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Fantasy Unlikely Allies


The senpai who noticed
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
"Yeah, yeah, I'm working on it. Old Luci must have figured that I was about the only safe bet to send up here since I lack the kind of ambition needed to hatch a plan like this. A stupid, short-sighted plan that is way more effort than it will ever pay out. Guess not everyone was gifted with our superior intellect, eh?" the demon teased the person on the other line. There was yet another threat on the horizon, horrid souls unleashed on the world instead of serving their sentences in hell for their misdeeds. It was exhausting constantly having to clean up the messes of other people, but it was the fate of someone as magnificently capable as herself. Such a difficult burden to bear, being such a premiere specimen.

The woman on the other end of the line gave a derisive scoff. "I am certainly more well-endowed intellectually than our peers, but I did gain the lion's share of such intellect even if we do share one parent. I'll try to make use of some of my contacts here so we can have a better notion of just how wide-spread of an issue this is. I know that there are only so many places that those released spirits would have been able to enter the human realm, but it is better for us to get ahead of it than for them to start separating over the Earth. I'll call you when I have a further update to share."

A laugh escaped Anunit even as she slipped her phone back into her pocket. Siekamel always had been a little prickly. Still, there were few who were as reliable when it came to gathering information and leveraging pressure on opponents as the nephilim. Anunit was just glad that more often than not, Siekamel's goals were in alignment with her own. With that phone call finished, she turned on her heels to begin taking a little stroll. Her walk was casual, her hands resting in the pockets of her leather jacket. There was no need to make anyone alarmed at her presence at the moment, especially since she was heading toward her next destination. She had stopped by a few packed bars and clubs already, figuring that some of the spirits might have been drawn to the larger crowds where emotions might be running high.

"And where would emotions run high quite like a strip club, hm?" she asked aloud to no one in particular before guiding her steps toward the Minx Club. The bouncer looked the young woman up and down, seeming to be sizing up her tall frame and looking to her face to determine if she was looking for trouble. Rather than being offended or standing taller, the raven haired demon just flashed the bouncer an easy, cavalier grin. Some demons were always looking for a fight, getting all bent out of shape for any perceived slight. Actually caring about others' opinions of her sounded frightfully taxing, and there were far more entertaining things to do than huff and puff at every interaction with others. Of course, the fact that the green eyed woman was conventionally attractive didn't hurt her efforts.
"Hope you aren't stationed out here all night; it looks like it might start to rain. And not of the fun variety, either," she laughed.

"Thanks for the warning; I'll have to go grab my jacket. You can go on inside," he encouraged since he didn't see anything off about the demoness. Anunit slipped inside then cast her gaze about the club. Well, so far she wasn't seeing any spirits. Surely she should do a little longer reconnaissance just to be sure. It was only the proper thing to do. Can't go doing less than her due diligence on a mission like this, right?

Sometimes she just had to make sacrifices for the greater good. A martyr, this one.
Head buried deep into a ledger, eyes scanning back and forth repeatedly, Coretha seemingly trekked along sidewalks aimlessly. Her long brown bangs bounced along with every step, a sixth sense guiding her movement. Flowing seamlessly like water, she carried herself through alleys and down streets, eyes constantly stuck to her book reading over the dozens of names listed on it. Exhaling delicately, she slammed her ledger shut examining her surroundings, she... had no clue where her legs had brought her. Maybe relying on her angelic intuition had been a mistake, especially since it appeared she ended up in a street full of improper nightclubs. Such disgusting imagery. It wrinkled her nose up, she pushed up on her glasses deciding to retain her eyes innocence behind them.

"EEK!" Squealing as her back pocket vibrated, sending a jolt up her entire back, Coretha frantically scurried for her phone. Flipping it open, she answered with a, "H-Hello? Sir, is that you? I'm sorry for taking so long to answer, your call startled me. A demon might have hexed my rear, I'm sure you understand how alarming that can be." Admitting to her worries, Coretha held a hand over her chest taking careful deep breaths calming herself down. Removing a demonic hex from herself was the last thing she needed, on top of the pile of work 'rewarded' to her would be too much. Dealing with demons took its toll enough when through a secure line above, in the human world she must've looked like a bunny to those predatory creatures.

"...Indeed." Following a long pause, her superior replied frivolously, a half-chuckle of disbelief audible over the phone, "I need an update on your progress thus far, you know we cannot have damned souls causing havoc for humans. Their escape marked a dark day, everyone here wants this solved as quickly as possible. Yesterday, preferably, though it is far past that point."

Gulping at Gadreel's unamused tone, Coretha nervously coughed, "Respectfully, sir, I received my assignment today and there are a lot of souls. Finding them alone appears a lot harder than I initially thought. My progress currently stands still. That is to say, no progress yet... sir." Awkwardly fumbling her way through an explanation, she side-eyed a club across the street crossing over to it. Using her gift of sight, she could see the damnation seeping off the roof. Right next to a woman in a provocative position.

"Yes, we understand your assignment will take time. However, we want it to take less time if possible, make sizeable progress by the end of the week, or we may have to reassign you. There are not many favorable positions available, it would be unfortunate if you had to spend time away from home. Make some progress."

Before she could rebuttal, the phone clicked off leaving her with a dejected sigh to accompany her as she dragged her feet along the sidewalk. She barely understood why they wanted progress this fast anyway, even her superiors knew the severity of this crisis. It almost felt like she purposefully ended up in this position to punish her.

Rain. A torrent of rain fell from the sky, pouring on the streets and sidewalks drenching everything around her. Including, Coretha, her sweater soaked through the chilling water pressing against her skin dragging yelps out of her as she broke into a sprint for the Minx Club. Bolting past a bouncer struggling to get his jacket on fast enough, she entered the club gasping for the warm air. Water dripped off her hair, she felt bad about ruining the carpeting, but carried on gasping at the sights.

Horrendous! Blasphemous! Sinful! Revolting! Did those even count as clothes?!

Out of sheer awkwardness, she struggled to remove her eyes from the shocking displays before her. Her distraction lead her straight into a person, smacking her chin off their shoulder clattering her teeth together. Rubbing her chin, she opened her mouth to issue an apology, the sight of her bumpee froze her up. A demon! In this place! During a time like this too?!

"Wh-What are you doing here? Do you have any idea what's going on right now? Do you even know where you are? That woman's buttocks hangs out of her undergarments, if dental floss counts as undergarments!" Whisper-shouting, Coretha stood flustered with an intense blush on her cheeks, she could not stand for this behavior. Enjoying the physicality of these woman, disgusting they needed to be properly clothed! During a crisis nonetheless, "Give me your name and supervisor, I'm going to have to report this. I'm sorry, you've done this to yourself!" Crossing her arms, the angel tried to give off a serious look of disappointment despite being soaked by rainfall.
Anunit felt someone collide with her back, and the tall demon stumbled forward just a hair from the force of collision. She turned to face whoever had done so, and amusement swiftly shone over every inch of the demon's face. An angel in a strip club trying to lecture her about propriety as if she actually gave a damn about what a flighty do-gooder thought of her presence and behavior. Green eyes had a cat-like quality as she sized up her current companion, and she slowly slinked in a circle around Coretha. Her movements were fluid, the tall woman possessing the grace of a predator. It was a trait that she shared with her mother, Lilith. Her mother was far more conniving and hostile than Anunit, and she lamented at times that her daughter didn't possess any of her ambition. Anunit just liked doing things her own way in her own time. Why rush? The world wasn't going anywhere. At least, that had been the case.

"I always find it so interesting that angels have this penchant for showing up and demanding everyone adhere to their methods of getting things done. As if you are some how inherently superior. Mmm, sounds awfully like that one sin that Lucifer found himself cast from heaven over. What was that? Oh, yes, Pride." Her voice had a conversational tone, but it wasn't hard to pick out the moments she was being condescending.

"Unlike how angels seem to operate, you'll find that I don't have a minder to make sure that my work is done. We have been given the free will to act as we so choose, you know, that pesky thing that angels were denied but had been gifted to humans because they are God's favorites? Sound familiar? I know its a foreign concept, but I'm sure a bright girl like you can catch on."

The demon turned her attention toward the scene around them, her head tilting to the side as she considered each of the women who passed her by. "Now, I'm quite aware of where I am, and I'm fairly certain you are as well. So let's cut to the chase, mm? Asking for my name along with my supervisor, you don't have to play so coy with me. If you're interested then all you have to do is ask, sunshine," she teased with a wicked grin on her pink lips. Who cared if humanity might be hanging in the balance if she couldn't subdue the loose souls? Having fun and enjoying the moment was far more important than some pesky mission. What could be more enjoyable than watching an angel's face turn fifteen different shades of pink?

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