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Multiple Settings Up and Over the Clouds


New Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello! I'm Daylight, an 18+ rper, student, and general shenaniganizer. I live in the PST time zone, enjoy art, reading, and board games, and am currently just over half done with my bachelors degree! Being a student I can't promise to be on 24/7, but I like to think I'm pretty good at responding promptly and communicating my thoughts in a semi-coherent way. The wordcount I write in varies greatly depending on the roleplay. Usually I try and match my partners length, but if you're looking for someone who writes more than about 700 words every post I might not be your gal. I'm a lot more comfortable in the 300 word range. Not to say I can't do longer, my muse is just fickle and although I may try there will be days where it doesn't cooperate. Now, onto the oh-so-important gender pairing questions...

-I tend to enjoy playing female characters, but I'll play male in the right roleplay!
-My preferred pairings are as follows MxF > FxF = MxM, but they are all pretty even right now.
-I don't usually double, but I am willing to in certain circumstances. Don't let this stop you from reaching out, if the right story comes along I'll jump right in!
-I really prefer to have romance in all of my roleplays, but I don't want it to just happen suddenly. Let it be a natural progression between the characters and don't try and force anything. If it's quick it's quick, if it's slow it's slow. As long as the plot is moving and we aren't blocking each other, it's great!

Now for some loose rules
-PLEASE communicate with me! I hate it when I get invested in an RP and suddenly people stop replying. I am ghost friendly so feel free to reach out if we had something going on and you want to continue, but I'd greatly prefer a warning beforehand. This also applies to plotting. If you don't like how something is going, please tell me and we can work it out! I promise I don't bite!
-Please PM me and don't comment on this thread. I'd like to keep things as neat as possible!
-I love collaborating on plots so feel free to bring your ideas and your own opinions, I'm more than willing to change some things around so it works for us!

I'm sure I'll edit this soon, but for now I'll just put down some general genres I like
Character A and Character B were never supposed to have fallen in love. A was the son/daughter of a fisherman, sent to work on the docks for some extra income. A adores the sea and everything in it, knowing it like the back of their hand, and although they are pragmatic and sensible they can't quite explain the call the sea has to them. B is the crown prince/princess, raised to take the throne but craving adventure outside of the castle walls and a romance they have only read about in books. From the very moment B saw A, they knew that they were something special. Much to the king's dismay, B threw all they had into getting to know A, eventually managing to woo A into letting their guard down. They were happy. At least until A left for a trip on the sea and disappeared. B was distraught, sending ship after ship to try and find what had happened to A. All that turned up was a shipwreck on the reefs without a body in sight.

Little did B know that the sea had mercy on A. While A's life was preserved, they have no memory of B or the kingdom. All that is left are dreams, dancing illusions of what once was, but never enough to grasp onto. Time passes, and B, although never forgetting A, is engaged to be married to a prince/princess in another kingdom. But just days before they are about to be sent away, B sees something on the shore- someone. Someone looking suspiciously like A. After careful inspection, there is no doubt that this is their lost lover. But when it becomes obvious that A has no recollection of anything, what will B choose to do? Will they risk it all for another shot at love, or allow their beloved to be washed into a new life by the tide?

I would prefer to play character B.

-Slice of life
-Historical (it's like fantasy without the magic! Mostly interested in Victorian and Medieval settings)
-Superheroes (I have a (redeemable) supervillain I love playing... ask me about her! Nah I'm to obsessed)

Name: Wren Peterson
Age: 21
Powers: Teleportation
Appearance: Despite standing at 5'3 with a petite/athletic build, Ren seems to stand out most places she goes. She has icy blue eyes and white hair that falls to about the middle of her back. She has a bunch of scars on her pale skin, especially on her back and arms. She tends to dress in athletic gear and baggy sweatshirts, and tends to prefer black over other colors. She definitely has an rbf, but when putting on a show she can be quite entrancing.
Personality: From an early age, she was taught that life wasn't easy or fair. This certainly plays a big part in her personality. She is very distrustful of people and holds the firm belief that if someone is nice they want something. She is very independent and doesn't like relying on other people unless she has to. She can be quite the con artist and knows how to put on a pretty face to get what she wants, being an impressive actor. She hates being vulnerable and it is hard to get under her skin, but she also isn't used to being treated well at all. If someone does manage to break her shell and get under her skin, she is fiercely loyal and will do just about anything to protect them, even if it is morally questionable. Although she can be a bit clumsy while showing affection to those she does love and she doesn't have a lot of experience, she can be truly sweet when the right person comes along.
Likes: Rain, classical music, martial arts, kickboxing, starwatching, night
Dislikes: People, people who pretend to have a moral high ground,
Fears: Dogs, being vulnerable, losing people she truly cares about
-Soulmate Aus
-Each others’ first words to one another
-Same marking on each other’s skin
-Sharing scars
- A touch from your soulmate will leave an imprint there (like a different coloured area on your skin, or a symbol, or name)
- Get the same injuries as your soulmate does
-When you write on your skin, it appears on your soulmate's body
-Flowers bloom/some sort of mark is formed when your soulmate gets an injury that fades as it heals

I usually play Wren as a supervillian thrown into the hero world as a spy. Of course, that doesn't end up working out cause she falls for someone. She usually does best with a character who shows love easily, even if they don't show it explicitly. Wren is definitely a black cat character looking for a golden retriever!

Please feel free to pitch your own ideas if you have something you think I'd like! Hope you all have an amazing day, thank you for reading! See you in my DMs!
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