Unicorn City


Junior Member
This is Unicorn City.

The city was once a nice place where everyone got what they needed. Until the new king took control. He is never seen but instead does his work through various messengers.

We are the rebels. We fight the king and his messengers.

We kill.

Unicorn City-




Age: (depending on race this can vary a lot)


Race: (human, elf, dwarf, other- must specify)

Classes: (rogue, warrior, other- must specify)


Personality (keep it short):



Name: Rowan Blackthorn

Age: 251

Gender: F

Race: Elf

Classes: Rogue


Personality (keep it short): She is a cold blooded killer. She hates most people and ignores their authority.

Other: She is the leader of the U.C rebels.
Name: Sierra Eva

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Race: Super assasin

Classes: Rogue warrior

Appearance:View attachment 11318

Personality (keep it short): She is very allusive, she doesnt like to be around people in a big group. She can be a good member to have in your team. When needed she can be a cold-blooded murderer.

Other: She was born in a lab when she had been experimented on, when she was a feotus they had injected her with Avian and someother DNA. She turned into the ultimate assasin. At first everything was fun, until Sierra realise that it was wrong. She broke free, only to find the world she returned to ruled by the king. She continued to train herself one day hoping to change everything.

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