V.R.eboot -Character Sheet-


The Hatbox Empress/Retired Admin
V.R. The game that settled the score on the evolving entertainment business. A fully interactive, submerged online game that allowed players to choose their own fate, become someone new, and actually experience their transformation. Every step, breeze, scent, sounds, and even battle was now able to be felt by players, creating the ultimate gaming platform. But is it truly a gamer's haven?


Domain-The general realms/cities/sections of one big whole. Each is a small chunk of the game, providing varying functions to players, such as battle grounds, safe havens, and even treasure runs. Every day a limited selection of Domains will appear on the Warp Padd's destination screen. The only constant Domain is "Night Valley" the game's resident starting city, full of a variety of NPC and player run trading shops, activities, and neon lights.

Warp Padd-Where you can switch between Domains. Every domain contains one. Every time you log on to V.R. this is where you start till you choose your location.

Rum Stores- Stores in V.R. in which you can buy weapons, clothing, potions, elixirs, or anything else you could want for your avatar(your V.R. self, if you will). Currently only located at trading posts, towns, and city domains and vary in supplies.

H-coins- the normal currency in V.R.

Glitch- a fault in the V.R. that opens a 'hole' for pixals.

Pixals-considered a 'myth' for the most part. The pixals themselves destroy players (both inside and outside of V.R.) and the domains they infest themselves. No one has every reported a sighting that wasn't debuffed within five minutes as a troll, or misunderstanding.

V.R. Head Set/ Crowns-to avoid confusion in your brain's thinking patterns they shut out the real world while transferring your senses and thoughts into the V.R.

Sign up




(Reporter, Student, doctor, store clerk, ect.)

Location: NorthSide, Ohio




Screen Name:

Choose One of the Below

- Regereate Health Quickest


- The Beginer's Choice! All around Average


- The Looters.


- Fast Magica learners.


- Experience Hoarders.


- Extra Boosts in Bard and Healing abilities.


- Extra Boosts in Stregth and Fury


- Night Vision


thief, warrior, paladin, farmer, mage, ect.

Weapon: Limit One -No Guns-

Special: Any special skills, or traits your V.R. person excels in. Limit 3 until further notice.

Draw Backs: Every character has limitations to what they can do, or even aspects that they downright suck at.

Mock Fight Sample: That's right folks, I'm requesting you to do a mock trial with your brand of fighting against a Training Dummy. It's to give me a feel of how you'll handle yourself in that aspect, as well as your overall rping style.

Added in as a Side note since no one grasped it.

Everyone Can Do Magic in the game

As magic is a low level battle function given to everyone.

Powerful spells are currently unaviable to players.

Current magic allows players for slight amplification of attacks, and possible scanning for treasure dungeons until a higher level has been achieved. Please take this into note, and edit sheets accordingly.

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I'm definitely interested... Just two things.

1. May I control two characters?

2. I'll have my CS('s) up by tomorrow.

Name: Steve Reilly

Age: 36

Job: Public Relations rep.

Location: NorthSide, Ohio


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/SR.jpg.9d5f74dd13d30a5c7f5805e309e3d35a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5768" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/SR.jpg.9d5f74dd13d30a5c7f5805e309e3d35a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Screen Name: Erisian Dialects

Species: Dwarf

Avatar: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Looter.jpg.225119d70711511ae681ef564dd2f556.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5767" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/Looter.jpg.225119d70711511ae681ef564dd2f556.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Class: Thief

Weapon: Strife Set Daggers

Special: Duel wield. Hide in Shadows. Pick locks

Draw Backs: For the life of him, whether it's luck, or one of the programmers hate him, he cannot get himself geared at his level. The rest of the party will have good, solid class drops, but he will never get past his level 10 quest reward pants. To upgrade his gear he will need to pay good money for it.

Mock Fight Sample: The training dummy stood alone in the pitch as the trainer stood, an eyebrow raised. He would look at the sundial near him and sigh, about to mark him down as a noshow.

It would be then that the flurry began, two daggers slamming hard enough into the back of the training dummy as it almost broke to the ground, springing back up, swinging and dodging. a thump of a headbutt to start the dummy swaying, one of the daggers pulling from it, stabbing the back of the dummy's head, the momentum helping him pull the second knife from it's back, slicing the training dummy's throat and chipping the pole keeping it attached.



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Nem, I will allow everyone one character at the beginning. If I deem it prudent, or needed, I shall allow two characters after the rp has started.

Name: Leo Blackeley

Age: 17

Job: Student

Location: North Side, Ohio




Screen Name: Rekas Treno


Species: Vampire

Class: Assassin

Weapon: the Absaugen (His left arm), Katana


  • Soul Siphon: He can slowly drain life using his left arm from up to 5 ft. He can only use it on one target at a time when using it, though.
  • Vampire's speed: He can run at faster than normal speeds in short bursts.
  • Dark Magicer: He can cast many types of Shadow and Dark Magic.

Drawbacks: Using the Absaugen takes up a lot of his energy. He can't maneuver well when using his speed boost.

Mock Fight: He sighed and shook his head at the dummy, knowing that it would be a waste of time. He shot tendrils from his left arm into the Dummy, siphoning its life, then unsheathed his katana and used a speed burst, cleanly slicing the dummy in two.
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Name: Dan "Papa" Kresten

Age: 42

Job: Mortician

Location: NorthSide, Ohio



Screen Name: Milner

Species: Human

Avatar: Identical to his real self.

Class: Cleric

Weapon: A thick leatherbound tome chained to his belt, reinforced with steel bands.

Special: Milner excels with a cleric's restorative and supportive skills, as well as more mundane methods of medicine, and lastly, post-mortem examination.

Draw Backs: Milner is near-sighted, and his senses are as a whole, somewhat dulled. While not frail, age has begun to creep up on Milner, and old aches can become problematic after prolonged physical exertion.

"Really? A tired old dummy like this?" Milner says, mostly to himself, though the irony tugged at the corners of his mouth, forcing a smile onto his moustachiod face.

"Well, fair enough," he goes on with a light chuckle, hefting the tome at his hip with a slight crackle in his shoulder.

In no real hurry, Milner strolled up to the wooden mannequin, weighty book smelling of dust almost as heavily as it rested in his hands.

A hefting of the book, accompanied by a strained grunt brought the stack of musty old paper over the dummy's head, reducing it to little more than splinters as they launched in all directions, getting more than a couple in his hands and fingertips.

"Blast it..." Milner muttered, letting the book fall to the end of its length of chain, tugging him into a bit of a hunch, inspecting the backs of his hands in an attempt to find all of the wooden slivers. Luckily it wasn't too bad, more of an incessant itching than any sort of pain.

"Will this do I wonder?" the old cleric asked to no one in particular, looking around for where he was being watched from.

Name: Steven Adams

Age: 21

Job: Student (Programming),Army Reserves (Clerk)

Location: Northside,Ohio.


Five foot ten inches,178 lbs


Name: Kha'Beleth

Species: Naga (How many sets of arms do they have?)

His upper body looks much like his own in real life,but starting with the waist his body is snakelike. The scales are varying shades of brown and tan,providing a natural camouflage in dirt and sand,with flecks of gray and black. From head to the tip of his tail,Kha'Beleth is twelve feet long.

Class: Fighter

Weapon: A warhammer with a slender,gently curved spike on the reverse side of the head designed for piercing armour. The blunt head is much smaller than an average warhammer's head.

Special: As a Naga,Kha'Beleth can easily constrict foes,setting them up for a coup de grace. Due to the colouration of his flesh and scales,he's difficult to see at a distance in environments of dirt or sand. Finally,he can slap someone with enough force to shatter bone with his tail.

Drawbacks: As a Naga,Kha'Beleth is a very large target. As a Naga,it's extremely difficult to protect his snake half with armour. Kha'Beleth,as a Naga,is cold-blooded,and therefore is at greater risk in cold environments.

Kha'Beleth looked at the training dummy and raised an eyebrow.
"It doesn't even move. How does this teach new players how to fight?" He slithered around the dummy,observing that it appeared to be made of oak,a fairly durable wood,all the while spinning his hammer in his palm,propped on his shoulder idly. When he returned to the front of the dummy,he hefted his hammer in his hands,right hand to the top of the haft,and launched forth.

Kha'Beleth jinked to the side,and sped behind the dummy,while lashing his tail at the side of the dummy's head. It left a cracked crater. Suddenly,Kha'Beleth was wrapping himself around the dummy,starting at knee-level. It took only a few moments for the dummy to be completely imprisoned in the serpentine coils,aside from the head. Kha'Beleth's torso was about two feet above the dummy's head,holding the hammer beside his right shoulder,spike pointed out. With a grunt,he swung the hammer down and to the side,bringing the hammer in a crescent,across his front. All the while,the wood under his coils groaned,creaked,and cracked in protest to the tightening snakeman slowly crushing it.

The spike crashed into the dummy's head,and kept going. The dummy was decapitated to the noises of demolished lumber,the thing's head impaled on the hammer's spike like some comical cherry on a toothpick. Job done,Kha'Beleth simply loosened his coiled self,dropping heavily to the ground,revealing a dummy covered in cracks and deformations. Slithering away,Kha'Beleth spun his hammer around,and pushed the wooden cranium from the weapon's spike,and said,
"Are we done here?"
Erisian Dialects/ Steve Rielly

Steven Adams/ Kha'Beleth

Both Approved.

Nem, Heartsteal22,ninbinz, flip jester boy.


Leon Maryn



Location: NorthSide, Ohio





Screen Name:
Pallus Meridan




Weapon: Spear

Special: Flight, boosted Healing. Novice Bardic Training

Draw Backs:

As a creature of the sky his wings are paramount, they are his strength and his weakness. Without them he is much clumsier and slower. As a Novice Bard he cannot use instruments to augment his ability, instead his voice provides him with minor bonuses, depending on the song.

Mock Fight Sample: The beating of his wings thundered in his ears, he hovered somewhat above the dummy, it was but a formality in the way of such things and in some capacity it was his duty to dispatch the inanimate excuse of a target. With spear in hand and conviction in his heart he dove downwards, a rush of air rustled through his turban and the odd, unkept pieces of his fringe wiggled through the cloth wrapped about his head to tickle his forehead.

His concentration unfrayed and focused he bore down upon the hodgepodge of wood, hay and hemp. He was but a yard above the dummy when he unfurled his wings and loosed the lethal haft of wood tipped with a leaf shaped spearhead that whistled its way into the object's chest. Far from finished Pallus bore down on the dummy to alight upon the spear with so much force that it drove the weapon all the way through, it splintered the wood and at the last second Pallus began beating his wings furiously to land without hassle upon the earth where he retrieved his spear and nodded with cool, easy satisfaction.
Assuming you just didn't like my character altogether,

I nerfed him quite a bit, and altered the fighting sample.
Leon Maryn / Pallus Meridan


I denied the character, Nem, as it is overpowered, and needs editing in aspects that were added to the initial post when the first round of approvals came forth.
Alright, I'll start working on a new character.

I saw the notice, I must not have read it thoroughly enough. 

Name:Edwin Foster

Age: 23

Job: Store clerk.

Location: NorthSide, Ohio





Screen Name: Yemelyan

Species: Vampire


Class: Fencer.

Weapon: A slender, curved katana, used for swift, slashing attacks.


Swift strike: Yemelyan is able to use magic to momentarily make his sword lash out quickly.

Experience hoard: Like all vampires, he gains experience points faster than other classes.

Draw Backs: Yemelyan is terrible at expressing himself correctly. Whether it's an order, or an answer to a question, he might make others confused as to what he means easily, with his unorthodox way of speaking. He is also realtively bad at holding focus when not in battle, often getting distracted or forgetting things easily.

Mock Fight Sample: Yemelyan pulled his sword out of it's sheath slowly. He had time. It was just a training dummy after all- it wouldn't be going anywhere. He inspected his blade, making sure not to use the blunt side. No mercy against training dummies. They were just wood and straw, anyways. Nothing that could hold up a challenge to him. And so he began. In an instant, he sprinted at the training dummy, slashing upwards diagonally through the torso, bringing his katana back, decapitating the dummy. The pieces of straw and wood fell to the ground, the wood clattering, the straw making a faint swoosh noise as it hit the ground. "...That was entirely too easy." Yemelyan thought, turning his back on the training dummy. He sheathed his blade, wondering if he did it right.
Edwin Foster / Yemelyan


Name: Peyton Lee


Job: College Freshman, freelance artist.

Location: NorthSide, Ohio



Screen Name: Vex

Species: Vampire



Class: MerchantWeapon: Sword (See Avatar Picture for reference)


Feather Weight : Launch self in the air. Does not prevent fall damage from occurring.

Burning Coals: Allows for faster speed.

Thor's Hammer: A limited burst of strength that runs for five seconds, usable only once daily.

Draw Backs: Has trouble in domains of bright light and heat. Is not a fighter and holds little combat skills other than what was covered in the tutorial. Low health rate.

Mock Fight Sample:

The dummy was positioned in the middle of the training grounds. Still, and silent, as it should be for an inanimate object. Stitched into it's sack of a head was a cheesy smile, and button eyes. Vex studied the training tool, sitting on her legs hands folded politely in lap, skirt of the dress puffed out around her in a circle. A soft smile graced her lips as she stared, before bowing her head softly. The soft breeze that blew through the training grounds seemed to make the dummy bow in response.

"Would you like a drink?" She asked softly, finding no threat from the dummy, and therefore no need to defend herself and not be civil.

Name: Christopher Nielson

Age: 34

Job: Journalist

Location: NorthSide, Ohio





Screen Name: Amaraath Zahg

Species: Demonic




Weapon: His claws/fists

Special: A few abilities dealing with fire. 1) "Got a Light?" - a short range cone of flame expelled in front of him from his 'mouth' vents. 2) "Heated Handshake" - a 'boost' type of attack that conjures flames around his hands, dealing a small amount of additional fire damage to his melee attacks. 3) "Slack Jawed Mouth-Breather" - a 'taunt' ability in which Amaraath Zahg insults the enemies around him, drawing all the aggro from his teammates onto him and increasing his fury.

Draw Backs: Large and slow moving, often having issue keeping up with faster moving groups. Has terrible range, due to using no weapons but his fists. (With the exception of his flame breath which is still a short ranged cone) Can only wear larger type of armor, due to both his size and demonic nature.

Mock Fight Sample: Stepping up to the Training Dummy, the Demon Amaraath grunted in slight disapproval and stretched his large form. "Attack this?" he growled, but nodded none-the-less, eyes burning like embers in the inset sockets of his mask. Readying his hulking form, he rushed forward with a roar, flames bursting to life from his very palms and spreading across his claws quickly just as he began to tear into the dummy before him.

First came a combination of slashes, followed by a large overhead bash with both hands to the Dummy's head. Moving into another combo, the flames fizzled out as he began to pummel his lifeless opponent with blow after blow, rage fueled fists hammering away roughly. Finally stopping, he took a leap backwards and hunched, giving a shout as a blaze tore forth from the vent-like sides of his mask, engulfing the Training Dummy quickly.

"Heh," he spat, turning to take a few more steps away before twisting his head and watching the glowing object. "A pretty good display, if I say so myself." Deep booming laughter followed, sound merging with a crackling inferno.

Name: Liliya "Lily" Moffat

Age: 20

Job: Commission artist/Student

Location: NorthSide, Ohio



Screen Name: Reese the Swift

Species: Elf


Class: Berserker

Weapon: A great-axe, named Snaga, which Reese often laughs about, giggling with almost girlish delight when questioned about it, though he remains cryptic.

Special: Reese is unnervingly strong for someone of his relatively slender build, though it only makes him as strong as most any others that take up his profession. In addition to his might, Reese is sure-footed, keeping his footing on gravel, in mud, or the better part of any other unwieldy terrain during combat. Lastly, though it is arguably a weakness as well, in his battle-rage, Reese often ignores lesser wounds, later claiming not to have even noticed them.

Draw Backs: While sometimes seen as a strength, Reese's disregard to minor injuries often piles up as he allows his defenses to falter once he catches the scent of blood in battle. Though he is often useful in a scuffle, Reese has difficulty recalling simple facts and figures, and should generally not be trusted with a grocery list, let alone running a budget, or making purchases for a group. Lastly, while he can be quite the fear-inspiring, wet-pants-inducing force of nature in a frenzy, Reese has a drastic aversion to violence normally, and usually requires some sort of convincing, or motivation to get violent in the first place.

Empty white space, and an awkwardly put together striking dummy smack-dab in the center of it all, it seemed a little, eerie. Approaching the dummy, as there was really nothing else to do, Reese looked at the hastily-done stitching, and the little smile that had been sewn into the burlap sack beneath his button eyes, bringing a soft smile to his own face.

"Aww, you must be awfully lonely in here all by yourself," the dark-haired elf said, as though the poorly made mannequin could understand every word he said.

"Well, I'll keep you company for a little while," he continued, talking to the thing like one might speak to a stray dog, trying desperately not to scare it away.

"I won't be mean to you, you've been beaten up far too much already," Reese went on, plopping his bottom onto the cold, smooth whiteness of the floor, almost like one enormous linoleum tile, stretched as far as the eye could see.

A few minutes of simply sitting, and idly chatting with a lump of wood and burlap, a red notification message burst into existence on the white background, a counter ticking down beneath it.

"Disconnection for idleness in 10... 9..." it read, slowly counting down.

Seeing this, Reese stood up, and dusted himself off, though there would be no dust, this floor was immaculate.

"I guess this is goodbye then, good luck friend!" the berserker exclaimed with a grin, just as the timer struck zero, ejecting Lily from the game.

"I wonder if you can skip that tutorial?" the girl asked herself, not bothering to remove her headset as she rebooted the game, not even a moment's hesitation.
Liliya "Lily" Moffat / Reese the Swift

Approved, Yo.

First round of VR Players are now closed. Please keep tuned for further updates and openings.

Julius Chase


student/part time store clerk

Location: Northside, Ohio


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be1e96c07_ScreenShot2013-09-10at4.44.56PM.png.41dfd230f3e8974ec58b9d136a1c4fd2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6124" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be1e96c07_ScreenShot2013-09-10at4.44.56PM.png.41dfd230f3e8974ec58b9d136a1c4fd2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Screen Name:

Species: Humans


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/20100130114857908.jpg.df954448f2cf793cd58fd98e0a2232c7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6156" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/20100130114857908.jpg.df954448f2cf793cd58fd98e0a2232c7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Weapon: Short Poleax(Halberd with the flat of a hammer instead of a pick end)

Special: Force Weapons(Amplified attack that creates heavy wind currents), can wear full plate while capable of moving quickly and with agile precision, and extra excelling in physical activity

Draw Backs: Jule is relatively new to VR, although he did research the game before hand, he simply lacks the actual experience in VR. Jule believes in self challenging, so he has a tendency of going into fights when the odds are not in his favor, or if it's an obvious lose. He's got that childish stubbornness, if he says he won't include himself in a raid or fight he won't, so he commonly doesn't get included in group activities.

Mock Fight Sample: That's right folks, I'm requesting you to do a mock trial with your brand of fighting against a Training Dummy. It's to give me a feel of how you'll handle yourself in that aspect, as well as your overall rping style.



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Name: Alex Jackson

Age: 17

Job: Junior in Highschool. Also works at a local Taco Bell. Very close to becoming a manager.

Location: NorthSide, Ohio





Screen Name: Lucifer Knight


- Extra Boosts in Bard and Healing abilities.



He also wears a pitch black jumpsuit, and his wings are like a seahawk's wings.


Weapon: Lucifer, being creative as he is, took a dagger(Japanese Tanto) and attached it to a bo staff. The reason he did that is unknown, even to himself. It has came in handy, however.


R.A.G.E.: Lucifer has a constantly building rage, that he can hide very well, but if it reaches a breaking point, he'll basically go insane. He'll deal double the amount of damage, and he'll only take half of what is dealt to him. The amount of time he's able to be in this improves as he levels.

Mock-Speed: This allows Lucifer to fly very fast, and dodge many things easily. This features in a way that time seems to have slowed down for him, an adrenaline feature.

Silver-Tongue: Lucifer has the gift of having a voice that would make someone do anything. This allows him to talk his way out of almost any situation, get npc's to do his bidding, and even some of the medium level players. He'll receive lower prices in every shop, except very high level player ran shops. This improves as he levels.

Draw Backs: Rage Drawback: If Lucifer stays in this mode for too long, it'll reverse itself, making him take double the amount of damage, and he'd only give half. This'll last for the amount of time that the normal rage would.

Mock-Speed Drawback: If he stays in this for too long, he will run out of stamina, and crash into something. Injuring him, severely, but not lethally.

Silver-Tongue Drawback: If he would try this upon someone that is a level too high, they could engage him into a fight, and said fight would not allow him to use his rage.

Mask Drawback: The drawback of the mask is that if it is taken off, he'll lose much of his skills and abilities. The mask hides his face, and gives him confidence, without it, he is practically nothing.

Mock Fight Sample:

Lucifer fastened his mask, and stared coldly at the dummy. He took a deep breath, his staff with the dagger at the end in hand, he took a running start, moving forward, then jumping into the air. His wings caught the air, and he struck, planting both of his feet into the chest of the dummy, before swinging himself around in the air, aiming the dagger'd end of the staff towards the dummy's neck.

He let himself drop, then flung away the staff. He threw three, very fast blows towards the dummy's chest, then did a spin kick at its head, knocking it off after the dagger had sliced through most of it.

Taking a step back, Lucifer smiled under his mask. Lucifer then spoke in his slightly British accented voice. "It seems they need a new fighting dummy. I'm not paying for it."

(If this needs work, PM me upon what needs fixing.)


Name: Gemma Park

Age: 18

Job: Student/Journalist/Cheerleader

Location: NorthSide, Ohio





Screen Name: Azazel Hellbane

Species: Demonic




Weapon: Limit One -No Guns-

Special: Any special skills, or traits your V.R. person excels in. Limit 3 until further notice.

Draw Backs: Every character has limitations to what they can do, or even aspects that they downright suck at.

Mock Fight Sample: That's right folks, I'm requesting you to do a mock trial with your brand of fighting against a Training Dummy. It's to give me a feel of how you'll handle yourself in that aspect, as well as your overall rping style.

Lydia Virzone

Age: 29

Job: Hair Stylist

Location: Westside, Ohio





Screen name:
Pashghan Hunter

Species: Elf

Avatar: (Placeholder)

Class: Ranger

Weapon: (Placeholder)

Special: (Placeholder)

Drawbacks: (Placeholder)

Mock Fight Sample: (Placeholder)

Cam Sterling

Age: 22

Job: Writer

Location: NorthSide, Ohio





Screen Name:
Taro Brighton

Species: Human



Class: Fortune Teller

Weapon: The knife pictured in the appearance.


Fortune Telling: Taro uses a deck of Tarot cards and can discern from there information that would be valuable to him, regarding his current goal, future events, the intentions of others, etc. He must discern this information from the cards though, as the cards can only give general hints, they won't mean anything to him without context.

Lockpicking: Taro has some skill with locks, and how to remove them without the needed key.

Luck of the Fool: Taro has a really high luck stat. It ties into his fortune telling abilities, and gives him the power to attempt to alter predictions that are made with a higher success rate than if someone else would try.

Draw Backs: While being a bit of a Jack of All Stats, Taro is a little lacking in the physical department. Despite being a combat pragmatist, he'll get his ass kicked six ways to Sunday in one vs. one fights, or in situations where he can't use cunning and tricks to either escape or defeat his foes. He's also particularly bad with alchemy and potions, which is usually a skill related to rogue-like classes like his. He literally cannot mix a potion to save his life, and must buy them.

Mock Fight Sample:

"I'm usually more of a reactionary fighter, you know? I don't really wanna attack some stupid doll." Taro voiced his protest at being told by an admin to attack the Training Dummy. The return glare from the armour plated admin cut off any further protests from the young man, however. Readying his knife in his left hand, Taro slid his right foot forward, bringing his left arm back, his muscles tensing as he prepared to strike. With a fairly well trained approach, Taro shot forward off his right foot, bringing the knife forward and planting it firmly into the throat of the Training Dummy. In the blink of an eye, he leapt back, the gash on his sparring partner obvious and fatal. The admin nodded, and gestured for Taro to continue on with his day, which he did, muttering something about stupid random testing as he stalked off.
Name: Charles T. Mulch

Age: 29

Job: English Professor

Location: NorthSide, Ohio





Screen Name: Bog


- Extra Boosts in Stregth and Fury

Avatar: http://www.renders-graphiques.fr/galerie/Fantastique-20-autre/chevalier-demon-guer-90477.htm

Dark Paladin

Weapon: Mace, and not the bottled stuff.

Special: Leather Hide: Hard to cut through flesh Heavy Weight : Bog's size allows him more room for muscle, very strong muscle at that, Heavy Weight allows for an extra boost in Strength. Heat Wave: Oil vials along the chain of the mace, when broke and struck correctly, will light the mace on fire to create a metal cored fireball on a rope.

Draw Backs: Bog is slow, his bulk, armour, and just in general size weigh him down and keep him from moving quick. Leather hide is only good against low to low-medium gear. Requires a lot of sustance, and is averse to overly bright, and cold places.

Mock Fight Sample: -Will Be PMed-

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