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location: Cerulean City - Pokémon Center - Sleeping Room
music: x
Malyna kicked the bathroom wall once more for good measure, before turning to the mirror. Her cheeks were a stark crimson against her pale skin, her hair now messy out of its bun. She took in a slow, deep breath as she began to fix her hair neatly back into the little black elastic.

Now to look as if nothing odd had happened.

She nodded to her reflection, skin in a rare state without makeup. The situation was too horrid though. she didn't mind the lack of makeup for once. With yet another nod and huff of breath she stepped out of the bathroom, confidently pacing to the makeshift sleeping area the nurses had prepared.

To her relief her bed had remained untouched. A Chansey had now appeared, ruffling around putting med-kits back and putting needles in their right containers. She smiled slightly. Chansey were far from her favorite, but who wouldn't be relieved at such a simple innocent smile?

Lyn sat down on her bed, her flip-flops slapping against the linoleum floors before she tugged them off and sat herself into her lower bunk-bed. She propped one of the thin pillow against the railing, sitting up as she had a look around the room. But she purposely avoided Tai's general direction.

It seemed all had been taken care of now except for one new arrival. One nurse remained, as the other seemingly had gone back to the front reception lobby. Now was probably not the best time to ask for a warm meal... but knowing her, she likely would as soon as she caught the eye of the remaining nurse.

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Polka Polka Xemanorth Xemanorth Feywild Feywild WolfSol WolfSol LazyDaze LazyDaze
Minimum Activity: Post once a week

One nurse still remaining, now handed the last tools to Chansey after finishing helping the last patient. She then smiled to all those on the bed.

"Please be comfortable, you can stay here until the morning."

Chansey waddled over to the cabinet, returning to its trainer with a stack of plastic platters. The nurse smiled. "Ah- that's right, good job Chansey." She took the stack of platters. "That will be all, feel free to relax now." Chansey let out a gleeful call of her own name, before tapping one of its little pink stumps onto the circle of a Poké Ball strapped to the nurse's hip.

Calmly, she began to give out the platters to those still awake. Those asleep received theirs under their bunk-bed to take when they were ready.

"It's a simple meal, but I hope it will at least fill your stomachs enough to have a good night's rest."

When each took their plate, they would find a disappointingly simple platter. It had a little box of orange juice, plastic-wrapped sandwiches with a slice of ham and cheese and an apple. And knowing Poké Centers... the quality of the sandwich likely wasn't great either.

With a dip of her head the nurse left the room, lowering the light in the room by means of a turning button. Jokingly, she stated; "Now our Pikachu won't have to work as hard. We will check up on you every hour, and will turn off the lights when you're all resting. Good night."

The door was opened... then clicked shut. Now, they were all alone in the bunk-bed filled room, platter on each lap, light turned dim.
Kazimir Rook
Location: Pokémon Center, Cerulean City

It wasn’t usual for Kazimir to get treated and not react, simply just sit there and fail to wince or flinch where she usually would. At least she made it easy for the nurse, being too tired to react and care was a blessing. Now she could rest assured that she wouldn’t get an infection if she continued to keep it clean and that she wasn’t about to just die a horrible dramatic death. Not yet anyway.

Sliding her battered bag off of her shoulders and onto the floor next to her bunk, Kaz seated herself at the edge of the bed in a quiet contemplation for the dreaded events that’d occurred. On instinct her hands searched, pulling out one of the entails of her rucksack after sliding her hands over the worn leather covers of both of her journals. She had quite the story to document today. Pulling out a pen, Kaz frowned as she contemplated what she was to start with. There had been so much happening, none of it good. Well, she had her life still, that’s positive she supposed. The morning everything went to hell seemed ages ago.

With her pen hovering over the paper hesitant, she bit her lip and began to spill. All her worries, the exact details as she remembered them, the people she met, what she wished she’d done. It was foolish to look back on things and wonder what you could’ve done instead, she told herself that all the time but it never seemed to help.

Closing the book and placing it back into her bag, Kaz turned to the rather unappetising food she was handed, mumbling a quiet word of ‘thanks’ as she held it idly. She knew she should eat, but there wasn’t any pangs, not the usual ache of hunger that should’ve been plaguing her. The thought of even stomaching the food didn’t exactly strike happiness into her. So instead she slid the platter under the bunk and attempted to settle into the bed, thinking of the day as her mind raced fervently. Though after some time, she fell into a dreamless slumber she would be thankful later that it wasn’t haunted by the nightmarish day she’d experienced.

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Samuel Nicholson
Chanseys have the devil's eyes here in the Pokemon Center.
Feywild Feywild

Food sounded nice and all, but then again so did sleep. Especially when Sam had sat up to take the offered platter, finding rations that could barely fatten up a Piplup. Well, this was a Poke Center, and it wasn't every other day that the Center had to deal with human patients. With a once over at the sandwich, Sam selected the apple, and placed the platter underneath the bunk.

It tasted just as he'd imagined it to taste, plain and dry, but it settled the dull ache of hunger and fatigue. Just enough to at least assess his situation yet again for what felt like the umpteenth time. It's why he wanted, desperately wanted, to smoke because this bit of hospitality offered just enough time to think more than he'd intended.

It was to be expected though, because if Saffron had been hit then what about the other cities? Cerulean seemed fine, untouched by crazed Pokemon, but that didn't mean it would continue to be fine. So the other cities... more importantly Viridian, had it been hit too? Which led to the most important question, would his ex-wife and daughter be all right? Pessimism would usually answer for him, but he bit into the apple extra hard, earning an obnoxious crunch, in an attempt at distraction. When that didn't work, the pessimism and worry evolving into guilt, he leaned over the bunk and dropped the apple by the platter before turning back on his side.

Sam fished out his trusty lighter, the silver Zippo scratched and dirtied but otherwise safe and usable was a welcoming weight in his palm. With respect to the Center, he didn't open it, but he did spin the Zippo between his fingers. The gesture was so painstakingly simple, but it worked for a distraction. So did Kaz for a moment. He watched her quietly, Zippo in hand, as she took out a leather-bound book and pen.

She wrote for hours, in Sam's opinion, but he wouldn't know for sure. He'd fallen asleep long before Kazimir stowed her journal away.

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location: Cerulean City - Pokémon Center - Sleeping Room
music: x
Just as her thoughts drifted to a nice meal, a plate was shoved into her hands- and gone were the nurses. She frowned, reluctantly letting her eyes lower to the food in her grasp. It couldn't be good.

She pulled her nose up, scoffing like only a spoiled brat could do. Despite her complaints though, she undid the plastic over the sandwich and brought it up to take a hesitant bite. Augh! Immediately the woman spat it out onto her plate. She grabbed the box of juice and basically kicked the place with her heel under the bed. That was too disgusting, she'd just have to manage until she could get a bite somewhere in the morning.

Seeing one of the others opting to turn to sleep and one practically passing out, she decided to do the same. Draining the juice-box of every drop she could, placing it onto the ground and shuffling herself under the sheets. It was a little cold, thin sheet bringing shivers across her pale skin. But nothing could keep her from the mental, emotional and physical exhaustion plaguing her.

Within seconds, her long lashes fluttered shut as she dozed off to a fitful sleep. Throughout the night she'd expressed low mutterings, undecipherable but seemingly panicked.
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LOCATION: Route 5---------------------------STATUS: Drained--------------------------INTERACTION: Xemanorth Xemanorth
Tai moment of anger was interrupted by a nurse offering her food, which of course she took.
Living with her brother had taught her never to waste food- as sometimes you wouldn't always get it.

She shot Guy a quick look to make sure he was okay- he still looked deep in thought, so she decided to let him wonder on.

The food was flavourless- but Tai was grateful for it. The shocking emotional events of the day had taken their toll on her.
She felt exhausted and realised that a few hours of rest would probably benefit her greatly.

Tai lay down and curled into a tight ball in her bed. She squeezed her legs tightly, until finally she drifted off into dreams of her brother and the town she once knew.

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Polka Polka Xemanorth Xemanorth Feywild Feywild WolfSol WolfSol LazyDaze LazyDaze
Minimum Activity: Post once a week

One by one, Saffron victims slipped into slumber.

The Pokémon Center was mostly quiet. Some travelers from other directions came in to get their Pokémon healed or their injuries tended to, but they were few and far between. Like clockwork, each hour a nurse stepped into the room to check on everyone present. If anyone were to have trouble with their injury, the nurse would work in as much silence as she could to not wake the others. Though the light would always be turned on when it was necessary.

Perhaps, Sam once woke up in the night to find a certain Chansey staring at him ominously... But in reality? She was just checking on everyone to see if they were sleeping soundly. Not that the poor man knew of course.


It wasn't the warm golden rays of the sun waking the group up, instead, it was a set of three soft but firm knocks on the door. While the group slowly awoke, some swifter than others, perhaps some even slept through it- one of the nurses came in.

"Good morning- I brought your breakfast. And a few guests..." she paused, looking over-shoulder as two officers came in. Both dressed in thick darkblue attire, showing the Kanto-offical symbol on their chest. Right behind them, two Arcanine stepped into the room, squeezing themselves around their owners- but not before giving their hand a lick. Both large hounds sat down at the sides of the doorway, looking majestic as can be.

One of the officers, a woman, grabbed a chair from the corner of the room, beckoning her male colleague to come stand beside her.

"We'd like to ask you all a few questions if that's alright. About what occured in Saffron. Since it's a small group and we have no reason to suspect any of you - considering your injuries and trauma according to the Poké Center staff - had anything to do with its cause."

The nurse quietly handed each of the group a simple breakfast of two sandwiches with a single slice of cheap cheese, along with a cup of hot water and a tea bag to the side. Then, she left the officers to what they were there to do.

"First off, were there any faces you could describe? Any names you overheard?"

LOCATION: Route 5---------------------------STATUS: Overwhelmed--------------------------INTERACTION:
Tai had woken early that morning from a rather heavy sleep. As far as she could recall, there had been no dreams.
She felt somewhat relaxed but yet strangely uncomfortable at the same time.

The other trainers slept around her, it had to be easily five in the morning- normally she would have been boxing at this time. Hell, if she couldn't box, then she would have been reading. An abnormal sense of longing flashed through her body as she lay in the room. Even though she only cleaned it- Saffron gym had been her home.

Oddly, she didn't move- she just kind of lay there pondering what to do next. Saffron had been safe and as naïve as it might have been, she never worried about being attacked. These thoughts whirled around her head until three soft knocks on the door began to wake the others up.

She rose from her bed just as the nurse brought breakfast and two serious looking police officers. With little grace, Tai swung her legs out of the blanket and over the edge of the bed, towards the two cops in blue.
However, Tai was not interested in the human visitors as her eyes glanced over the two beautiful creatures that stood behind them. A clash of orange and black.

Not realising it, Tai had began to smile. Each one of those glorious Pokémon reminded her of her home in Cinnabar. What she would have given to have one of her own.
She wondered if they were friendly.
Her dream of petting the beast was short lived as she was handed her breakfast and brought right back into reality.
If anyone had been looking prior to breakfast, they may have seen a flash of Tai's innocence as she stared in awe at the Arcanine ahead.

Staring blankly at the conical food before her, Tai heard the Officers enquire about the event in Saffron. However, she had no idea what to say.
Would they care that her brother was probably dead? That the old couple she had tried to help were murdered in the city streets?
Probably not... they only wanted culprits.

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location: Cerulean City - Pokémon Center - Sleeping Room
music: x
Throughout the night, the skinny redhead tossed and turned as she mumbled in her sleep. She didn't wake up whenever anyone entered the room. She was a deep sleeper, and these nights were one of the rare moments she did not have herself completely prim and proper.

The voice of the nurse did not rouse her. Not even the knocking did at first, until the third seemed to be just a bit louder than the two before it, causing Lyn to flutter her long lashes with a grumble.

"Who... dares to interrupt... beauty sleep... tea?"

She seemed to string a few sentences together, each only half bluttered out as she lifted herself up. Leaning on one of her palms, she crossed her thin legs under the blankets and used her free hand to rub at her slanted eyes. ...Auw. She forgot to take out her lenses.

Her thick red curls had devolved into a mess of fiery frizz. Without make-up, her hair in such disarray, she looked a little older than she already was. Though the lack of crimson on her lips, in turn, added some youth again.

Slowly, her vision adjusted. ...Those were not nurses. Her eyes widened a little at the two large dogs, her lips pulling to a slight grimace. She adored Fire Pokémon, but dog-like types just irked her. Malyna was a cat-lover through and through.

She sighed at the questions, shuffling in her bed to sit up against the wall and begin fixing her hair into a messy bun.

"I saw numerous Pokémon, but no people. So I can't help you in that regard. I fled into the forests, none seemed to have focused their vandalism on that."
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Samuel Nicholson
Chanseys have the devil's eyes here in the Pokemon Center.
Feywild Feywild DapperCat DapperCat

For once Sam slept like a log in winter, dead to the world. A blessing considering his uncanny sleeping habits that still cursed him from his days in the Military of Defense. Yet it still didn't change the fact that he was a light sleep. He'd woken up just for a moment when the demonic Chansey had hobbled in, but thankfully the second time he'd woken up was from the three knocks at the door. The sound roused him to open his eyes, but he didn't feel like moving to sit up. At least, not yet. The damn bed hurt like hell, and he definitely wasn't looking forward to feeling his back try to stretch out all the kinks sleeping had made once he got up. However, at the mention of food, Sam decided to suck it up. The man gradually sat up, wincing at the snap, crackle, pop that his back performed just as one of the nurses from last night slipped in, along with two uniformed officers.

His gaze wandered over their badges, recognizing the Kanto symbols on their uniforms before assessing the large, fluffy Pokemon accompanying the door. Cat Pokemon, in Sam's opinion, would have been much better instead of overgrown, slobbery mongrels like them.

Moving to sit off to the side of the bed, Sam looked over for Kaz before switching his attention to the old crow in the room. He wasn't quite sure if she'd ever uttered her name. Well, even if she had, he wouldn't remember it. There was no need because honestly, he didn't think he'd be sticking around for long. There was still that nagging unease, a calm before the storm. Especially now that the Kanto police were involved. When the red headed woman prattled on while playing with her nest of hair, Sam let his attention return to the officers. He wanted to ask the question that bothered him the most... Did it just Saffron City?

"Besides the people we couldn't save, the Pokemon we ran from? No. I'd say you're shit out of luck on that detail from any of us." Sam supplied as he took the offered slip of breakfast. He'd barely examined the contents when a memory of yesterday's events hit him, something that had put him and Kaz in a bit of danger. "Actually... when we were on Route 5, a Pidgeot crash landed. Not sure why, but I think it had a rider. The bastard threatened us, and right before we hightailed it, I had said something like how we didn't want trouble and wanted to go as far away from the shit hole that was Saffron. The guy had said that Saffron deserved what happened to it. Said we were 'filthy Kanto traitors.' Not really sure what he meant by that, but wasn't about to stand back and ask. He likely would have sent a Pokemon after us, I think I might have heard the sound of a Poke Ball or just imagined it, if the fire from the forest hadn't covered all of Route 5 and our tracks."

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Kazimir Rook
Location: Pokémon Center, Cerulean City
Interaction: WolfSol WolfSol

Sleep for Kazimir that night held no comfort, there was no soft dreams awaiting her in the nightly abyss. Though there was no torment, only the foreign peace of dreamless slumber. The woman had managed to stir early, choosing to sit in silence as the others slept to mull over her thoughts. Simply the idea of all that chaos occurring in one day pressed lines of deep worry into her pale face. Even dwelling on how many were potentially wounded, or worse killed or orphaned, did not cease her thoughts and only dampened them. Then the knocking at the door came.

Smoothing her hair out in a rather pitiful attempt to look more presentable, Kazimir let her eyes wander around the room, letting them rest on the newcomers and the others around her briefly. Offering a thin lipped smile to both the officers and the nurse, Kaz shifted her gaze temporarily onto the Pokémon, the flicker of a smile splaying on her lips as she stared.

Listening to the question and then to the reply of her somewhat rude saviour, Kaz nodded at Sam and sipped her water. "What he's saying is true," Kaz mused, not exactly having much to add on as Sam covered all she could remember, "That man could still be alive, or he could've gotten caught in the blaze." Her gaze darkened, "If it's the latter there may be no way to find out who that was and if he was someone involved in the matters of yesterday."

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Guy had more or less just sat upright after his treatment, processing the events of the day before eventually flopping over to lie on the bed to continue the same contemplation before eventually drifting off to slumber.

The night for him, was a restless one overall, complete with nightmares but by the time morning came, alongside the three knocks on the door, he'd finally managed to make some sense of the events that had transpired, or rather, he was able to reluctantly accept them as a reality.

Despite the calamity of the day prior, Guy's awakening was a remarkably spry one. Though he'd not managed or bothered to clean himself up yet, he was up and out of bed by the time the officers had made their way into the room.

"Don't know what to say really. Didn't get a good look at the rider. Think they were wearing a mask now that I think about it. I was mainly focused on trying to help everyone else get out of there safely, rather than the faces of the attackers." Guy admitted, bringing a hand up to scratch at the back of his head and neck in pensive thought. The second both the officer's attention was off of him, he'd try to sneak over toward either of the arcanine's however, eager to try and get acquainted.

Ridley kept his hand low as he approached, one step at a time, extending it toward one of the creatures in hopes that it might lean in for an introductory sniff!

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Polka Polka Xemanorth Xemanorth Feywild Feywild WolfSol WolfSol LazyDaze LazyDaze
Minimum Activity: Post once a week

The female officer sat on the chair opened a notebook, clicking the back of her pen as her eyes scanned those present. Awfully down to business, she ignored any comments either useless or possibly meant to provoke her, calmly responding to each useful response.

First, her cold blue eyes flicked to Sam. His tone was not appreciated, but he could see she had gotten quite used to it through the years. She began to scribble some things down.
"A rider with at least two Pokémon, one a Pidgeot," she stopped writing a moment to elaborate on the comment of traitors; "I believe you've been lucky to not have encountered extremists before. They believe vehemently that the Kanto region and its native Pokémon are the source of all the strength and battles. Each region has their own specific take on why they are 'the right one', but that is where that comment comes from. Saffron, being one of the largest cities, held a large mixture of trainers and travelers. As you can guess, a big portion of them trained or cared for non-Kanto native Pokémon."

Next, she looked toward Kaz. "I see, possibly dead or alive." The poor woman didn't get a smile back from the officer, whose expression remained stone-cold. But if she were to look in the direction of the man standing beside her, he seemed to be more friendly, giving her a dip of his head with a faint trace of a smile.

"You believe the rider was one of the offenders?" the officer continued, turning her gaze to Guy. There was a twitch of annoyance as the man instead focused on the Arcanine, but she clenched her jaw and waited a moment. The two Arcanine vigilantly sat in place. The one closest to Guy, on the right side of the doorway, twitched its wet nose and simply sneezed in the poor man's face. But, if he eyed both of them, the other was wiggling in its place, eager to jump up onto its legs and dart to Guy to get all the attention he so clearly craved.

As both officers were waiting - albeit impatiently - they did not notice the eager pupper on the other side of the doorway losing its patience. With only two powerful strides it bounded toward the young man, making small jumps of excitement as he began to lick his face. Well, at least the drool was now washed off?

LOCATION: Pokémon centre---------------------------STATUS: Happy--------------------------INTERACTION:

Tai listened to the others- their stories pretty much matched her own visual account.
She threw a few disgruntled looks towards the officers, to make it clear that she was not interested in the slightest in talking to them.
How could she even trust them? Maybe they were all a part of it.
Even if they weren't- Tai honestly didn't like the police, as they hadn't been much use in the attack.

Admittedly, her attention was then drawn to the Arcanine who lunged forward to attack Guy with slobbery kisses. A huge wave of jealousy and awe cascaded over her and before Tai knew it- she was stood up. Darting forward, she placed a hand feverishly upon the huge dogs fur and stroked it as it continuously licked Guy.
Her childish side sometimes had a habit of breaking through all that anger and mistrust she had.
If she was ever to be a gym leader, she knew she would have one of these bad boys by her side!
Tai made sure to keep her bandaged arm out of arms reach before burying her face into the bright orange fur.

It was strange how much comfort a Pokémon could bring in times of trouble, even when they didn't belong to you.

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Polka Polka Xemanorth Xemanorth Feywild Feywild WolfSol WolfSol LazyDaze LazyDaze
Minimum Activity: Post once a week

As Tai darted forth to happily pet the Arcanine assaulting Guy, the big dog immediately turned his attention on the new pets. Tai was greeted with big slobbery kisses to her face, hair and hands as the big beast wagged its tail so hard his body couldn't keep up.

The male officer fought hard to suppress a chuckles. The woman on the other hand slapped her notebook shut and stood up from her chair with a deep frown.
"Reign in your new partner, Dawkins..." she muttered in exasperation.

After being sufficiently showered by the Arcanine, Tai saw the pupper being pulled back by the apologetic officer by its collar.

"I suppose we'll not get more out of you. If it happens to turn out that any of you are withholding any valuable information from this crisis, consequences will occur."

She snapped her fingers, calling her own Arcanine partner to her as they both left the room. Her colleague frantically giving an awkward smile... and the door closed. Leaving the patients with their simple breakfasts, two trainers slobbered and dirty from their encounter with the fluffer-pupper.


After roughly an hour, the nurse entered the room once more, Chansey in tow. They picked up the trays from each of those present, before giving a pleasant smile.

"I wished to ask if any of you are possibly interested in adopting a Pokémon- ah, since you came here, all stating you had no partner. It may help you protect yourself from... smaller dangers."

It was clear she tried her hardest to not mention the tragedy too directly. Chansey waddled out with the trays as she continued; "I know it's an expensive thing to receive a Pokémon from a professor these days, if possible at all, and though you can buy a Poké Ball and catch one-... well." She broadened her smile.

"It would help possibly save a life if you'd drop by the shelter not far from this Pokémon Center. They take in Pokémon abandoned, affected by one of these tragedies, abused, etcetera. Some of them may be more... difficult to handle, but it truly pays off in the end. Of course there is a price attached, but nowhere near the tens of thousands of Poké Dollars you'd spend with a professor."
Samuel Nicholson
I really just need a smoke outside by the Pokemon Center.
DapperCat DapperCat

Sam rolled his eyes at the next string of questions. To his dismay, the officers were grasping for straws. So they had no clue as to what had happened either. Then this whole interview was pointless. It was evident as soon as silence befell the hospital room, one that made it clear that any other questions would likely get dead end answers or nothing all together. Before the officers retreated, the threat that was used in parting made him audibly scoff. Sure, he understood... they were just as left in the dark as they were, but damn.

After that lovely morning encounter, Sam had taken to the Pokemon Center's doors with a cigarette in hand. It was only when he cracked open a box of lung cancer that he realized how bad his nerves were. There was a stiffness in his arms, a tightness up his back, and a rushed feeling to move back into a small, sheltered space. Even a few steps away from the building, he felt it. Nevertheless, he shrugged it off as soon as he slipped out a lighter. Nerves or not, he hadn't smoked for a day or so and since he doubted the Pokemon Center stocked alcohol in their medicine cabinets, a cigarette was one of the only things that would calm his nerves.

The cancerous smoke curled before him in a lazy tendril at his first, long exhale. From there it was as if each breath thawed the tension. Each drag feeling longer and more comforting than the last, that is, until the cigarette became nothing but a nub. With a sigh and a mutter of, "would've been better with a drink," he flicked the cigarette into the stone ashtray by the main door and slipped back in. It had only been about an hour or so that he'd taken refuge outside, but it seemed he'd chosen the right time to finish his smoke and step in as right as he stepped foot into the back room, the nurse waltzed in with a cursed Chansey at her heels.

At the mention of adopting a Pokemon, Sam couldn't help but grimace. Although he didn't want to focus on it too much as doing that wouldn't get him anywhere... the caved bar in Saffron and Molly Mae's screams were still fresh in his thoughts. Still, the nurse had a valid point. If he'd had a sane Pokemon with him, maybe he could have saved Molly. But as soon as the what-ifs came, they went. Thinking that way would do him no good.

"So then, do you know if there is a specific type of Pokemon that's gone crazy? Or was the attack on Saffron just random?" Sam asked as his gaze shifted to the Chansey every now and again.

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location: Cerulean City - Pokémon Center - Sleeping Room
mentions: Xemanorth Xemanorth Polka Polka
music: x
Malyna continued to rub her tired eyes, adjusting her pose as she sat down more upright. The rest responded more to the two, but she herself thought she'd said enough. It was all she knew, after all. The young man was slobbered on by an Arcanine, then another voluntarily went in to get drooled on.

The redhead pulled a face. Egh, drool. This was why cats were just so much better. For a moment she allowed herself to dream off about Meowth, Delcatty and Liepard.

It had felt like just a moment- but apparently in that time the officers disappeared and were replaced by the nurse. Giving her eyes another rub just to make sure she wasn't hallucinating, she swung her slender legs over the side of the bed and shuffled her feet into the cold slippers.

"A rescue?" she pondered. She wasn't the most charitable kind. Adopting a Pokémon 'just because' just wasn't her, well, if it wasn't a feline type. But in this case it would be like hitting two Pidgeys with one stone. "Sounds splendid to me. Though I normally can easily afford going through the usual system, well, I don't have access to all my funds now."

Another issue- money. Lyn was used to a lavish lifestyle, but now she would only have her savings on her PC to take out. She groaned lowly, standing up from the bed and putting the thin robe provided over her nightdress.

"I'm quite tired of sitting on these rickety bunk-beds, so I'll get dressed- well. I -assume- our clothes have been handled?" she raised a thin brow, expectantly eyeing the nurse.
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LOCATION: Pokémon centre---------------------------STATUS: Intrigued --------------------------INTERACTION: DapperCat DapperCat
Tai laughed softly as the huge Arcanine responded to her with slobbered kisses. Her Father had been an avid breeder of this Pokémon- and she was reminded of her home with each cuddle. Though, this was not usual for her character- allowing others to see her weakest spot wasn't something she was fond of- she just didn't care in this moment. When there was a fire type involved, she always did become a bit of a soft touch.

An hour later after the 'interrogation' (and after Tai had taken yet another shower) Tai sat with a borrowed book on her bed. It was an old Kanto Gym book, a history of the old ways and the practice of Gym battles. It was an old and tattered piece but she didn't mind- studying was something she enjoyed and it definitely took her mind away from the clinical walls of the Pokecentre. Though the book itself reminded her she was so far away from her own real Gym training, which was a depressing reminder of the current state Kanto.

Her reading was then somewhat ruined from the whines and moans of the dreaded 'shower' woman. Man had Tai gotten off to a rough start with her....
Just as Tai was about to bring her down a peg or two, her ears perked up to the offer of Pokémon adoption.
It was of interest to her. Though her Cinnabar heritage made her steer towards those fire type Pokémon, which could be a handful if they were pissed enough.

'When you say adoption? How damaged are these Pokémon? What are they like with people? ' Tai then dropped her book from her face and stared at the nearest nurse, waiting on an answer.

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Guy had been clearly much too busy with the Arcanine to offer further elaboration to the officers, not that he had any to share even if he had the focus to try and remember any crucial details that might've helped the investigation. He peeked toward the Arcanine around the doorway after regarding the officers with their respective goodbyes and proceeded to bid farewell to his slobbery friend with a wave before bringing his sleeves up to his face to try and mitigate at least some of the damage incurred during his encounter.

"As far as adopting a rescue goes, I'm all for it, though only if I find one I think I can bond with and provide a good home for!" Suffice to say, Guy appeared eager to at the very least meet these Pokémon even if he tried to appear at least a little bit apprehensive about adopting one, knowing him he might try to run off with them all, if given the chance. "Where're these lil critters at?" He proceeded to ask, greedy fingers wriggling in the pokémon's perceived direction. Yes, Pokémon, MORE POKÉMON!

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Kazimir Rook
Location: Pokémon Center, Cerulean City
Interaction: X

For the rest of the questioning, Kazimir remained silent. Wasting the officers times with off topic babbling or blubbers of how terrible of a day she’d had didn’t exactly strike her as important. In fact, she was grateful nobody had been whinging. That didn’t stop her from cooing to herself when one of the others, a younger woman with lovely locks of scarlet hair, got up to pet the Arcanine. Only did she purse her lips when the Pokémon was pulled away and the officers turned back to the topic of the ‘interrogation’. Mentally, a rolling of the eyes occurred, but all Kazimir did instead was nod her head and crease her pale face with a frown.

In the hour that followed, Kazimir showered, freshened up and finished off what she could stomach of the food provided. Her inky hair remained dripping, styled into a loose braid that fell down her back as she sifted through her bag idly. Her arm had been bandaged again, and other than the faint encroaching dread scraping away at her slowly, she felt fine. Just a little traumatised.

Not long after, Kaz lifted her head up to acknowledge Sam when he entered, turning her attention instead to the nurse who appeared almost exactly at the same time and to her query.

The suggestion put her on the spot. It was almost embarrassing. How she’d always wanted a Pokémon of her own. Sparing the money for one however, that was always the cost she couldn’t ignore. But an offer now, with everything in shambles was deliciously tempting. They were curious creatures, why wouldn’t she want one? In the past it’d always been excused with her studies, then work, there wasn’t anything now. Perhaps it was selfish, after all she had just been attacked by them. Even that couldn’t deter her from hating them though, she wanted to know what had drove them to act so malevolently, or even who.

When the others piped up, she snapped out of her haze of racing thoughts. Zipping her bag shut and pulling it up onto her lap. Her heart was fluttering in her chest and her throat too tight to even speak. Letting the others speak, Kazimir waited and calmed herself internally until they finished before joining, “I think I’ll have to see the Pokémon before deciding.”

The words that came out of her mouth weren’t true, she’d already reached a decision. Potentially being inconsiderate to someone who may protest the idea was the only thing that worried her.

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Polka Polka Xemanorth Xemanorth Feywild Feywild WolfSol WolfSol LazyDaze LazyDaze
Minimum Activity: Post once a week

A part of the survivors reacted as the nurse had hoped; with enthusiasm. Though she couldn't blame the ones that were apprehensive. There were a big portion of trainers that only wanted to go through the usual process. And a rescue from a shelter... well, was far from as smooth a start as one could get. Then again, they already had terror behind them. Hopefully, the Pokémon and the people could bond over bad experiences and help each other up.

"So then, do you know if there is a specific type of Pokemon that's gone crazy? Or was the attack on Saffron just random?"

The nurse furrowed her brows. She was certain the officers had mentioned the answer to his question and for a moment wondered if he'd endured some brain damage, but after scanning him a moment or two he further seemed alright.

"Extremists. Saffron had been standing as one of the last unaffected. Well, mostly unaffected." She looked to her Chansey a moment, who finally peeled its eyes off of Sam and looked to her trainer in genuine sadness. "The Pokémon have not gone crazy, they're simply following what their trainers told them to do."

"I -assume- our clothes have been handled?"

She did her utmost best not to groan at the entitled woman's tone. With a strained smile, she responded; "Yes, they have been placed on the cupboard in the corner of the room. Feel free to use the bathrooms to change and prepare to head out."

"When you say adoption? How damaged are these Pokémon? What are they like with people?"

Chansey shot Sam a last obsessed glance before waddling out, as the nurse answered; "It all depends on the Pokémon. They are all in fighting shape, either now or soon, the ones that are not will only be put for adoption to people wishing for Pokémon as company. Thus if they may not be up for fighting immediately, they will given rest and minor treatment for which the means will be provided by the shelter," she smiled a moment before it faded with her next words; "but some can be very traumatized. Fearful of people, or angry at them. But there are also those that are very friendly."

"Where're these lil critters at?"

The woman's finger began to motion in the air, as if drawing out a mental map. "When you exit the Pokémon Center, you take a right and pass two houses. The third house is the one you will need. It's a bit larger than the others and has a small sign on it indicating its goal. There's no garden to the side, they are purposely kept inside to make sure they do not get abused further, or get scared, or lash out."

“I think I’ll have to see the Pokémon before deciding.”

The nurse smiled, nodding at Kaz. "It's only logical. Make sure that if any of you does decide to adopt, to see if you bond with the Pokémon. They may have their own issues, but don't we all? Just be certain they are issues you can or wish to handle."

"Feel free to prepare your walk there, or wherever else you may wish to go. The shelter opened a few minutes ago. If there is anything else you may need, you can find me at the desk."

With those last words, the nurse bowed lightly before pacing out of the room, closing the door softly behind her.

LOCATION: Pokémon centre---------------------------STATUS: Raring to go--------------------------INTERACTION: DapperCat DapperCat

Tai looked around at everyone else. Logically, it would make complete sense for her to mosey on over to the shelter. If not for the company- but for the fact it was now extremely dangerous to walk alone anywhere. A Pokémon would make an excellent companion, even if it was a little nervous. If Tai was ever going to be a successful Gym Leader, she was going to have to help her Pokémon overcome their issues.

'Well, I guess I will head on over to the shelter- if anyone else wants to tag along then my name is Tai and I am just about sick of this place!'

It was a rather brash introduction at the very least but she meant well by it. Her qualities of leadership, although lacking at times, often showed themselves when it was needed most. She opted not to smile and make pleasantries- but to pack up and leave as soon as possible.

With that Tai quickly grabbed a bag and shoved the book she had borrowed into it- she had very few supplies and would need to stock up at the next available time. However, she had grabbed a few medical supplies and spare bandages, as her arm would need recovered at least once, if she could manage it. Throwing herself onto the edge of her bed, she fasted her boots back on her feet.

' If anyone else wants to join, feel free.'

60 PD
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Rest was probably the best medicine he had received during the entire ordeal. Of course lying down gazing at the night stars amidst the cacophony of Krickitune had its benefits; however, after all that had happened, it felt good to just lie down and forget about the troubles of tomorrow. Rowan must have took that phrase to heart because he had overslept. The dream had been so vivid. He dreamed of the Chansey of darkness, police questioning everyone, and a rather Dapper Cat. It was nothing short of bizarre. Still the sunlight finally wore down his resistance and he found himself staring at the ceiling as muffled voices filled the room. He was still a bit too drowsy to make out what they were saying, but it had an air of finality to it as if something big was being decided. From the tone alone he could tell it was more than one person. This prompted Rowan to slowly turn his head, scanning whatever parts of the room he could.

(Nothing, no one, not a single soul...)

He had overslept. It was funny when you considered the fact that their was not a particular place he had to be at a certain time, yet it still felt wrong to presumably be the last one to wake up in this group he held no obligations toward. Certainly, it was in some proper etiquette among strangers magazine or something. Stretching as long as he could he finally decided to jump out of bed in one motion; it was the only way he could get up. Strangly enough, maybe fortune had not completely abandoned him and the "stragglers" since it appeared the this nurse was suggesting that they adopt a pokemon. All things considered this couldn't have come at a better time. Having a companion provided much more than physical support, and perhaps the pokemon needed a loving trainer as much as they needed them. Rowan chuckled in the background of the group as he imagined a group of pokemon going through similar events in their world; deciding if they should go to a shelter to adopt a human. After another yawn Rowan moved ahead to meet Tai with a smile of his own.

"I'll go with ya," Rowan said moving forward without any signs of grogginess. "Never liked hospitals, no offense," Rowan said as he spoke to the Chansey who he mistaken for the nurse yet again. "Oh yeah....good morning," Rowan said almost as a question after remembering to uphold proper stranger etiquette.

DapperCat DapperCat WolfSol WolfSol Xemanorth Xemanorth Feywild Feywild Polka Polka
80 PD
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location: Cerulean City - Pokémon Center - Exit
mentions: Xemanorth Xemanorth Polka Polka
music: x
Now the second person to become drenched in drool happened and Malyna couldn't help but shudder all over again. The man with the curly black hair was almost shaking with excitement, others prepared to go to the shelter.

She hated to admit it- but she didn't want to be alone outside right now. Everything that happened to her nagged at the back of her mind. Luckily for her, the one person that had seen her cry and shiver, had decided to go on his own path.

Immediately after getting her response from the nurse she paced over toward the folded up clothes.

"I'll change into my former wear and then... I suppose I could join."
Making sure to sound as uncaring as possible, she still somewhat hurried to the bathroom despite it all. After no less than half an hour the woman stepped out again. Hair neatly bundled into a bun, attire as if it had never seen a bad day in its life. The only things missing were her pantyhose that had suffered through the ordeal and a lack of makeup. Something she was clearly uncomfortable with.

But the worst part- was that she'd lost her pumps. The hospital had given her -sneakers-. SNEAKERS. Needless to say, it looked terrible under her almost formal ensemble of a pencil-skirt, blouse and bolero. With a clear lack of 'tack-tack' of heels, she stepped out to the exit of the Poké Center, joining those already there to get going to the shelter.
70 PD
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Samuel Nicholson
I just want a freakin' drink in this Cerulean hell hole.
Interaction: Feywild Feywild
Mentions: LazyDaze LazyDaze DapperCat DapperCat Polka Polka Xemanorth Xemanorth


Sam had only half listened to the nurse because damn, Cerulean's Chanseys were just plain creepy. Granted, as soon as it had met the pink blob with its beady eyes, he had been wary of it. Especially now as it kept stealing glances at him like it was waiting for something. It's one reason why he'd slowly gravitated to the corner of the room where he'd at least heard the clothes for each one of the survivors would be. He'd grabbed the pile of clean clothes in-hand and made a beeline to the adjacent bathrooms.

It had taken a little less than ten minutes before he'd popped out of the bathroom, garbed in his signature brown jacket, denim jeans, and dark gray shirt. Unlike the rest of his attire, the boots still reeked of smoke, and they still sported a tell of surviving a fire. He'd only paused at the bathroom door once to check for the trusty lighter and a pack of smokes. Anything else he found in his pockets, most of which he'd forgotten, were nowhere near as important as a lighter and smokes.

Sam had finished changing just in time it seemed. As soon as he'd felt his pockets for his prized possessions, the druggie with the name that made Sam think of row boats woke up and jumped out of the bed with an agility that Sam could only dream of. The crazy fellow didn't make a move for the clothes, seeming far too distracted by what's-her-name's exclamation of going to the shelter. He'd heard her excited chatter from inside the bathroom, and after recalling a snippet of the nurse's replies, he found himself also wanting to go. Because why not? And if it was just the doing of extremists, something the nurse had verified to him then, well, extremists be damned. He'd get his own Pokemon and kick their Pokemons' and their mothers' asses.

After all, they deserved it. Every last one of them. All those lives...

It was a childish reason, perhaps. Especially since he had made such a seemingly lighthearted joke about it, but when the old red-headed crow had gotten up to agree to go, his thoughts became final. Yes, he would also go. He would get a Pokemon, train it the best of his ability, and wipe the floor with those sorry ass extremists. It was most definitely a reasoning that was much less noble than Guy's. Because honestly, he didn't think he'd be able to "provide a good home" for any Pokemon at this rate. Not until the risk of the crazy extremists were out of the way.

"Hey, you goin' too?" Sam had turned from the bathroom doors to Kaz. She was the only one he honestly felt comfortable with traveling. Mostly because she had already demonstrated her stubbornness and ability to drag on him for his lame antics. That and unlike the others, they'd been crawling around since Saffron, together.

80 PD
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