• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern University on Deck


The Clever Paradox
Interest Check Anime College on Deck
CS University on Deck Characters
Out of Character Chat University on Deck Out of Character Chat
Information University on Deck Information

;Rain; ;Rain; is the co-gm.


Welcome to Lockwood University. Just recently, Professor Sakamoto put together a study abroad program in order to allow students to fully immerse themselves in a variety of cultures, while staying on track with their academic needs. In all honesty, he probably just did it since a single campus could get boring.

As an admitted student, you already know how prestigious and welcoming the university is. Now due to our high success rates, we were able to establish the study abroad program that will allow you to reside and take up courses on a cruise ship! That's right, you will take some classes on deck and travel the world. Occasionally, we will even attend classes abroad in other universities.


Anything is possible! Do remember, the more curve balls we throw in the better! Go ahead and fangirl/boy about ships on the ship. Cause some damage to the captain's quarters. Maybe even sneak into someone's room. Hold up, what about having a part-time job on board? It's a complete sandbox! As long as you make it to class on time and pass your lessons, it'll all be smooth sailing ahead.

If you got any ideas that can help improve the general vibe then tell me all about it. If you're interested then say so!

Rules and Notes:

  • Follow this website's rules!
  • Please do keep in mind that this is more on the realistic side of things. Professor Sakamoto won't suddenly sparkle in the sun because he became a vampire.
  • Write at least one paragraph per post (5-7 sentences).
  • No intense 2-100 page one-on-one rping in this group thread.
  • Notify me about any savage/amazing curveballs you have in mind.
  • Don't please DON'T control other characters unless they give you permission.
  • For offline purposes and random real life situations, please make the decision to either be brought on/off the cruise ship with everyone else, or be left behind. We will only wait a reasonable amount of time for someone to write that they are boarding a ship.
  • Include everyone for the love of Rping! I don't care if you're a cold-hearted beast. At least give the loner a weird look and start from there.
  • Treat everyone with respect! We all live a life out of this awesome "reality." Please be understanding.
  • I am open to suggestions for the most part. However, I am not a yes man. Annoying requests will be met with my co-creator's smooth back hand.
  • Keep Out of Character Chat in OOC thread.
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Poof! Three angled umbrellas emitted a bright light reflecting a flash from the device Jackson held in his hands. The young man took a moment to study the photo displayed on the small screen. "Well? How'd it turn out?" Jackson's subject questioned trying to peer over at the screen he was eyeing. Jackson's hands immediately jerked the camera away from the photographed person's line of sight. "Your face at 'two' was a work of art," He stated bluntly looking at the girl before him. She ever so slowly squinted her eyes at the seemingly indifferent photographer before hitting him behind his head. "I finished sneezing at two!" The girl exclaimed throwing punches at Jackson's chest, "Why didn't you take it at three?! I was gorgeous by 'three'!"

Jackson had a comfortable smirk on his face as he watched his little cousin throw a slight tantrum. That picture of her sneezing was priceless. "Katarina!" A deep voice bellowed from the doorway at the other side of the ballroom. The young victim paused her flying fists before quickly folding her hands behind her back. Just then a tall man stepped through the doorframe wiping his glasses with a piece of cloth. "Now you be good on board, okay?" The older man's brown eyes shifted up from his glasses as he walked toward the two cousins. Katarina nodded with a big smile on her face. "Jackson, take care of her. I trust you along with the rest of the crew to keep my daughter in good hands," The Italian man said briefly grabbing his nephew's shoulder. That guy and his wife were too busy taking care of business to try out their own services. As a result, they put up a deal with their nephew. Jackson needed to watch Katarina, his homeschooled cousin, during the whole cruise. In return, they would pay his tuition for the time being. Jack still worked part-time to build up his resume and help out with the family company though.

Not long after Jackson's uncle left the ship, Katarina and Jack took their places in front of a propped up background that all the arriving guests had to get pictures with. Here we go. Jack thought to himself glancing at his watch as visitors started filing in. He noted that it was 10 a.m. In an hour, the guy had to meet his fellow Lockwood students at the Double Story Lounge. Meanwhile, the cousins were able to snap a few photos of some cruise guests in front of the background before Jack's
co-worker opted-in for his shift. It was an opportunity for Jackson to take a break before his study abroad group meet up. After all, he had been working since 7 a.m.

Jackson smoothly wore his jacket before running a hand through his hair. He already adventured around the ship many times so he decided that it would be best to make his way over to the Double Story Lounge. His grey gaze scanned the area around him as it slowly began to fill up with a bunch of excited faces. Once he arrived at the lounge, Jack took a seat in the middle of the blue L-shaped sofa. He didn't hesitate to take a deep breath and comfortably stretch out both his arms over the backrest of the sofa. Still gotta unpack. Jackson let his thoughts roam free to keep his mind preoccupied from the fact that there wasn't really much else for him to do at the moment except wait for the others.
And the stars blinked as they watched her carefully, jealous of the way she shone

Asha arrived on the ship in record time. Her luggage was dragged behind her clumsily as she made her way onto the beauty. This had been all that she talked about ever since she found out about this trip. A chance to travel the world was too good to not ramble on and on about. The boat was basically a cruise ship except instead of relaxing she would be doing school work. It didn't bother Asha that much. She was good at finishing homework on time. It had been a time trying to get here though. Her mother wasn't too fond of her daughter traveling so long without them. Eventually she had been convinced that it was a good opportunity for her only child. When she noticed the background set up Asha quickly made her way over and took a few pictures. She would place them in her scrapbook for safe keeping.

Asha took her time with admire the beauty of the ship. She had managed to get someone to show her around. It was extremely nice and well kept. She was so lucky to be able to experience something like this. The water was so blue and clear, as was the sky. There were no dark clouds in sight. Everyone seemed friendly as well. She had been greeted by kind smiles and helpful instructions.

When Asha first arrived she had been told that they would be meeting in the Double Story lounge. After heading to her dorm and unpacking her things she made her way to the lounge. It was filled with excited students who were chatting with friends or soon to be friends. Asha looked around for someone to talk to. No one in particular had caught her eye so far. She was looking forward to meeting some new people while on the ship. Making new friends was something that she absolutely loved.
template by astraea
"Yes mom. For the fifth time today. I have my toothbrush!" "Excuse me!? It's only the second time." "Same diff... erence." She let the word trail on as her eyes landed upon the S.S. Angel The conversation between a young Nia Davion and her mother came to an end, just as their car did. The family promptly exited the vehicle. Nia looked between her family and the boat where she would spend at least a year. The bubbly girl soon held a somber look on her face as she cast a small smile their direction. "I guess this is it..." "Awwh, our baby girl is finally going to a college!" "I know..." Her mother fawned over her, and dad struggled to hold back manly tears. "Ok fine. Come here!" the family embraced for a long time. Once separated, Nia began walking backwards towards the boat. "I promise I'll text you guys every day! Bye! I love you!" Her parents proudly watched for a moment before getting into their car and driving off; hoping their adoptive daughter would be okay.

Nia spread her arms wide and took in a deep breath through her nose.
"Oh yeah! Smell that air!" she said excitedly. She ran a hand through her short crimson red hair. 'Red hair in the middle of an ocean... at least I'll be easy to spot if I go overboard!' the girl's thought process was certainly unique. Once it was her turn for the background picture that everyone else was doing, Nia did a rather bizarre pose. Laughing it off like nothing happened, she collected her things and made her way onto the deck of the ship. Making her way around the ship with a bright smile ever present on her face, Nia first took a walk on the top deck before heading inside. Poking her head into various rooms with various amounts of curiosity. Some of the rooms were met with a wide eyed "ooooh" others, a simple "meh." At last arriving at the lounge area, she put her belongings against the wall. She squinted her eyes and crossed the room, reaching up on the tips of her toes as she struggled to adjust a crooked painting the hung on the wall. She barely managed to do it. Then proceeding to vault over the back of the blue couch as she sat next to the boy who was also there. She smiled at him "Hi." she said with a wave. She practically radiated joy and energy.
Xanto Xanto (and anyone else who walks in)
A small sigh of boredom escaped Kioko's lips as she waited in line to board the ship. Her multi-colored eyes stared right through the man who stood in front of her, and although she did not care about who he was, or why he was in the same line as her, she did notice the two small children clinging to his wrists. This man was obviously not enrolled in the university. Her attention was pulled away from the man by a younger looking male at the camera, who happened to be accompanied by a young girl.

Her gaze lingered longer than it should have, but Kioko couldn't help herself, his dark hair and smooth facial features caused her to forget her current situation. It wasn't until the elderly women behind her asked her to move that she broke her focus. Her feet shuffled against the deck as she followed the moving line, dragging her black bag behind her and occasionally glancing at the handsome man. As she neared the cheesy looking picture background, her heart fluttered. She was only two people away from having her picture taken by this boy, but why was she so nervous?
'It's just a boy' She thought to herself, after all she didn't even know who he was. There was something about him...

The line moved once again, leaving only one person before her to get their picture taken. The person in front of her stepped up in front of the background, Kioko took another look at the camera, only to find that the boy had gone. Stepping up to the background, she spotted him walking away. Kioko set her luggage to the side of the big screen and gave a half-hearted smile. The sound of the picture being taken sounded and she moved out of the frame, slinging her bag over her shoulder. Her mothers words of "Advice" entered her mind.

"One day you will meet a boy, that will turn your world upside down. Do not let him go" Kioko shook her head slightly, as if to say to her mother that there is no way she would find the love of her life on a cruise ship. Dispelling the thoughts from her head, she grabbed a map that was offered to her by someone who no doubt worked on the ship. Opening it quickly she checked her phone, there was not a ton of time left before she had to meet in the Lounge.

Her feet stepped lightly on the deck as she made her way through the halls, her calm nature made it seem as though she was wondering aimlessly. She quickly found herself outside of the Lounge, pushing the doors open slowly. As she entered, her eye was immediately drawn to a very energetic girl, who was practically running around the room. She witnessed her straighten a painting, and eventually catapulting herself over the top of a couch. Kioko had almost wished that she took more time getting there until she say him. The boy that was taking photos at the entrance of the boat. Her stomach dropped, as she realized that he would probably be around the entire semester..If not the whole year. She moved along the walls and stood near the back of the room, keeping her eye on the two on the couch.
Xanto Xanto Duke of Doge Duke of Doge

Suru Sakusei

"Now act CASUAL!" Mara yelled. Quickly the two siblings formed exaggerated poses with faces to match as they stood back to back, the camera flashed capturing the siblings as they goofed off. Suru had a hand on his right hip and his other arm above his head legs spread apart like he was going into a split. His eyes were narrowed, lip's pursed, face toward the camera. Mara had her arm's crossed against her chest and leaned her weight against Suru's back. Her back formed an arch. Her face was toward the camera revealing her crossed eyes, wiggling eye brows, and stuck out tongue.
The sibling's couldn't keep their expression's straight and collapsed laughing once the photo was taken. It took them a few minutes to recover enough to move out of the way so other's can have their turn. Suru had to arrive at the ship a few hour's early to formally meet his boss, gather his work schedule, and get a tour of the place. His mother and sister had arrived soon after he was done to see him off. His mother needed to reassure herself her baby would be alright. Mara just wanted to ooh and ah over the ship and get pictures. So she can brag to her friends about the awesome ship her brother was going to school on. Once they saw the propped up background set up for photo's they couldn't resist. Luckily there had been a brief pause in guest.

Their mom had joined them for the first photo before leaving to get a drink as they finished up before more guest's arrived to take their own pictures. Once their laughter had calmed to the occasional bust of giggling the two thanked the guy who had helpfully took their pictures using Maya's camera. The only one he had taken officially was the first one with their mother.

"Mara finish saying goodbye to your brother. It's time to go!" They heard their mother shout from where she lingered by the entrance to the ballroom, casting glances at the various guest that entered. Each one seemingly dressed better then the last. Rolling her eyes Mara turned and jumped onto her brother wrapping him into a big hug. "Be careful on the stairs. I don't want a call saying you had twisted you ankle or broken your neck. Mom would freak."

ugh she is getting heavy. Suru thought as Mara's attack knocked the wind out of him. Wrapping his arms around him he lifted her off her feet snorting at her rather calloused way of saying 'I love you'. "Yea, I love you to sis. Try not to drive mom to crazy while I'm gone, please."
"I promise nothing." Mara said cheekily as she was set back on her feet. Sharing a last smile the two separated. Suru watched his family leave anxiously. He has never been away from home and now, he was leaving the country. I hope I'm ready for this. There's no turning back once the ship takes off. Collecting Mara's camera from the photographer he headed to his dorm as he noticed the time. 10:30. I better get ready to meet my fellow students. The thought was almost exciting enough to help him ignore his anxiety at being away from his family, he loved meeting new people. Humming a song under his breath he collected his toiletries so he could take a quick shower. I want to make a good impression after all.

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"Damn it James I can't even look away for one second to take a piss without coming back to you picking a fight with a bunch of strangers!" James rolled his eyes and looked out the passenger window as Larry, a escort Jason had hired to make sure James got to the cruise, continued to babble on. "I mean, we haven't even been off the plane for an hour and you already dented some little pricks skull in!" James smirked to the recent memory and glanced back to Larry with a raised eyebrow.

"Come on, I thought that board of his would break after the third hit. I simply underestimated the quality of it is all. Besides, he's the one who threatened me first, I had to act," he defended with a shrug. Larry rolled his eyes under his sunglasses and ran his fingers through his dark hair as he tightened his grip onto the steering wheel.

"Seriously, the way the kid looked after the beat down didn't effect you one bit?" he asked with a quick glance towards James to see his smirk now dropped and replaced with a bored look. James gave another shrug as he let out a yawn before replying.

"Made me tired, hopefully the beds on this cruise are comfy enough," he said while forgetting the entire topic. Larry shook his head and sighed.

"We're just lucky your brother has connections here or else you'd be in a world of shit," James scoffed and looked back out the window. He could handle himself. "Alright we're almost there and I need to head out as soon as you get on that ship, don't wanna be left behind by that ass of a pilot Jason hired," he mumbled as he turned into the port. He scanned the ships for a second before pointing out the cruise James was to be on. "There ya go, head on out and don't forget your brother wants you to call him once your settled in," he reminded as James exited the car with only his backpack. James nodded and gave a quick two fingered salute to his escort before trudging his way towards the ship. As he neared the ship he groaned scratched the back of his head.

"Damn it Jason, why do you have to be so hard headed?" he mumbled to himself as the street devil boarded the S.S. Angel. The line was, how James politely described it, "A bitch". As he reach the end of the line he was told to pose for a picture. A wicked grin came to his face before he quickly replaced it with a fake happy go lucky smile. "Sure, sounds fun!" he chuckled before standing in front of the camera man, giving him a huge smile and a thumbs up. As he went to take the picture James, in quick motion stuck out his middle finger and let his happy smile turn into a smug grin. The camera man was shocked and before he could do anything took the picture. The people complained, but it all went on deaf ears as the cackling James walked away while waving to the people behind him without looking back. "Great job folks, think ya got my good side!" he laughed before turning the corner. He had a feeling his little attempted to stifle his boredom would bite him in the ass later, but he didn't care.

Sooner or later he found the lounge the students were meeting at and walked in with a bored expression. His fun from the pictures had quickly died off and now he had to find something else to keep him entertained. He sighed as he plopped down onto a rather comfy empty sofa and groaned as he stretched his limbs before resting his entire body across the sofa, making sure no one else could sit. He then pulled out his phone, plugged in his headphones and played his music. He grinned and let his head bob with the beat.

Jackson Hayashi

It didn't take long for a group of students to start filling up the Double Story Lounge Jackson was relaxing in.
Hm, bets are interesting. Jackson thought as he came up with ideas about making the most of his time on board when he wasn't in class. Placing some fair bets with other guests and taking on challenges seemed just right to him. The young man's grey gaze scanned over the various faces around the room. It seemed as if he was there, but his mentality was somewhere else. This of course was his state of mind until a girl suddenly jumped over the sofa's backrest and landed right in front of one of his outstretched arms.

Almost immediately, Jackson's eyes sharply shifted over to the girl next to him. Apart from his rapid reaction, his face stayed indifferent to the situation. Jack had to take a couple of seconds to register what had just happened though. The redhead moved so fast that he felt a breeze of fresh . . strawberries(?) hit him following her sudden vault over the sofa. "Ello," The guy simply stated lightly gripping his hand on the backrest behind her. That student's random interaction caused him to snap back to reality. While waiting for a response, Jackson casually looked around the room before centering his attention on the redhead once again. Wait a minute.
He thought looking back around the room and spotting a pink-haired girl burning holes through the side of his head. Was she really looking at him or something around him? Regardless, the man attempted a slight smile at her to relieve any awkward vibe prior to turning back to the redhead next to him.

Zenjiro Sakamoto

Professor Zenjiro Sakamoto momentarily peeked into the room eyeing the students he would have to deal with during his vacation. If only it was a true vacation. The professor thought finally stepping into the Double Story Lounge and making his way over to the front of the room. "Ms. Yoshida," He nodded passing one of his previous students. That girl brought manageable and entertaining conversation into the last class they had together the other year. She even had good grades! If only all the students could get on her level. After a few more steps, the man knocked James's feet off the couch with a swift fist. "This is a five-star cruise, not your humble abode," Zenjiro mentioned as he continued his walk to the front of the television set without paying a glance at who he just scolded.

Once he arrived to the front of the room, the man turned to face his students and eyed them individually, "I'm Professor Sakamoto, the lead moderator of this program." Zenjiro's cold blue eyes stayed planted on at least each person for a few seconds. "You will sign your roommates on this sheet of paper here. Some people already have rooms, which is why their name was printed along with the rest of the sheet. If you are not on it then put yourself on, take your designated key on the table, and head to your rooms," He instructed glancing at the rooming sheet on the table before looking at the keys next to it. Without hesitation, the professor continued his directions, "Class starts tomorrow followed by a masquerade welcome ball that night. The following morning we will arrive at Incheon, South Korea's pier. You are allowed to walk around as this ship will be docked for a few days. When you walk, make sure you get to the pier on time for class and departure. You can walk alone, or with a group. Just remember, not everyone speaks Japanese or English." Next, he had another important topic to touch on. Zenjiro knew that it was best to get potential Frequently Asked Questions out of the way before they got started. "Each class subject will fulfill your required courses for your individual majors. How? You'll see. Tonight you can get some rest and look around the ship. We'll be sailing away in less than an hour," Zenjiro concluded adjusting the silver watch on his wrist. With that, the man left the room and walked over to whatever he wanted to do next.

Duke of Doge Duke of Doge ;Rain; ;Rain; erzulie erzulie Joker987 Joker987

Suru Sakusei
Suru arrived to the lounge just in time to hear Professor Sakamoto speak. Ok, so I probably could have been a little earlier. Inching into the room he avoided the professors intimidating gaze, smiling sheepishly, as he leaned by the door and listened to the plans. A masquerade ball could be fun. But I don't know if I really have anything I can wear for it. He thought s he mentally went through all the clothes he had packed. He had tried to pack the nicest clothes he owned but he didn't know if they were nice enough. And he didn't have anything formal. I wonder if there's a place I can get a suit at on the ship. But can I really afford it? Sighing as he realized the large dent that will likely be put into his account, and so soon at that, he turned his attentions to the other students. There wasn't as many as he thought there would be and luckily he already had his room number and key but he didn't know who his roommate would be. Smiling he waved at them as he introduced himself deciding to try and make some friends. "Hi, I'm Suru Sakusei. It's a pleasure to meet you all."
Duke of Doge Duke of Doge ;Rain; ;Rain; erzulie erzulie Joker987 Joker987 Xanto Xanto
"No, no, no, let's not go. Turn around, big sis"! Lunabï stuck her head out of the window and shook her head, the sight of the ship making her feel worse. Daunting. She knew it wasn't going to happen as Chasity pulled up into a parking space, getting out swiftly and opening the boot of the car up, both their suitcases full and residing in there. With an inaudible sigh, Lunabï got out of the car too, watching and observing her sister getting her suitcase.
"You need to get your luggage out too, Lunabï. You're old enough to wheel your own suitcase".
"I want to go home".
"Come on, Lune, it'll be fun. Get your case".
With another, more audible, sigh, Lunabï hoisted her suitcase out of the boot, pouting a little. She was not enjoying this. After locking her car, Chasity lead the way to the ship.
And the stars blinked as they watched her carefully, jealous of the way she shone

Interactions: General_warNpeace General_warNpeace

Asha had been been daydreaming when she heard someone say her last name. The young girl was pulled out of her musing by the sound. "Mr.Sakamoto!" She waved at her teacher. He was one of the people who tolerated her energetic and odd ways. Not to mention that he could keep up with her conversation wise. She listened as he addressed the student body. He carries himself with an air of professionalism and grace, it was something that she admired. What caught her attention was the masquerade ball. Asha mentally cheered and pumped her fist. She loved to dress up in nice clothes. It was a good thing that she had brought to nice things to wear. While she hadn't packed a extravagant type dress what she had was close enough. Maybe she would be able to make a mask out of something of hers. Asha wondered if she should go all out for this. It was the first event on the boat after all. Suddenly it occurred to the young girl that she was getting side track. Asha had missed the rest of Mr.Sakamoto's speech. She could always get the information from another student.

Once he left Asha's attention was captured by another student.. He had greeted them with a kind smile and a wave. Asha looked him over. His eyes were interesting, the caught her attention the most. He looked younger than she did. Deciding that it would be nice to introduce herself she waved and gave him a smile of her own. "Hi! I'm Asha Yoshida! It's nice to meet you!"
template by astraea
Lunabï gulped quietly as they reached the ship, Chasity still leading her forwards.
"Look at it, Lune. I'm so excited for this, it's time for a new chapter in life. Come on".
"Y... you really want to go on this cruise, don't you".
"Yes, Lunabï. I really want to. And I'll look after you if you ever end up interacting with people. I think this cruise is what we both need right now. Let's take a deep breath and start this new chapter of our lives. Are you willing to do that with me..."?
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Well, she look's nice enough. Suru thought his anxiety relaxing slightly at the sight of a friendly face. Smiling much more assuredly he moved from the wall to sit on one of the sofas. "Good to meet you to Asha. I have to admit I was a tad nervous about coming here but you seem nice. Are you excited about classes tomorrow? What are you majoring in? If I'm rambling please stop me whenever you see fit. I'll stop. I promise. Ok, so I may still be nervous."
R Rock And Roll Boy
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James was a bit irritated from the professors annoying attempt to scold him and simply stared at him with a blank expression. 'Damned geezer," he thought to himself as he took off his headphones to hear what the man had to say. As the professor explained what they were to do next he felt his eyes become very heavy. 'Dear god he's boring,' he complained as listened on. Thankfully he finished his boring explanation and left the room. James rolled his eyes and sighed. "That guys gonna be a kill joy for sure," he mumbled and rose from his sofa with a groan. "Alright, lets get this BS over with," he said as walked towards the table where his key laid. He scanned for his key and smirked as he snatched it form the table. He looked at his key for a second and realized something sort of important. "Where are the dorms actually?" he asked aloud. He looked around the room for any staff members to help answer his question, but found only students. He frowned and looked to his left to spot a dark haired man with a friendly vibe clearly surrounding him. He sighed as he knew he needed to interact with people and walked over to him. As he reached him he held up his key and gave a small forced smile. "Yo man, you know where the dorms are? I didn't bother to look at the damned map for this ship," he said while rubbing the back of his head.

Xanto Xanto
Kioko Fujioka
Whilst staring at the boy on the couch, Kioko had not even notices how many students had filled the room in such short time. Her gaze was cut short, by the boy turning his head and looking straight at her. For some reason she didn't care that he had caught her in the act, at least he knew she existed now. A white haired man entered the room, he looked older then student age which made sense as he started to address those who were in the room. She wasn't particularly interested in his speech, though she did listen somewhat tentatively. Most of the contents of the announcements did not have any particular effect on her, that is until he mentioned a masquerade ball. A dance. Something she had never been to. In high school she was way to anti-social to even think about going to a dance, but it was time to turn over a new leaf. She wasn't exactly sure what she would wear, but there was plenty of time to think about that.

Now that his speech was over, Kioko glanced around the room, looking for potential roommates. Of course she would have preferred to have her own room, but at the number of people currently in the room it seemed unlikely to happen. "Im Kioko fujiioka" She muttered out loud, to no one in particular.

Sakka Mori

Sakka Mori had been on the boat for around an hour when her phone beeped. Glancing at it she saw an alarm that told her to go watch Mr. Sakamoto talk to the new university students, although seeing as she was on the complete other side of the side its as doubtful that she would make it on time. She made it to the Lounge, just in time to see Mr. Sakamoto leaving the room.
"How did it go?" Sakka questioned him, her soft voice was barley loud enough to hear over the talking students in the next room.
Xanto Xanto Everyone Everyone else in the room

Kazu was a bit late on entering the cruise. The taxi drive from the airport took longer then expected, but luckily he still got there in time. "I wonder what the other people will be like" Kazu thought to himself "I hope they dont mind that Im a bit late". Pulling into the parking lot at the dock, Kazu quickly got out of the taxi van, grabbing his many bags and ran towards the cruise, Throwing the man a one hundred dollar bill. "Keep the change" he yelled as he ran onto the cruise. Luckily there was someone that took his baggage, but Kazu did not want to part with his instruments. They were worth too much, so he kept them on his person. "You are to meet your fellow students in the Double Story Lounge" the man said to him "Id hurry up, your a bit late". "thank you sir" He said, as he sprinted towards the described location at once seemed record speed. He dodged many people and almost fell over a few times, but he got to the lunge. Before he opened the door, He composed himself, calming down, adjusting his glasses, and putting on a smile. He then opened the door to the lounge that was now filled with students. "Wow" he said to himself with a gulp "Here we go". "Hey everyone" he said "Sorry be being late". He then sat down on a couch that no one was sitting on, putting down his instruments and looked around the room. He noticed that he was significantly taller than everyone in the room, which was pretty normal for him. He made eye contact with a few people and gave some smiles, but the woman with the pink hair caught his interest. "Wow, shes pretty cute". He then rose from the couch and walked over to her "Hi, my name is Kazu. Who might you be miss?"

;Rain; ;Rain;
And the stars blinked as they watched her carefully, jealous of the way she shone

Interactions: General_warNpeace General_warNpeace
The boy before her seemed really nervous. She could tell by his posture and the way he rambled. She smiled patiently at him. She could remember times where she had been just as nervous. Once he stopped talking Asha answered him. "Yeah I really excited about class tomorrow! I've always had a passion for learning!" She said. "What really caught my attention is the masquerade ball after though. Will you be attending?" She asked him. Asha stepped a little closer to that it would be easier for him to hear her. "I'm majoring in Astronomy and minoring in marine biology." She told him. Asha had been told that those two courses fit her perfectly because of her love for space and the ocean. The mysteries of the two drew her in. "What are you majoring in? And don't worry about the rambling. I do the same thing sometimes myself." Asha crossed her arms over her chest.
template by astraea
Nia was delighted to see all her future classmates come in. For anyone who actually introduced herself, Nia gave all of them a wave, followed by a "Hello! My name's Nia Davion" all of them. The exact same cheerful introduction. She wondered if any of them knew who her family was. That would have to wait however, as she gave her full attention to the professor, taking in his words easily. She got up and did as she was told, writing down her name and grabbing the key to the room. She sat back down on the couch, turning to Jackson. "so what's your name?" she asked him.
Joji Hashimoto was standing off to the side, sipping from a coffee cup as he watched the new students interact. Smiling at the sight,
"This should be an interesting year." he commented. Choosing to observe from a distance for now.
Everyone Everyone .

"Astronomy and marine biology, huh? Planning to get a boat house and live out on the ocean studying stars during the night and the sea life in the day? "
Suru asked generally curious. " I wouldn't mind doing that but would prefer it to be a cottage in the forest. Though my sister would likely insist it's my evil lair and I'm acting like a reclusive evil scientist. And I think I enjoy people's company to much to be a very good recluse. Though I guess I have a few years for that to change. Right now I'm majoring in Engineering and minoring in robotics. So I'm to busy to be a reclusive villain."
Gradually he relaxed as he talked, her assurance helping him a lot, and as he did his hand's moved more as he talked."I'm not really sure about the masquerade yet. I think it's mandatory though. I do have to find an outfit to wear. I hadn't thought about packing a tux and such."
erzulie erzulie

Kioko Fujioka
Kioko had been running her fingers for a bit after saying her name out loud, she figured that no one had hear her. She watched as the students in the room began to converse with each other, truthfully she didn't mind that no one was actively coming to talk to her. She did enjoy just watching and listening to other peoples conversations, even if that did seem a little bit creepy.. Just as she was thinking about how lucky she was that no one had talked to her yet, she saw a very tall man heading in her direction. Compared to her short stature, he was practically a giant. She watched as he made his way from a couch over too her, taking another glance at the boy she had been focused on all day. She still didn't know his name though. As the man came up to her, he spoke his name and asked her for her own name. Kioko paused for a second before answering him coldly.
"Kioko" She muttered in, what probably came out as an unfriendly tone. She genuinely did not mean to come off so cold and unfriendly, thats just what her mother always taught her to do, therefore she was unaware that it was not a normal thing to do. To her, those who are very friendly and bubbly were the strange ones. Her eyes glanced up at the very tall man, noticing that his hair and eyes almost perfectly matched each other, although his eyes were a bit more silvery then his hair. An awkward silence was now upon them, though this didn't really bother her, she just glanced around the room, taking in all of the other students.
Eldarkon Eldarkon
The sisters walked onto the ship, both taking another deep breath.
"Let's go and find a teacher, we can then find our rooms. I hope we have good roomates". Lunabï gulped again, nodding quickly. She hoped she was sharing a room with her sister, or just herself. They both had their guitars in their suitcases but Lunabï wasn't confident about playing it here, on a huge ship with people round every corner. Chasity was very thrilled and was planning on looking around the entire ship, maybe even performing if she got the chance. Chasity wanted Lunabï to play, if they got the chance, she knew Lunabï could overcome her social issues and play very well. She didn't know if Lunabï could sing but she knew her guitar skills were brilliant.
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Jackson Hayashi

Jackson watched as the grey-haired professor entered and spoke to the class. It wasn't his first time seeing the older man around. In fact, the two were almost on casual matters since Sakamoto and Jackson often met for the whole program's facilitation. Once the professor left, it didn't take two seconds for everyone in the Double Story Lounge to start talking again.

Jack glanced at the girl next to him introducing herself to everyone as Nia Davion. So much happiness in one small body. The guy thought moving a hand through his hair, but suddenly pausing at a realization. Nia's last name sounded pretty familiar to the man. Fortunately when Jackson was paused in his thoughts, the redhead had gotten up to do as she was instructed. Davion . . where? He just couldn't put his finger on it. His attention quickly diverted back to Nia once Jack heard her voice again. "Hayashi, Jackson Hayashi," Jack put his hand out toward the girl for usual formalities. However before he could take her hand, another voice caught his attention. This time, it belonged to a male.

"Yeah man I could take you there," Jack nodded noticing his classmate rub the back of his head. Finding your way through the cruise was nothing to be ashamed of. It took Jackson a day or two . . or three to get the whole ship down. The young man stood up from his seat still holding his hand out to Nia for the introduction. It either looked like he was about to escort her, help her up, or wait for her hand to shake his. "You need help getting to the dorms too?" Jackson simply questioned not really noticing the open interpretation his gesture meant. In all reality, he was just waiting for a handshake.

Zenjiro Sakamoto

Zenjiro slightly loosened his tie as he walked down the corridor just outside the Double Story Lounge. His thoughts were preoccupied with getting in the spa and being able to relax. This was his moment to finally experience somewhat of a vacation after working throughout the summer that had just passed by. A familiar voice caused him to stop in his tracks though. Without hesitation, the professor's blue gaze coldly shifted over to his caring colleague. "As expected," Zenjiro plainly replied before tightening his tie in front of her.

"Professor Mori, Doctor Hashimoto is in the Double Story Lounge right now if you would like to converse with him," He mentioned at a casual pace even as he rushed. The man kept a calm composure throughout the interaction despite his "urgency." Zenjiro just didn't want the spa to get filled up too soon. What other time did he even have to do such a thing?

Duke of Doge Duke of Doge Joker987 Joker987 ;Rain; ;Rain;
Nia smirked. "Do I shake your hand or are you offering me a hand up from the couch?" she questioned him jokingly. Taking his hand and pulling herself up. Once on her feet, she gave it a shake. "Pleasure to meet you!' she smiled and dropped her hands to her side, looking over to the other male, then down to her feet. She rubbed the back of her neck in embarrassment. "Could you please?" she took Jackson up on her offer.
Xanto Xanto Joker987 Joker987
Joji sat down on a nearby chair, sipping his coffee, over the edge of the mug, he spotted his two co-workers. He gave them a friendly wave as he got out of his seat to walk over. He opted to talk to Sakka first.
"First day is always the most exciting isn't it? Fresh blood brings with it new personality's." he scanned over the students "This batch seems a bit more... unique than last years."
;Rain; ;Rain; Xanto Xanto
And the stars blinked as they watched her carefully, jealous of the way she shone

Interactions: General_warNpeace General_warNpeace
"Hey now that sounds like a really good idea. I plan on doing some deep sea diving so a house close to the water would be nice. And as for astronomy I've always been interested in the stars. They're so beautiful. Did you know that they aren't all that close together despite how they look in the sky?" Asha clasped her hands behind her back and started to rock on her heels. Her eyes brighten in interest when he talked about his major. "Oh! That's sounds really cool. Do you plan on creating robots that will help us humans around the house? Or creating flying cars in the future? You'd have to be careful with the robots...sooner of later they'd probably become self aware and turn on us. Unless...that's what you want." She eyed him after her last comment. Asha giggled after a moment, clearly amused by her accusations.

"I'm kidding. I don't believe that anyone wants a robot take over to happen." Asha looked thoughtful. "I'm not sure wether it's mandatory or not. I don't think that you have to dress all fancy. The mask will probably be the most important thing." She said. "Luckily I packed something for an event such as that one. If you want you could wear something of mine." She offered.
template by astraea

Jackson Hayashi

Jackson raised a brow at Nia's question before she took his hand and pulled herself up. A few moments later she was shaking his hand as expected. "Sure, let's go," The man nodded at Nia then shifted his gaze to the guy they were with. They looked like an easy pair to lead. Within a few moments, Jackson was off walking out the room into the corridor. His pace stayed at the average speed so he wouldn't lose them though. "What room numbers do you both have?" Jack questioned only glancing over his shoulder at the two following his lead. Generally, all the students' rooms were in the ship's lower deck. It was a fact that they were all neighbors. Might as well get to know them while we're at it. Jackson thought looking back at the other guy in their small group, "And what's your name?"

Katarina Deangelo

Katarina was losing it. The little girl ran around deck looking for her cousin like crazy. She even looked in pantries and under table cloths! "Robert! How did I run into you 7 times, but not find him yet?" The brown-haired child asked energized from eating a candy bar she swiped from one of the pantries. Robert merely shrugged at his boss's child before scanning the area around them, "Did you check the Double Story Lounge? That's where the students should be-." The man couldn't even finish his next sentence due to the fact that Katarina had already taken off running in that direction.

Sooner or later the young girl bursted into the Double Story Lounge and jogged around the room looking every single person in the face. None of them matched that of her cousin's. Plop. The small body collapsed onto the sofa gasping for the air around it. I'm done. That guy is gonna get it! She closed her eyes praying that she'd see the man soon.

Duke of Doge Duke of Doge Joker987 Joker987 @ anyone who wants to make an interesting little friend
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