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Roleplay Availability
My Interest Check
One day or day one, you decide.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

The clock mercilessly indicated the passing seconds of life which is so precious for humans. Fearing death, the afterlife, the unknown. Earth had filled up its surface with human beings and even went beyond into the universe. Only those who had the courage to explore, managed to even scrape the surface of the unknown with beating hearts and sweat dripping from their skin. Trembling from fear and excitement all together supported by a rush of adrenaline.

Humanity discovered quite some possibilities for exploration, knowing some facts while others are still theories. A race that demanded time to evolve which was granted to them without complaints. Two other races however took an interest in them, beings of whose existence was only deemed as myths, legends even yet no true proof was ever to be found of them. They were called grim reapers and ancient spirits of life, two exact opposites from each other yet lived in perfect harmony.

Now, they were given permission to slip into the lives of humanity, blending in like normal citizens however their true identity was never to be made come to light. At least for now… The hub for these “people” was situated in Tokyo, Japan. Until this day none of them came to light, being able to peacefully live amongst the humans. However, some unusual sightings have been spotted which started to disturb a minority of humans.

NO.1 Maximum of 2 characters per person.

NO.2 This is an intermediate RP (+/- 350 words per post).

NO.3 Do not metagame.

NO.4 Once you received a like by the owner, your character has been accepted.

NO.5 Only anime/art/digital art for pictures allowed.

Grim Reapers: Often depicted as someone who holds a scythe as weapon, dressed in a pitch black cloak with hood. The nickname Angel of Death is another name known by humanity. They sever the last ties between the soul and the body and guide the deceased to the next world without having any control over the fact of the victim’s death.

Deities: A supernatural being considered divine or sacred. A being with powers greater than those of ordinary humans, but who interacts with humans, positively or negatively, in ways that carry humans to new levels of consciousness, beyond the grounded preoccupations of ordinary life.

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