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Multiple Settings Uninstall, She's Here [Partner Search, Always Open]


Eliminating the Heart
Liviath's Partner Search
「Long Term ∙ Multi-Genre ∙ Pick or Create a Storyline ∙ 」

Look at this lovely, clean template made by Astraea. I love free things, makes the work I have to do minimal. <3 Link to her profile can be found below.

Thank you for stopping by to my Partner Search thread which is always open and seeking. Below, I'll be listing different things I am looking for and some ideas (if any are available at this time. Will be updated when an idea pops up). But before I do, I wanted to make a note for those possible partners.

! Things don't always work out between partners. Some just do not click while others, well, are not adequate to my standards. If you cannot handle honesty, working together, communicating or get "butt-hurt" easily; best to go back to looking. Though I really do try to be nice. Just because we do not click when Roleplaying, doesn't mean we can't be friends! The partners I am looking for are long-term but not against short-term if you just want to do a small RP and call it done. As long as it keeps me interested.

Expectations: I can be a little picky at times, but when it comes to finding a roleplay partner you want to keep around for awhile, you sort of have to be or you may have a harder time finding someone to click with. My ideal partner would be;
+ Someone who can keep the conversation going.
+ Can communicate and be honest when things happen or they are feeling a certain way. I'm not going to be upset if something bothers you, you just need to be honest and upfront about it. We'll work together on a solution unless you wanted to split completely.
+ Won't really say age is an issue, but a more mature individual.
+ Can write a multi-paragraph response with minimal mistakes.
+ Someone who is patient. My responses can take anywhere from 1-3 days. It's okay to "ping" me if I seem silent, it's possible I forgot. But I'll try my best to not let that happen.
I'm open to any questions you may have, as I tend to be an open book to most people. If you want to PM me a decent opener to start a conversation before we really get into RPing, that's more than okay as it would be nice to know a little about your partner. I DO NOT respond to single response messages. So, if you send me "Hello", chances I respond is 0%. Sorry, but you can't build a conversation off of that. I'll be adding some story ideas here and there, if there isn't any as you are reading this below, that means I am open to creating one together as well (or listening to your ideas).

! I do not do High School or Magical Girls type Roleplays.

There is not a specific genre I stick to as I tend to be in them all. Though I am found more in Sci-Fi/High Tech, Slice of Life, Historical/War/Political, and Romance. It all really depends on the story itself and if it keeps me interested.

! For those who want to present me with their ideas but are not sure if it'll keep me interested, for one, don't be shy. But ask yourself these questions;
+ Is there something frequently happening or changing to keep the story going? (Events)
+ Does my Roleplay have enough details to describe the past, present and future?
+ What challenges does my Roleplay give the players?

Hope to hear from you soon!

template by astraea
Liviath's Current Plots
「Long Term ∙ Multi-Genre ∙ Pick or Create a Storyline ∙ 」

If there is something you like, feel free to message me. All plots are open to be revised and can add details to favor the other partner. They are also edited over time and dated.

Plague of the Sleepy Hollow 3/11/19
[Realistic - Horror] *Has Gore*
Character A and B are medical experts (doctor x doctor/nurse/trainee) of a specific area who have a lingering, dark secret. They're part of a dark organization known as the "Sleepy Hollow" who, unknowingly to most, sell human body parts during failed procedures. Which, are usually set up for failure. However, there are people getting wary of the characters and are starting to investigate. The other members of the society are not willing to help them, so, it's time to take matters into their own hands.
FxF or FxM *Romance Optional

Corruption of Survival 3/11/19
[Sci-Fi - Survival - Worldbuilding]
Character A and B are low-class, civilians of a dying world. Planet X is quickly running out of resources and the air has become toxic, at least according to the Aristocratic Government. The higher class has put together a "fund" to help the lower class civilians escape to a new world where resources are plentiful, yet, little is known about this planet. Some people or rebels have caught on to their suspicious ways but the lower class are still seeking to escape. With the tension between the rebels and nobles causing such violence, it's no wonder why some people are willing to risk it. Upon arrival on Planet X, you notice there are not supplies as promised to get the colony started, or even other members of the upper class. Now you are left in a world to build and survive from the dangers it provides.


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