Usurpers of Hearth

Grahame Luck

New Member (Must read) (Must register)


The winter has fallen deep in the North of Sinew. The summer prolongs its heat central Sinew, scorching it's barren deserts and nomad habitants. The autumn kills off the spring leaves to bring the autumn trees alive.

The wasteland which was once Piety remains in ash, the king and the senate are gone, and the Six Kings are in charge. Will there be rebellion, or submission? A few sparks of rebellious acts have been recorded, but no match to light the whole fuse...

The current time is 8:04am, Monday, October 23, 1944. No current major events are occuring.

Guidelines: The characters of this roleplay will be quite distant from one another. Try to avoid 'he' and 'she' unless you refer to your character. If you are mingling with another character, use their name as much as possible.
8:04AM - 8:20AM, 23rd of October, 1944.

The country of Sinew slowly begins to come alive as the sun sets higher and higher in the sky. The large gas giant Jupo (Joo-poh) is still visible, however its rings are gone. The neighboring moon of Jupo, Nepo (Neh-poh) blends in with the clear blue sky. Hearth and Nepo both orbit as moons, around Jupo. Hearth being the outer moon. The dark years are approaching as Hearth's orbit goes behind the gas giant, relative to the sun.

People begin to dress for work and school. Factories begin to tink and tank. Air ships begin to inflate. From the majestic tower of the First King, Charles, it is a beautiful sight.
October 23, 1944

8:00-8:38 am

"Beep, Beep" the sound of these beeps silenced with a thump. as a heavy hand outstretches from the bed. 8:00 am it read.

As Roland lurches up and at the edge of the bed hands on his knees. He looks down to see his left hand shaking quickly clasping it with his right he settles it down. Today's the day of a fresh start ill make you proud Mom... Grabbing 4 different vials he had placed on the nightstand. Shaking the last remnants of the pills in his palm.

I'll have to get more

Throwing the pills into his mouth.

"Your going to do great."A voice said.

he smiled

"I know."

The cool refresh of the water raced down his throat jostling him from his awaken stupor.

The staggered to the bathroom and readied himself for his new job his new life.

clipping a cold steel watch to his arm and sliding on a white button down shirt, a black tie and his black pea coat along with his jeans and boots. He got ready for his day.

He knew when he came back he would have a new outfit... not just any outfit, a uniform something to identify him as someone... someone who mattered.

He closed the door behind him. Leaving his cold empty lifeless apartment behind, and joining a bright and vibrant world brimming with life.

8:39-8:48 am

The bakery was hustling and bustling with people wanting breakfast and coffee and assorted baked goods. Fresh bread made daily the rich smell of crescents and bread mixed with the outside cold damp city air. As cars and trolley clicked past honking beeping and clicking with their motors. The sound of people outside walking on the cold damp cobblestone making their journey to their life. Roland stood at the back of the line, looking down at his watch he debated whether or not to stay or be late.

"Roland, the hell you doing here lad. Today's the day you start as the hand of the law." The Baker Heigan Shultz looked down at the end of the line as he said this.

slamming a bag and placing a cup on the counter he beckoned me forward. As Roland stepped towards him the eyes of the patrons looked at him in an ill sense.

grabbing the bag and the cup of coffee that smelled of rich black grains. Mr Shultz took his finger and gestured for Roland to lean in. As he leaned in closer Mr. Shultz's large hand bopped Roland on the back of the head.

"Get outta here boy you'll be late!" he said as the people laughed at Roland.

With His new found breakfast and coffee Roland raced out of the door, weaving through the crowd with a hurried walk scarfing down the fresh pastry and gulping the coffee.

8:49-8:53 am

After finishing the coffee and taking the last bites of the pastry. Roland was met with misfortune by racing into a girl little older than he was, she was frail, with the skin white as snow. After knocking her down on the floor.

"I'm sorry madam."

Outstretching his hand Roland offered to help her up off the floor. As her white hand touched his it was cold and soft like cotton. Roland stared at her for only a second more before he realized how late he was.

Roland bowed and started at a quick jog toward the station.

9:03 am

A man barely as tall as he was. Standing before Roland was his senior officer, his new "training" instructor. The man had black hair as black as the night slicked back. His face and body covered in discolored skin that seemed to be from burns and scars. A man that was barely as tall as Roland stood with a presence of an Ox. He stood with an authoritative stature... a seasoned man with many stories under his belt and many dark secrets. He was looking at Roland in a way that sent chills down his spine, a spine that that man could easily break with his massive hands.

gulping at the thought of foreseeing his own death. Roland came back to reality with the mans gaze upon him. Snapping to attention Roland saluted him.

"Roland Weiss! reporting!"
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM, 23rd of October, 1944.

8:00 am

Miss Nora Estella Ashe, commonly referred to as Miss Ashe, walked down the hallway in the government building of the sixth king, Joseph Mckensy's domain. Her long strawberry blonde ringlets fell naturally to around her waist and bounced with each step she took. Currently Miss Ashe found herself on the top floor of the building Nora sauntered over to The Engineer's office. She gave a couple light knocks on the door before entering. The room was quite empty. The desk piled with papers and drawn closed curtains seemed like its owner had not visited in days. Ashe gave a little sigh as she walked around tidying up the room, organizing some of the paperwork, and finally opening the curtains to reveal the beautiful morning outside. Before leaving she took up a couple of the more important documents on the table and made her way to the elevator. The buildings elevator operator, a curious man, mid fifties with large thick rim glasses and a coy, glassy smile peered up.

" Where can I take you Miss Ashe?" he asked.

" The basement factory Edward, thank you." she responded quick and concisely.

"Aye M'am"

8:20 am

The doors to the basement opened and Ashe walked up to the first technician she saw.

"Could you be so kind as to direct me to where Mr Mckensy's location, please."

The man simply pointed and Ashe nodded with a quick "Thank you." before hurrying off in the specified direction. Ashe gripped papers in one hand with her other hand now placed on her hip. Ashe looked nice today dressed in a dark forrest green pencil skirt, paired with an eggshell colored, long sleeve, crisp, button down shirt and sintched at the waist with a bronze corset. Her legs were seductively covered with sheer tan hose and her feet delicately wore bronze high heeled, closed toe, Mary Jane style shoes. These clothes complimented her pale rosy skin tone beautifully. Sassy blue-grey eyes squinted in a humorous frustration at the Goliath of metal she found working in front of her. Lush ruby red lips curled to the side in a smirk.

"Mr. Mckensy, there seems to be a lot of papers in your office in need of your signature that have been left unattended to for a considerably long time." Ashe shook the papers in her hand as she spoke.

8:30 am
The 23rd day of the 10th month in the year of 1944


The morning had arisen and with it so did a new king, Joseph Mckensy the Sixth king. Laying there in his bed Joseph stared at his ceiling - which was decorated with scientific notations, personnel discoveries, engineering mechanic notes - he would look over all of these every morning, he never wanted to stop learning "Its not insanity it knowledge, Knowledge is the key, one can never have enough of it!" That was something Joseph would say often to those who questioned his methods. As Joseph Mckensy lay there with his Hazel green eyes scanning over every note, and his metal suit laying against the soft bed, which he didnt really feel, he sighed finally deciding to get ready for the day. Mr. Mckensy did not waste time to get ready as he polished his metal suit and brushed his teeth through the opening of his suit. "Time for work..." he noted to himself as the doors were pushed open and steps were taken swiftly to reach the main floor.


Upon reaching the main floor two guards reached Joseph -they both were dressed the same in their guard uniforms, one guard was very dark skinned with black dreads that were pulled back, he had yellow eyes and a very loose attitude. The other guard was very pale, blonde hair, blue eyes, his attitude to appeared to be more uptight.- "Good morning your majesty, did you sleep well?" The guard with dark skin asked with a smile.

Joseph pursed his lips a bit "yes" He answered coldy after thinking about it. "Come I must get down to the factory" Joseph proceeded to walk to the elevator and the two guards followed.

"Good Morn King Joseph, The factory your highness?" Edward the elevator operator was a kind and gentle fellow, older than Joseph but kind none the less. Joseph nodded and their journey downwards began, in what felt like forever they reached the the factory, turning towards the older man Joseph spoke "Old man i'll find a way to make this machine go a bit faster, and maybe something to help with the way it stops... Who knows you may be able to 'retire' at an early age... I cant stand how this contraption jerks... " Joseph then turned his attention the the two guards "I wont be back for a while so just wait in the main hall... Im going to have a personal guard assigned to me soon, so your services wont be required" Just as Joseph stepped out, Edward closed the gates and left with the guards.

"Good Morning King Joseph" "Good morning your majesty" "Good morn, Highness" The people working the factory greeted Joseph Mckensy as they usually did, with a smile and a jolly greeting. "Yes, Good morn" The king would reply as he reached his desk. Going straight to work made life seemed worth living, the sounds of engineers clashing metal, the voices of scientists discussing their experiments, the black smiths letting the fires scorch to extreme heat to melt the metal. Nothing was more exciting than the fire, which was requested by Joseph to be open so that he could watch it, sometimes he would loose hours just watching it, but not today. Today was the day of creating a new invention, "Wings...." a man not to long ago requested a person wing and or type of rocket, to get from rooftop to rooftop. Joseph enthralled in the idea but took it for himself and not the man, he was hard at work when a presence approached behind him.


"Your late..." Joseph replied to Ashe in a quick tone, as he kept on writing he sighed and let a moment of silence past "Vergessen Sie die dumme Papiere!!!" Joseph yelled as the writing stopped "First I have to cut my work load down to 'get sleep' then I have to get a personal guard and now more papers!? What is Charles doing to me? I feel like im suffocating.... " Joseph looked around to see some of the workers who were looking at him with wide eyes, he cleared his throat and finally looked towards Ashe "Let me have those-" taking the papers from her he set them down and began to read and sign one by one. "You look nice today..." the tone Joseph used was barely lit with some emotion but he was still concentrating on the current task set before him. "Go ahead and read the agenda for today, maybe this day will actually be productive." The workers that were once gawking started back up again with no hesitation to keep pushing forward, and Joseph kept reading signing.

Proper time formatting.

7:55 AM - 8:05 AM, 23rd of October, 1944.

The sun pokes its light from the horizon, prodding all living creatures to mobilize and perform. Charles Winfold however, is the one poking the sun and prodding it to rise as he watches the horizon brighten.

"Hier kommt die Sonne." He mumbles with his arms folded behind his back. His blonde-grey hair is stroked back and his skin complexion is subtle. The black glasses match his suit, like his five kings: A cliche black long trench coat and skin-tight leather gloves. His boots make a thump with each step.

9:00 AM - 9:15 AM, 23rd of October 1944.

A stadium full of soldiers. Recruits and seasoned veterans alike all stand at attention. Hans Kiskoff is giving a speech to his valued soldiers.

Wir halten zusammen
Wir ertragen einander

Wir halten aufeinander

Niemand hält uns zurück

Wir bleiben Ihnen treu

Wir sind fest auf, dass zu halten

Und an die Regeln

Wenn Sie verlassen Vorschriften zu uns

Und der Haifisch, der hat die Tränen

Und sie laufen vom Gesicht

Aber der Hai lebt im Wasser

So kann niemand die Tränen

In der Tiefe ist es einsam

Und so manche Träne vergossen wird

Und so geschieht es, dass das Wasser

In den Ozeanen ist rein
- Rammstein, 'Haifisch'
At the end of the speech, the crowd was furious with applause and cheer. Hans has always been a man of motivation. He travels back to his home where tactics await to be planned...

8:30 AM - 8:40 AM, 23rd of October, 1944.

Another night of erotic slaves in a kinky scenario. Ralph Plaw lay in his bed with several women and another man, all chained and abused in some manner. Ralph's suit, top hat, and cane lay scattered around the room as he puffs on a Cuban cigar called a Roundabout Cigar. Being the youngest of the six kings at only the age of thirty-four, Ralph has the mind of a child, the power of a war lord, and the charm of the Devil. Seductive, persuasive, and manipulative, as well as the richest of men.

"Another day in paradise." He smirks. As he speaks, the cesspool of abused slaves come to life from their supposed slumber, and desert the room as expected. Ralph gets to his feet and equips his attire, the top hat being his last piece. He strolls out the front door with his cane, then points it at the nearest clerk.

"You, clerk. My room in five minutes." He says with another sinister smirk. The lady he had pointed to has never received any attention other than phone calls, she quickly obliged, unaware of what she is about to get into...

5:04 AM - 6:00 AM, 23rd of October 1944.

Late nights always mess with Theodore's mind. Late nights of plotting, scheming... He must if the country is to succeed, even if it's the death of him. Coffee mugs lay around him as he predicts future events by not using math, but probability.

"Give me five minutes and I will have a plan. Give me half an hour and I will have a plot. Give me a day and I'll have a scheme... Give me a year and I will have an orchestra ready to play at each tip of my fingers and toes." Theodore Quinn would tell himself.

The clock strikes six, Theodore decides his plan is complete but flawed, which he will fix another time. He retires to his bed for the day...

9:00 AM - 9:05 AM

"The human mind is a fickle friend." Phillip Phin says, his fingers crossing each other over his lap as he sits in his office chair, in his office. A lab coat scientist sits on the other side of the table.

"Yes, but we can use it to our advant-" The scientist is cut off mid-sentence and stares blankly at Phillip.

"You are going to walk out of here and continue experimenting. There is nothing wrong here, continue." Phillip says, almost hypnotically.

"There is... Nothing wrong... Continue..." The scientist repeats after Phillip, stands up, shakes his head, and walks out.

Phillip spins his chair around and looks out the overly sized bullet-proof glass window, admiring the city. This brief moment of liberty gave his mind a chance to bring suppressed memories back.

"Yes, I did that to my friends, for the betterment of Sinew." He mumbles to himself. Anything can be justified if it's for a good cause.
8:40 AM - 8:50 AM, 23rd of October, 1944.

8:40 am

Mr. Mckensy had stunned the workers, but no one would ever say anything out loud. Ashe simply smiled, his outburst not seeming to phase her in the least. Ashe had known what type of reaction to expect, conditioned from the many years her and Joseph had known each other. "I believe Mr. Winfold is just concerned about your well being..." she then added, "...for the most part." Ashe had replied not receiving much of a response as Joseph took the papers from her. Then his little compliment and had found its way to her ears and after a slightly awkward blush came to her cheeks she was about to say thank you, but dismissed the notion as he asked for the day's schedule to be read. Ashe cleared her throat with a little "Ehem' " while looking down at a clip board she had been holding underneath his papers.

8:45 am

"8 o clock, Paper work for standardized Government spending must be authorized"

Ashe gave a little smile as Joseph was doing that now, a little bit late.

"9 o clock you have body guard interviews" Ashe assumed Joseph would have her conduct those without him, but would wait for him to say as much before removing it from his schedule.

"10 o clock three specialists will be arriving, Dr. Vanbruen Sinew's leading Avian expert, Dr. Jenkins specialist in rocket development research, and Mr. Darby your requested usual prototype stunt tester." Ashe had been instructed to invite these men to help Joseph with his newest project the week before and it was a relief when all had successfully agreed to come, her job was to keep everything running smoothly and when people had scheduling conflicts it made her life much more difficult.

"Most of your day is reserved for working with them, then there is a lunch at 1 o clock in the grand hall on level three, which will be an endive salad, with cranberries, blue cheese, sauteed lemon zest shrimp and light dressing paired with an assorted cheese plate and sliced meats. Later your diner break is scheduled in the same area at 7 o clock, where we are serving slow roast suckling pig stuffed with granny smith apples, sausage, and corn bread stuffing accompanied with garlic mashed potatoes and gravy. There is a tentative scheduling to converse with the other kings around ten o clock and then time to sleep is at 11:30."

Today would be a good day for Joseph very work involved, the next day however Ashe already foresaw problems since it would be filled with much more bureaucracy rather than work. There were three early morning meetings, a maintenance update was to be conducted on Josephs suit, then he would be presenting a speech down town at the opening of a new museum, which was followed by a party at the museum. No Ashe was not looking forward for the next day, even though she had bought a new dress for the party. Ashe flipped through her clip board at the papers underneath that held resume's for Mr. Mckensy's personal body guard. She then stopped flipping through that and went back to the schedule, Ashe poised her pen ready to make any adjustments to the schedule that Mr. Mckensy would instruct her on.

8:50 am
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM, 23rd of October, 1944.

Much paperwork was finished and processed, Charles looked at his schedule. Ten AM. Fifteen minute walk with son. Charles read and smiled. He walks with due haste to greet his supposed son waiting in the lobby, probably chatting up with the young vixen secretary.

"My boy." Mr. Winfold exclaims with open arms. The busy lobbys ranting coming to a sudden cease to bow before the King.

"Father!" The boy replies and walks to Charles to be hugged by his supposed father.

"How have you been, Ben?" The room is full of quiet discussions and conversations. Nobody wanted to talk over Charles Winfold...

"Very well. I saw Phillip a few days ago while he was doing some magic tricks."

Charles laughs, and the rest of the room chuckles along. "Magic tricks? Come now, Ben. We all know 'magic' isn't real, and that Phillip is doing experiments with the mind. It's all illusion..."

Ben is aware of the facts, but wants to believe otherwise. "Alright, alright. Let's get walking, shall we?"

The moment the doors close behind Charles and Ben, the ranting and raving of emotional children within the lobby pick right back up.

"Son, watch this..." Charles snickers, then quickly opens the door behind him. The squabbling continues for another second or two, then ceases as everybody looks at the King in complete shock and awe. He smirks, hiding a laugh, then slowly closes the door again. Both Ben and Charles laugh until they cried, not caring whether the people inside the lobby heard them or not.

10:35 AM - 10:40 AM, 23rd of October, 1944.

Hans is almost home, he can recognize the town. As he steps out of his vehicle everybody deserts the streets. Him and his guards have a sense of danger and it's tingling. Hans reaches for his pistol with the Empirical Offense Force and steadies it in his hands, looking around for anything, or anyone to shoot.

A shot is fired from one of the guardsmen and a body falls from the bell tower.

"Fine shot." Hans compliments.

Another shot is fired, this time from the opposing force in the bell tower itself. The bullet rushed through the wooden door and slapped the metal sheeting of an armored car. Hans aims his pistol at the door and releases three shots without hesitation.

"Bombard, Ass, Salt. Mobilize. Pacify. Neutralize." Hans directs his men with a monotonic and stern voice. He waves his arm up and down, his hand gesturing the first action 'mobilize'.

Bombard, the second in command (2IC) of the guards leads Ass and Salt, two Sergeants that both specialize in breaching situations, to the door of the bell tower.

"Ass. Plant and detonate." Ass does as instructed, placing a small packet on the door and leading a wire to a small detonator. "Three. Two. One." The device is detonated with a small explosion, blowing the wooden door into shards.

"Pacify. Neutralize." Bombard grumbles, mimicking Hans voice.

Meanwhile, behind the commotion, the men all watch around the town in their vehicles.

"Kriskoff, Sir. All contacts are neutralized. Returning to prior orders." With that last order, the troops mount their vehicles and continue to drive to Hans home, with the confiscated weapons. They leave the bodies as an example for defying the new way of the Kings.

"More patrols in that entire town." Hans issues to the local officer, over the phone.

12:00 PM - 12:05 PM, 23rd of October 1944.

Ralph lies in bed with the clerk. Surprisingly unharmed, she is. A lady bursts through the doors and storms up to the end of Ralph's bed. The nude clerk gasps as the lady approaches and hides under the blanket.

"Ralph. You should have been out of bed hours ago. Instead you fornicate with this..." She pauses to think of a word cruel and demeaning enough to describe the young clerk, "Sinnlose Hure." A moment later a weep is heard. Ralph scowls at this lady. Her posture, attire, attitude, everything about her gives an impression of stubbornness, power, and responsibility.

"Dear Mrs. Herring. You are the rudest woman I have the misfortune of meeting, working, and bedding with. That is why I love your work so much. Come out, little clerk, get dressed, and do what you do best: Clerk. Me and your boss have to chit-chat." Ralph's voice is so light-hearted, it is a common misconception that he's joking, and Ralph has killed people because he has had to repeat himself to them.

The young brunette girl crawls out of bed, hiding her tears, and does a strange little jog to the doorway left of the bed.

"Ralph. Get up and do your job or -" Mrs. Herring is cut-off mid-sentence.

"Or what, Mrs. Herring?" Ralph scowls even more, standing up on his bed, revealing his entire body. The worst thing to do is come across as threatening...

"Or... I will -" Mrs. Herring loses a bit of her posture as Ralph glares down at her.

"You will do nothing. Now get out of my sight so I can do my job." Ralph replies with a condescending tone, pointing to the door she rudely busted open. A few clerks are peeping down the hall and blushing at Ralph's sight. Mrs. Herring turns around and walks out, trying to keep her ego together. The young clerk reappears and follows along.

"Little clerk, do come back soon." Ralph smiles as the clerk looks over her shoulder, then winks.

10:00 AM - 10:05 AM, 23rd of October, 1944.

Phillip very rarely receives paperwork. Most of his time is spent in his psychotic asylum-like palace. His home; his fortress, is like an asylum for the insane, only that his patients; prisoners, whatever you call them, only get worse. His apparent mental power grows as the sanity of men and women around him deteriorate. He has a small band of Hei'Jabs at his disposal. Hei'Jabs are the black fairies of the night. Loyal to who ever shelters them and feeds them, they act as assassins, ninjas, and contract killers. Phillip uses them to monitor his district for rebellious acts, they are masters of parkour and small knives. The only downside is that they only speak in Germanic poetry.

A Hei'Jab walks into Phillip's office. A gold pendant sits on his chest which appears to hold his black robed suit together.

"Is he here?" Phillip asks.

"Er ist in unserer Gegenwart, schließt ..."

"Good. Follow him and intervene, bring him here."

"So soll es sein." The 'Black Fairy' bows quickly, and rushes out to pass his orders on.

8:47 AM - 9:00 AM, 23rd of October, 1944.

Joseph listens to Ashe ramble with his to-do-today list. The only thing that really appeases him is the food and even that didn't sound worth while.

"Is that all? Don't answer, just go do your job while I do mine." Joseph says, his tone demeaning everything Ashe had said. He waves his hand up and down at Ashe, gesturing her to shoo, he doesn't even turn his head.

The machinery is coming along well. The wings resemble bat wings, the idea is to glide through the wind.

"Is the prototype almost ready?" Joseph asks.

"Yes sir, it'll be ready by this eve." The lab coat scientist replies.

"Good, prepare a human subject."

Joseph retires to the furnace for ten minutes, adoring the flames, until he comes back to reality and focuses his attention on another project.
9:00 am - 1:00 pm, 23rd of October, 1944.


Ashe nodded as her commanded her away, "Yes, sir.", and did as he asked. She walked away looking at her pocket watch. Ashe would conduct the interviews with out him. She walked back out to the elevator and proceeded to go about the days events.

Ashe sat in what looked like an interigation room. One by one candidates entered and she asked them all various versions of the same questions. THis was quite boring, but it had to get done. Ashe knew Joseph didn't want or truly need a body guard, but she wouldn't go agfaisnt a direct order from Charles. Finally she decided on someone and had them sent down to the workshop right away. Thier job was to be there when needed, but besides that there was a no being seen no being heard rule. The last thing Ashe needed was the new recruit to get in Josephs way, that would cause alot of problems for her.

12:45 am

After that business was all settled she made her way to the kitchen to make sure everything was on schedule. Joseph's food must be prepared perfectly in the allotted time other wise there would be hell to pay. She walked by the cooks nodding as everything looked to be going well. Ashe checked her pocket wath again and made her way out. There was no need for her to interupt Jospeh while he ate, she knew he preffered to be alone anyways. This was an hour out of the day that she could actually take for herself. She relaxed a bit and went to the elevator instructing the operator to take her to the first floor. Ashe proceeded to walk outside and exit the building. The breeze was quite pleasant outside and she had a little smile on her face as she strolled over to a little bench near a park and took a seat. She opened up a newspaper she had been carrying and continued to relax and read.

1:00 pm

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