Other Unpopular Opinions

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Follow up: Numbers can lie because people can lie. You can not calculate for human error or indecency. Expect certain statistics - especially ones that rely on the collection of data from another human - to be inaccurate to some degree. You can use you common sense to figure out how harshly you need to scrutinize a statistic on a case by case basis.
Suicide Squad isn't just a horrible movie, it is the most disgusting romanticisation of an abusive relationship since well...Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey. Why are so many (successful) franchises full of this?
I mean 50 Shades started as bad Twilight fanfiction (so fanfiction of what was already garbage) so the whole thing might have been expected but...C'mon, DC.
My apologies for butting in on a conversation that I'm not a part of, but I figure that it's worth mentioning that the statistics you linked come from the Brady Campaign, which is known for padding and exagerating a surprising amount of its statistics. I can tell you now, after taking a quick look through the page you linked us to and doing a few minutes of further investigation, many of the statistics used are quite deceptive. Just thought that was worth mentioning before you pick those stats as your hill to die on.

Also, before I slip out of this particularly dreary discussion, I'd like to say that I highly encourage people to look at where their statistics come from before madly waving them around and claiming them to be absolute.
I love this phrase that keeps popping up: "Numbers don't lie." It's true to an extent, but I find people often forget that statisticians do. In fact, its there job to do so. People have agendas, and they'll twist every number they have until it benefits them in some way.

PS: Did you know that the "A gun in the home is 22 times more likely to be used to kill or injure in a domestic homicide, suicide, or unintentional shooting than to be used in self-defense." statistic is taken from a journal that is 20 years old? Besides being a flawed statistic, seems weird to use such outdated info.
Follow up: Numbers can lie because people can lie. You can not calculate for human error or indecency. Expect certain statistics - especially ones that rely on the collection of data from another human - to be inaccurate to some degree. You can use you common sense to figure out how harshly you need to scrutinize a statistic on a case by case basis.
Thank you for this.
The mentality gun owners have when presented with a statistical analysis proving that it’s highly unlikely that a gun will help you in the event of some sort of attack and that it’s actually 22 times more likely that your family will be harmed by that gun that you purchased - they take and hold on to the notion that that’ll never never happen in their household because they believe themselves ABOVE that statistic
It's clear you don't understand statistics. You're under the impression that every gun owner has an equal accident risk, but they don't. Similar to how everyone isn't equally likely to commit suicide or suffer a heart attack. You can't take macro statistics and map them onto an individual or family.

Also, your statistic weighs in suicide, which you admit is a "danger" you don't consider for any other purchases. Which means you're one of the ones who believes it will "never happen to you."

colour me shocked I don’t know why I didn’t see it before. Welp, I don’t know how to proceed beyond waving that statistic around anymore so - I guess I won’t
Here we've finally reached an agreement. I too, believe you don't know how to continue without waving that misleading statistic around. Maybe, if your argument is so solid, come up with at least another move to make? I'll be around should you need to tag me.

Also, I hope you eventually reach a point in your life when you're certain you won't seriously hurt yourself or any other innocent person.
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It's clear you don't understand statistics. You're under the impression that every gun owner has an equal accident risk, but they don't. Similar to how everyone isn't equally likely to commit suicide or suffer a heart attack. You can't take macro statistics and map them onto an individual or family.
Also a very good argument, here. My brother has very carefully learned this thing called how to handle a gun without being a risk to anyone else. Of course, guns are dangerous. That's why he knows how to handle it. He never points it at anyone. He keeps his finger off the trigger if he doesn't want to shoot. He doesn't lock his elbow when firing. He cleans his gun regularly. These are all precautions that need to be taken in order to safely handle it. We all have faith in his abilities to handle his gun, and it would actually make no sense for one of us to die via it if it is used properly - which it is. We are an individual family who knows how dangerous guns are and are very CAREFUL with them.

We do NOT have a 22% higher chance of dying by it. Even if that statistic wasn't biased or outdated.

Thanks for mentioning that. c: I hadn't thought of it that way.
We do NOT have a 22% higher chance of dying by it. Even if that statistic wasn't biased or outdated.

If you and I, as gun owners, can't behave in ways that greatly decrease our risk of injury with our firearm, then we also couldn't be capable of greatly increasing our risk of injury with our firearms through our behaviors - which is beyond absurd.
(Some are not unpopular, just not often said, or not said enough.)

it's okay to believe in yourself.

You can do anything you put your mind to, but you must put your heart into it as well.

Someone out there loves you, even if you don't.

Sometimes your friends need somebody to tell them something they are doing is wrong, it may just be the reason they are doing it.

Do not hide your pain forever.

Opposing opinions matter, for it shows we are varied and complex as people.

Just because you dislike an opinion, doesn't mean you should hate the person speaking it.

Your job is not you, don't let it overshadow the human underneath.

Your voice matters, it matters not if you are heard, just as long as you speak.

Do not assume everyone is the same, even if they are part of a group.

Shame is a good teacher, but do not hold onto it forever, your mistakes are to be learned from, this is why we learn about history.

Life can be lived in many ways, yours will not be the same as another's, that is a good thing.

The friends you make here and anywhere else online are as important as any other, their feelings are real, their hearts are real, even if they aren't fully truthful.

Remember to explain yourself after saying No.
i think the trend of people trying to force themselves to like avocados is weird - or the insistence that they hate avocados


just don't eat??? them???? you gringo????
coming from someone who actually wants kids

having kids is extremely overrated and not something that everyone needs to do, and I don't understand why there's a stigma or oddity associated with people adopting
I can't believe this is such an unpopular opinion, and maybe it only is where I live and amongst the circles I associate with, but unskilled labor should not be so looked down upon, especially as there is a very high demand for the goods and services it provides.

Also, you are not entitled to be a shitty person to people working in retail, food service, etc. just because you are a paying customer.
I can't believe this is such an unpopular opinion, and maybe it only is where I live and amongst the circles I associate with, but unskilled labor should not be so looked down upon, especially as there is a very high demand for the goods and services it provides.

Also, you are not entitled to be a shitty person to people working in retail, food service, etc. just because you are a paying customer.

i feel like everyone should experience working in the service industry in their early lives because frankly it's super easy to tell when someone clearly has never worked with customers in their life
Stand down soldiers, we've got a TERF (trans-exclusionary radical feminist) on our hands. They're the most bat-shit crazy group I've ever seen, they can not be reasoned with. They're like a really bad cult.
Do not engage, I repeat, do not engage!
That IS kind of why they're posting it here though... This is a place for people to post their unpopular opinions, because normally they would be harshly judged and bashed for them anywhere else.

Which is what you're doing, here.
That IS kind of why they're posting it here though... This is a place for people to post their unpopular opinions, because normally they would be harshly judged and bashed for them anywhere else.

Which is what you're doing, here.
You're right, my apologies.

Unpopular Opinion: TERFs are the most bat shit crazy group I've ever seen. Theyre like a really bad cult.
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