Chitchat Unicorns and the original myths


chimera of a much different sort
I have recently learned that Unicorns were in some of the earliest myths not good creatures. They had the head of a goat the body of a deer and the tail of a lion. their horn was that of a narwhal and they would lure young women to their death by methods unbefiting of the modern creature with their horn
This look like a discussion @The Pooka would love.

But yeah, there are also varieties of the unicorn in other myths. Like... I'm pretty sure a Kirin is a version of a unicorn. :3
this is why i started the discussion I want to hear and learn other myths that have some value

no my dear they are not
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Well, here is the Qilin, aka Kirin.

Though, I prefer recent art of its graceful form. Kinda like a dragon-unicorn. Its so pretty. :3

Also, one theory of unicorn myth origin is that it was a rhino :3 From what I remember, anywhos. 
I know, right?? Kirins are so lovely. :3

And speaking of magical horse-like critters. There is also the Kelpie, which is your basic, cruel waterhorse.
I love the Idea of the kelpie as well as the selkie and then there is loki who turned into a horse 
fantasy and mythical creatures I love them especially if you can ride them!
I love looking at stuff like this also did you know that the real story of sleeping beauty is that she didn't wake up with the kiss of the prince but he raped her and she woke up when she was giving birth :/ x
oh my that is one i haven't heard. Thank you for that insight. I love posting things to get a better look at the more cuddly things, most have a darker side.

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