Unmei no toshi - The City of Destiny - Information/Sign Up!


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Are the red strings of our fate

Destiny draws near...


Welcome to Unmei, a small city centered in Japan. Not much is this town known for, in fact, little know of it's history. We hope, however, you enjoy your stay.


Hello one and all, and welcome to the Unmei no Toshi Roleplay Info and Sign Up page! Here is where you'll find information on the plot, signing up, as well as current events in the actual Role Play, and more!


First off, the plot! This is a very simple-plot based roleplay, planned to evolve and grow on it's own as the Roleplay progresses! One thing I want to make clear is that I want to Focus on this being a School-Based Roleplay as much as possible! In other words, I'd like the majority of the characters to be ages 14-24, so we can have a variety of High-School and Collage students. We will accept other NPC-Like characters to play minor rolls in the plot, and those characters will not need a form filled out. These characters can range from Teachers, to Shop-Keepers, to Parents.


Locations in Town:

Hanako Academy

The advanced high-school and collage for young adults. They have many small restaurants and shops around the campus, and are rather trustworthy and lenient with students. Be warned though! They will not tolerate excessive misbehavior.


A local club near the campus grounds. Any characters under 18 is not permitted in the club after 10PM. [Roleplay time!]

Unmei Local Park

A large, local Park in the center of the city, includes a play ground, a flower garden, and a very large picnic area.

Destiny Woods

A woods surrounding the outskirts of town, where rumor has spoken of many strange occurrences happening there. Many couples take the walkway through the woods at dusk, as it is seen as very romantic under the right moon.


Character Skeleton




Birthday: [Month and Day only]


Sexual Orientation: [Optional]

Relationship Status: [Taken/Open]

Bio: [One to Four Paragraphs please!]

Other: [Any other info/facts should be put here!]

Appearance: [Photo/Picture here!]



None at the moment!



July 22nd, 2013 --

Hello everyone! This is my first hosted roleplay on this site, and my first in a very long time, so I hope I do well! I'm typing this past 3AM in my time, so I need to get sleep here now. Feel free to post your character profiles here in this thread, and I'll reply to you if you got chosen tomorrow! [Most likely though, you will!] I'll also start the Roleplay tomorrow in the forums. Remember to follow the basic rules of the site when making your characters! Also, no Mary Sues, Harassing eachother, blah blah, you guys know the etiquette.

Have fun all, and I will see you tomorrow!

Name- Yuto Sasaki

Age- 17

Gender- Male

Birthday- November 2

Personality- nice but really shy

Sexual Orientation- Heterosexual

Relationship status- Open

Bio- Yuto's parents died in fire when he was twelve so now he lives with his older brother Tamura. Since then Yuto became more and more shy the only thing he really does is read and listens to music. But if you become good friends with him he'll open up more.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1374484308.677434.jpg.f74ba43a60246a439034955b815b7e51.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3327" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1374484308.677434.jpg.f74ba43a60246a439034955b815b7e51.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Takeshi Yamamoto

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Birthday: June 17th

Personality: Takeshi is flirty and social, but if you get to know him, he's actually just a sweetheart. Although around his friends he is playful and sweet, if you get on his bad side, you might get hurt. Takeshi is overly protective of the ones he loves and cares about. He can't stand seeing anyone hurt.

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Relationship Status: Open

Bio: Takeshi was spoiled as he grew up because his family was rich. His father's ancestors had owned lots of land and money. He lived inside a big mansion all his life and his parents tried to make him a snobby bratty kid, but Takeshi refused to. He didn't want to become like his father. Not even close. His little sister was also a little spoiled at a young age so she grew up a bit brattier than he was, but he helped her grow up to be a humble child.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/misteor.jpg.33d1afe9d1a4cafe762cdbb36aadfe12.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3450" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/misteor.jpg.33d1afe9d1a4cafe762cdbb36aadfe12.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Ami Yamamoto

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Birthday: February 14th

Personality: Ami is, in one word, innocent. Although she is as flirty as her brother is, she doesn't know how cruel the world can be and it's her brother's job to protect her from it. Ami is bubbly and outgoing, but around boys she acts shy and innocent just to draw them in.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual (a.k.a straight)

Relationship Status: Open

Bio: Ami was born on the day of love so she grew up loving many boys thinking that it was meant to be for her. Her mother and father tried to spoil her, but her brother helped her to grow up as a humble little girl. Although she grew up humble, since she got all the Chanel bags and makeup, Ami grew up a bit more spoiled then her brother. Ami had always been a straight A student. Her grade average was 4.5 all the way through thanks to her honors and AP classes. Her mother and father tried to spoil her even more thanks to this.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bde3ed49b_umbrellaanimegirl.jpg.29708acf54017b2cc0aa73d1382df01c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3546" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bde3ed49b_umbrellaanimegirl.jpg.29708acf54017b2cc0aa73d1382df01c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(Pretty new, but not to role playing. I've done role playing for years. this website, I've been for about a month I guess. Role playing has been about 6 years. I started out on tumblr, but now I stopped and got onto actual role playing websites.)

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