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Fantasy Urban fantasy rp!


Fly me to the moon...
Hi! I'm Space, you can call me Space, and I'm looking for an RP partner!

A few facts about me:
- I adjust my writting style to my partner, but I do have limits: 4 sentences minimum, 1200 words maximum (unless given enough to work with, then I can write more)
- I'm availible a few times a week
- I write female or male, pairings of all kinds (FxM, FxF, MxM - though I have little experience in writting the last one)
- I like to chat ooc too, if that's your thing
- I'm generally laid back so no need to be shy around me!
- I prefer original settings over fandom ones, and I'd love to create a world/setting/idea with you rather than for you

A few ideas (all in a modern fantasy / urban fantasy setting):

- Vampires can't own property, that's a well known fact. But somehow my character found a loop and, technically, "owns" a house. Imagine their surprise when your character bought it. Cue "forced housemates". [Slice of life/ more of a "chill" rp in an urban fantasy setting ; I'm fine with both platonic and romantic relationships]

- Your character (and their clan/coven/family/up to you) is in a dire situation and has no-one to turn to. So they turn to an old contact (my character) they met during some party. An old contact that is also the lord of hell and an archdemon. [Less "chill" than the previous one, more adventures, facing challenges together, some action ; I'm fine with both platonic and romantic relationships]

- My character is a detective. Your character either needs a detective / is a detective on the same case. [detective genre with an urban fantasy spin, minor slice of life ; again, I'm fine with any relationships]

- Your character is an important figure of sorts. My character was asigned to protect yours.

- I'm also open to any urban fantasy / modern fantasy ideas you might have!

(I did not describe "your character" too much since I want you to have as much creative freedom as possible)

All of the above ideas can be changed/modified if you want to!

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