Unknowingly (Oskar DiLondra x Me)


Among most of them crowded streets stood a girl; not gorgeous, but she'd always stand out in a crowd. Her long dirty blonde hair was down, knotted, and all. It looked as if she'd been homeless for a while, though, she wasn't homeless, just preferred to look like that.

Behind the long blonde hair that had fallen in her face, was exquisite 'pink' colored eyes. Everyone always stated that they were contacts.

As if.

She didn't look older than twenty, and to be perfectly honest, despite her age, she acted like a fifteen year old. Very mature for her 'age'. However, looks never got her too far. As people eventually figured out the truth, or what they believed to be the truth.

As she walked down the street, a few people stopped to take a second look an odd admiration in their eyes at the look of this girl, who happened to go by the name of Amber. No one really knew her, though. That was the interesting part.

"What?" She turned to face them, her voice holding an old Welsh accent. "Is their something in my hair? No? Then stop staring." With that, she picked up speed and jogged down to one of the corner coffee shops.

"Good morning, miss Amber." The clerk greater her with his usual, welcoming smile.

"G'morning, Blake," Amber stepped up to the counter and glanced over the menu, as she always did. However, she wouldn't speak until Blake gave the signature, "what will you be having today, love?" saying.

". . .And what will you be having today, Amber?"

Whoa, why so formal?

Amber shrugged her shoulders, "Same thing as always, coffee―"

"Black, right?"


As she sat at the table she wondered what was so different, what had changed so much. Hmm, was it something she'd done? No, couldn't be. She and Blake were 'best friends', in a since, he was the only one she ever really spoke go
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Franco strolled down the back alley, headed towards the busy street up ahead. To be honest, it was constantly busy, packed with people, hot, sweating people. The thought of all of them almost made Franco shiver, but, he needed something to do.

What was there to do? There were a few coffee shops, a supermarket, pretty much just your average high street. Through all of this though, Franco had reached the end of the alley, and he was next to the main street, waiting for, something to happen, anything interesting. All of these people were so dull, so plain. He stepped out into the stampede ahead, and instantly got carried to the left, past the supermarket. He managed to find his footing and walk at a steadier pace, and he eyed all of the stores around him. He could get something to eat. He took his hand out of his pocket, quickly sidestepped into a doorway of a closed shop, and revealed a small pile of change in his hand, he counted. $5.30, that was enough to get him a sandwich, he was sure.

He turned his head to try and eye the nearest coffee shop, and eyed one on the corner of a street, it was the closest to him, so he tried to navigate his way through the crowd, to try and find his way towards the entrance. He shoved past approximately 5 people, constantly murmuring "sorry" and "Excuse me" as he interrupted each person's travel. He finally got to the entrance, and swung the door open. It was quiet, not too busy, just the way he liked it. He head straight towards the counter, and was greeted by a man named "Blake", as it stated on his name tag.

"Morning son, what will it be?" He was cheery, too cheery, but, it was his job, Franco supposed. He peered across the menu, finding the only item that seemed mildly appetising to him.

"Egg and Bacon Sandwich. Please" He hastily added on the customary piece of etiquette, as he was taught to do.

"It'll be with you in five minutes, we'll bring it to your table." Franco muttered something which almost sounded like a 'thanks' but it was almost indecipherable. He looked about the cafe, and saw the best looking available space, next to a window, yet it was close to a strange looking girl, with blond hair and pink contacts, but, he wouldn't be looking at her anyway, he'd just be staring out the window, so he sat.
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Amber brushed her hair from her eyes, the ones containing the so-called contacts. Her gaze fell when someone else walked into the coffee shop.


She, with one hand, lifted her coffee cup and pulled it closer to her lips, taking a quick sip before she sat it back down. Her thoughts wondered, as always, to the past. Her past friends, then ones who were now lost because of time. Oh how it flew, and when it did, she lost the sparkle in her eyes. She had lost everyone she had ever cared about because they got too close. Maybe it was best how Blake was acting, you know, pushing her away? Yep, that was what she thought by the look on his face.

If only Amber knew how tired he was of her turning him down, all of his kind remarks, offers, free coffees― which in reality, the boy paid for himself just to make her think that they were free. But, say he hadn't given up, would she have eventually agreed? No. She would have shaken her head and blown him off once more. She wouldn't let someone get that close to her ever again. Not after what happened to the last person. See, this was the funny thing about Amber. She had a hard time excepting things for what they really were. As if in; if someone loved her, or she loved them, it would have to literally smack her upside the head for her to figure it out. Yes, she was that out of touch with her emotions. Where she was from, that was a good thing.

After being lost in thought for a few boring minutes, Amber realized the boy had sat down. Right in front of her.


She moved awkwardly to one side of the booth, crossing her arms dainty over her chest. Weird as it sounded, other people really didn't comfort her. Nor had they ever comforted her, but this boy, he was something new. Something untainted, something. . . rare. This caught her attention. A small smirk formed on her lips as she looked back down into her coffee, taking in the wonderful smell of the shop, she stood up and walked over to Blake and asked for a refill―did you think she'd go straight for him? No way. She wanted to talk to him, but not now. Not in the next day even! That was not how she worked, she had to observe first.

After getting her refill, she walked back to her table and sat down, alone, just as the last time, the only thing new was the coffee, or the coffee cake that smelled too divine for her to resist.
Franco's eyes darted between all of the passing faces that strolled dimly by the window, he was bored, bored of life, bored of work, bored of everything. Why couldn't something interesting happen? Speaking of interesting, that girl was interesting, definitely not an ordinary person. He turned his head slowly to quickly glance at her. He noticed that she had gone up to the cafe counter to get a refill. Before she turned around, he turned his head sharply to avoid meeting her gaze. He didn't want to be seen looking at her, it would be offensive, according to society.

Once his sandwich had arrived, he was famished, and without any second thoughts as to how he would look, he consumed the sandwich at a rate that was almost inhuman. Whilst he was proceeding to devour the food, he found himself looking at that girl again, there was something about her that had bewitched him.

He didn't know how long he'd been staring at her, but by the time he broke his gaze, he had finished his 'meal'. He didn't even know whether she had looked at him during the period, he had completely zoned out. She was strange, evidently, but she probably wasn't stranger than him, even though he seemed normal, he had experienced a very interesting life so far.

He raised from his where he was sitting, and walked over towards the counter to return his plate and pay for the food. He accidentally brushed against the girl as he walked past, and felt a shiver, and a mixture of both boiling and freezing. He almost fainted from the sensation, but managed to recover quick enough so that it looked like he had only tripped slightly, it must have been nothing. He just wasn't used to human contact. But maybe there was something different, he couldn't tell.

He placed his plate on top of the counter, and waited for the man named Blake to finish making a cup of coffee for another customer.

"That'll be $4.50 please" Blake stated, his mood was dimmed, something was bugging him, but Franco just paid him and decided not to question what was wrong. He felt for his phone as he went towards the door, but couldn't seem to find it. He went back towards his seat to see if he could find it, glimpsing at the girl on the way there.
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Was it weird that Amber felt the same thing? The same crazy sensation when he brushed by her? That was very strange. Did she want to find out a little more now? Hell yes. Would she? You're damn right. You see, when she wanted to know something, she always found out. Right now, she wanted to know exactly why she was so drawn to this young man. She wanted to know why he was so different than she was.

While she sat there, drinking her coffee quietly, she thought up a clever way to talk to him, which drew a small smile onto her lips. This would be very fun. As genius as it would have been, she didn't have time to grab his phone and run it to him, that would have made it easier, but instead she watched as picked it back off of the lone table by the window where he had taken his seat earlier.

This time, it was now or never.

Amber stood and walked to him, her eyes set on his just a moment, seeing the slight nervousness in his eyes. She could imagine what he was thinking; did she see me staring? Is she mad about it? Or, that's what she guessed he would think about, but she was not sure. She didn't really know him well enough to judge his thoughts-or to guess them, for that matter. It was rather rude, wasn't it? Oops. Maybe she needed to learn a little from humans about not freaking people out.

The corner of her soft, full, pink lips tugged into a small, effortless smile to send him a small amount of comfort before she spoke, "Have you been staring, sir?" The tone of her voice was almost angelic, definitely beautiful, but also very soft, as if she barely ever used her voice. She didn't, but no one else knew that, right? Right.

"I wanted to ask you something, actually, a few things. Before you say it, yes, their relevant. Relevant to a lot of things.... but first, I want to know if you'll lie to me, or tell me the truth, hence my first question. I have the answer, but I want to hear it from you." this time, her voice was quieter, lower, and a bit uneasy. She was uneasy, you have to understand. She never got drawn to anyone. This was weird. Very weird indeed.
Franco managed to successfully pick up his phone, and sighed, relieved that it hadn't been stolen, which would have been very unlikely in itself. He turned around, walked towards the door, and glanced again at the girl again. This time, though, their eyes me, and he felt pretty much the same shiver as before. Oshit, oshit, oshit. She was heading towards him, and had managed to walk right in front of his path. Before he had time to utter a single word, she was asking him something.

"Have you been staring, sir?" Her voice was beautiful, angelic, it made him feel so warm, so comforted. But, he had to think about the question, so, she saw him. Was she angry? She didn't sound angry, but, not all people sound angry when they are. Before he had time to respond to the question, she was speaking again.

"I wanted to ask you something, actually, a few things. Before you say it, yes, their relevant. Relevant to a lot of things.... but first, I want to know if you'll lie to me, or tell me the truth, hence my first question. I have the answer, but I want to hear it from you." Her voice this time was different, she felt, uneasy. Was he making her uneasy? If so, then why is she talking to him? He had to think of an answer quickly, otherwise it would just seem as if he was staring at her again. He decided to tell the truth, as there was no point lying.

"Yes ma'am." Ma'am?! What was he thinking? Why is he treating her like a teacher, or something? It just felt right. She seemed to be wiser than he is, much wiser, her voice had so much gravitas even though it was soft. She sounded much older than she looked. But, he had to give a reason, but don't make it sound creepy.

"You just have a calm and beautiful aura, it's hallucinating." Well that worked now didn't it? That was the weirdest thing he could have said, who the hell talks about auras and hallucination? He wasn't setting a good image, but he'll just have to work with it, see what response he gets.
With a tilt of her head, Amber looked at him in wonder. Ma'am? Really, that was the best he could do? She couldn't help but laugh, if not just at the way he had said it."Ah, why so formal? Call me Amber. . . ma'am makes me feel old." She wasn't at all mad about him staring, it wasn't really a shock at all to her, since she'd figured out he was staring long before. But now, it just seemed like he was just surprised she walked up to him, up to talk to him more or less. Had he never spoken to a girl before?

Amber took a moment to think. He did not seem abnormal up close as she had expected. . . after him brushing past her, she'd guessed he was sort of like her, in some kind of way― what with the feeling, that feeling that left her wondering who and what he was. However, once she was close enough to him, she could tell he was just a plain old mortal. Yet still something was different about this mortal.

And here I was, thinking I was getting lucky.

The thought sent her back to him just in time to hear what he next had to say. This time, on the other hand, she didn't laugh, but instead; she smiled. She really smiled, though it caught her a bit off guard. Like, she couldn't really understand what he was saying in a way.

"Beautiful and calm aura?" She questioned with a tilt of the head, giving her an utterly confused look. Oh she was confused, she'd gone blank, and this was her playing it cool. Damn, she was no good at this. No good at talking to others, much less someone like him. She had no luck once so ever talking to strangers. Never has, never will. It was just how she worked. But then again, he wasn't so smooth either. "What exactly does that mean?" Ok, so yeah, she had to add that.
Franco was scratching his head, repeating what he had said over and over again, wondering why he had said what he did. When she laughed at him, it made him wince. He was sure that she meant no harm, but it pained him not to be understood, and just be seen as the weird one. Yet, it was comforting when she told him her name, as it meant she trusted him. Amber, Amber was a beautiful name perfectly suited to this girl.

When she smiled, he felt the urge to smile back, as it was just so warm and welcoming, yet he didn't want to smile too much, it wasn't like him. But this girl, she was different, she was special. He could tell. At some point through the conversation he thought he saw a flash of disappointment on her face, but he just dismissed it as his suspicion that no one liked him.

When she questioned what he meant by beautiful and calm, he didn't know how to respond, he didn't even mean to say that in the first place, he was nervous, maybe this girl was only pretending to be interested in him, and this was all some prank set up by some people from school, but he looked around and didn't see anyone he recognised.

"I meant, I just meant that you looked like a really nice person, which is hard to find these days." Did that sound alright? Not too weird? He didn't have a clue, but it would have to do. He'd rather be here than at home, with his parents, suffering through their rituals and general 'magic' as they liked to call it. She was a nice break, someone normal.
Amber hadn't even noticed him wincing. Yet, she felt the relief when he heard her speak her name. What did he think? She would leave him without knowing her name? Never. She never left anyone without knowing their name, either that, or she at least tried to tell them hers. After awhile, she learned to just straight up tell them; they would never ask otherwise. Just like in this case, but at least this boy wasn't straight up rude asking questions about why she dressed as she did, or why she looked like that― she would always have the same answer: 'it's none of your business'!

However, the small smile that arose on his face, when it tugged at his lips, she couldn't help but feel a bit of relief herself. Relief that he wasn't an honest to god horrible person. Or, at least, it didn't seem that way. He just didn't care to smile.

But you have a beautiful smile. . .

He might not have ever known it, but she did kind of like him, if not just as someone to get close to. Someone to talk to. . . was that too much to ask for? Something told her it wasn't.

The sound of neither of them talking was about to drive her insane. All she wanted was him to answer that question. Come on! It was a simple question, correct?

Wait, why are you looking around? Am I having this conversation all alone, or is it supposed to somehow magically be answered by a. . . unicorn? Lord, I don't have all day―

When he finally answered, Amber let out a soft sigh of relief. Again. But, she couldn't help but giggle.

Her? Nice? Was this boy talking to the right person? Come on, she wasn't that nice. In fact, she was rather rude when it came down to it―or maybe that was just her thought of herself; rude. When in all reality, all she was-deep, deep down- was scared of being alone her whole life. Understandable, huh?

"Oh, haha, I just didn't understand the meaning of the word. I'm sorry." She apologized, flashing another one of her smiles as she tried to knock off some of the awkwardness of this conversation. "Oh, what's your name? I didn't catch it. Or, maybe you just didn't tell me?"
Franco stammered over his words as he attempted to reply to her question, which was a simple one, but he was kicking himself for his mistake.

"Oh, uh, I- I'm Franco. Sorry, I, I didn't tell you before. Hehe, I sort of just forgot." he tugged at his collar, and then instantly prevented himself, as it displayed that he was feeling slightly awkward, or, closer to the truth, stupid, due to his omission. He searched through his minds, trying to think of any other interactions he had with people, which was limited. Extremely limited.

He couldn't stop thinking about her smile, it was one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen. To be honest, he had seen little beauty, but her smile was different, welcoming, and, he had already thought all of this, but he couldn't stop. Her eyes spoke more than her years, her general mood was overwhelming, and Franco liked it. He liked her, just as a person. Not in that way, he would never like anyone it that way, he couldn't, he was too scared.

As he looked at her, attempting his best not to gaze at her, as that would be just weird, he thought of all of the other people he had met like her. Not like her, but someone he could instantly tell he could trust. As he went through all of his years, he could not find a single person that could make him feel this comfortable, not even his own family. But, enough on thinking about the past, he had to continue the conversation.

"You come here often?" the moment the words came out of his mouth, he already regretted them. He was relying too much on what he had seen in the media, and realised that this was one of the cheesiest things that he could have said, but there was no going back now, and it seemed that all of the other mistakes he has made within this conversation were mostly overlooked by her, responded a lot of the time by a cute little giggle. Thinking about it, he giggled himself, but then focused his attention back onto her, not wanting to seem as if he was thinking of something else.
That nervous tug at the collar- so cute. How he just tried to act cool was freaking cute. She had never really thought of actually making a friend, or getting along with one to be exact. But here she was, talking to someone, talking to him. . . and she enjoyed it.

She was almost off track when he spoke, to the point of being just as blank and awkward as he was in the first place. It seemed like neither of them were really social creatures, neither even spoke until they were forced to. Which, usually it was hard for her to walk up to someone as easily as she walked up to him, but that feeling-the sensation he gave her when he just brushed against her. It was, it was amazing. This was easily something she could say, in all her years; she had never, ever felt something like that. Not once. . . and she wanted to know why he made her feel like that. Like she had butterflies in the pit of her stomach, or why she felt a chill go down her spine every time her just accidentally touched her.

Finally she forced herself to speak once more, though at this time he had only just told her his name, "No, it's quite alright." She couldn't stop smiling, though the smile was starting to just come naturally around him-was that possible? Wow. Interesting.

However, when he asked her if she came here often. . . she laughed. She busted out laughing. "Good one!" Her smile widened a bit to show her pearly white teeth, oh how she loved his attitude. "Actually, I do. I come here very often. Once a day to be exact! What about you? Do you have any better pick up lines? If not, I am going to find someone to teach you some." She paused as she thought about something, "Not to offend, I was only teasing. But I do think we could meet up another time? I have to get to work."
When she laughed at his comment, he almost blushed, but he just managed to keep control this time. She smiled again, but this time it was larger, displaying beautiful white pearl teeth. She came here once a day? He would have to come here more often, except, wasn't that a bit stalkerish? Was stalkerish a word? He had too many things going through his head to be able to think straight.

He almost missed her point about pick up lines, and he glanced down at his shoes when he managed to comprehend what she had said. Yet she stated that she didn't mean to offend, which gave him enough courage to look up at her again. She had to go? Why? Work? Oh... He supposed that he would just have to go home then, back to boredom, and insanity.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Sure, we could meet up another time. Whenever would suit you?" He thought that she wouldn't want to meet up again, he had been so weird during their conversation, but he supposed that she wasn't entirely normal either, but she was more normal, from what he could see, than most of the people he had met in his life. Yet also more exotic, with more mystery, and more to discover.

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