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Fantasy Uprising in the City of Amartia | Lore Page



laugh hard, run fast, be kind
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  • Elves
    The elves were the first mortal race to be created, though they were created to live in the forest as servants of the Goddess of Nature and protectors of the forest, most moved to the plains to the east to begin building large and complex nations. Those that remained in the forests would continue in their original purpose, those who left would begin making the first kingdoms. At their peak they had an empire that spanned the entirety of the eastern shore, however as humans rose their empire fell. Today only the kingdom of Dasos continues to use the old elvish form of government, it is considered the last elvish kingdom though the elves now hold positions in the governments of many different nations. The forest elves took a different approach to living, they began making small tribal camps that were all united under a loose organization along with the various intelligent monsters that called the forest home. This confederation eventually fell as eastern nations began to expand towards the forest and used the land for new cities. Today the forest elves are made up of various nomadic tribes that wander the forests of Seira and at times come in conflict with city dwellers that wander too far into their land.

    The dwarves were made by the Goddess of Flame to transform the metals that had fused with world during its creation, into powerful weapons, armors, and tools. They were then tasked with protecting these from creatures that may use them to hurt Seira and its people. The dwarves followed the instructions of their Goddess, created large cities within mountains in northern Seira that were protected with walls that were reinforced with these powerful metals. After centuries of silence the dwarves eventually began to explore outside their mountain cities and found the other creatures of Seira, having not heard from their Goddess for so long they abandoned their original mission and began trading their creations. Today the dwarves have many cities outside of the mountains, though hey have not strayed too far making most of their cities at the bases of these mountains. They have also continued to improve their forging techniques by including arcane runes with their creations and using a strange magma that flows deep within the mountains they live in.

    The orcs were one of the "monsters" created by an ancient group of beasts that once terrorized Seira, they were created to help these beasts in destroying Seira and its gods. Today these beasts are gone and the orcs have lost of their knowledge from this time period, but the rest of Seira's inhabitants clearly rememebr this time and have long hunted the orcs. After the fall of the beasts the orcs began to live peacefully in the woods of Seira, they joined the forest elves in their union of the forest creatures and lived without hassle for many years. After the alliance fell and the eastern nations took over these forests, orc hunting began to get popular and the orcs split into two distinct groups. The violent blood orcs began to raid the newly established cities and towns hoping to scare away the settlers, instead they entered a war with these nations that continues to this day. Most of the other orcs created smaller peaceful communities that only attacked those who posed a threat, some orcs instead tried to integrate with the cities around them. These city dwelling orcs have learned how to live among the other people of Seira, though they have faced discrimination, they have also made great strides in getting certain "monsters" to become accepted by the various cities in the west.

    The goblins were another one of the "monsters" created by these beasts, they were never really sent to battle and were instead meant to build up strongholds for the armies of these beasts. When the beasts fell the goblins retreated into the forests of Seira and used their knowledge of engineering to begin building new machines that were far beyond the technological capabilities of those outside the forest. The goblins eventually ran into the forest elves, they were not interested in joining their alliance believing that the beasts would one day punish them for such treachery. Centuries passed and the a select few goblins left their tribes with their machines in the hopes of using the technology to become wealthy and famous. The goblins that remained within the forest eventually lost their incredible skills and fell into insanity, leaving their most advance technologies to rust in their old settlements. Those that left the forest found some fame for a few years but soon their technologies became obsolete and they became poor, turning to crime to live. This is the truth for most goblins today, but there are rumors of a tribe of goblins that live under the major cities of Seira, using whatever they can find to continue their art of engineering.

    Humans are quite the enigma in Seira, there are no historical or religious texts that give clues to their origins. The only record of their arrival are from the elves, but even then there is much debate with the two most popular theories being that they were either created in a remote part of Seira and as such were not seen for a long time or arrived from some other landmass far away from Seira. Their mysterious introduction into Seira is not even the most intriguing thing about them, for many it is their ability to have taken over the area that was once dominated by the elves. To this day the humans continue to suggest that it was sheer ingenuity and determination that led to their rise, this explanation has largely been considered to be an egotistical statement as many of the people of Seira continue to debate what caused their sudden rise. Today humans are largely city dwellers that use their understanding of engineering, government, and the arcane to continue to propel their society forward.

    The tieflings are the result of an ancient curse placed upon a group of humans that had worked against the gods in the early days of Seira. This early group split apart in search of shelter from those that would fear and kill them. It is for this reason that for a long time tieflings were regarded as nothing beyond a myth or old fairy tale, but it would eventually become apparent that this was not the case. As the elves went into decline, a new generation of tieflings began to make their mark on the rapidly growing human nations. Through sheer willpower, perseverance, and great amounts of optimism they quickly integrated themselves into the cultures and societies of the day. Today many tieflings are now decedents of one of the tiefling families that originally allowed the race to enter an age of great progress. Those unfortunate enough to have not been born into one of these families will often find themselves poor and facing prejudice at every corner, a result of fear and anger directed towards the tieflings that had so easily and almost flawlessly worked their way into common culture and society.

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