Unimaginative Thread Title (RP with me)


New Member
I've been inactive for a few months due to personal *~drama~* so I don't have many roleplays going. umu

I don't have any plots in mind though!

I'm not particularly good at regular everyday/slice of life kinda roleplays as they're pretty boring to me, but fantasy/horror kinda genres are usually pretty fun, providing they have a good plot.

I don't mind roleplaying as male, female or any other gender. Usually I tend to roleplay as characters 16-25.

Romance is a-okay as long as it's not any love at first sight bull, and there's a plot besides "there's these two people and they kiss".

Please, please, please have believable characters, with flaws/weaknesses and strengths. I'm not one for writing out profiles and I tend to write my characters as I roleplay, though.

Decent grammar/spelling as well please! I know some people (me included) aren't the best at writing and grammar and I don't mind mistakes.

I'd prefer to roleplay through PM's, so send me a message and we can figure out plots and get started c:

I'm not the quickest writer, and I might vanish for a couple of days, so please be patient and I'll try to do the same.

I think that's about it. This is my first time making a thread asking for roleplays so I might be missing something, but oh well! c: c:
We already had an rp going, actually! (I played a werewolf who worked in a pet shop? c:) Sorry about disappearing like I did without warning, like I said, personal drama. :c

We could carry on with that one, or another if you'd like! I'll try my best to keep you updated if I have to leave again, though I shouldn't need to any time soon.
Oh, that we did! I very nearly forgot about that, actually. Well, whether you'd like to continue it or not is fine with me. I'd be happy enough with another roleplay going on, at least.
Hey I have been offline for a few months aswell and was trying to get some roleplays started. So I was wondering if you would do a horror rp with me? I do have a few ideas and I prefer to play as female although I have played as males before.

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