Before you submit a CS:
- No immortals or godmodding. Unbeatable characters are boring.
- No "Mary Sues" or "Gary Stus". Perfect characters are boring.
- Keep profanity to a slight minimum. Be mature. Perhaps use the Inline Spoiler BBcode to hide curse words for those who don't want to see profanity.
- Fade to black when necessary. This is not my rule specifically; it's RpNation's.
- Treat everyone with respect. I understand if your character is a rude piece of shit, but if you start causing drama with another person and whatnot, I will kick you out so fast, you don't even know.
- Use correct grammar and spelling. In my opinion, it's irritating to attempt to read an entire response that either hasn't been proof-read or is just lazily written. If you have trouble with it, at least try; it doesn't hurt. ()
- Try to keep your In-Character Responses at a minimum of three to five sentences. If you're coming up from Simple roleplays, push yourself. If you're from Detailed roleplays, you have no trouble. Casual? Just do your thing. I understand if it's difficult to write a lot if there's not much happening, but trust me: there's plenty to add.
- Don't kill characters without permission. Ask for permission from both the character's creator and the GM (@Javax )
- Don't control other people's characters without permission. They're not yours to control; you didn't create them.
- Use common sense. If there's something that I forgot to add in these rules that you know you should or shouldn't do, please go with the idea that "If I do/don't do that then it'll hurt someone or make someone angry so I won't do that."
After you read these rules, memorize them, write them down, etc., include this quote somewhere on your CS:
"What is better? To be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?"
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