Usurpers of Hearth (Registration and OOC)

Grahame Luck

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Keep the Biography short and nice. Maximum of three paragraphs.

Read the storyline thread under Important Information for 'Roles'

I won't make my character until I find out who wants to play as which of the Six Kings
Name: Erorlund Jötar

Eye Colour: Moss green

Height: Seven foot five inches

Age: 43

Hair Colour: Dark brown

Skin Tone: Caucasian,darkened by his time in the workshop.

Role: Rebel

Biography: Eorlund Jötar was born to a family of engineers,and he's been said to have learned to make a piston before he could walk. While this is an exaggeration,he has been making hardware for almost all of his life. His parents ran a workshop,but they died poor,forcing Eorlund to find employment elsewhere. He was quickly snatched up by the government,and was given the role of workshop assistant on the Iron Soldier project,the initiative to produce the next evolution of personal protection technology. The result was the Combat Exoskeleton. However,although he worked for the government,he held no particular love for it. He was taxed out the nose. He was paid barely more than a pittance. He understood that the Crown needed money to fund things like construction,government wages,and projects like this one,but he still felt that he was being used,and not really appreciated.

He began to use his own personal workshop to fabricate his own devices. First harmless things,like pistons that closed doors or a freight elevator. Soon,however,he wanted a challenge. He thought to himself "What are the weaknesses of the Combat Exoskeleton?". His answer was mobility. They were huge,they were slow. They were vulnerable to hit-and-run attacks in an urban environment. So,he began to build a different kind of exoskeleton. It was stripped down to barest essentials; Hydraulic assistance,the support frame,and the boiler,which was insulated. The result was a faster,more nimble exoskeleton with a safer boiler,ideal for urban warfare. And this was when he was approached by the rebels. They knew he was unimpressed with the government,and knew he was developing improvements to their technology. Eorlund accepted the offer,and an "accident" was arranged to cover up his disappearance. His workshop was obliterated,and his prototypes were dismantled and carried away in pieces,as well as his schematics.

Now he works in a secret workshop in an undisclosed location,building minimalist exoskeletons and other equipment for the resistance movement. He had so many ideas...And he's familiar with what they fight.

Also,I posted the first sketch sheet of Exoskeleton weapons in your thread in the Creativity Lounge.
Name: Miss Nora Estella Ashe (just Ashe for short)

Eye Colour: grey/blue



Hair colour: long, curly ringlets, light red & strawberry blonde

Skin colour: ivory white, very pale

Biography: Ashe’s parents were doctors at the hospital where Joseph Mckensy (The Engineer) spent his younger years badly burnt from a childhood accident. Her father Percival was Joseph’s main physician and her mother Abigail was his bedside nurse. Ashe would sit in Joseph’s room and watch engineering tapes since her parents were too busy to spend time with her. She was much younger than Joseph, but her love for knowledge caused them to become close friends. Ashe looked up to Joseph and answered his beck and call. She followed Joseph through his career even leading some of the research groups that led to creating the suit that hides his burnt flesh and keeps him alive. To this day Ashe is Joseph’s right hand and trusted personal assistant.

Ashe is intelligent, but not brilliant or genius. She is kind and caring only towards Joseph and her family, where everyone else is concerned she sees them as disposable. Ashe idealizes Joseph seeing him as infallible. She keeps secrets well and is extremely loyal. Her true expertise lies in espionage, being able to unlock and search hard to access areas as well as sneaking in the shadows listening to others private conversations. Eavesdropping is her specialty; she carries bugs on her everywhere in case she needs to plant one in someone’s phone or computer. Because of this skill she is contacted by remote communication by The Leader (Charles Winfold) every so often to report anything of significance. Ashe however, is very physically weak. She would be easily overtaken in hand to hand combat and her skills in marksmanship and knives are equally sub-par. Her weapon of choice, if any, is poison.

Role: Citizen
Sure! Sorry about that, currently on my phone. I will update it as soon as I get home.

I added: "Ashe however, is very physically weak. She would be easily overtaken in hand to hand combat and her skills in marksmanship and knives are equally sub-par. Her weapon of choice, if any, is poison." to the profile.
Name: Josef Franz Vaughn

Eye Colour: Deep Blue

Height: 6'0

Age: 28

Hair colour: Raven Black

Skin colour: Caucasian

Biography: Screams, agony, the smell of blood, and gunpowder. That was all Josef had ever known in his entire life. His comrades say that he’s bordering on madness, says he should fall back and be an engineer or something, but Josef knows full well that “they” will never let him. He knows too much, and the worst thing is, he can’t just unlearn everything. Josef’s father had been an officer before, and his mother being a doctor in one of the least-known hospitals in town. They were just nobodies in a place full of anger and hatred towards the king. His father, a big bulky man with graying hair, had enlisted him at an early age to serve their country. Everything was going well for them, thinking that peace had finally settled in once and for all, but just then, the rebellion broke out.

He had burns all over his body; too many to count. People say that he looks too old for his age, too vicious, too cruel. He can’t remember what he was like back then, he even laughed at the memory of his mother calling him an angel. His body is different now, just like his father’s. You can expect this from a guy using one of those so-called exoskeleton suits. He hated those suits. It nearly killed him once; searing pain shot through his body the first thirty minutes he used it. He’s used to it now though, a voice in the back of his head wishing that it would kill him someday. Since when did he turn so cruel? He doesn’t even flinch when he gunned down live flesh, nor shed a tear when poisoned gas tear through the streets. They were right, it’s just what those religious bastards had said. They were devils, the spawn of Satan.

[Note: Over the years, Josef’s reflexes had failed due to wearing the exo-suit. He can’t evade, nor doge easily like he did before.]

Role: Riot Officer

[Please tell me if I need to change anything. I'm working on another character for another RP and I might have mixed something up. ^^]
Name: Roland Weiss (Rookie)

Eye Color: Green

Height: 6'1

Age: 20

Hair color: Light brown with a streak of grey in the front

Skin color: Caucasian

Biography: The future is laid before him, nobility to be apart of the aristocracy all these things and more in front of him. Only to be ripped away by those Pietian rebels, the blood of his father are on their hands after they murdered the late king. His family was assassinated while he slept sister, mother, and father all of them in a grisly scene of blood and violence. Now cast into the lower ranks of society Roland has lost all title and claims to household and name. Stamping him with the tainted name of someone who lost their own Weiss. Growing up with looks of disgust and isolation from others due to the name. Now all he can find solace is, is his work... to bring down and destroy these rebels that took his life from him. Honor and virtue are but words in a book now to Roland as he takes it upon himself to meet out his justice. Hoping that one day with his work he can rise through the ranks and earn back what his family has lost. He is strong willed and fast tempered making him a dangerous adversary to the many who stand in his path. His own stubbornness has led him to many draw backs though. He gets by on his own judgments due to him having no street smarts or survival skills. Just the array of skills he had when he was a boy being brought up in his household. Fencing training for most of his youth and skeet shooting on the estate. He suffers from PTSD, hallucinations in hearing his mother speaking to him and or seeing his little sister.

He realizes the fragile state he is in and is self aware of it.

Roland has just undergone the final training in the academy to become an officer. Now a rookie he is stationed under the wing of a seasoned veteran. Police are told to stop the insurgents by any means necessary... but the battle between Rolands conscious thought of does he have what it takes to kill is always with him.

Role: Riot Police
So I took you up on your offer...

Name: Marla Ann Magnessen

Eye Colour: Brown

Height: 5"2'

Age: 31 years old

Hair colour: Naturally a dark brown, but treated to a light blonde

Skin colour: Wears powder to seem paler, but has a caramel like complexion

Biography: Sometimes snakes are hidden in underfoot. Poised, ready to strike with a vengeance never seen coming. They are camouflaged into their natural surroundings. Marla? Marla wears her colors vibrantly. Green emerald earrings her father gave her as a coming of age present. A navy blue polka dot dress in which her belated husband found her irresistible. These are remnants of a life that will never be again full of tea parties, big societal balls, long days shopping... No more. After The Six Kings took control, she found her father a dead man. He had after all been a key adviser to former kings, his mouth was that of the old regime. He had spent his life in the pursuit of wealth and power and his down fall caused his suicide. Her husband, well, he abandoned her. Good riddance though. A weak man would have solidified her fall. Instead, Marla picked herself back up. Pride forced her to wipe off her skirts, lift her chin, and move forward. In to what you may ask?

A woman from a once prominent family with a once upon a time wealth has a hard time adjusting to living with out. Finances have never been her strong point and often times she finds that ends aren't being met. To pay the bills Marla works as an art instructor (more or less a cover for her real interest in psychology) at some lousy college. But she sits ready. Marla may not be a genius by birth but she understands the political realm just the same. What she was born into was a finesse and understanding of politics and war that some children never get. While some daddies talk about sports or news, her daddy talked about world events. What was the current issue...what should they do? What WILL they do? From her own youth, Marla understands that young minds will determine the future. They will carry change on their shoulders and these changes are based on what they pick up along the way. Marla will be there to guide what they pick up.

At the present moment, she is a recruiter for the rebellion. It is a risky front and if the Riot Police were to come she would be ill suited to fight back. Marla was never taught how to defend herself or use a weapon. Heavy activity was and still is an issue because of Marla's asthma. For these reasons she stays off the streets and leaves the fighting to others. Should there ever be an emergency, Marla has planned out an escape route. Her interest in psychedelic drugs and illusions have spurred on various means for her to create a distraction and make a hopeful escape. Yet, untested, it is uncertain if her preparations for worst case scenerio will be affective.

Role: Rebellion

Let me know if there is anything to improve, revise, or change!
Alright edited. Negative traits include: blind vengeance, lack of financial responsibility, no combat skill, and asthma.
OOC: Hello fellow rp'ers I have recently found out I will be having surgery, and its for personal matters. I am however in a lot of pain so excuse me if I dont respond in the post right away. :)
Alright. Is there a reason why nobody else is actually role-playing? There are a fair few people signed up and only 2-3 people are actually doing something.
This looks like fun, and I've been dying to get into an RP.

Name:Messer Schnell

Eye Colour:Steel Gray



Hair colour:shaggy Orange Skin

colour:golden tan

Biography: Born in 1916, Messer was born into a world at war. As a Citizen of Piety and the son of a long line of soldiers, it was only natural for him to eventually fall into the duty of combat. But Messer was different, he was had a Kel'Rum given talent for taking life, one his superiors recognized in him. On top of that, he was of a charismatic disposition, and could lie extremely well. In the end, this combination had him placed in the Special Spie Intelligence and Covert Assassinations Bureau, (S.S.I.C.A.Bureau), when he was twenty, and he worked as an undercover assassin in Sinew society for 6 years. Then the Six Kings appeared and in the blink of an eye, his home land, the holy land of Kel'Rum, was gone, reduced to radioactive cinders and corpses.

In the aftermath of this event, Messer was left without direction, back up, or communication from command, and his aliases quickly dissolved without properly forged documents and cover support. He was forced into the lower ranks of Sinew society, living off the scraps of what he could find. He ran for his life constantly, his beating heart placing on him a bounty, for he was, as far as he knew, the last of the S.S.I.C.A. Bureau assassins, and possibly even the last of his people. He soon became emaciated and was sure he would have died in the filth of the Sinew people, were it not for the voice. Messer understood that his constant running and struggling to survive may have pushed him beyond the point of sanity, but when he first heard the voice of god whispered into his mind, he did not doubt it, and he did not question it, he only obeyed.

It has for four years directed him to live, to survive, to grow stronger, though for what purpose he could only guess at. It led him to encounter the Rebellion and find aid within their conclaves. Here he could eat, drink, and sleep, and the only price he was charged was the occasional assassination of some official in the very government he had strived to destroy in his earlier years. That suited him just fine, at least until Kel'Rum revealed his plan to him. He did not know why he had been chosen, but he was now the arm of a god, and he was sure that this god would seek vengeance, and Messer would be true to his name. Though he is as fine a killing machine as he ever was, his long years of running and isolation have left him socially repressed, and some would call him eccentric, if not completely mad. On top of that, he is libel to at least attempt anything that the voice in his mind suggests to him, and will absolutely obey if ordered, no matter how sucidal that action might be.


The voice of God could be done by me, or you could be the one that controls it and guides my character. Let me know if I need to alter anything and I will do so right away!

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