold to an opposing group, the fighter frees himself and returns to kill the chieftain and his men. Alone in this cold and unforgiving wilderness, the fighter and the boy set out on foot, their destination unknown.

The thread you've stumbled upon is a plot request for the movie Valhalla Rising. Though it may help, you are not expected to have seen it to claim any spots in the rp. Doing research, as I am doing currently, may be as much help as you'll need to fully understand the setting and its characters. We will be writing for the fighter and the boy shortly after their escape from captivity. Though I'm aware the movie depicts a certain outcome, I'd like to invent our own end using the characters from the story. To claim a character, I only ask that you meet the following criteria:

  • You must be at least 20 years of age.
  • Contribute to the plot by suggesting your own ideas. I want this rp to be as much yours as it is mine.
  • Please, be semi-advanced to advanced. Though I agree with the motto quality over quantity, I'd still love to see plenty of detail!
  • This is a historical plot and thus requires some knowledge of the time and place. Sharing sources and conducting your own research would be plenty helpful in understanding things. I'll be doing the same. This is the end of the viking era and the start of something new.
The rp itself would be rather somber in tone, very serious and full of grit. It's grueling adventure through the highlands, a region currently ravaged by crusades and disease. I'd love to explore the relationship between the boy and the fighter and am only looking for those interested in a father/son dynamic. Though I'm completely open to introducing new characters, the rp will remain pretty focused on these two. As far as the movie goes, it doesn't explore that much of the characters' backgrounds. It doesn't even give them proper names. Therefore, we can be as creative as we'd like. I only ask that it makes sense and doesn't change any of the established information.

"You need a name... And you've only got one eye." - The Boy
While traveling, the boy introduces the mute fighter as One-Eye. The boy is younger in age, perhaps no older than ten. If you wanted to raise the age or set the rp a few years in the future, please leave a note about this when you PM me. The boy's background is a mystery. It is only known that he is thrall and a long ways from home. This information also applies to the fighter. Not much is known about him, only that he is deadly in combat and riddled with scars from past experiences. He is mute and though this may be difficult to rp, I think it'd be something interesting to explore if done respectfully. I'd love to keep an open mind about it.

The fighter: bad wolf bad wolf
The boy: Bhmbdk Bhmbdk

Please, read through everything before PMing me about any interest you may have. It'd also be great if you could introduce yourself and express any of your own ideas about the rp and where we could take it. Lastly, if you could leave a sample of your own writing, I would appreciate it. I'll do the same in my response. Thank you for stopping by and happy writing. ^^
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