Universal Empires.


One Thousand Club
Main Character: (For those that wish to have one)







Rank under faction:


Species Sheet:



Lifespan(Eternal is allowed as long as they are not indestructible beings):



Faction Sheet:



Type of Government:

Government Capitol:

Number of colonies:

Which senate: (AUSM, E.F.)



Main Character: (For those that wish to have one)

Alex Vincent Sashi

Age: 110. After the war, he was placed inside a cryo-tube which he stayed for several decades as new presidents took his place as leader until he came back.

Gender: Male

Species: Earth Human

Appearance: He has shoulder length light messy blonde hair, he has fair coloured skin and dark green eyes. His hair kind of makes him look like a girl.

Weapons/items: AUSM assault rifle, AUSM handgun, Cell phone, Laptop.

Rank under faction: President

Bio: He is one of the founding fathers of the AUSM. He was the one who made the AUSM what it is in the modern world. He had been president since the formation of the AUSM to the end of the war. During his time in office, he had provided jobs, and a variety of services for hte AUSM and the human race in general. He gave the AUSM humans rights to live normally and also fought in the war as well. At the end of the war, he decided that others should lead and took his leave temporarily.

Species Sheet:

Name: AUSM Human beings

Appearance: They look just like normal human beings do. Except that the average height for an AUSM human being is 5' 8". Their hair end eye colours also vary to a degree.

Lifespan(Eternal is allowed as long as they are not indestructible beings): 110

History: The AUSM humans forefathers were really lab grown disposable soldiers used for the AUSM's military. Eventually, the AUSM decided to let the soldiers live like normal lives while creating more to populate other worlds.

Capital: Seraine

Faction Sheet:

Name: A.U.S.M (Advanced United States/Sovereign Military)

Leader: President Sashi

Type of Government: Democratic

Government Capitol: Earth(Capital city of the entire human race) Seraine.(AUSM HQ)

Number of colonies: All factions that are members of the Human and Alien Alliance (H.A.A) Senate

Which senate: AUSM

History: The AUSM was originally created to unite the human race. In 1977, the AUSM while entering their 1st year of space mining and exploration, runs into the akra, a hostile race that really was a good example of evil. The Akra, not like the humans and fires at the AUSM re-con vessels. For 1 year, the akra launched terrorist attacks against the human population. In 1978, the AUSM was forced to sign a deal after akraine terrorists had seized a school of 300 kids. Thinking that the Akraine government would order the release, the AUSM signed the deal but after the signing, the akra government ordered the 300 hostages to be killed. The AUSM was now left with a treaty saying that all the planets that they have conquered are akra's and that humans must give resources and human slaves. Angered, the AUSM began to secretly build a massive military force so that they may bring justice to the Human race. By the summer of 1978, the AUSM declared war on the Akra Empire. The galactic war soon spilled over to other galaxies as aliens began to take sides. Eventually, after 25 years of billions and billions of human and alien lives lost, the AUSM won the war. Now, the AUSM and the E.F are on peaceful terms but both sides are secretly preparing for a new war if it comes to it. The AUSM is prepared to crush the E.F if their un-steady peace collapses.
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Good enough...

Name:CPGC (central planetary governing core) (Commonly addressed as Caroline.)


Gender:Feminine programmed



Weapons/items:Universal translator, Warping device and tazers

Rank under faction:Supreme leader

Bio:the CPGC was installed first in the 3rd world war where earth became uninhabitable and the country of Germania launched the robot to a distant planet and the planet was also named Germania and the robot made an empire there.

Species Sheet:



Lifespan(Eternal is allowed as long as they are not indestructible beings):90

History: humans started from living in caves some 250 million years ago from present time. And has developed new ways to survive until here year 2014 where humanity is the dominant species but the third world war caused by communist renegade Vladimir von rutintutin caused humanity's neat extinction but was saved by Germania's rockets.


Faction Sheet:



Type of Government:

Government Capitol:

Number of colonies:


Faction Sheet:



Type of Government:democratic Imperialism

Government Capitol:Gerstag

Number of colonies: 19(+2 with 2 in her dimensional colonies)

History:world war 3 ended earth became uninhabitable Germania used rockets to flee and went to Gliese-587 and named it Germania.
Sorry, Mangitungleader Lore's already been set. The AUSM was established on earth as a human organization. Earth is the capital of the human's territories and the AUSM moved to another planet as the sub-capital

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