Story Usurpers of Hearth - Short Stories

Grahame Luck

New Member
This is a collaboration for people to write short stories for the RP. Your story can be of any genre for any character. If it's for one of the Six Kings, PM me the story first, then I may approve it. (I already have some stories for them and it may clash with what I have)
Joseph Mckensy was born in a laboratory as a test tube baby. Very few specimen survived the fetus stage. Joseph was the first to grow into a fully fledged human. His lack of a navel always crossed his mind in his childhood, his foster parents portraying as his real parents. Two scientists from the project to record how he develops.

The experiment ends in disaster as one night, the parents go out for dinner and leave Joseph home alone. He decides to play with some matches whilst preparing dinner. Forgetting he left the gas on, the house was engulfed in flames the moment the match was struck...

He asked his four good friends to learn why he has no navel, and when he found out... All he wanted to do is destroy everything relating to the project. To find out his entire life was just another experiment was too much. His spiral into self absorbed insanity begins...

Doctors proclaim he will never recover from the ordeal, physically and mentally. His four friends couldn't help him other than comfort him, they visited every day at the same time, when the sun was setting outside Joseph's bedside window.

His parents would watch him rot in his bed, upset that their conceived child is never going to aspire to anything, and that their experiment has resulted in a failure.

Joseph's state did not stop him from seeking knowledge. When he grew strength to speak, he hurt to move but he disciplined himself to tolerate pain. He asked for tapes on engineering and theoretical sciences. He then had an artists map out a schematic he had created from memory with great detail. The schematics were shown to his team of scientists that he recruited in his early 20s to do work for him.

The schematics revealed a new technology. An armored suit that will sustain his burned skin. Joseph insisted in placing him in ice cold water during the transition from flesh to suit. The pain was torturing him, but he did it knowing that this is the greatest pain he will ever experience.

Being in such an accident at such an age that has impaired him for one third of his life, one would think his greatest fear is fire. No... He adored it, craved it, loved it, More than his pretty bed nurse Miss Nora Estella Ashe, And used fire for many of his contraptions.

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