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Multiple Settings Urgent! - Original and Fandom Rp search-


Junior Member
Without getting into too much personal details, my and my long-term boyfriends have been separated against our will, and I'm not doing too well mentally without him. I need some rps to get my mind off the matter and get a little love from the families created in rps. I can provide a fandom list upon request, and or we can plot something. Right now I'm looking for literally anything, romance, family situations. I just need something to help cope with this. I also have a list of Orignal plots I can provide, or we can make up our own. If you want to rp a fandom I don't know I might even watch some of the show/movie/ whatever, so we can rp as I have nothing better to do with my time without him.​
Life can be a real big bitch sometimes.

I’d be more than happy to RP some of the original plot ideas you have if you don’t care to pitch some to me.
Life can be a real big bitch sometimes.

I’d be more than happy to RP some of the original plot ideas you have if you don’t care to pitch some to me.
Here all my plots or we could make our own

━» Love Bites - Character A and Character B are best friends, and they are taking a trip to Vegas. When they get there they meet an interesting group of people who take them under their wing and show them around the city. Their vacation is full of fun, and a little romance, but what neither of them knows is their group of friends are holding back the urge to them dry of their blood.
(The plot can go either two ways from here, either the vampires can all be friendly and Characters C and D tell A and B their secret or the vampires can be planning to eat them nad C and D save A and B)

━» Assassin x Target - Character A is a paid assassin, but when they go to assassinate their target, they find out it's Character B, whom Character A has had their eyes on for some time. Together they must run from other assassins and possibly even the law. Will Character A ever tell character B that they were sent to assassinate them too?

━» Fraternizing with the Enemy - Character A and B have been best friends for years but when they grow up they end up on different teams. What will happen when they try to keep up their friendship, and what if their feelings grow into something more? Lies, Betrayal and sneaking around just may start to become part of Characters A and B's life.

━» Infiltration - Character A is part of an organization (gang, mafia, cop, ect.) and Character B is from a rival organization (gang, mafia, criminal, ect.). When Character B infiltrates the organization as a spy, Character A and B end up falling in love. What happens after that is something Character B isn't even sure of. Will they switch sides? Tell Character A about being a spy? Will Character A catch on? Who knows?

━» My Life is like a Video Game - (80s Setting, but am willing to adjust) Galaxies United is a popular new arcade game that can have up to four players all at once. The players have to go through each galaxy, fight monsters, aliens, and avoid getting hit by various objects along the way. Characters A, B (and potentially C and D), are obsessed with a new arcade game along with most of the other kids in town. Kids start cropping up missing though, and the group soon finds out why, when they themselves are sucked into the game.

━» Not so Lame - Character A isn't what you'd call popular. They have their small group of friends and some mutuals, and that's about it. Character A has had their eyes on Character B for a while now. The only thing is, Character B is pretty popular. She hangs out the most popular girls in school and has a huge variety of friends. When they meet at a party one day though, they hit it off pretty well, and Character B starts developing feelings for Character A.
━» Heist - Character A and B are criminals. They meet one day in a small bar or coffee shop and end up planning a heist. On the way, they find love and adventure. Will they pull off the heist though? Or will cops catch them?

━» On the Run - Characters A and B are lovers who decide to commit a crime one day. It was supposed to be fun and games, and they would never get caught, like in the movies. Instead, though, they are sent on the run from the cops, and eventually the FBI

━» Call me Crazy - Character A is a little bit crazy, but generally normal, and convinces Character B to commit the crime with them, whether it be to prove their love or because of Character A talks B into it. Something doesn't go as plans though, and the cops find out who committed the crimes and characters A and B have to go on the run.
━» Dating my Brother's Enemy - (I'm thinking of some supernatural elements for this one) Character A has no clue about the supernatural events going on around her, or that her brother is part of these events. Character B is a new kid at school, with questionable morals and. Character A's brother sus[osected Character B of being an enemy, so imagine his shock when he sees Character A and B together. Will Character B end up being a bad guy? Will Character A's brother tell her what's really going on in town? If he does, will she even belive him?

━» Best Friends 'till the end - Character A is best friends with character B. Their whole lives Character A has gotten into trouble while Character B is a good student and good child. When Character A comes to their home saying they need help to run away Character B comes with. (Character B could also have been at the scene of the crime or helped from behind the scenes.)

━» Closeted? (fxf) - Character A lives with her boyfriend, who she is happy with and loves. Character B works at the coffee shop down the road. When character A starts working at the shop as well, character B takes quite an interest in her straight co-worker. Expect maybe character A isn't as straight as either of them think.
━» Beyond the Wall - In a dystopian society with a horribly corrupt government two(or four if you want our stories entwined) teens see through all the lies and fight to try to find out about the world beyond the walls, and eventually take the journey themselves.

━» Forbidden - Two Teens are forbidden to love each other (Romeo and Juliette Au) and runoff together. (They could die or live happily ever after it's up to you)

━» Outlawed - In a dystopian/apocalyptic society, Character A is a revolutionist and Character B is rather quiet but works behind the scenes. A Target is put on character A's head so they must go into hiding. They come to Character B, who offers them refuge in her home. It only lasts until Character A is discovered and they're both branded outlaws.

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