Unnatural Love

BW Red

New Member




Role: (Math teacher, Tramp, etc.)


(if none delete)


Sexual Orientation:



Likes: (At least 4)

Dislikes: (At least 4)

Fears:(At least 2)

Appearance:(1 paragraphs)

Personality:(2 paragraphs)

History:(at least 1 paragraph)


Perverted?: (Are they perverted?)

Claire Delmont

Quote:"I'll never be nothing more than a punching bag...


Role: The New Girl


Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 113

Likes: Sweets, Math, Reading, Running, Cherries, Small dogs, and Music

Dislikes: Pain, Big dogs, Her Father, and Bullies.

Fears: Dying at her father's hands and being alone.

Appearance: Claire has light brown hair always tied into a ponytail with a bow. She has big brown eyes and always attempts to wear long sleeves because of her scars. She always wears black tights under her uniform skirt to hide more scars. Claire has many scars over her body because her father's beatings. They're mainly around her back shoulder and thighs but the biggest one is across her chest.

Personality:Claire is a sweet girl who likes to keep to herself. She has a very low esteem from her dad beating her and all the scars given to her. During class, she can be quite spacey. She is extremely clumsy and attempts to cover up her scars when someone sees them by blaming them on a big dog or because she fell. Big dogs seem not to like her. She often tries to cover up her hurt and pain with a lighthearted happiness.

In reality, she is very scared and is hurt by what her father is doing to her. She is very sad about her mom's death and often, she fears her own life may end soon because of her dad. She wishes she had someone to talk to, but after moving, she only met enemies. She has become friends with the Bartender's girl, The Nerd, and The Drama Nerd. She truthfully wishes for someone she could actually tell the truth of her scars to but is also too afraid to find that person.

History:When her mother died in a car accident with Claire, her father turned to drinking. Blaming his daughter for her Mother's death, he started to beat her violently, sometimes scarring her. After awhile, her father started drinking away their money that they had to move. When going to the new school, the popular kids started to hate her instantly and tried to find ways to humiliate her and make her life a living hell.

Other: She is very smart and because of that, she got a scholarship to Redwood High.

Perverted?: Not in the slightest.
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Name :

Jenna McCarty



(Junior, her birthday is October 12th)




The trackie



Sexual Orientation:



4' 11"


98 lbs

Likes: (At least 4)

Running, talking, the color blue, cuddles, and drawing

Dislikes: (At least 4)

Lazy people, stuck ups, the tramp, chocolate, and the principal

Fears:(At least 2)

Losing the jock, spiders

Appearance:(1 paragraphs)

[see pic above + below]

She has long honey blonde hair that reaches to her upper ribs, as well as bangs to keep her hair out of her eyes during races, she has bright electric blue eyes that intensely dart around, she has a confident demeanor and always has a bright smile on her face.


((Real life ^^))

Personality:(2 paragraphs)

Not every popular girl has to be so full of themselves they puke.. Jenna has always stuck up for the greater good and loves talking. Most can't get her to shut up. She's extremely sweet on the outside and on the inside and is quite fierce in her beliefs.

When you take a closer look at Jenna however, you can see that she's not always the happy girl that radiates energy. She is scared of losing the jock most days over the amount of girls that constantly throw themselves at him. She's a fierce competitor for his heart as well, as she loves him with all of her being. She's a total hopeless Romantic.

History:(at least 1 paragraph)

Growing up in that town and running everyday since she was five, she's easily the best runner on the track team. She races cross country, does basketball, and track all in one. It's a wonder she has enough time for anything else.

When she started falling in love with the Jock however, she made the time to see him. She went to every single one of his games and strives to support him all she can, as it's the only thing she can do.


She plays guitar on the side, usually on the bus to and from competitions and games and she has a Bunny named Cotton.

Perverted?: (Are they perverted?)



Name:Fiore Lyndon

Quote: "I'd rather be at the bar"


Role: Bartender's Daughter

Age: 17

Nickname: Her father calls her Fi

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Height: 5'7"

Weight:126 lbs

Likes: Coffee, Learning tricks from her dad, History class, Making Non-Alcoholic versions of the drinks her father makes at work.

Dislikes: Most people, School in general, The "populars", Small yappy dogs.

Fears: Spiders, Failing, Losing her father.

Appearance: Fiore has natural blonde hair that falls just past her shoulders with bangs that sweep to the right, covering a small portion of her right eye. She has bright blue eyes that can be considered slightly large, her lashes are incredibly long. Her complexion is fair, maybe even slightly pale. She has a small nose and mouth, that contrast nicely with the size of her eyes. Fiore is tall and lean, much like an athletes.(Though she's never even played a sport) She's often seen wearing a white button up shirt with a brown jacket and matching skinny jeans, often times she adds pops of color in her outfits by wearing brightly colored sneakers.


Personality: Fiore tries her best to be friendly at school, though she finds it to be incredibly difficult due to the immaturity she deals with at school. She's easy going and friendly with adults easily and can even be described as sassy at times. Fiore likes to have fun, but on her own time. She doesn't try hard at school and is often called a slacker as her goal in life is to be a bartender like her father.

Fiore doesn't bother with her classmates as she finds them annoying and immature, though she herself often acts like a child when she's been upset. This attitude however is rare for her. Fiore for the most part is quiet and reserved, yet opens up to a few people and becomes a fun loving, affectionate young lady.

History: Fiore grew up with her mother and father in a small farming town far away from where she lives now. Her family was picture perfect, he parents loved each other, and her. There were no fights over money or jobs or fights about anything really. Everything was good, until Fiore's mom got sick with ovarian cancer and passed away suddenly when Fiore was nine. And then everything changed.

Fiore's father moved them far, far away, into the city of all places. Her father started up a bar downtown and Fiore started at a new school. She's been in the same place, doing the same things ever since.

Other: Fiore's been looking for new things to do and new people to meet lately, finally moving on from her mothers death.

Perverted?: Only occasionally ;p


Name: Michael Teal (Mr. Teal)

But he mostly goes by Michael, even in class


Sorry, I got drunk yesterday and forgot your assignments at home, BUT…"

Pictures (real life + anime one): He sometimes wear glasses, and sometimes don’t when he is more formal.


Role: History teacher

Age: 25

Nickname: Mr. Teal, Mike “From friends only"

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual “But I like women the best."

Height: 190cm (6.2 feet, I think that would be)

Weight: around 80 kg (around 176 pounds) “I work out” ;)


Alcohol and especially to drink with others.

He likes history of course.

And lastly he really admires strong people, who are not afraid to speak their mind when they need to. “And I really love pie.”


He really doesn’t like anything sweet.

He hates when people are being immature and dramatic, so he tend to avoid that kind of people, although this doesn’t mean that he will try to wiggle his way away from a friend in need.

He has never liked seafood either, since he is allergic to shellfish.



Getting too addicted to alcohol, but this is one that he pushes to the back of his mind a lot. “… huh? What?”

He has a fear of heights that is another thing that he will never admit to anyone. “Who told you!?”

He is afraid to loose his job, since it is a job that he has worked a lot to get. Although he will seem kind of carefree on the outside, he will take a warning seriously if he gets it, and he will fight for his job a lot.


(As you can see on the pictures): He has light brown hair that turns all blonde in the summer. He wears glasses and he gets easily tan when it becomes summer. He often has lazy stubbles on his chin if he forgets to shave in the morning, and has his hair styled as seen above. He works out in a gym close to his house, but mostly when he has nothing better to do, because he likes to spend a lot of his free time in the bar.

He wears kind of casual clothes all the time, with just a plain shirt and pants, but you can catch him once in a while wearing a tie if he felt like it that day. On days off he will be even more casual, and sometimes just wear a hat over his hair if he feel like it.



Michael can have quite the flirtatious personality. When he is in the classroom he keeps it to a minimum from how he really is, although he can still be caught sending flirting smiles without thinking about it. He can be quite charming when he want to be, and maybe even a bit carefree with it.

When he is in class there goes a sort of professionalism into him though. He really loves what he teaches (history) and the passion is obvious when he is explaining things to the class, where he will use his body language vividly and move around animatedly. That is why he can be kind of a rough teacher in that field, because he gives a lot of homework, but at the same times he has a thing for making his classes “fun”.

When he is with his friends though he loves to crack jokes, but can also go really deep sometimes when he is explaining something.

With people that he consider a love interest he will not hesitate to flirt. If not directly, then definitely with his body-langugage. The only time that he lose this playful spark, is when he is in a really bad mood.


Michael has actually moved to this town directly after college and took up the teaching job. That means that this is his first one, but he has never wanted to leave. To come to this town has been a fresh start to him, since he has come from a past with a lot of drama (hence why he dislike that kind of thing). His mother died in childbirth and his father left him with his grandparents, so he has never really known the security of a family, since they weren’t all that caring, which caused him to be quite a rebel in his school years. The problems at home, caused trouble in school, and he became a personality that he really despised when he looked back on it. He had been a player, and made horrible decisions.

He changed a lot when he came to the new town, but habits like flirting and drinking has stuck with him, although they are not even close to as bad as they were back then.

Perverted?: “Pfft no!” … Yes!
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Terrence Shockley


“Private and public matters are meant to be separated. ”


(Left: His attire during his days off. Right: Attire during school days.)




Math Teacher




Terry by some of his co-teachers/friends

Mr. Shockley by his students



Sexual Orientation:



179 cm/ 5’8”


67 kg/141 lbs



Terrence has a huge addiction on coffee, especially the bitter ones.

A day without him drinking coffee has never passed even once.


Unlike coffee, smoking is one of the things Terrence has control of.

Though, whenever he’s smoking with people, he’ll turn around and puff out behind him.

+Trendy clothes+

Yes, the cold and strict teacher likes trendy clothes, how unusual. He often uses accessories for disguises when he goes out.


As much as Terrence loves math, he loves to read history books, especially if it’s fantasy-themed.


-Alcoholic Beverages-

Terrence hates alcoholic beverages to the point that he’ll run away when a glass is offered to him.

-Cosmetics and perfumes-

Cosmetics, yes, he can handle for a while but perfumes are a different thing.

Once he gets a huge whiff of its smell, a headache consumes him and makes him barely able to stand.


After experiencing a hangover for the first time when he was in college, he swore never to drink again.

-Autumn Season-

Scattering leaves and its unbearable force that makes you lazy are the main reasons why Terrence hates Autumn.


>Beach Sand<

Yes. Beach sand. Whenever Terrence goes to a beach, he stays inside a cottage most of the time. Terrence has this weird belief that once you step on a road of sand, you’ll get dragged down the ends of earth.

>Losing control of himself<

Since he’s a disciplined person, Terrence can’t stand this feeling. The feeling of succumbing to emotions, putting his consciousness in the back and acting recklessly, Terrence hasn’t experienced this. More like, he’s afraid to experience it.



Terrence has black hair and green eyes. When outside of his profession as a teacher his appearance changes to accommodate the fact: his hair is messy, he wears big glasses, and his clothes are casual. When he is a teacher, he wears more dressy clothing, often adorning a dress shirt and pants, as well as a tie. His hair is also more professional, as it is combed to keep most of it out of his face.


Terrence is an extremely strict and disciplined person just to make him look like a mature person when in fact, he isn’t.

As a teacher, Terrence takes teaching as an important aspect of his life. Not only is it his job, but his pride lies on it, too, for some reason or another. When he’s at school, his strictness and discipline gauge for himself and others hits its maximum. He is extremely hardworking and often volunteers to do work for other people. Terrence is half-aware that he’s somehow popular but has never know the reason why since he’s too focused on thoroughly enforcing the rules of the school. Despite being strict, Terrence is kind but will show it in a roundabout way.

Terrence tends to keep a more laid-back character during his days-off. His strict nature still remains with him during those times but a playful and compassionate personality of his that he usually hides pops out. He only shows that personality of his to his close friends and will rather die if a student from Redwood sees him act like that.


Terrence was born to a normal family and had a boringly normal childhood. Though, things started to change when he entered high school at Redwood High (Yes, he’s an alumni). There, he fell in love with his Math teacher who had a five-year age gap with him. She and Terrence got along pretty well but it wasn’t long until someone knew of his feelings and that person was his Science teacher. Terrence was often confronted by his Science teacher and often told him that it’s hopeless for him but Terrence didn’t listen. A year passed by and Terrence witnessed something horrible. He saw his Math teacher confessing to his Science teacher. What’s worse that his Science teacher made eye contact with Terrence before agreeing to go out with his Math teacher.

After graduating college from the big city, Terrence went back to his hometown, where Redwood High is. Although he had bad memories with the place, he really can’t refuse the principal’s job offer for him and it would seem like a good place to take on his first job.


[Terrence is secretly athletic, especially when it comes to track.]

[He is a bad cook and will most likely end up cooking something that can knock a person unconscious.]

[Oh, and beware with his singing voice. It makes ears bleed.]


Yeah, right. Like hell he is.

(Please tell me if I have to make some changes. Thanks!)

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Name: Erin Maxwell

Quote: "I just want to be free to be who I am. Even if I don't know who that is yet."


Role: The cross-dresser

Age: 16

Gender: Questioning but considers herself female for now

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 129 lbs

Likes: Running, loud music, horror genre, spicy food, social justice

Dislikes: Bullies, disappointing people, laziness, sweets, crying, winter

Fears: Rejection| Snakes

Appearance: Erin is slightly shorter than others and has a slightly athletic built. She cuts her hair short, usually to her chin or a bit above and her eyes are a pale blue color. Erin tends to dress in more masculine clothing usually wearing baggy shirts or hoodies when she can. Erin is never without a pair of sneakers. She has a slightly androgynous look enough that some passersby may mistake her as a guy. She never wears make-up or any jewelry. She is also fortunately an a-cup.

Personality: Erin is rather friendly and open to people and can be rather outgoing in social situations. An extrovert she craves human interaction often but doesn't mind being alone. Despite her desire to be around others though, Erin is rather easygoing and dislike wild environment. She also doesn't like talking about herself much and find long debates to be exhausting. Erin is also rather stubborn and opinionated but tries to keep things to herself to avoid conflict if she can help it.

Erin is a nice person as well and hates it when others are being harassed especially for things they cannot control. Yet she often finds herself at odds with her own self hating that she is confused about who she is. When upset she tends to pull away from others and would rather lend a hand to someone than have one offered to her.

Erin is not afraid or ashamed of who she is but keeps personal things to herself because she believes that some things aren't meant to be shouted to the heavens and people will find out in time anyways when they get to know her.

History: Born as the middle child Erin had a pretty basic childhood. Her older sister and younger brother usually took pressure off of her as their parents focused on them more. She preferred to focus on her schoolwork but also tried various activities to see if she could find a passion in one of them. Her life got complicated in middle school when she began to question both her sexuality and her gender identity. She started cross-dressing in seventh grade and got bullied for it. She only came out recently to herself as pansexual despite the fact that she has been harboring a crush on Jenna since freshman year.

Other: Has a habit of saying her name is Aaron online.

Perverted?: Sometimes.

Name: Jessie Walters

Quote: "Acting is looking at your character and feeling and understanding who they are and what they want."


Role: Drama Teacher

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Gay

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 155 lbs

Likes: Plays, action/adventure novels, hot coffee, performing, dreaming, inspiring others, poetry

Dislikes: Closed-minded people, tea, ignorance, failure, working out, snobs

Fears: Airplanes| Closed spaces

Appearance: Jessie is a tad short for a guy and has a more slender figure than he would prefer. His hair is often messy as well and he usually sports stubble or a slight beard. Jessie prefers to wear more casual clothing but keeps his attire as professional as he can. He prefers dark clothes as well. Jessie has both his ears pierced but doesn't wearing earrings during school. Also has a tattoo across his back of a quote from his favorite play but doesn't share what it says.

Personality: Jessie is a charming fellow but can be rather awkward. He tries to connect with people but often tries too hard and can make it uncomfortable. Jessie is a little bad with social cues and can be oblivious to things, often overlooking people's feelings by accident. He is also rather shy when it comes to relationships as he doesn't want to ruin relationships or do the wrong thing. Yet he is also a hopeless romantic and enjoys all things sappy and loves love.

Jessie is a passionate fellow and gives his all when it is something he enjoys or love. He can often go from being passionate to slightly obsessive especially concerning plays and acting. He is one of the more laidback teachers hoping to be friends with the students and doesn't put too much stress on them. Although he is accused of being too easy on them by other teachers.

History: Jessie was born as the only child to his parents. For the first six years of his life things were okay but eventually his father left him and his mother. Jessie loved his mother and as an adult respected her for taking care of him by herself most of his life, but as a child he often felt like something was wrong. Jessie fell into poverty and got bullied a lot for it and found solace in reading. He grew to love stories and tales but plays became one of his favorite ways. He joined several acting groups as a child and teen both in the community and in school. It was something that made him forget his problems. Once he reached college age he said he was to go off to be an actor but instead found himself drawn back to one of the high schools he attended for several months. So Jessie decided to teach.

Other: Always has a book in his hand.

Perverted?: Often but keeps it to himself.

Will finish Jessie tonight.
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Rynn Turner


“There is no greater folly than falling in love with a man.”




English Teacher




Miss Turner by her students

Ry by her friends/co-workers/family



Sexual Orientation:



5’ 5”


132 lbs.


Rynn like well-loved books with dog eared pages and fountain pens. She’s a lover of all things well-worded and bold, much like how she likes her men. She will never turn down a pepperoni pizza, a glass of wine and a Jane Austen movie.


Rynn can’t stand passive aggressive people, liars, cheap beer and dubstep music. Unfortunately, working in a high school, it seems as though that’s all she’s ever faced with.


Rynn is only scared of two things: spiders and being alone.


Rynn has red hair and blue eyes. A free-spirit at heart, she often manages a pretty successful balancing act in terms of her clothing—both casual and professional. Her hair is often curled (naturally, of course) but is often wild in the wind so she tries to ground her appearance with her wardrobe, making serious use out of her suit pieces. However, she’s a sucker for colorful chunky jewelry and is often considered one of the more “hip” teachers.


Rynn is a firecracker. Passionate and inspiring, she often finds herself talking too much and acting as a confidant for a lot of the students. Often referred to as the “mother hen” by her fellow teachers, her personality carries seamlessly from her day job to her personal life. She cares, often too deeply, about those around her and would move heaven and earth to see those around her happy.

Outside of school, however, Rynn can’t shake an unfortunate feeling of loneliness and goes out of her way to surround herself with others in order to create the illusion of wholeness. She isn’t sure what causes it, but combats it by burying herself in a new novel or writing herself. She’s feels as though she can create worlds where she, maybe just this once, can feel whole and needed.


After losing her mother at a young age, Rynn worked night and day to make something of her life. With two older twin sisters, Alexis and Ellie, she has always found herself trailing on their coattails. Her father is very supportive of her and often calls to praise her, but he hasn’t always been that way. As a girl, she often had to fight for his affection and through teaching she has found a place where she can love and love entirely, putting everything she has into her job and her students.


She can recite Shakespearean soliloquies at the drop of a hat. She also has zero athletic ability and quite the set of weak ankles—therefore, you’re more likely to see her falling down the stairs than running up them.


She’s definitely got a bit of a playful side, if you’re lucky enough to see it.
Name: Jacob Taylor

Quote: life's to short, dessert first


The Popular kid

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: heterosexual

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 180lbs

Likes: Music, Weed, Science, Working out

Dislikes: History, Bullies, Other people, Rules

Fears: Death, Falling(not to be confused with heights)

Appearance: His hair is never messed with. He never combs it and rarely cuts it. He always wears his father's dog tags. He only wears a shirt during school.

Personality: Jacob is very friendly and laid back. but he keeps to himself. He if funny. He knows that he would have no problem making friends. He's very smart. He knows that he would have no problem making friends. But he doesn't want to make friends he just want to be himself and not some label that the school had placed on him. He doesn't want to be "the popular kid" he wants to be himself and not looked at like the cutest guy in school.

History: Born the oldest of three children. One brother one sister. Each three years apart. Their dad gained custody from their mother when he was very young. When he was thirteen their dad died of cancer. Then Jacob took up the "job" as father and cook, cleaned, washed dishes. This went on for two years. Child protective services came and took his siblings away from him. Waiting for the court case to decide his siblings' fate he started working out, a lot. It relieved stress. but it wasn't enough. His friend offered him something to help. Turns out that is was Weed. And Jacob got addicted . Come the day of the court case he was seen as an unfit care taker because of his problem with weed

Other: Is an atheist but asks god for help

Perverted?: No

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