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(Updated!!) Desperately seeking writing buddie!!!!

Fantasy Addict

Mistress of chaos
Hello!! So my name is Britany, Brit is fine. Ive been on this site for a few weeks now and have been trying to find a partner to roleplay with..... So far Ive hit a wall a few too many times and now Im desperate.

Sorry depressing... anywho, a little more about me; I have been roleplaying for 10-11 years now, though its been maybe... 8 years since ive done forum work, still a little rusty. My writing style is third person and I love detail, I write 1-3 paragraphs per post so I would like a partner to keep up with me. Romance is a must with me, I love fluff but I also like to jerk my characters around... make them suffer (i find the fluff is so much better after the suffering too). I write mostly mxm but can be swayed to do mxf if the plot is juicy. Oh and I like to be the submissive, Ive been doing a lot of roleplays where Im the dominant character and Im kind getting bored of doing it.... However again I can be swayed with a good juicy plot.

Fantasy and Fandoms are my bread and butter, I can do modern or realistic but again only if the idea is juicy. Fantasy is anything goes; Magic, demons, gods/goddesses. You think it I love it.

Fandoms Im into are: Harry Potter, Marvel, Immortal Instruments, Dark Hunter..... im pretty sure there is more I just cant think of any.

Lastly; I have been craving anything to do with werewolves, merpeople, greek mythology and fairytales*** (<this one I have three different ideas for)

Thank you for reading this very long... and quite desperate thread.

Xoxox B
[QUOTE="Fantasy Addict]Hello!! So my name is Britany, Brit is fine. Ive been on this site for a few weeks now and have been trying to find a partner to roleplay with..... So far Ive hit a wall a few too many times and now Im desperate.
Sorry depressing... anywho, a little more about me; I have been roleplaying for 10-11 years now, though its been maybe... 8 years since ive done forum work, still a little rusty. My writing style is third person and I love detail, I write 1-3 paragraphs per post so I would like a partner to keep up with me. Romance is a must with me, I love fluff but I also like to jerk my characters around... make them suffer (i find the fluff is so much better after the suffering too). I write mostly mxm but can be swayed to do mxf if the plot is juicy. Oh and I like to be the submissive, Ive been doing a lot of roleplays where Im the dominant character and Im kind getting bored of doing it.... However again I can be swayed with a good juicy plot.

Fantasy and Fandoms are my bread and butter, I can do modern or realistic but again only if the idea is juicy. Fantasy is anything goes; Magic, demons, gods/goddesses. You think it I love it.

Fandoms Im into are: Harry Potter, Marvel, Immortal Instruments, Dark Hunter..... im pretty sure there is more I just cant think of any.

Lastly; I have been craving anything to do with werewolves, merpeople, greek mythology and fairytales*** (<this one I have three different ideas for)

Thank you for reading this very long... and quite desperate thread.

Xoxox B

Don't be thrown off by my pro pic please I'm into anything in fantasy, I never go into harry potter, I know some Marvel, the rest I've never heard of ;-;. But fantasy, werewolves(Which, I do love a full moon :3) never heard of merpeople(Guessing mermaid...?). I'm interested in fairytales(I've never heard any before ;- ;) But, I don't mind doing what you want to do. I'm a very reasonable person. :D
Hey I'd be wondering if you'd be up for a Sci-Fi slave plot RP, I write 3-5 lines per post, however I can write more given the characters :D
I saw Harry Potter and almost fell over.

Anyways, when you are available, would you like to start a Harry Potter rp? (If you aren't able to PM yet, I'll PM you!)
Sandertp said:
Hey I'd be wondering if you'd be up for a Sci-Fi slave plot RP, I write 3-5 lines per post, however I can write more given the characters :D
Hmm not a normal thing I do however my interest is piqued. Shot me a pm and we'll talk
CERBERUS177 said:
Don't be thrown off by my pro pic please I'm into anything in fantasy, I never go into harry potter, I know some Marvel, the rest I've never heard of ;-;. But fantasy, werewolves(Which, I do love a full moon :3) never heard of merpeople(Guessing mermaid...?). I'm interested in fairytales(I've never heard any before ;- ;) But, I don't mind doing what you want to do. I'm a very reasonable person. :D
Yes mermaidnand mermen, didnt want to discriminate so I went with people lol. Hit me up with a pm and we'll talk shop
[QUOTE="Fantasy Addict]Yes mermaidnand mermen, didnt want to discriminate so I went with people lol. Hit me up with a pm and we'll talk shop

I'm multitasking on a phone;-; but I'll PM you when I get the PC back, I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
MxM, fluff, and torturing characters. *taps chin* Huh, sounds like me. xD If you're still looking, I'm game at figuring out a plot with you. I do both fandom and original.


asharasahara said:
MxM, fluff, and torturing characters. *taps chin* Huh, sounds like me. xD If you're still looking, I'm game at figuring out a plot with you. I do both fandom and original.


The more partners the better I always say.... wait no nevermind that sounded dirty xD . Shoot me a pm and we'll pick each others brains
[QUOTE="Fantasy Addict]Hello!! So my name is Britany, Brit is fine. Ive been on this site for a few weeks now and have been trying to find a partner to roleplay with..... So far Ive hit a wall a few too many times and now Im desperate.
Sorry depressing... anywho, a little more about me; I have been roleplaying for 10-11 years now, though its been maybe... 8 years since ive done forum work, still a little rusty. My writing style is third person and I love detail, I write 1-3 paragraphs per post so I would like a partner to keep up with me. Romance is a must with me, I love fluff but I also like to jerk my characters around... make them suffer (i find the fluff is so much better after the suffering too). I write mostly mxm but can be swayed to do mxf if the plot is juicy. Oh and I like to be the submissive, Ive been doing a lot of roleplays where Im the dominant character and Im kind getting bored of doing it.... However again I can be swayed with a good juicy plot.

Fantasy and Fandoms are my bread and butter, I can do modern or realistic but again only if the idea is juicy. Fantasy is anything goes; Magic, demons, gods/goddesses. You think it I love it.

Fandoms Im into are: Harry Potter, Marvel, Immortal Instruments, Dark Hunter..... im pretty sure there is more I just cant think of any.

Lastly; I have been craving anything to do with werewolves, merpeople, greek mythology and fairytales*** (<this one I have three different ideas for)

Thank you for reading this very long... and quite desperate thread.

Xoxox B

Hello all Brit here again. So I have plot bunnies and they won't leave alone! Even though I have a lot on my plate in terms of writing partners, here I am asking for more..... (i have a problem x.x)

Anywhozeles, I have plots this time for two roleplays and Im having a 'I wanna play female' streak.

First idea is Fantasy based Amensiacxlover roleplay and the second is getting trapped in a movie/or a book.

Oh! And one last thing, those are just my ideas! My interests are still listed above so if you have any plots or ideas for those let me know too! K bye!!!!

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