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Fandom Unique Harry Potter RP Plot


Faith Prevents the Fall
Are Harry Potter roleplays dead yet? Boy, I sure hope not as they are most of what I RP in an online setting. Because we all know good enough to at least glance over another person's requirements for an RP, I will start with my plot idea first.

The year is 1996 and the Hogwarts school year has just begun. Over the past summer, 5th year, muggleborn Ravenclaw student Jody Reynolds has spent his time playing a game with his muggle friends. A game known as Dungeons and Dragons. Leaving his group to go back to school, he can't bear the thought of not playing throughout the school year. Despite going to a school filled with magic and strange creatures, Judy is determined to run his own campaign with willing (or perhaps not so willing) participants in the form of his peers. Our characters will be those participants, and Judy will keep track of the campaign's progress and notes in a special journal he found in the library. The pages were blank, so he didn't see much harm in using it for his own devices. Little does Judy or his players know that the journal is a powerful, enchanted artifact that allows the prophecies scribed within to become reality. Our characters will end up facing whatever evils Judy can conjure up in his head, with the results being similar to those in their sessions (unless, of course, the outcomes are not documented). They players find they must keep playing and finish the campaign or else the terror reigning down on Hogwarts will do nothing but continue as it has already been written down. Throughout this journey, unlikely individuals will become friends, perhaps even lovers.

Alright, so that was my idea! Here are my requirements and requests that I need to happen in our roleplay. If you want to tweak anything, with either the list below or the plot, we can most certainly do so!
~You do NOT need to have played D&D or other tabletop RPGs to do this roleplay! We'll really only go into minor mechanics of it and anything you need to know I'll be able to explain very easily, as again, we won't go into the nitty gritty details of D&D.
~we'll need to come up with a plot for the D&D campaign. It doesn't need to be super in depth, in fact, we can somewhat make it up as we go along (I mean, many DMs do that anyway and run successful campaigns), but we should have something.
~I would like our characters' rolls to matter. If you don't want to randomize this on your end by actually rolling or using a random number generator that's fine, but then please don't write that your character(s) get consistently high roles, make them fail a few times. I will be actually rolling a dice, but just because I think it'll be a bit more fun on my end for things to be random.
~If you didn't catch it, I did mention romance! I do want romance to be a factor, but I'm looking for a slow burn and it can definitely take a back seat to the plot. If you're looking for romance to be a little more central, we can work something into the D&D plot that makes it more unavoidable for our characters. I am a fan of the canon/OC pairings. I will be playing a male OC and ask that you play Neville Longbottom. If you would like to double I will play any character for you, canon or OC. If you don't like slash then I'm sorry this isn't the RP for you.
~I will give what you give. Give me a novel, you're likely to get one back, give me a paragraph and that's all I'll contribute too. I'd prefer a paragraph at the shortest if there's heavy dialogue between our characters, otherwise a few paragraphs is probably best.
~Finally, I am fairly busy and may be able to reply only once a week depending on how long our posts are. I promise to give you once a week though, hopefully more if I can swing it (I'm shooting for 2-4 times a week).

And that's everything! I really hope you like the idea! Please comment here or PM me if you're interested :)

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