Valacari Academy [Inactive]


Junior Member
InfinityxInsanity submitted a new role play:

Valacari Academy - ...


You have been invited to join Valacari Academy. One of the only known academies for you 'Special' beings out there.We will train you, teach you new things about your kind(s), your history. We will help you to control you habits. Pack your things, and get ready. Each of you will be assigned a dorm room with the other students. We hope you enjoy your stay!

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Viktoria woke up to the sound of her small black alarm clock blaring. In an attempt to reach to turn it off, she ended up on the floor.

"F***.." She groaned, sitting up and rubbing the back of her head. She rolled her eyes, stood up, and threw her alarm clock across the room. Before it could hit the wall, Daniel came in and caught it. He was already dressed and ready. He was wearing this outfit. He stared at her, raising his eyebrows.

"Really Vik? I just bought this for you. How many are you gonna break?" He asked, gently putting the alarm clock on top of Viktoria's dresser.

"Why are you even in here, Danni? Don't you have people in your own dorm to irritate?" She asked crossing her arms and glaring at him.

"What? I can't check on my baby sister?" He said in a baby-ish tone as he gently sqeezed her cheek. Viktoria rolled her eyes once more and slapped his hand away. Daniel laughed. "Okay, fine. I'm leaving. See you at lunch." He said smiling and closing the door behind him.

Viktoria sighed and went to the bathroom. She got undressed and hopped into the shower. After about 15 minutes she got out and wrapped her dark-blue towel around her. She then blow-dried her short black hair and straightened it. She walked out of the bathroom, into her room, and put on this outfit.

Afterwards, she made her way downstairs and ate a small bowl of cereal.

Daniel was already back in his dorm and, out of boredom, decided to make his dorm mates pancakes.
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Toshiro was not happy. Not at all.

"Jonas you idiot!" He hissed to himself, as he rummaged through both his and Jonas's belongings. The fool had been taunting him about his height again by holding the book Toshiro was reading, over his head. Then just to tick him off even more, he had hidden the book.

Toshiro was done. So he abandoned thoughts of the book and short-sheeted Jonas's bed instead. It was childish he knew, but ever since Jonas found out they were roomies (again), he had done nothing but give the poor white haired boy migraines. And hiding his book was the last straw. 
Jonas laughed proudly to himself as he made his way down the stairs. His blue eyes remained closed with satisfaction as he walked. Believe it or not he could walk perfectly straight with his eyes closed and do a number of other things so his eyes were closed for the most part.

"I'm so lucky I got to dorm with Shiro again." He hummed to himself. He cracked open one eye when he heard approaching footsteps and turned to find a very angry Toshiro.

"Oh, SHIRO-CHANNNN!" He cooed, and laughed when the smaller boy stopped mid-stride and turned right back the way he came.
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Viktoria rolled her eyes at the sound of the Jonas and Toshiro arguing again. She got up from the kitchen table and walked toward the boys, a spoon still in her hands. She menacingly glared at them " Why are you screaming?" She asked in an irritated tone, raising an eyebrow and pointing her spoon at them.

"I will break both of you with this little spoon if I have to. You know I will." She said as she gave them the 'Death Glare'.
The dastardly rays of sunlight crept through Jack's room and shone on his face with bright intensity. "Aw, what the hell? I thought I closed the damn curtains..." He mumbled to himself, turning over in his bed and pulling the sheets over his head. After a few seconds, he suddenly flew up in his bed. "I need to get dressed." he whispered, eyes still closed. He suddenly heard a loud thump, followed by swearing. "I guess Vik's up..." He muttered. Ripping the sheets off, he got up and pulled off his pajama pants and jumped in the shower. A few minutes later he emerged from his bathroom with a towel rapped around him. He quickly pulled some clothes out of his drawer and made an outfit. After making his bed and putting dirty laundry in the laundry bag, he made his way down stairs and smelled breakfast. He spotted Daniel flipping breakfast. "Danni you're the best man. I call the biggest pancakes." He said as he looked over Daniel's shoulder at the deliciously smelling breakfast on the griddle.
Toshiro only waved her anger off. He was well aware of what he was capable of, but he also knew that she had a flaming temper. He hadn't been yelling anyways.

It was Jonas who had been shouting....his nickname. How the blonde idiot even knew it was beyond him, because Momo was the only one who called him that. Of course he could have come up with it himself.

Toshiro sighed with relief when he laid eyes on his book, it was hidden beneath the bowl of fruit on the counter. He grabbed both the book and an apple, making sure to whack the fool on the back of the head with the hardcover.

Jonas put up his hands in defense.

"We were only goofing off, Vik. Besides it's the morning so can't the death threats wait? You know until afternoon?" He smiled at her and chuckled in what he hoped was a calming way. He yelped when the spine of a book made contact with his head and he immediately rubbed the already forming bump.

"Personally, I wouldn't mind if she killed you now." Toshiro smirked, before taking a bite out of the apple. Jonas frowned.
Faith was awoken by the sound of muffled voices. Her hazel eyes flashed open as she gently slid out of bed dressed in her nightie. Running a hand over her tattoo and the bands and braids she wore all of the time; She paused, stretching and letting her back crack, before she stood and strolled over to the mirror. Her reflection was in angel form, golden eyes blazing. Breaking away from it, the teen grabbed a towel and her shampoo and conditioner and leaped into the shower. She realised that the boys were up already as she decided her jewellery for the day. Once dried and dressed in this, she braided her long brown curls and headed for the kitchen. Faith entered, seeing her roommates hovering over the pan. The angel strolled over. "Morning! Oh, smells nice." she greeted them with a smile as she looked at the pancakes. "Shall I get some plates and dressing 'stuff'?" She asked, already heading to the cupboard and reaching for the lemon juice and sugar.
Shade awoke before his alarm, he got out of bed and walked over to his shower, after his wash he got dressed in his usual wear (See Character Sign-Up) and put his mask on. He didn't need to eat yet so he just walked down to the kitchen for his morning coffee and waited for the rest of his dorm to awake. He sat there, a coffee in one hand and a watch in the other, thinking of the days before the Academy.
Jack sat himself down at the kitchen table and rubbed his hands together. "Bring forth thy pancakes my good man!" Jack said to Daniel excitedly. Jack had always had fetish for pancakes, and it's even better when someone makes them for you. "So how did everyone sleep?" Jack asked in an effort to break the silence of the room. He had never been a fan of silence himself, and his bubbly personality always had tried to get a conversation going.
"Haha. No." She said, still glaring at Jonas. She suddenly bursted into laughter when Toshiro had hit Jonas over the head. She finally finished laughing and wiped her tears away. "Just keep the bastard quiet." She sighed and walked back downstairs. She then sat in the kitchen once more and lit a cigarette.

"Really Vik? It's 8am and your already smoking?" Daniel said, serving Jack and Faith.

"Stop whining Danni, it's just one." She said, exhaling the nicotine.

"God, now it's gonna smell, Vik." Daniel took her cigarette and put it in the sink, turning the faucet on. Viktoria rolled her eyes and took one of Daniel's pancakes.
Toshiro nodded his head in acknowledgement before burying his nose into the newly found book. It was interesting and he was happy to have in back in his possession. But the moment was not to last.

"Shiro-chan come downstairs and eat with us!" Jonas whined. He tugged on Toshiro's neatly ironed sleeves. Said boy's brow furrowed in irritation and he slapped the invasive hand away.

"No. Go join the others and stop pestering me." He replied coolly. When Jonas opened his mouth to speak again, he waved the already bitten apple in his face and shooed him away.

Grumpily, Jonas trudged down the stairs and piled some pancakes on his plate.

"Shiro-chan won't join us for breakfast!" He whined loudly.
"Vik, reason with him. It's for your own good," Jack said, drizzling lemon juice and sprinkling sugar on his pancake. "not that it's any of my business." He finished while rolling up the pancake and taking a bite from it. "Sorry Vik." He apologized, giving Vik a sympathetic smile.

"But anyways, like I had asked before, How did ya'll sleep? I slept like a rock. God I love m bed." he said closing his eyes and imagining him in it with a big grin.
Faith grabbed her plate, setting down all she'd found on the coffee table. Receiving her pancake, she sprinkled lemon over it before topping it with sugar. "Delicious!" she murmured as she took a bite and wiped her mouth with a bit of kitchen roll. "I slept pretty well, thanks. Man, those beds are comfy though." she watched Vik, deciding not to intervene, it was her choice. "Sugar and Lemon anyone else?" she offered. Plus she respected Vik, and wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of her. "Eh, it's a free county. But then again, you brother does have a point." She dropped off slightly.
"I would've had decent sleep if Danni didn't get that annoying alarm clock" Viktoria said in annoyance.

"I wouldn't have to get you alarms if you would actually wake up. Whenever one of us try to wake you up you get all violent." Daniel explained.

Viktoria rolled her eyes and took another bite of her brother's pancake.
Jonas stayed quiet. Vik seemed even more grouchy than she had been upstairs with him and Toshiro. He was just glad she hadn't reacted to his whining about the little white haired boy when he had first entered.

"Yummy! Thank you for the awesome pancakes!" He rubbed he stomach as if he were full, then stacked another two onto his plate.
"So," Jonas turned to face the coughing boy.

"How are you today?" He chewed garishly and stuffed one pancake after another into his mouth. and waited for the Shade to respond.

Another loud cough and a chill down his spine alerted him that his little buddy had finally come downstairs to join them.

"Do not eat like a hog, Jonas. It's unbecoming." He stated as he sat beside the blonde.
"I'm doing, Ok. Looks like i'm the only one from my dorm to be up" Shade pulled down his mask and took a sip of coffee
"Seems that way." Toshiro hummed over his tea. His eyes were closed in an attempt to hide from how small he was compared to the other students at the table.

Jonas continued to scarf down pancakes and was probably on his fifth when Toshiro snatched his plate away. Jonas suddenly appeared very distraught.

"I said not to be a hog, you fat garbage disposal of a boy." Toshiro glared, then went back to drinking his tea with a content smile and only slightly furrowed brows.
Shade took a look at the fridge and decided he needed more coffee before he could even eat, he made himself some more and sat down in the corner of the room, "So.... What lesson is first today?"
Dakota doesn't sleep but yet she just lays in bed all night staring at the ceiling, she wishes she could sleep and dream but, it just never came to her. when she heard people in the dormitory talking she sat up and got herself dressed in a pair of black lace legging with an over sized sweater that goes to her knees with a Nirvana band logo on it and a pair of spiked biker boots. People often looked at her weirdly and thought she was strange with her style. But really, she just didn't want to be "perfect" that's why she has one half of her head a different colour. She sighed at her reflection then walked out of her room. Her room was on the second floor and she enjoyed it. She leaned against the little railings and looked at all her dorm mates. They judged her too. She put on her most straight face and walked downstairs, peeking her head in the kitchen. She saw him, Daniel, the person she thought was the most attractive person in the universe, she quickly backed out and went and sat on one of the sofas in the living area.
Toshiro rose from the table, thoroughly disgusted with Jonas, and walked into the living area.

He raised his eyebrows at the girl who was seemingly hiding there, before taking a seat on the sofa across from her.

"Good morning." He drawled. Then the book was placed in front of his face again and he was to busy reading to do anything else.
Daniel had noticed Dakota hiding and couldn't help but allow a goofy smile on his face. There was something about her that always seemed to make Daniel light up.

Viktoria finally finished breakfast and left, shutting the front door behind her. She sighed and pulled out another cigarette.
Charlotte woke up from her deep sleep. She had once again succeded in sleeping through the loud alarms of her alarm clock. She sat up, her eyes still watery and her black hair a disheveled mess. She moaned as she got up and pushed herself out of bed and picked out her clothes for the day. She waddled her way to the bathroom, closing the door behind her and stripping from her pajamas and into today's outfit. She combed out her wadded up hair and look at herself in the mirror, somewhat content with herself in the mirror. Charlie exsits the bathroom now, more awake, goes out to see what the rest of the world is up too.
Kota awkwardly covered her hands with her sleeves when Toshiro spoke to her. She looked at her knees and stayed quiet. Like always. She glanced at the kitchen doorway and then back to her knees. 'god, why am I so shy?' she thought to herself

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